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  • n. 欧洲集团(由十个北约欧洲成员国的国防部长组成)

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1. Eurogroup for Animals 欧洲动物组织

2. Eurogroup Working Group 小组 ; 工作组

3. Eurogroup p 欧洲集团

4. rewe eurogroup 地区 ; 德国进口商


1. Therefore, Eurogroup proposed to the ECOFIN to approve the two countries'programmes.


2. In the Eurogroup we have to work with 19 ministers who have 19 mandates, he said, and we have to reach a joint decision.


3. But there are no dates, not even for another emergency meeting of the Eurogroup which seems inevitable in the coming weeks.


4. The Eurogroup is due to sign off this increase on Tuesday but has been warned that overseas investors have no appetite for boosting its funds.


5. But there are no dates, not even for another emergency meeting of the eurogroup, which seems inevitable in the coming weeks.


6. But backtracking on such reforms would indeed be a huge mistake, as the eurogroup and IMF argue.


7. And yet he craves admission to the eurogroup-not as a participant, he says, but as an observer.


8. Those who like an exclusive Eurogroup fret that, once the Poles are in the room, it may be hard to get them out.


9. Similarly, whatever game the eurogroup may have been playing, it may now just want an end to the frustration.


10. Jean-Claude Juncker, the Prime Minister of Luxembourg and chairman of the Eurogroup, should make imbalances the defining issue of his agenda and propose binding policies.

卢森堡首相、欧元集团主席让-克洛德容克(jean-claude juncker)应该让失衡问题成为其议程的决定性议题,同时提出具有约束力的政策。

11. At the press conference Ms Lagarde would say only that the eurogroup expects the IMF to make a significant contribution.


12. Speaking after the meeting, Eurogroup chairman Jean Claude Juncker said Cyprus and Finland have taken all necessary measures within the deadlines set out by ECOFIN to achieve fiscal adjustment.


13. Gatherings of the27 finance ministers ( Ecofin) are secondary to the17-strong Eurogroup, which has its own president, Jean-Claude Juncker.


14. He has been allowed to listen in to part of one Eurogroup phone conference.


15. To protect the Euro and prevent potentially catastrophic defaults, the Eurogroup will almost certainly issue further loans.


16. This could have been a moment of glory for Jean-Claude Juncker, Luxembourg prime minister and President of the Eurogroup that brings together eurozone finance ministers.

这本可能成为卢森堡首相兼欧元区财长会议主席让-克洛德容克(jean-claude juncker)的光荣时刻。

17. A senior member of the commission should now be appointed as a Europe-wide finance minister, who in turn will lead eurozone economic policy and chair regular sessions of the eurogroup – not just a couple of summits a year.


18. Greek Prime Minister antonis Samaras has wrapped up meetings with the head of Eurogroup, saying his country is moving toward economic stability.


19. Since it was not traded, this debt would be ringfenced from rating agencies, and its interest rate could be decided on a sustainable basis by Eurogroup finance ministers.


20. In remarks in Brussels this week, Eurogroup President Jean-Claude Junker said discussion and coordination between Europe and the United States on the financial crisis was indispensable.


21. When I heard Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the Eurogroup of finance ministers, talk about a globally organised attack on the euro, I realised that the game was probably up.

当我听到欧元集团主席让-克劳德容克(jean-claude juncker)谈论说,这是一场针对欧元的有组织的全球性攻击时,我意识到改革计划可能已经完蛋了。

22. This was recognised and addressed in the recent Eurogroup decision exempting from subordination the bonds of countries in a programme.


23. This week’s decision by the Eurogroup of euro-area finance ministers to nominate Vitor Constâncio as the next vice-president of the European Central Bank (ECB) certainly looks like a stitch-up.

本周欧元区的财长们决定提名维克多 康斯坦塞俄作为下一任欧洲央行(ECB)副行长,这一决定与之前的理论不谋而合。

24. At the same time, Greece systematically tried to water down and postpone the adjustment measures, expecting the International Monetary Fund and Eurogroup ultimately to give in to avoid the financial contagion that would result from a Greek exit.


25. Eurogroup officials say the three men may travel to Beijing to discuss.


26. His talks with Eurogroup chair Jean-Claude Junker come amid plans to cut spending in the country by some 11.7-billion euros.


27. The IMF and Eurogroup would prefer Greece to take a further chunk out of pensions and reform value added tax.


28. If the Eurogroup is serious about reaching a deal with Greece that not only addresses the objective of deficit reduction but would also be politically viable, it should take these findings to heart.


29. Tensions with the Commission and Eurogroup have since risen.


30. The eurogroup would have been the natural place to co-ordinate fiscal stimulus packages among eurozone member states.


31. The Eurogroup also decided to put € 10.9 billion in bonds, previously controlled by Greece, into a rescue fund that can dispense money only at the request of the European Central Bank.


32. The eurogroup statement said that meant the cost could reach euro 100 billion.



1. The Eurogroup statement is clear: Spain is responsible for returning the money.

FORBES: Spanish Social Media Anger at Euro Bailout Grows

2. Our opinion is that there is a robbery underway because the general understanding and the deal done with Eurogroup clearly specifies DEPOSIT accounts to be levied.

FORBES: Five Lessons From The Cyprus Crisis

3. And yet he craves admission to the Eurogroup not as a participant, he says, but as an observer.

ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

4. Jean-Claude Juncker, the chairman of the Eurogroup, was even more to the point.

FORBES: Geithner's Trip To Europe: Spend-aholics Shouldn't Give Advice To Spend-aholics

5. Eurozone finance ministers - the Eurogroup - discussed the situation in Cyprus in a conference call on Monday evening.

BBC: Cyprus told it can amend bailout, as key vote postponed

6. Eurogroup Chief Jean-Claude Juncker confirmed on Monday night that the support would involve bilateral loans from all euro zone members, rather than debt guarantees.

FORBES: Europe Markets Brief

7. Today's Eurogroup meeting - attended by eurozone finance ministers - is the first to be hosted by the Netherlands.

BBC: Euro rises as finance ministers meet

8. Those who like an exclusive Eurogroup fret that, once the Poles are in the room, it may be hard to get them out.

ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

9. The Eurogroup, of 17 eurozone finance ministers, will meet to discuss the Cyprus bailout at 18:00 local time (17:00 GMT) on Sunday, its president Jeroen Dijsselbloem tweeted.

BBC: Cyprus says 'significant progress' in debt crisis talks

10. Eurozone finance ministers, known collectively as the Eurogroup, are confident of agreeing a bailout for Cyprus by the end of March.

BBC: Eurozone confident on Cyprus bailout

11. Take the Cyprus agreement, which the Eurogroup is also due to endorse Friday.

WSJ: Review & Outlook: Europe's Hotel California

12. Finance ministers will work on the details at a Eurogroup meeting on Monday.

BBC: Greece on a knife-edge ahead of euro-crisis meeting

13. It was Jean-Claude Juncker, Prime Minister of Luxembourg, who chairs the grouping of eurozone finance ministers (the Eurogroup).

BBC: EU quiz - or, how big is your deficit?

14. The new Dutch Finance Minister, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, who was elected the new chair of the Eurogroup of eurozone finance ministers on Monday, is supportive of the measure.

BBC: Financial transactions tax in Europe given go-ahead

15. He has been allowed to listen in to part of one Eurogroup phone conference.

ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

16. "Significant progress has been made toward an agreement at least with the troika which will report to the Eurogroup, " he said.

BBC: Cyprus says 'significant progress' in debt crisis talks

17. The long-distance transportation of animals for slaughter is "a madness", according to veterinary surgeon David Wilkins, Director of the Eurogroup for Animal Welfare.

CNN: UK outbreak raises questions

18. "It looks like the Eurogroup took this action without consulting Russia, " Finance Minister Anton Siluanov was quoted as saying by Interfax.

BBC: Russian money in Cyprus: Why is there so much?

19. The Eurogroup has lent the country more than 50% of its GDP.


20. Even the single currency has managed to strengthen despite traders keeping a wary eye on Greece ahead of tomorrows special Eurogroup meeting.

FORBES: Eurogroup Meets, Could Kick Greek Can Into 2015

21. The eurogroup has played its latest move in what many have called a game of chicken.

FORBES: Europe's Fate Hangs From A Thread Ahead Of Greek Confidence Vote

22. Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the head of the Eurogroup, spooked the markets by implying the Cyprus bailout was the template.

BBC: Cyprus bank crisis: the legacy

23. The eurozone has already faced tremendous loses in stock markets after the announcement of the Eurogroup decision.

FORBES: Steve Forbes: Here's Why Cyprus Could Be A Disaster For All Of Us!

24. "It is essential that an agreement is reached by the eurogroup on Sunday evening in Brussels on a financial assistance programme for Cyprus, " he said.

BBC: Cyprus has only hard choices left, says EU's Olli Rehn

25. Jean-Claude Juncker has been co-ordinating the Eurogroup of finance ministers since 2005.

BBC: Spanish borrowing costs above 7% as euro ministers meet

26. The Eurogroup, headed by Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, asked the Greek political class to support the reform package accepted as a condition of the original EU-IMF bailout.

FORBES: Equities Rally As Wal-Mart Gets Supreme Court Ruling

27. Hence the need for renegotiation and delay, creating more of the uncertainty the Eurogroup was keen to avoid.

BBC: Analysis: Arguments for Cyprus levy

28. They recognise in this context, that Ireland is a special case, and that the Eurogroup will take that into account.

FORBES: After Mrs. Merkel's Irish Jig, Are Ireland's Problems Solved?

29. Eurogroup head Jeroen Dijsselbloem said ministers were ready to help Cyprus, but the details still needed to be worked out.

BBC: Eurozone confident on Cyprus bailout

30. That is the prevailing view: that the medicine prescribed by the Eurogroup - the eurozone finance ministers - will kill the patient.

BBC: Cyprus bank crisis: the legacy





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