stimulate demand翻译_stimulate demand短语搭配_stimulate demand权威例句

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stimulate demand

网络 刺激需求

英 [ˈstɪmjuleɪt dɪˈmɑːnd]play 美 [ˈstɪmjuleɪt dɪˈmænd]play

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1. Must Stimulate Domestic Demand 必须刺激国内需求

2. stimulate the domestic demand 刺激国内需求

3. stimulate the demand of consumption 激活消费需求

4. consumption demand stimulate 消费需求刺激

5. demand and stimulate 需求刺激

6. stimulate effective demand 刺激有效需求

7. To Stimulate Domestic Demand 以扩大内需

8. stimulate domestic demand 刺激内需 ; 刺激国内需求 ; 刺激海内需要 ; 刺激国内需要

9. Should Stimulate Domestic Demand 就要拉动内需


1. It will also have to stimulate demand for the offers of loans it wants the Banks to make.


2. The retail price rise in China could stimulate demand in the short term as refiners resume production, and is unlikely to dampen long-term demand, analysts said.


3. This will also include bringing forward large spending projects to help stimulate demand.


4. Tax cuts should stimulate demand in Germany and France.


5. Mr Singh said urgent measures to stimulate demand were needed in housing and construction to avoid what happened in America, where the subprime mortgage crisis devastated the property market.


6. India's Finance Minister Wants Rate Cut, Price Reductions India's finance minister is calling for price cuts, as well as a drop in interest rates, to stimulate demand as growth slows in the nation of 1.2 billion people.


7. Although improved efficiency in converting harvested trees into wood products may reduce harvest rates, it will stimulate demand by increasing supply and lowering prices, thereby boosting consumption.


8. All this should stimulate demand, if not immediately.


9. The report called for a split policy mix that would rely on investment in Germany to stimulate demand, while other countries including France would pursue changes meant to bring long-term improvements to their economies, the way Germany did a decade ago when it overhauled its labor laws.


10. It is true that Mr Obama's solution to the recession-spending public money in order to stimulate demand and trying to prevent a run on the banks-is supported by most economists.


11. Aimed to stimulate demand for broadband within Wales - the Journal charts the adventures of the Jones family as they make the switch from dialup to broadband.


12. While lower fares stimulate demand, Mr. Kirby said, airlines still wind up losing revenue overall.


13. Before Mrs Merkel produced her cuts, Christine Lagarde, the finance minister, had accused Germany of not doing enough to stimulate demand.


14. At Jackson Hole, policymakers debated whether further measures to stimulate demand were needed.

在jackson hole,决策者们探讨了是否有必要进一步出台刺激需求的举措。

15. Other leading countries must do more to stimulate their own demand.


16. As for Mr Osborne, his fault is not his ambition on public finances, but his timidity on fiscally neutral ways to stimulate demand.


17. By a happy coincidence, lessons about the importance of hand-washing stimulate demand for Unilever's soap.


18. Low bond yields should comfort central Banks: they are the main channel by which they hope to stimulate demand.


19. Counter-intuitively, though, the way subsidies are structured means that in some countries they effectively suppress ( or at least, leave unsatisfied) rather than stimulate demand.


20. And then, with the onset of recession and depression in the world, you had countries erecting trade barriers, trying in fact to export unemployment, trying to stimulate demand for their own products by keeping imports out.


21. Most economists think that the “neutral” rate of interest, which would neither stimulate nor restrain demand in the euro area, is now more than 3% (in nominal terms).

多数的经济学家认为, 中性利率, 即既不刺激也不抑制欧元区需求的利率水平, 应该在3%以上(指名义利率).

22. As China continues to stimulate demand and consumption at home, it is well on the way to becoming the world's largest consumer market.


23. Instead, politicians and drivers will have to wait for high prices to temper demand and stimulate extra supply.


24. Chinese officials and academics have been debating in recent months proposals to use the country's vast foreign exchange reserves to try to stimulate demand in developing countries ideas sometimes referred to as China's Marshall Plan.


25. Government also acts a series of macroeconomic policies in order to stimulate demand and push consumer market.


26. He believes that, first, done on a modest scale, qe3 would do little to stimulate demand; and, second, it could do more harm than good by letting the Fed "sidestep calls for greater clarity on its future policy targets".


27. There have been relatively few announcements of cuts to aviation capacity and in some cases increases to capacity have been announced. Airfare discounting is expected to continue to stimulate demand.


28. The challenge for policy makers is to stimulate demand, something lower interest rates often achieve.


29. Both actions were launched to stimulate demand but also boosted exports.


30. "The weather conditions stimulate demand for raw materials, which can help build congestion in places like eastern Australia," Mr Langston said.


31. Subsidies stimulate demand so it does not fall into line with higher prices.


32. The US economy appears to have entered a period of "self-sustaining" growth but governments in other major economies must do more to stimulate demand, US Treasury secretary Jack Lew warned yesterday.

美国财政部长杰克•卢(Jack Lew)昨日警告称,美国经济似乎已进入“可自我持续”增长期,但其他主要经济体的政府必须采取更多行动刺激需求。

33. In order to stimulate demand, many hotels are offering complimentary nights and other promotions, and some consumers are leveraging this value to extend their vacations.


34. The challenge for policy makers is to stimulate demand, something lower interest rates often achieve.


35. Although improved efficiency in converting harvested trees into wood products may reduce harvest rates, it will stimulate demand by increasing supply and lowering prices, thereby boosting consumption.


36. But he said that the eurozone economy required policies to stimulate demand, like spending on public infrastructure or changes in laws that restrict hiring and firing.


37. Most important, a stimulus is designed to stimulate demand, not supply.


38. Strengthening publicity to stimulate demand.


39. The weather conditions stimulate demand for raw materials, which can help build congestion in places like eastern Australia, Mr Langston said.


40. Discretionary leisure trips are one focus of the new frugality, forcing airlines to counter with deep, extended fare sales to try to stimulate demand.


41. In addition, domestic demand insufficiency and weakness in the market has become the bottleneck of sustainable economic growth, and how to stimulate demand government and academia to extensive has become the focus of attention.


42. That will play an important role in Beijing's efforts to stimulate domestic consumption to offset the global demand slump.


43. So Europe and Japan should loosen further to stimulate demand.


44. Virtual economy can effectively collocate resources, disperse and evade market risks and stimulate demand through fortune's domino effect, promoting real economy growth.


45. Price promotion is one of the most common marketing methods. It is used to stimulate demand, increase sales, maintain or expand market share.


46. Yet Ms Merkel has been wary of raising public borrowing to stimulate demand.


47. Likewise, automation should eventually boost productivity, stimulate demand by driving down prices, and free workers from hard, boring work.


48. With new weakness, monetary policy around the world is attempting to stimulate demand growth even though it is near its limit of effectiveness.


49. Majority of the final construction of urban civil society, and thus stimulate demand for 800 million farmers, driving the development of the entire national economy.


50. If tailored and communicated well, these programmes cannot only stimulate and replace private demand, but also convince consumers and firms that they are not in for another Depression.


51. Simply increasing the availability of safe injection equipment can stimulate demand and improve practices.


52. Before Mrs Merkel produced her cuts, Christine Lagarde, the finance minister, had accused Germany of not doing enough to stimulate demand.


53. Topolanek's comments are the strongest criticism so far from a European leader as the 27-nation bloc bristles from recent U. S. criticism that it is not spending enough to stimulate demand.

Topolanek 的评论是一直以来最强烈的,他作为一个27国集团的欧洲领导,由于最近美国控诉他们在刺激需求上花钱不够而毛发直立了。

54. Subsidies stimulate demand so it does not fall into line with higher prices.


55. Therefore, we shouldnt use the tax relief policy to stimulate demand, but should keep or raise the percentage of tax in the GDP.


56. Prediction of Qingdao city residents showed that as a big increase in consumption of aquatic products will stimulate demand for aquatic cold-chain logistics continued to increase.


57. In this context, America, Japan and Europe implemented the Quantitative Easing Policy ( QEP) in succession intending to stimulate demand, revive the economy and prevent a recession.



1. Reich suggests that printed money can stimulate demand just as effectively as real candlesticks.

FORBES: The Keynesian Illusion Of Demand Creation

2. The answer is that he continues to back the government's policy of refusing to borrow more to stimulate demand.

BBC: What is Vince Cable's 'Plan V'?

3. The effect of an energy saving subsidy in China is also expected to stimulate demand for LED TV products.

ENGADGET: Samsung's Q2 2012 earnings show $5.86 billion operating profit, that's a lot of Galaxy S IIIs

4. Does Boris tells everyone how great the beef is to stimulate demand, while Leo takes a small portion and urges sustainable consumption?

BBC: The joylessness of shopping

5. It says that the way to juice the economy, grow wealth and stimulate demand is to first get producers to produce.

FORBES: How to Make Atlas Shrug

6. If Shopobot can work out when a retailer is likely to drop their prices in order to stimulate demand then it can alert you to be thinking about shopping at that time.

FORBES: Shopobot: a New Toy for Economists

7. It suggests that governments should not merely encourage the supply of innovation (for example, by funding research) but also try to stimulate demand.

ECONOMIST: Promoting innovation

8. It would never have happened, he says, if they had not pressed Japan in the mid-1980s to stimulate demand.


9. It is true that Mr Obama's solution to the recession spending public money in order to stimulate demand and trying to prevent a run on the banks is supported by most economists.

ECONOMIST: Lexington

10. Lower prices can help to further stimulate demand and lead to higher Kindle unit shipments.

FORBES: Amazon Should Be A $107 Stock Even If Kindle Keeps Kickin' It

11. He said Beijing was working on measures to stimulate demand.

FORBES: Hard Landing For China: "Off The Table"

12. Governments across the world have already reduced interest rates to record lows in order to stimulate demand.

BBC: Global recovery faster than expected, says IMF

13. Optimists argue that the pace of technological innovation won't slow just because of a recession, meaning new gadgets will stimulate demand once the economy picks up again.


14. Caterpillar Chief Executive JimOwensJim Owens is optimistic about the package, predicting that the stimulus could stimulate demand for the construction equipment maker's products and eventually allow the company to reverse a recent round of layoffs.

FORBES: Magazine Article

15. As is well known now, Congress recently introduced a "Cash for Clunkers" program meant to stimulate demand for more energy-efficient automobiles.

FORBES: Magazine Article

16. Thus government should stimulate demand increasing consumption.

FORBES: Why The Recession Recovery Remains Anemic

17. One way QE might stimulate demand is if these companies spend the money they receive for their assets.

BBC: Economy tracker: Interest rates

18. Those cutbacks are dragging down the economic recovery and they offset your efforts to stimulate demand through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Meets with Economic Recovery Advisory Board | The White House

19. Nevertheless, there is a risk that the scheme, by making it easier to get secure title for dubious land claims, might somehow stimulate demand for virgin forest land, not damp it.

ECONOMIST: The Brazilian Amazon

20. Surplus countries should allow and reinforce expansion in their domestic economies to stimulate demand for imports while deficit countries were supposed to tighten domestic conditions and policies to stimulate exports relative to imports.

FORBES: Currency Manipulation

21. It hires all sorts of people, and it purchases all sorts of materials to make products that have little value or that none buy, all in the rush to stimulate demand.

FORBES: Money Creation and Limited Government

22. They are still dispensing boneheaded advice to Japan to "stimulate demand" by having Tokyo spend yet more money on uneconomic infrastructure projects and one-shot tax cuts.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

23. Before Mrs Merkel produced her cuts, Christine Lagarde, the finance minister, had accused Germany of not doing enough to stimulate demand.

ECONOMIST: France's public finances

24. To stimulate demand, the bank could resort to promotional and pricing tactics that would weigh on margins and such a scenario could weigh on margins going forward.

FORBES: Is Mr. Market Too Negative On Bank of America?

25. Another aim of incentives is to stimulate demand.

ECONOMIST: Incentive schemes

26. Here's what could stimulate demand for the recently approved morning-after pill: an "evening-before" nasal spray--for both him and her.

FORBES: A novel way, perhaps, to treat sexual dysfunction.

27. "Even the dot-coms are using mail to stimulate demand, " he says.

FORBES: Delivery Problems

28. Having introduced dramatic measures to stem inflation through the year, most governments have plenty of options to loosen policies and stimulate demand as developed markets slow in the first half of 2012.

BBC: Viewpoint: Will Asia see further price growth in 2012?

29. Buffett said low benchmark interest rates, including overnight rates that have been effectively zero since late 2008, can help stimulate demand.

FORBES: All Warren, All The Time (What 'The Oracle Of Omaha' Has Been Saying)

30. Now 56, Critelli spends most of his time lobbying for postal reforms to benefit Pitney Bowes, such as variable pricing for commercial mail to stimulate demand in off-peak hours.

FORBES: Magazine Article





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