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1. An international poll concluded Germany is the least funny country in the world, the Daily Telegraph of London reported. The survey of more than 30,000 people was conducted in 15 countries.


2. One in three Americans who are at least 40 have or plan to have a job in retirement to prepare for a longer life, according to a survey conducted by Harris Poll for TD Ameritrade.


3. In a June 5 poll conducted on the web site of the Sydney Morning Herald, 99% of the 88,645 people who responded to the survey said they were against the Internet filter.


4. According to sleep in America, a survey published in 2002 by the nonprofit National sleep Foundation, 68% of poll respondents admitted getting less than eight hours' sleep on weeknights.


5. Abstract: the audience survey is the empirical study and quantitative analytical method developed on the base of the public opinion poll and market research in the western countries.


6. You can use a survey to take a quick poll of team members, or establish a detailed list of questions for people who visit your website.


7. A Gallup Poll survey showed that 40 percent of U.S. respondents fear speaking in front of an audience.


8. In addition to sampling error, the practical difficulties of conducting any survey of public opinion may introduce other sources of error into the poll.


9. Poll system, you can set up the site to vote and survey project!


10. The survey — based on a poll of 1,000 UK drivers — estimated Britons' poor map-reading skills resulted in 36 billion wasted miles being driven each year.


11. The QS rankings are weighted 40% towards academic reputation based on a survey of 15,000 academics, and 10% towards employability based on a global poll of employers.


12. The overall Gallup world Poll constitutes a continuous survey that provides a scientific window into the thoughts and behaviors of 98 percent of the world's population.


13. In 2013 the poll discovered that about 70% of companies had suffered from at least one instance of fraud, up from 61% in the previous survey.


14. The most recent opinion poll by the Indonesian Survey Institute gives the former general a 63 percent approval rating.


15. While The Mainichi survey said it was 34 percent, up by 12 percentage points from the previous poll survey conducted in late May before Hatoyama's resignation announcement.


16. Commission a poll or survey of some kind and announce the results.

委托其他机构进行民意调查活动,并且发表调查结果《provided by jukuu》

17. The survey began in 1983 as a simple straw poll, when the magazine asked 662 college presidents to identify the country's best places of learning.


18. While The Mainichi survey said it was34 percent, up percentage points from the previous poll survey conducted in late May before Hatoyama's resignation announcement


19. In the past / last / recent … years , there has been a sharp increase / decrease in … / … has experienced an alarming rise / decline ( in … ). Aceording to an official report / survey / poll


20. Gallup was an American statistician who invented the Gallup Poll, a successful statistical method of survey sampling for measuring public opinion.


21. An NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll has Obama and Clinton tied at 45 percent in a national survey, but also showed a spike in negative views of Senator Clinton.


22. Additionally, Novell's market share climbed from approximately 13 percent in last year's survey to roughly 17 percent in the current poll (see Resources).


23. The poll showed that 27 percent of the 1, 004 people who took part in the survey were concerned about privacy on social networking websites, and a further 23 percent were very concerned.


24. The poll showed that 27 percent of the 1,004 people who took part in the survey were concerned about privacy on social networking websites, and a further 23 percent were very concerned.


25. Tourists cited New York's garbage-piled sidewalks and funky odors to shove Gotham to the top of the trash heap in the poll, which is part of the magazine's annual America's Favorite Cities survey.

游客指出,纽约的人行道上堆满了垃圾,散发出恶臭,这让纽约成功登顶垃圾堆城市榜。 这一调查是该杂志的年度美国最受喜爱城市调查的一部分。


1. Obama now leads Romney by seven percentage points in the poll with 52% of registered voters questioned in the survey saying that they'd vote to re-elect the president and 45% backing Romney.

CNN: Is Romney's campaign stalled?

2. One survey does not a trend make, but a recent poll by mobile customer research firm On Device should raise the alarm in Cupertino.

FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

3. Each poll's finding also is echoed by at least one other survey, clouding the picture.

WSJ: Gun Counts Can Be Hit-or-Miss

4. The Technorati Poll -- The methodology stipulates that in order to qualify for the survey, Technorati "state of the blogosphere" respondents needed to be bloggers over 18 years old.

WSJ: America's Newest Profession: Blogging – Mark Penn, WSJ.com

5. In a recent NBC New York-Marist Poll, half said they wouldn't even consider him, though the survey also showed that more registered Democrats now have a favorable than unfavorable impression of him.

WSJ: Anthony Weiner launches bid to become NYC mayor

6. The survey findings are backed up by a recent poll for the World Cancer Research Fund which reported that just one in five Britons eats the recommended levels of fruit and veg.

BBC: Britons failing to reach five-a-day fruit and veg goal

7. But a Quinnipiac University poll out Wednesday indicated Franks has closed to within five points in a survey with a 3 percent margin of error.

CNN: New Jersey Senate candidate sets spending record -- but loses ground

8. And in Virginia, a Washington Post poll indicates Obama leading by eight points, while a Fox News survey shows the president up by seven.


9. The fact that this poll registered even larger majorities in favor of deploying missile defense than the McLaughlin survey may have been attributable to the fact that, in 1998, the respondents were first asked whether they thought the U.S. military could destroy a missile if one were launched at this country.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | The American Mainstream Wants a U.S. Missile Defense; Guess That Makes its Opponents Extremists

10. He throws in all the reputable polls (determined by their history), plus many of the other non-poll based theories on who wins elections (such as economic and survey data), whips it well to remove bias and various other nasty bits, and figures out a good set of odds for each state.

FORBES: Nate Silver And The Power Of Small Data

11. CareerBuilder does an annual survey on absenteeism, and this year the poll reached out to more than 4, 300 workers and 2, 600 employers.

FORBES: This Year's Most Ridiculous Excuses For Calling In Sick

12. Palestinians are somewhat more evenly divided, with 43 percent saying a nuclear Iran would be good for the Arab world and 33 percent saying it would be bad, according to the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research in Ramallah, which conducted the poll along with Hebrew University.

CNN: Poll: Half of Israelis back bombing if needed to stop Iran nukes

13. The latest survey, a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday, echoed earlier polls by showing Weiner getting 15 percent of the Democratic primary vote, behind City Council Speaker Christine Quinn at 25 percent.

NPR: Weiner Launches Comeback Bid To Become NYC Mayor

14. New figures from the British Social Attitudes survey - published alongside the poll - suggest that about half of Britons as a whole have a religious affiliation, sharply down from 20 years ago when it was two-thirds.

BBC: Caring for family 'top moral issue for young'

15. With nearly six months remaining before the November election, Bush led Kerry 48 percent to 47 percent in the survey -- a reversal of a poll taken last week, which found the Massachusetts senator with a 1-point edge, 49-48.

CNN: Bush approval hits new lows in poll

16. According to the survey of 1504 adults, 49% of the poll-takers believe that the Republicans would be to blame if no deal goes through before the deadline, as opposed to 31% who would blame the Democrats.

FORBES: Sequester's March 1 Deadline Not Final, Delay Could Help Republicans

17. It is popular both for leading the intifada which 84% of Palestinians believe prompted the Gaza disengagement, according to a poll this month by the Palestinian Centre for Policy and Survey Research and for its extensive social programmes for the needy.

ECONOMIST: Palestinians in Gaza

18. According to a Google survey, President Obama beat out Republican contender Mitt Romney in a poll over which of the two is more adept at social media and online persuasion.

FORBES: Obama Beats Romney in Internet Savvy & Social Media

19. Prime Minister David Cameron said the survey for the BBC Spotlight programme on the potential outcome of a border poll should lift the spirits of all those who value Northern Ireland's place within the union.

BBC: Opinion poll indicates NI voters would reject Irish unity

20. Andy Smith of the University of New Hampshire Survey Center says his latest poll to be released on Sunday shows that Paul is doing better.

NPR: Ron Paul Takes Campaign to New Hampshire

21. But Republican Bill McInturff and Democrat Peter Hart, the pollsters who conducted the survey, said the poll raises warning signs for anyone proposing cuts to the three main entitlement programs, including Medicaid, that provide health and retirement benefits to seniors and the poor.

WSJ: WSJ/NBC News Poll Finds Support Lacking for Entitlement Reductions

22. Another section of the survey focused on national sporting heroes with Liverpool's Steven Gerrard topping that poll.

BBC: Le Tissier voted as sporting hero

23. And one of the interesting things about our poll, which is very uncharacteristic of an opinion survey, the undecideds went up.

NPR: Pew Poll Shows McCain, Obama Making Gains

24. CareerBuilder does an annual survey on absenteeism, and this year the poll reached out to 3, 976 workers and 2, 494 employers.

FORBES: The Most Ridiculous Excuses For Calling In Sick

25. The poll had 100 respondents who volunteered to answer the survey and were not randomly selected.

FORBES: Protecting a business against partners' credit woes

26. The survey comes in the wake of a similarly gloomy poll of recruiters late last year by the Graduate Management Admission Council, or GMAC, an industry body for business schools around the world.

CNN: This year's MBA graduates face tough job market, survey warns

27. The good news is survey after survey, poll after poll, still shows that we are a center-right 70-30 country.

FORBES: Ryan Claims 30 Percent Of America Happy To Freeload-But Where's The Data?

28. Amid a week of good poll news for Huckabee, this survey will be disappointing as it shows his brand of social conservatism does not appear to be catching on with the traditionally fiscal conservative New Hampshire Republicans.

CNN: Poll: Obama catches Clinton in New Hampshire


















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