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英 [ˌnɒn spəˈsɪfɪk]play美 [ˌnɑːn spəˈsɪfɪk]play

  • adj. 不明确的;非确切的

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nonspecific /ˌnɒnspɪˈsɪfɪk/

  • 1.
    形容词 Nonspecific medical conditions or symptoms have more than one possible cause. 有多种因素的; 非特定的

    ...nonspecific headaches.


  • 2.
    形容词 Something that is nonspecific is general rather than precise or exact. 不明确的; 不指定的

    I intend to use these terms in a deliberately nonspecific and all-embracing way.




1. non-specific inhibition 非特异性抑制 ; 无特异性抑制

2. non- specific projection system 非特异性投射系统

3. Non-specific esterase 非特异性酯酶 ; 研讨非特异性酯酶 ; 目的研讨非特异性酯酶 ; 讨非特异性酯酶

4. non-specific projection system 非特异投射系统 ; 非特异性投射系统

5. Non-specific esterase Stain 非特异性酯酶染色液

6. non-specific effects 非特定效应

7. non-specific detector 非选择性检测器 ; 非特异性检测器

8. Non-specific urethritis 非特异性尿道炎

9. non-specific immune system 非特异性免疫系统


1. The rumours have been played down by European intelligence agencies, which describe the threat as “non-specific”.


2. Studies on health effects other than non-specific symptoms and studies on MPBS exposure in children were scarce.


3. Conclusions: IL-15 can enhance the non-specific immunity of PMN, and will be an important molecule of native immunity.

结论:IL - 15可增强PMN的非特异性免疫功能,是一种重要的天然免疫作用分子。

4. Conclusions: 1 Symptoms of pancreatic adenocarcinoma are often non-specific.


5. Effect of non-specific immunity function and specific immunity function of rats was measured.


6. Effects of Ambient SO_2 Pollution on Respiratory Local Non-specific Immunologic Function of Women


7. The pyloric gland and the intestinal caecum show activity of proteinase, lipase and non-specific esterase.


8. The initial symptoms may be non-specific, such as tachycardia, fever, and flu-like symptoms.


9. The mental and physical strain or the non-specific response of the body to any demand made upon it.


10. From specific by-rote to NON-SPECIFIC generally applicable methods of ATTACK!


11. Conclusions Passive smoking could promote the prevalence of respiratory diseases and deteriate the non-specific immune function.


12. The first time you get infected, your immune system has to rely initially on innate, non-specific defences.


13. Specific Chinese medicine therapy has a higher recovery rate than western or non-specific Chinese medicine therapy.


14. IMA elevation is non-specific and hence may attenuate any prognostic significance if it is used for prognosis before first establishing the diagnosis.


15. Low pH helped to non-specific adsorption and high pH helped to specific adsorption. 4.


16. Result: The lysozyme could be used as the non-specific enzyme to catalyze the degradation of CMC effectively.


17. The heterogeneity of hi-tech manpower capital can be seen in its exclusive and non-specific value features formed in the process of capital accumulation.


18. Those with vague, non-specific symptoms, such as unexplained weight loss or abdominal1 pain, can be referred several times for different tests for different cancers.


19. But much of this advice is broad and non-specific, leaving development teams to learn by trial and error.


20. Objective To investigate the change of creatinine kinase isoenzyme of slight non-specific ST-T segment abnormal patient during dobutamine stress test.

目的探讨非特异性轻度ST - T异常患者,在多巴酚丁胺负荷试验中肌酸激酶同功酶的变化。

21. The Chinese are more non-specific and have just said they want more seats for developing countries.


22. Non-specific influence factor was reduced after the serum pretreatment.


23. Lysozyme is one of the important non-specific immune factors in body.


24. Effects of Environmental Stress, Chinese Herb Medicine and Gene Transfer on the Non-specific Immune Functions of Fish


25. Study on Changes of Non-specific Esterase in Different Development Stages of Various Species of Mosquitoes


26. Results The pathologic change was acute non-specific inflammation of cecum in 5 cases.


27. Because the symptoms of Lassa fever are so varied and non-specific, clinical diagnosis is often difficult, especially early in the course of the disease.


28. Various substances in plant extracts may cause spontaneous or non-specific precipitation.


29. The results indicated that PPS could significantly raise the level of non-specific immunity. 5.


30. The DA's spokesman acknowledged he had received "certain non-specific threats", and it is said that other officials have been threatened too.


31. Analysis of Design and Implement of Non-specific Courses of Basketball Major in Our Institute


32. Other symptoms (tiredness, dizziness) can be non-specific so the condition is often advanced by the time it is diagnosed.


33. Some individuals have reported that they experience non-specific symptoms upon exposure to RF fields emitted from base stations and other EMF devices.


34. The present study aims to clone interleukin-8 (IL-8) and express five mandarin fish non-specific immune genes in Escherichia coli, including interleukin-1?


35. It is only possible to form a non-specific accumulation of memory in the human brain organizational structures, under certain conditions, can be awakened, activated.


36. Preliminary Research on the Vaginal Flora of Patients with Non-specific Vaginitis


37. The non-specific adsorption ofthe media had been studied and the results showed that the medium without space arm gave very low non-specific adsorption of BSA.


38. Objective To study the etiology of non-specific chronic granulomatous inflammation.


39. ...non-specific headaches.


40. Conclusion Gypenosides can markedly increase the non-specific immune function.


41. Increase non-specific resistance and specific immune response.


42. The candidate's speech was non-specific.


43. Even if it fails to ease symptoms, the treatment experience may have non-specific effects such as boosting self-confidence and relieving anxiety.


44. I intend to use these terms in a deliberately non-specific and all-embracing way.


45. These results indicate that the non-specific immunity of crucian carp is a time and density dependent effect.


46. The effects of human white blood cell induced by Non-specific photochemical reaction


47. Tissue non-specific alkaline phosphatase is highly expressed in liver, bone and kidney.


48. Relation between immune compensation mechanism of AIDS non-specific CD4~+ T cells and traditional Chinese medicine treatment


49. Background: Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a non-specific chronic inflammation of gut and its etiology has not been known clearly.


50. Non-specific defence mechanisms involve skin, cilia and mucus, gastric juice and phagocytes.


51. Increase non-specific resistance and specific immune response.


52. The candidate's speech was non-specific.


53. Studies on the specific and non-specific immunity in chronic glomerulonephritis


54. The Development Situation of Protein Binding Specific or Non-specific Sites on DNA Sequence


55. Similarly, SEB can increase the amount of NO and the activation of ACP in the non-specific immune responses.


56. Related techniques for the non-specific structure recognition based upon this representation has been implemented and tested.


57. All of the above changes were chronic non-specific toxic hepatitis.


58. Detection of IFN Response of Non-Specific Effects on RNAi


59. It suggest that the infant formula is the influence on promoting the non-specific immunity and growth of mice.



1. The same limitations described above regarding Google's use of non-GAAP operating income and non-GAAP operating margin apply to our use of non-GAAP net income and non-GAAP EPS. Management compensates for these limitations by providing specific information regarding the GAAP amounts excluded from non-GAAP net income and non-GAAP EPS and evaluating non-GAAP net income and non-GAAP EPS together with net income and EPS calculated in accordance with GAAP.

ENGADGET: Google's Q4 2011 results: $2.71 billion profit, $8.13 billion in revenue, Wall Street disappointed

2. It is estimated that 1 in every 300 to 1 in every 500 Northern Europeans have some form of it, usually with relatively mild non-specific abdominal symptoms.

CNN: Does eating gluten cause eczema?

3. Based on the amount they have confirmed was received by each school from Big Ten Network revenue, it is not possible that Northwestern, Michigan State or Illinois is reporting the entire figure in the other, non-sport specific category, as is the case with Purdue, Iowa and Michigan.

FORBES: How The Big Ten Stacks Up Against The SEC In Sports Revenues

4. Eight out of ten sportsmen studied by Oyudo had an infection call non-specific urethritis, and two tested positive for chlamydia, another sexually-transmitted disease.

BBC: News | Health | Sexual athletes could wreck sporting careers

5. It is directed against Canaanites only, not all non-Israelites, for a very specific reason: religious purity.

这只指迦南人,而不是所有以色列人之外的人,有一个明确的原因,宗教圣洁。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. All care is based on the bog standard 'white' male - women of different races are ignored and women are ignored generally in non-sex specific cases.

BBC: Race bias in cancer 'costing lives'

7. Calling on Congress to act in some non-specific way is getting a bit thin, not least because we all know it is not a plan but a tired taunt.

BBC: Scotus v Potus

8. Teach doctors that their science is probably the most non-specific there is.

BBC: News | NHS at 50 | The NHS at 50: What you think

9. For a bit of extra perspective on the small business regulatory climate to absorb alongside the flow of rules and RFAs, the table below depicts a partial list of the basic, non-sector-specific laws and regulations that affect small business.

FORBES: Small Business Regulations Surge Under Obama

10. It was shocking that HP put non-specific but highly damaging allegations into the public domain without prior notification or contact with me, as former CEO of Autonomy.

FORBES: Former Autonomy Chief Mike Lynch Lashes Out At HP (Updated)

11. The suggestion here from Skipping Stone is to define on-peak as a specific number of hours Monday-Friday (non holiday).

FORBES: Electricity and Gas Markets Are Out Of Synch: Sooner or Later, This Will Hurt Us

12. Its onset is rapid and insidious, and it can be fatal within 24 to 48 hours of the first non-specific symptoms.

FORBES: Immunizing Bureaucrats Against Complacency

13. And the other big things such as global systemic risk and hegemon country risk (more on that later), and those non-company specific factors generally dwarf the risk due to company choice in a well diversified portfolio.

FORBES: Memo To Investors: Bernanke And Obama Are Your Business Partners

14. But by identifying specific, non-essential, and not damning areas of development, you can come across as a self-aware, reflective, and thoughtful professional.

FORBES: How To Answer The Dreaded 'What Is Your Biggest Weakness' Interview Question

15. "Our treatment of heart failure is, in this day and age, relatively non-specific, " said Christine Seidman who led the study.

BBC: Gene link to inherited heart disease

16. It is, however, included under non-sport specific revenue, so the overall athletic department profit numbers do not change for the Big Ten.

FORBES: How The Big Ten Stacks Up Against The SEC In Sports Revenues

17. That said, CEO Perry Oosting has been making non-specific hints about migrating to a new OS for some months now.

FORBES: Sex And The Six Thousand Dollar Smartphone: The Vertu Constellation

18. The article neither identifies these non-scientist humanitarians nor presents any scientific evidence to back up the non-specific assertion about global warming being to blame.

FORBES: Despite What You Hear, Global Warming Is Still Benefiting Africa

19. She also asked Hasbro offer the product in different "non-gender-specific" colors that appeal to boys and girls.

CNN: December 18, 2012 -- Updated 1712 GMT (0112 HKT)

20. They will contact the last known employer to determine if the non-filer is still employed and the specific occupation of the non-filer.

FORBES: Non-Filers Beware: Who's That Knocking at Your Door ?

21. The IPCC should strengthen and enforce its procedure for the use of unpublished and non-peer-reviewed literature, including providing more specific guidance on how to evaluate such information, adding guidelines on what types of literature are unacceptable, and ensuring that unpublished and non-peer-reviewed literature is appropriately flagged in the report.

FORBES: The Self Corruption of Climate Science

22. Official credits - including those extended by multilateral institutions like the IMF - were similarly configured as general purpose loans with no non-economic conditionality such as geopolitical behavior and more specific security-related concerns.


23. The implications are 1. children are similar to adults in that some approaches work for one child and not for another, 2. non-specific factors, such as the alliance and the therapist, matter quite a bit.

FORBES: There Are No Silver-Bullets in Education Reform

24. Another variance that came to light in reviewing the SEC and Big Ten financials is that some schools do not attribute any of their broadcasting revenue to specific sports, but instead only include it in the Other, Non-Sport Specific category.

FORBES: How Does Notre Dame Do Financially?

25. "We've brought past CEOs and things that like that back to life, " Mr. Smith said, without getting more specific, citing non-disclosure agreements.

WSJ: Tupac Shakur 'Hologram,' Seen at Coachella, May Go on Tour

26. There are many examples of content-specific and non-neutral transport and more all the time, including voice, video, and specialized applications such as telemedicine.

FORBES: Is Digital Utopianism Dead?

27. But Mr Gandhi, who was recently elevated to the post of the Congress party vice-president, did not offer any solutions to the problems that bedevil India's economy and critics said his speech was rambling and non-specific.

BBC: India's Rahul Gandhi calls for 'inclusive' growth

28. In 2012, Shariat's team calculated that about 575, 130 men and 457, 240 women would be diagnosed with a non-sex specific cancer.

MSN: Men who have cancer more likely to die from it, study finds

29. Once a year, during a 12-hour-long day, employees put their specific skills to use at non-profits.

CNN: Why everyone wants to work for the 'good guys'

30. In a carefully scripted statement last night, Nick Clegg said that he had, after all, been aware of "indirect and non-specific concerns".

BBC: Sex claims - who knew what?

31. This is another factor that could cause the non-sport specific revenue number to vary from school to school, as some schools might see more unrestricted gifts to the athletic department.

FORBES: ACC Football Not Cash Cow Like SEC And Big Ten



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