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英 [ˌdiːp ˈpɒkɪtɪd]play美 [ˌdiːp ˈpɑːkɪtɪd]play

  • adj. 有钱的

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1. But square is also under attack from a growing number of deep-pocketed competitors.


2. But any new mobile operating system faces an uphill battle against deep-pocketed early movers Google and Apple.


3. First, the world's most deep-pocketed oil companies, the Western oil majors, are increasingly excluded from the most promising areas for exploration and development.


4. The industry had been preparing for a showdown between Sony, the current champion, and Microsoft, its deep-pocketed challenger.


5. But the real conspiracy theory is that Apple is peeved about yet another deep-pocketed competitor entering its smartphone turf.


6. Deep-pocketed venture capitalist or company that very aggressively seeks out to acquire other companies, without their consent.


7. The firm needed investigative services on behalf of a high-profile, deep-pocketed client.


8. Some samba schools have even become billboards for hire, "selling" their parade to deep-pocketed patrons.


9. But beggars cannot be choosers and newspaper managers have generally preferred to suffer the whims of deep-pocketed proprietors than go out of business.


10. the best way to ensure a chart-topping, culture-conquering album is to shake the tendrils of some deep-pocketed mega-corp ( Samsung, Bud Light) that has as much to with music as it does with, say, llama husbandry.

确保一张专辑登顶排行榜、跨越文化界线的最佳办法是摆脱一些实力雄厚的大财团的羁绊,比如三星(Samsung)、百威(Bud Light)等,这些大财团不仅做音乐,还做羊驼养殖之类的业务。

11. Deep-pocketed tourists will once again get the chance to glide along the Titanic's deck when London-based travel company Blue Marble Private begins dives to the wreck site in May 2018.


12. The deep-pocketed big brands are also driving the market as they buy back their archive to showcase in retrospectives and bolster their collections.


13. Important questions remain, the most obvious of which is: if deep-pocketed GM could not make a success of Hummer, what reason is there to believe that a heavy machinery company can?


14. And he was providing insight to Rupert.' D'Aloisio's stage presence, coupled with the deep-pocketed credibility brought by Li, attracted a large group of benefactors to Summly, including Ashton Kutcher, Yoko Ono and Stephen Fry.

他帮助默多克加深了对一些事物的见解。达洛伊西奥在台上的优异表现,加上背后李嘉诚的雄厚财力,为Summly招来了包括艾什顿?库奇(Ashton Kutcher)、小野洋子(Yoko Ono)、史蒂芬?弗莱(Stephen Fry)等许多人的捐赠。

15. With deep-pocketed Chinese crowding the auction rooms, sellers have less to fear from retreating private equity firms.


16. One exception is South Africa's Standard Bank, which has expanded across the continent and recently sold a 20 per cent stake to the deep-pocketed Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.

其中一个例外是南非的标准银行(Standard Bank),该行已扩张至非洲各地,并于近期将20%股权出售给资金雄厚的中国工商银行(ICBC)。

17. Mr Picard's deep-pocketed targets include some of Wall Street's top brass, among them JPMorgan Chase, UBS, HSBC, Citigroup and Merrill Lynch (now part of Bank of America).


18. Today, it is tempting to view all of this as a battle involving deep-pocketed companies that are more than capable of taking care of themselves.


19. I find myself feeling like either a deep-pocketed patsy or a skinflint.


20. Like hundreds of cities across China, Weifang is now wooing deep-pocketed private investors, both local and overseas, to help foot the bill for public infrastructure and services.


21. During the financial crisis, only energetic arm-twisting and deep-pocketed IMF and EU support averted a meltdown of the economy.


22. Buyers of Cisco Systems' ( CSCO) high-end videoconferencing solution, telepresence, tend to be deep-pocketed enterprises like sap ( SAP AG) and Bank of America ( bank).

购买思科系统(Cisco Systems)的高端视频会议解决方案&思科网真(Telepresence)的似乎都是财力雄厚的公司,如商务软件公司SAP(SAP AG)和美国银行(Bank of America)等。

23. It is so deep-pocketed, in fact, that even if the purchase were to be blocked by shareholders or regulators, the west London firm would continue to petrify commercial rivals.


24. If the game continues to show signs of promise, deep-pocketed video game companies might start amassing on GXC's borders with their own versions.

如果这款游戏持续表现出有潜在市场,则资金雄厚的视频游戏公司可能会以他们自己的型式构建GXC ' s的框架。

25. Corriente has been seeking deep-pocketed outsiders to develop copper deposits to which it holds rights in four areas in south-east Ecuador.


26. That said, Huawei is patient, strategic, and deep-pocketed.


27. A rival bid is possible, but so far no one appears inclined to enter into a bidding war with deep-pocketed Microsoft;


28. The question now is which of the deep pocketed groups listed above - if any - will wind up partnering with Huffington.


29. Equally, hedge funds that are subsidiaries of banks tend to take risk carelessly because they foresee that deep-pocketed parents will come to their rescue.


30. Signature: Finding so-called zero-day exploits--ways to hack new software, selling them to governments and other deep-pocketed clients

特征:找到所谓的“零天攻击”代码(zero-day exploit)——即攻击新软件的方法,再把它们卖给政府和其他财大气粗的客户。

31. Tellingly, his Tours are aimed mostly at deep-pocketed American and Japanese customers.


32. Even for challengers with deep-pocketed governments to support them, that is quite some barrier to entry.


33. The deep-pocketed Korean company has used a combination of engineering prowess, manufacturing heft and marketing savvy to create smartphones that can rival the iPhone in both sales and appeal.


34. Disruptive, deep-pocketed firms like Amazon and Netflix lurk, whispering promises of internet-delivered films and television shows for little or no money.


35. Among the deep-pocketed collectors of Chinese antique ceramics, few pieces arouse as much excitement as the small Ming dynasty-era bowls commonly known as the 'chicken cups.'

在中国古代瓷器收藏圈里,鲜有藏品能够像明成化“鸡缸杯”(chicken cup)那样引得一众富豪收藏家趋之若鹜。

36. Google, Facebook and other deep-pocketed investors are accelerating this software's development.


37. It seems to indicate that savvy, deep-pocketed foreign conglomerates could challenge a broad range of laws we pass at every level of government, such as made-in-America laws or anti-tobacco laws.


38. Then comes word that instagram has raised$ 50 million in new funding from deep-pocketed investors like Sequoia Capital and Greylock partners.

随后又传来了消息:Instagram从红杉资本(Sequoia Capital)和Greylock合伙公司(Greylock Partners)这些财大气粗的投资公司手里募得了5000万美元的风投。

39. The crisis was triggered by pessimistic and deep-pocketed global investors, who started to bet that the local economies and hence currencies were overvalued.


40. One of China's richest men, Mr. Wang has recently emerged as a deep-pocketed buyer of Impressionist and modern art;



1. It prevents deep-pocketed retailers or device makers from engaging in predatory price wars to harm competitors or discourage formation of new competitors.

CNN: A dark day for the future of books

2. Westport Innovations (WPRT) builds natural-gas powered engines and is competing against the formidable and deep-pocketed T.

FORBES: Cunning Capitalists Go Blazing Into Biofuels

3. Letters of credit from deep-pocketed third parties come in handy, too.

FORBES: Small Biz Bum Alert

4. The deep-pocketed adversaries squaring off in this battle now have ample time to build their cases--and war chests--in an effort to sway lawmakers.

FORBES: All Aboard

5. Adding to their hopes was a lobbying and ad campaign by deep-pocketed gun-control advocates, including New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

WSJ: Background-Check Gun Measure Fails in the Senate

6. He thought that if Mott's entered the market, the deep-pocketed brand could compete on price alone.

FORBES: Magazine Article

7. Disruptive, deep-pocketed firms like Amazon and Netflix lurk, whispering promises of internet-delivered films and television shows for little or no money.

ECONOMIST: The future of pay-television

8. Another potential provider and able (read: deep-pocketed) bidder is sports heavywieght ESPN.

FORBES: Butler's Loss Is CBS' Gain

9. This ratio is currently declining, suggesting that deep-pocketed players are not back in accumulation mode yet.

FORBES: Still Plenty Of Downside Left In U.S. Stocks

10. The challenge here: Gilead competes not with biotech companies but with deep-pocketed Big Pharma.

FORBES: Gilead's Half-Empty Pipeline

11. Harry and Louise still have deep-pocketed friends in the health care industry.

NPR: Millions Spent On Ad War Over Health Care Overhaul

12. Walker and the Republicans rammed through a bill that is nothing more than a political payback to their deep-pocketed friends.

FORBES: Is Wisconsin the Real Republican Waterloo?

13. And from these delicate wisps, Zegna produces a miniscule run of fabric to tailor 50 suits destined for the deep-pocketed aficionados of high-end menswear.

WSJ: Ermenegildo Zegna Spins Fashion Gold | WSJ. Magazine May 2013

14. For all of their visibility, deep-pocketed celebrities make up just a tiny faction of the guild.


15. The Hong Kong stock exchange had to prompt the company to identify the deep-pocketed purchaser as Japanese trading firm Kanematsu.


16. Deep-pocketed Korean conglomerates are moving into the solar industry, adding still more competition.

NPR: Chinese Solar Producer Suntech Declares Bankruptcy

17. Therefore, they submit, it is reasonable for a deep-pocketed firm to seek to limit its liability to some reasonable level.

FORBES: Actuarial Limitations of Liability? (LOL) Laugh Out Loud! (December 1, 2002 )

18. However, in the absence of a deep-pocketed rescuer, the loss of confidence an airline suffers on grounding its planes tends to prove fatal.

ECONOMIST: Business travel

19. The second was a deep-pocketed investor who profited handsomely by shortselling Webvan in its heyday.

FORBES: An Online Grocer For Web 2.0. Just Don't Call It Webvan 2.0.

20. In addition, there was the lobbying and ad campaign by deep-pocketed gun-control advocates, including New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

WSJ: Background-Check Gun Measure Fails in the Senate

21. What's more, Shakthar has its own deep-pocketed billionaire owner, Rinat Akhmetov, and therefore faced no real pressure to sell.

WSJ: Willian: To Russia's Anzhi With Doubt

22. Even for challengers with deep-pocketed governments to support them, that is quite some barrier to entry.

ECONOMIST: Cheap gas will boost makers of giant turbines

23. Deep-pocketed investors are wary of putting large amounts of capital into major infrastructure projects in Gridless regions.

FORBES: Why Solar Makes More Economic Sense In Tanzania Than In Florida

24. Now the deep-pocketed cable channel will add college basketball to its armory.

FORBES: Turner Scores Some March Madness

25. "Photoshop Extended" targets people in medical and dental imaging professions, and LiveCycle Enterprise Suite targets deep-pocketed corporate clients, he added.

FORBES: Adobe Rises After Record Quarter

26. Feverish competition among deep-pocketed corporations--especially Matsushita, NEC and Mitsubishi--has resulted in a plethora of tiny, innovative machines.

FORBES: The Web Phone Evangelist

27. Chrysler and its deep-pocketed owners are underestimating how difficult and costly it will be to force dealers to close their doors.

FORBES: Magazine Article

28. And they tend to "sue the money, " the money being deep-pocketed automakers.

CNN: Behold the?all-seeing, self-parking, safety-enforcing, networked car

29. That could put the squeeze on local builders who don't have the scale to compete against the deep-pocketed McMansion builders.

FORBES: Magazine Article

30. If markets were perfectly efficient, deep-pocketed long-term investors would capitalize on the correlation inefficiency.

FORBES: How The Correlation Bubble Hurts Us All





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