
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [friː]play美 [friː]play

  • adj. 免费的;自由的;随心所欲的;不含..…的;免于,不遭受;空闲的;未使用的,空着的;无阻碍的;不拘泥于原文的;游离的;不吝惜的;干净整洁的;不含……的;(风)顺的
  • adv. 自由地;免费地;帆脚索被松开地
  • v. 释放;使解脱出来;使免于;使可用于;使能腾出时间
  • n. <英,非正式>自由转会
  • 【名】 (Free)(英)弗里(人名)

第三人称单数 frees 现在分词 freeing 过去式 freed 过去分词 freed 比较级 freer 最高级 freest

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


free /friː/ CET4 TEM4 [ freeing freed freer frees freest ]

  • 1.
    形容词 If something is free, you can have it or use it without paying for it. 免费的

    The seminars are free, with lunch provided.


  • 2.
    free of charge →see   charge
  • 3.
    形容词 Someone or something that is free is not restricted, controlled, or limited, for example, by rules, customs, or other people. 自由的; 不受限制的

    The government will be free to pursue its economic policies.



    The elections were free and fair.


  • 4.
    副词 自由地

    They cast their votes freely and without coercion on election day.


  • 5.
    形容词 Someone who is free is no longer a prisoner or a slave. 自由的

    He walked from the court house a free man.


  • 6.
    形容词 If someone or something is free of or free from an unpleasant thing, they do not have it or they are not affected by it. 没有…的

    ...a future far more free of fear.



    She retains her slim figure and is free of wrinkles.


  • 7.
    形容词 A sum of money or type of goods that is free of tax or duty is one that you do not have to pay tax on. 免去…的

    This benefit is free of tax under current legislation.


  • 8.
    →see also   duty-free interest-free tax-free
  • 9.
    形容词 If you have a free period of time or are free at a particular time, you are not working or occupied then. 空闲的

    She spent her free time shopping.



    I used to write during my free periods at school.


  • 10.
    形容词 If something such as a table or seat is free, it is not being used or occupied by anyone, or is not reserved for anyone to use. (桌子或座位) 空着的

    There was only one seat free on the train.


  • 11.
    形容词 If you get something free or if it gets free, it is no longer trapped by anything or attached to anything. 不受束缚的

    He pulled his arm free, and strode for the door.


  • 12.
    形容词 When someone is using one hand or arm to hold or move something, their other hand or arm is referred to as their free one. 空闲的 (手或胳膊)

    He snatched up the receiver and his free hand groped for the switch on the bedside lamp.


  • 13.
    及物动词 If you free someone of something that is unpleasant or restricting, you remove it from them. 使免除

    It will free us of a whole lot of debt.


  • 14.
    及物动词 To free a prisoner or a slave means to let them go or release them from prison. 释放

    Israel is set to free more Lebanese prisoners.


  • 15.
    及物动词 To free someone or something means to make them available for a task or function that they were previously not available for. 解放

    Toolbelts free both hands and lessen the risk of dropping hammers.



    His deal with Disney will run out shortly, freeing him to pursue his own project.


  • 16.
    动词词组 Free up means the same as . 使解放

    It can handle even the most complex graphic jobs, freeing up your computer for other tasks.


  • 17.
    及物动词 If you free someone or something, you remove them from the place in which they have been trapped or become fixed. 解救

    Rescue workers tried to free him by cutting away part of the car.


  • 18.
    习语 You say "feel free" when you want to give someone permission to do something, in a very willing way. 随意

    If you have any questions at all, please feel free to ask me.


  • 19.
    习语 If you do something or get something for free, you do it without being paid or get it without having to pay for it. 无偿地; 免费地

    I wasn't expecting you to do it for free.


  • 20.
    to give someone a free hand →see   hand
  • 21.
    to give someone free rein →see   rein



  • adj.

    freed 释放的

  • adv.

    freely 自由地;免费地;大量地;慷慨地;直率地

  • n.

    freedom 自由,自主;直率

  • v.

    freed 使自由;解放(free的过去分词)



1. Free State 自由邦省 ; 游离状态 ; 自由州 ; 自由态

2. free access 自由访问;自由存取;自由入口

3. free fall 自由落体 ; 自由下坠 ; 自由下降

4. Free time 自由时间 ; 空闲时间 ; 全日自由活动 ; 业余时间

5. free and clear 没有义务的;没有牵连的

6. feel free 随便,轻松

7. free of adj. 无…的;摆脱…的;在…外面

8. set free v. 释放;使获得自由

9. free vibration 自由振动,自由振荡

10. free market 自由市场

11. Free Will 自由意志 ; 自在意志 ; 自由意愿

12. free kick 任意球 ; 罚任意球 ; 肆意球 ; 自由踢

13. Free Trade 贸易 自由贸易 ; 自由交易 ; 二手 ; 交易区

14. free radical [化]自由基;游离基

15. free space 自由空间;空闲空间

16. free speech n. 言论自由

17. for free 免费

18. get free 获得自由;自由了

19. Free Radical 物化 自由基 ; 物化 游离基 ; 自在基 ; 自由基代谢

20. free trade area 自由贸易区

21. free trade [经]自由贸易

22. free software 自由软件 ; 自由软体 ; 免费软件 ; 自在软件

23. free surface [化]自由表面;[计]自由面

24. free from 使摆脱;免于;解放

25. free time 空闲时间,自由时间

26. free energy 自由能

27. free and easy adj. 无拘无束的;过分随便的;马虎的

28. free trade zone 自由贸易区

29. Free cash flow 自由现金流量 ; 自由现金流 ; 流量


1. Data Recall is free, and is an excellent alternative to Info Keep.

数据还记得是免费的, 而且是一个很好的替代品信息不断.《期刊摘选》

2. Free newspapers: please take one.


3. They weren't always so free with their advice...


4. We need to care about free time, personal time, family time, spending time, and wasting time.

我们需要在意空闲的时间, 私人的时间, 家庭时间, 人们花费的时间以及浪费的时间.《期刊摘选》

5. The seminars are free, with lunch provided.


6. But men love her because she's a free spirit who's actually honest about her sex drive.


7. She checked her fall with her free arm.


8. To fly in the sky and feel as free as a bird.


9. In MSS, to free space on a staging drive; this may cause data to be destaged.

在海量存储系统(mss)中, 释放登台驱动器上的空间, 这可能引起数据降级(数据从高速设备取出,存入低速后备存储器).《期刊摘选》

10. The children ran free across the meadow.


11. Until recently, many children were not allowed a free hand when it comes to handedness.


12. He says this visit about much more than just freeing the detained journalists, he.


13. As your father, I can set you free, but in my capacity as a king of the country I must do my duty and punish you.

作为你父亲, 我可以释放你, 但作为一个国王,我必须履行我的职责处罚你.《现代英汉综合大词典》

14. Israel is set to free more Lebanese prisoners...


15. No book is genuinely free from political bias.


16. During commercials, an overlay will appear at the bottom of the screen, prompting viewers to press a button to request a free sample or order a catalogue.

在商业广告播放过程中,在屏幕底部会出现一条信息,鼓动观众按下按钮以要求获取免费的样品或订一份商品目录。《16年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

17. Admission is free.


18. That service is free.


19. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to ask me.


20. She spent her free time shopping...


21. Change its narrative tactics . give it more free choice ream.


22. There has been a high uptake of the free training.


23. Students have a free choice of courses in their final year.


24. Then you need a free and undamaged landing field.


25. I thought this camera by duty free.


26. The user is free to override the application's decision if it is the wrong one.


27. The school funds a set number of free places.


28. It took firemen two hours to cut through the drive belt to free him...


29. A higher court of law overruled a lower court and set the accused person free.


30. In 2007, China exempted all the tuitions and surcharges on the rural free education.

到2007年, 中国免除了所有农村义务教育学杂费.《期刊摘选》

31. That's freeing up cash to use in other ways.


32. Will the new law free owners from responsibility to their tenants?

新法将免除所有人对承租人承担的责任 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

33. The researchers set the birds free.


34. To free all those who trust in Him from Satan's power and might.


35. Toolbelts free both hands and lessen the risk of dropping hammers...


36. Get one of the free UNIXes and learn to use and run it.


37. A Every weekend? Surely you have some time free.

A每个周末 吗 ?你一定会有些空闲的时间的.《期刊摘选》

38. As a member of the WTO , the U.S. remains free to enact any laws it chooses.

作为世贸组织的成员国, 美国可以自由地制定它的法律.《期刊摘选》

39. Run a free scan for.


40. Only a truly free person has human dignity.


41. To free electrons, something has to make them whirl fast enough to break away from their nuclei.

为了释放电子, 必须使电子高速旋转而足以摆脱原子核的束缚.《现代汉英综合大词典》

42. I thought to myself, it's time to take a free weekend.

我暗自想, 是时候享受一下空闲的周末了.《期刊摘选》

43. A free city which was not genuinely free would suffocate freedom.

一个并不真正自由的 “ 自由城 ” 将使自由受到窒息.《辞典例句》

44. We're giving away 2,000 free samples.


45. The Munchkins are happy because you have freed them from the Wicked Witch of the East.


46. Tourists received a free city tour courtesy of the hotel.


47. You are free and clear to start a new life, a good life.

你可以自由地开始新的生活, 美好的生活.《期刊摘选》

48. This week's magazine contains a free gift of perfume.


49. When dad has free time, he does jobs around the house.

每当爸爸空闲的时候, 都会在屋子周围干些杂活.《期刊摘选》

50. The new treaty establishes a free trade zone.


51. I wasn't expecting you to do it for free...


52. All free nations have a stake in preventing sudden and catastrophic attacks.

防范灾难性的突发攻击事件,与所有自由的国度休戚相关.《英汉非文学 - 政府文件》

53. Short of that threshold, Egypt was free to consult its own interests.

只要不迈这一步, 埃及可以自由地考虑自己的利益.《辞典例句》

54. Do you have much free time?


55. Can design various free format report forms according to the requirement of client.


56. That's it for England and Cole and Johnson are now free to go on their holidays.


57. Mr Harschbarger had to resort to a chainsaw to cut Gracie free.


58. The former president was demanding that he should be either put on trial or set free?


59. Weekends are free, too.


60. Dobby is a free elf, and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends!


61. Go right ahead. Feel free...


62. I am free to run for a government position.


63. With one bound Jack was free.


64. They are free to do as they please.


65. The government has promised to free up more resources for education.


66. I do mountain climbing in my free time.

我在空闲的时候爬山.《超越目标英语 第3册》

67. When we give interpretations to images, we are free to assign significance.

当我们对图像赋予意义, 我们可以自由地赋予含义.《期刊摘选》

68. Certificate: En 71, ASTM D, Low lead, Low Cadmium, Phthalate free.

证书:En 71,ASTM D,低铅,低镉,无邻苯二甲酸盐。《期刊摘选》

69. Are you free to do what you to?

你可以自由地去做你想做的事 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

70. It will free us of a whole lot of debt...


71. Tax free. IRS can't touch one cent.

免税的, 税局碰不到一分钱!《期刊摘选》

72. John likes to surf the web looking for free MP 3 music to download.


73. He fears that until state subsidies are removed, Russia will never have a truly free press


74. Those who climb mountains are free to use their own 34.


75. Free moorings will be available.


76. She left of her own free will.


77. We are freer to meet the stranger, freer to talk to him in depth.

我们更自由地结识陌生人, 更自由地与他们深入交谈.《期刊摘选》

78. Our natures are no longer running free.


79. They would often be free with criticism, some of it unjustified.


80. Interest groups are free associations.


81. After he was rescued by activists of Om campaigned for free education in his native Rajasthan.


82. Noa, Teek and Wicket snuck into the Marauder castle to free Cindel and the captive Ewoks.

诺亚 、 蒂克和威克特潜入劫掠者的城堡,解救了辛德尔和被关押的伊渥克人.《期刊摘选》

83. Good athletes often get a free education on the scholarship.


84. Delivery is free of charge.


85. When an atom of U 235 is split, several neutrons are set free.

一个铀235原子分裂时, 释放出几个中子.《简明英汉词典》

86. You have come to fight as free and free men you are.


87. Jesus Christ came to give his life order to set people free from sin.


88. He held out his free hand and I took it.


89. The foods here are all free take any you like.


90. Entry to the museum is free.


91. You can get a free map at the service counter.


92. The elections were free and fair.


93. The rides are free.


94. Men always think a lot when they are free.


95. Rescue services have been working round the clock to free stranded motorists.


96. They should be free.


97. B No. I'd love to have free time, but my family takes up all my time.

B没有.我想有空闲的时间, 但是我的家庭占去了我所有的时间.《期刊摘选》

98. Death frees us from the torment of parting.


99. The 30-year-old star is trying to free himself from his recording contract.

这位30 岁的明星正试图从他的唱片合约中脱身。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

100. Ending inflation means freeing all Americans from the terror of runaway living costs.


101. He managed to free one hand to ward off a punch.


102. Or you can even use your free hand to massage her clitoris and drive her mad.


103. At my free time i like to be with friends go to the beach and party.


104. You're not free until you've been made captive by supreme belief.


105. But now the need was to protect the free Athenians against the return of such slavery.


106. As a teacher I'm free to use my own ideas and make my own decisions.


107. Revenue losses another extra financial burden: Mr Wen's policy of free education for rural children.

除了税收损失外,还有另一项额外财政负担: 温家宝另一项免除农村孩子学费的政策.《期刊摘选》

108. I used to write during my free periods at school...


109. The starting broth for the hot pot is free in this hot pot restaurant.


110. If the hypermarkets are lowing prices every day , how come nothing is free yet?

如果超天天降价, 何愁等不到免费的那一天?《期刊摘选》

111. There is no free lunch in politics or Hollywood.


112. They took the only free table, which was just inside the door.


113. Deletes loaded music and frees associated resources.


114. ...a future far more free of fear...


115. Clears your hard disk of unnecessary files to free disk space.


116. The general directed that the prisoners should be set free.


117. It is absolutely free!


118. How many bottles of these can I take tax free?


119. Many poor countries , freed from their debt burden, are facing a new trap.

许多被免除债务负担的贫困国家, 面临着新的陷阱.《期刊摘选》

120. She spent her free time shopping.


121. This information was crucial to freeing Saradin with the Bell of Light.


122. The government will be free to pursue its economic policies...


123. We all believe in good, free education for our children.

我们都相信对我们孩子们的良好的 、 自由的教育.《期刊摘选》

124. The constitution provides for the right to free speech.


125. Pick up one of our free information sheets at reception.


126. She managed to wriggle free.


127. We were going to have the luxury of a free weekend, to rest and do whatever we pleased.


128. They are soon to be freed of all your dark deeds.


129. Permanently removes all items in the Recycle Bin and frees up disk space.


130. Most political prisoners were freed under the terms of the amnesty.


131. But she is not always free these days.


132. We freed time each week for a project meeting.


133. The driver had to be cut free from the wreckage of his car.


134. We can't do that if we haven't got a free press.


135. It was several weeks before he was completely free of pain.


136. You will automatically get free dental treatment if you are under 18.


137. A: Only because they want the free Teddy Bear.


138. S . This allows for a freer culture of expression _ r _ r.


139. There was only one seat free on the train...


140. Two arrests were made, but the men were later set free without charge.

有两个人被逮捕了, 但他们后来被宣告无罪释放.《期刊摘选》

141. The job was beginning to make unreasonable demands on his free time.


142. EPUB is a free, standardized format that almost every hardware e Reader or desktop software understands.


143. A gnome swords woman needs help freeing her village from a demon trapped on this plane.


144. Fedora always free for anyone to use, modify, and distribute.

它允许任何人自由地使用 、 修改和重发布,无论现在还是将来.《期刊摘选》

145. Tip: Read our RSS Publishing chapter to view free RSS aggregation services.

提示: 请在RSS发布这一节浏览免费的RSS聚合 器服务.《期刊摘选》

146. Find these ashes and free the Phoenix.


147. They set him free when his ransom had not yet been paid.


148. It avoids linear approximation of nonlinear system equations and is free of linearization error.


149. She lives in a free country, but she does not feel free.

她生活在自由的国家, 但却感觉不到自由.《演讲部分》

150. I fly free until I meet another bird who flies with me in perfect harmony.


151. They gave me free access to all the files.


152. No one can be perfectly free till all are free.


153. We are willing to do so free of charge each client's technical'staff.

我们愿意做每位客户的免费的技术 “ 参谋 ”.《期刊摘选》

154. We offer free technical support.


155. Firemen tried to free the injured.


156. Plan 2 : The whole space is full of free curve.

方案 二: 整体空间都是自由的曲线.《期刊摘选》

157. The teachers must be free to teach in their own way— the curriculum should be flexible enough so that they can use their individual talents to achieve the goals of the course.

教师一定要能以自己的方式自由地教课——课程安排应足够灵活,让教师可以发挥个人才华来实现课程目标。《16年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

158. Events are free, staffed by thousands of volunteers.

这些由成千上万个志愿发起的活动都是免费的。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

159. The price did a free fall.


160. There will be less free time.


161. Ensure there is a free flow of air around the machine.


162. Several Linux productivity applications are also free or inexpensive, potentially saving even more money.

Linux的几种高效率的应用程序也是免费的或者很便宜, 这又可以潜在地省却更多的钱.《期刊摘选》

163. You gave me a lump of the Star, so I am free to come.

你给了我整片的星空, 好让我自由地去来.《期刊摘选》

164. But the individual value is still the free final standard of value.


165. You are free to go or stay.


166. He joined a pack of wolves and became a wild and free dog.


167. He's too free with his opinions.


168. A true democracy complete with free speech and a free press was called for.


169. Boston announced guard Eddie House declined to exercise his option for free agency.


170. Afterwards gradually understand, some people aren't free, some dreams also destining can be a dream.

后来渐渐明白, 有些人是不自由的, 有些梦也注定只能是梦.《期刊摘选》

171. And indeed , after a million or so euros changed hands, the crew were freed.

果不其然, 在大约一百万欧元到手后, 船员就被释放了.《期刊摘选》

172. The rescuers worked like hell to free the man from the wrecked car.


173. A: Well , all the drinks including beer are free of charge.

哦, 全部饮料包括啤酒在内都是免费的.《期刊摘选》

174. The Britons were freed unharmed.


175. Apart from work they were isolated, free to do as they liked.

除了工作之外,人们是隔绝的, 可以自由地做他们爱做的事.《辞典例句》

176. Skylark is the free spirit on silent prairie, happy angel.

云雀是静静草原上自由的精灵 、 快乐的天使.《期刊摘选》

177. Buyers can sometimes avoid local sales taxes online, and shipping is often free.

在线买家能够不时的免除当地的销售税, 而寄送通常免费.《期刊摘选》

178. Deletes loaded audio stream and frees associated resources.


179. The people living in these apartments have free access to thatmming pool.


180. So on Saturday, when her husband is free, she asks him to go shopping wither.

因此在星期六, 她丈夫也是空闲的, 她让丈夫陪她一起去购物.《期刊摘选》

181. Why waste £50 when you could get it for free?


182. More than ninety prisoners have been set free so far under a government amnesty.

目前已有 90 多名犯人因为一项政府特赦获得自由。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

183. Additional friends are free, so why not say the more the merrier?

由于可以自由地添加好友, 那么,朋友岂不是越多越快乐?《期刊摘选》

184. Some electrons, called free electrons, are free to move from atom to atom within a conductor.

有些电子, 被称为自由电子, 能在导体内自由地从一个原子游离到另一个原子.《期刊摘选》

185. You are free to come and go as you please.


186. The state provides free education.


187. Kati : What do you do in your free time except playing football?

你在你空闲的时间干什么? 除了踢球.《期刊摘选》

188. Two firemen freed George using a special type of grease.


189. Life was never going to be so free and easy again.


190. A slave thou art : free speech is not for thee.

你是一个奴隶: 自由的言谈不是适于人你的.《期刊摘选》

191. He was freed by the police, but the demonstrators later retook the building.

州长被警方解救出来, 但示威者随后又重新占领大楼.《期刊摘选》

192. Finds all Drives Free Space and Capacity.


193. The fringe benefits include free health insurance.


194. We need to free business from the dead hand of bureaucracy.


195. He was given free lodging.


196. I don't have much free time.


197. Surely you have some time free.


198. Police shot and killed Jackson, freeing the hostage without injury.

警察开枪击毙了杰克逊, 安全的解救了人质.《期刊摘选》

199. She retains her slim figure and is free of wrinkles...


200. The host countries are unlikely to be able to afford them interest free loans are expensive.


201. The hijackers agreed to free a further ten hostages.


202. She struggled to free herself.


203. It's a free country; I'll say what I like!


204. His deal with Disney will run out shortly, freeing him to pursue his own project...


205. While the unknown was exhilarating and freeing, it was also foreign and unprotected.

当未知数是兴奋和释放时, 它也是外国和无保护的.《期刊摘选》

206. Can you work it so that we get free tickets?


207. Each teenager chooses his own way to spend his free time.


208. Lay by the sea, you are wild, you are free.


209. They were freed yesterday by their kidnappers unharmed.


210. Sterling went into free fall.


211. The newspaper is distributed free.


212. The severe conditions hampered attempts to pull the vessel free of the rig...


213. It took hours to free the victims ( from the collapsed building ).

用了很长时间才把遇难者 ( 从倒塌的建物中 ) 解救出来.《辞典例句》

214. The appeal court reversed the original verdict and set the prisoner free.


215. He pulled his arm free, and strode for the door...


216. The act had a specific intent, to protect freed slaves from white mobs.


217. Best of all, our chat rooms are absolutely free!

最重要的是, 我们的聊天室是绝对免费的!《期刊摘选》

218. The main benefits would arise from freer trade of services and foreign direct investment.


219. Ample free parking is available.


220. They set all the prisoners free.


221. We also have a free airport shuttle service.

我们也有免费的机场班车服务。《17年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

222. The ticket will guarantee you free entry.


223. We communicate honestly candidly and frequently. Our culture promotes listening and the free exchange of ideas.

我们真诚地、坦率地、频繁地沟通, 我们的文化提议听、说和自由地交换意见和看点.《期刊摘选》

224. Free school bus system and bus systems, only to a certain extent, make up the deficiencies.

免费的校车系统和公交车系统, 也只能在一定程度上填补这个缺陷.《期刊摘选》

225. He walked from the court house a free man...


226. I support your advocacy of free trade.


227. Eg: This software is free that can be shared by all.

例: 这款新软件是免费的,可以和其他人共享.《期刊摘选》

228. Free book giveaway for all who attend.


229. ...a free brochure with details of gift vouchers.


230. And until they're absorbed, they're free to scatter and reflect.

还有,在它们被吸收以前, 它们可以自由地散射和反射.《期刊摘选》

231. She was a supporter of the free market economy.


232. IE Superman is a completely free, you can use and disseminate it.

IE超人是完全免费的, 您可以使用和传播它.《期刊摘选》

233. We're free of your stinking yoke and we're going to stay free!


234. A press which is half free

“ 一个半自由的新闻业 ”《演讲部分》

235. If no usable free connection the pool , new connection is created and added to the pool.

如果没有可用的空闲的连接, 将创建一个新的连接,并且把它放到连接池中.《期刊摘选》

236. Are these things duty free?

这些东西是免税的 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

237. I fly free I meet another bird who flies with me in perfect harmony.


238. Why would that cheap motherfucker give us free tickets to the playoffs?

为什么那个杂种要给我们免费的门票 呢 ?《电影对白》

239. However, there are certain advantages of public universities, such as the fees being free.

但是,公立大学也有某些优点,比如学费是免费的。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

240. These alternatives free the processor to work on parallel tasks and applications.


241. Medical care is still free at the point of use.


242. The elections were free and fair...


243. The designer was given free rein.


244. Air, is free of charge.

空气, 是免费的.《期刊摘选》

245. Feel free to ask questions if you don't understand.


246. We offer customers a free home delivery service.


247. As for bulletin boards, the free speech, including suggestions to the government, is welcomed.

网上bbs, 也就是一个很自由地发表言论的舞台, 其中对政府的一些监督的意见也受到欢迎, 也许比传统媒体还要自由.《期刊摘选》

248. A free trade agreement would be advantageous to both countries.


249. He snatched up the receiver and his free hand groped for the switch on the bedside lamp...


250. This constant opening for present input into the causal process makes free will possible.


251. Feel free to comment if there is a player you feel needs to make the cut.


252. What quantity of cigarettes is duty free?


253. The simple answer is that free memory is wasted memory.


254. There are still herds of wild mustangs roaming free.


255. The special insulator coating melts the lungs and the virus is freed to infect the host.



1. The man was John Brown. John Brown heard that five Free State men had died in the attack on Lawrence.

VOA : special.2009.05.07

2. Pro Forma Puff Jobs 12.09.02 (Free registration required.) Investors are clamoring for straight talk about profits.

FORBES: Watching The Books

3. In time,however, there was another reason to fight: to free the black people held as slaves in the South.

VOA : special.2009.10.08

4. The free, two-day event runs from 2 pm to 6 pm on 17 and 18 August.

BBC: Matinee jazz in a Manhattan parlour

5. It is a combination of errors caused by government regulation and the free market.

NPR: Listeners' Money Questions Answered

6. I basically gave them free ray at the beginning, so they work in small groups, and travel from site to site.

在最初,我给了他们充分的自由,孩子们组成学习小组,在各地游览。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

7. Under George Steinbrenner the Yankees made offers for nearly all of the best free agents, says sports economist Andrew Zimbalist.

VOA : special.2010.07.26

8. School administrators point out that the texts may be free online, but students need a way to access them.

VOA : special.2009.08.27

9. Shouldn't individuals be free ? to choose for themselves their own plans of life ? wherever it may take them?

难道不应让个人自由选择,他们自己的人生计划吗,无论结果会如何?政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. That gives her a free hand to help out a grown child with creditor or marital problems.

FORBES: Death, Taxes and Dice Rolling

11. GM-free soya


12. Children aged four to nine, meanwhile, travel for half-price and the under-threes ride for free.

BBC: Travel with children: The night train to Luxor

13. These women are not free to move around, particularly those who are required by their religious community to remain in their homes and only go outside perhaps with their chaperon.

这些女性不能自由行动,特别是,那些受到宗教团体要求的女性,必须待在家中,最多只能,在监护人的陪同下外出。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

14. Under the law of nature, I'm not free to take somebody else's life or liberty or property, nor am I free to take my own life or liberty or property.

根据自然法,我不能随意剥夺他人的生命,自由或财产,也不能随意剥夺自己的生命,自由或财产。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. lead-free petrol


16. free-range turkeys


17. Ratings would have to be confidential to prevent investors from free-riding on each other.

FORBES: Rethinking Credit Ratings

18. After all, they are already quite free to marry someone of any other faith.

BBC: Girls equal in British throne succession

19. It led the sculptor Felix de Weldon to create one of the largest free-standing bronze statues in the world.

VOA : special.2011.05.30

20. Dr Choudri has coeliac disease himself and knows the importance of a gluten-free diet.

BBC: NHS 'paid ?17 for gluten-free pizza base'

21. Mister Jungen has said that the sports industry makes free use of American Indian words and images to describe its teams.

VOA : special.2009.11.13

22. It is imaginable that future investment might be conditional on customs-free zones administered by outsiders.

ECONOMIST: Western mans burden

23. We are physical objects that labor under the illusion that we have free will, but after all, free will isn't something that you can just see, right?

我们生活在人有自由意志,这样的错觉下,但毕竟,自由意志不是那种可以看得到的东西,对吧死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. which is one of the few museums in D.C. that actually isn't free because it's not a national museum.

那是特区里少有的几个收费博物馆之一,因为它不是国家博物馆。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 大都会艺术博物馆

25. figuring out there is no such thing as a free lunch but Markowitz tells us that diversification is a free lunch.

知道世上没有免费的午餐这回事,但马科维茨称分散投资是免费的午餐金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. Finding a mix of total relaxation and newfound inspiration on his tech-free vacation, Tristan Wright agreed.

BBC: Are tech-free vacations worth it?

27. And why is that? Within the perspective of Milton's free-will theology, sin can't exist as an external reality.

为什么呢?从弥尔顿自由意志的学说的角度来看,原罪是不可能以永久现实的形式存在的。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. Great John Street has pretty spectacular rooms, with Egyptian cotton sheets and free-standing baths.

BBC: Mini guide to Manchesters music scene

29. free-range eggs


30. God's preference for the offering of Abel valorizes the free life of the nomadic pastoralist over urban existence.

上帝对亚伯的优待,肯定了游牧式的生活,甚于定居的生活。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. The owners proudly, and actively, encourage lounging, with free wi-fi and retro 1950s-style comfy furniture.

BBC: Bangkok becomes the 2013 World Book Capital

32. The ducks were such a hit with guests that the hotel fountain has not been fowl-free since.

BBC: Make way for marching ducks in Memphis

33. So the status of slave was lowest, ; freed persons was next highest in Roman Law; and free people were next.

所以罗马律法中,奴隶的地位是最低的,然后是自由人;,接着是自由民。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. Admission to all memorials and monuments, some of which are staffed with expert guides, is free.

BBC: Berlins monuments polarise

35. Korotich says many Russians now have become disillusioned by the complexities of life in a free society.

NPR: Russia Under Putin: Echoes of the Soviet Era

36. Nudists resorts tend to be focused on self-acceptance and freedom rather than free love.

BBC: Strip down for the end of summer

37. These are increasingly available in shops, along with a wide range of gluten-free products.

BBC: NHS 'paid ?17 for gluten-free pizza base'

38. So I always felt free, in fact, I felt encouraged when I had a disagreement to step forward and make my case.

所以我总觉得很自由,事实上,我觉得经常被鼓励提出不同意见,站出来,陈述自己的观点。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

39. Participation in the opening milonga, like all of the festival's events, is free of charge.

BBC: World Tango Festival

40. They will also arrange free drinks for the bar if a client is visiting.

BBC: Brooklyn: The Wall Street alternative

41. Its Green Meetings Calculator is a separate free iPhone app designed for corporate meeting planners.

BBC: How big is your carbon footprint?

42. But a lot of that market has moved to free or low-cost advertising on the Internet, including sites like Craigslist.

VOA : special.2009.03.21

43. This efficient data management network provides free automatic quality controlled data to marine scientists and oceanographers worldwide.

UNESCO: Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC)

44. The view of the mountain peaks poking out from the sea comes for free.

BBC: Turkeys lotus eaters

45. She made each hand as an example to students while she was teaching a class on drawing using free-motion embroidery.

VOA : special.2009.11.04

46. duty-free cigarettes


47. The dynamics of a global free market can do a better, longer lasting job.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

48. Positively,what they did there was bring together the best minds bring them together with a mission of saving the free world.

积极地说,他们汇集了最优秀的人才,联合他们,共同拯救自由世界。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

49. When societies cooperate with the aim of creating a public good, there is always the possibility of a free-rider.

VOA : special.2009.03.03

50. There is in us at least an element that is free, independent, serving nothing, autonomous.

我们的人性中至少还有一种元素,它是自由的,独立的,而且不依据其他事物存在而存在。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

51. And it's always going to come down to calculating the appropriate free energy, and how it changes in the process.

这总是涉及到计算,适当的自由能,以及这些自由能在过程中如何变化。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

52. I believe the declaration that "all men are created equal" is the great fundamental principle upon which our free institutions rest;

VOA : special.2009.02.09

53. What may be more important to most Americans than religion among their fellow citizens is a government free of it.

VOA : special.2010.03.05

54. A military spokesman told VOA that the army hoped to free all civilians trapped in rebel territory by Sunday.

VOA : special.2009.05.16

55. There is an indoor pool, free (non-alcoholic) drinks from the minibar and even better, free WiFi.

BBC: Travel - Openings: Beijing, Cura?ao, Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, India

56. He claimed that living in Illinois and Wisconsin -- where slavery was illegal -- had made him a free man.

VOA : special.2009.05.14

57. Some areas, like Taitung, have street-side displays of traditional indigenous homes, free for tourists to visit.

BBC: Tribal culture survives in Taiwan

58. He sentenced Brown to be hanged. One of Brown's supporters attempted to find a way to free Brown from jail.

VOA : special.2009.07.02

59. They will be made available free to the public via the internet, so this is a way of allowing the world to benefit from what we all do at Yale.

它们会通过互联网向公众免费开放,这样全世界的人都能从耶鲁的课程中有所收获,我们要做的。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

60. This is in contrast to some countries, like the UK, where all national museums are free.

BBC: Should museums be free?

61. And their memory is being resurrected by another free-spirited army, of sorts, today: backpackers.

BBC: Turkeys lotus eaters

62. Geoff's NHS trust is one of many now reviewing its policy on gluten-free food.

BBC: NHS 'paid ?17 for gluten-free pizza base'

63. Click here for a 30-day free trial subscription to the Forbes Wolfe Emerging Technology Report.

FORBES: Retirement With A Purpose

64. In order to guarantee a varied and balanced diet, Geoff relies on his prescriptions for gluten-free food.

BBC: NHS 'paid ?17 for gluten-free pizza base'

65. The other quick thing I want to say is that I do have office hours today from 3 to 5, so feel free to stop by if you have questions about problem-set 3 that you're finishing up.

我还想说一件小事,我今天的答疑时间是三点到五点,如果你对于第三次作业还有任何疑问,请在这个时间段来找我,不必客气。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课




















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