to infect翻译_to infect短语搭配_to infect权威例句

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to infect

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  • 感染;传染

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1. to infect toxicity in vitro 体外染毒

2. Time to infect 传染的时机到了

3. Easiest To Infect Typhus 最容易感染伤寒

4. against to infect 抗感染

5. Partisan Me To Infect 党派我去传染

6. Prevent virus to infect 防止病毒传染


1. In the second stage the parasites cross the blood-brain barrier to infect the central nervous system.


2. After that, they may start to infect other people.


3. It is not possible to infect anther person through touching.


4. I don't want to infect you the flu.


5. Go away, I don't want to infect you with my cold.


6. It also interfered with HIV's ability to infect cells such as the immune system's t cells.


7. Once ingested by a caterpillar, the crystals dissolve, releasing the virus to infect the insect's cells.


8. 'it's only in this liquid phase that the virus is capable of entering a cell to infect it.'


9. Ways to infect in vitro cultured human nasopharyngeal epithelial cells with Epstein-Barr virus


10. The secondly, it detailed introduction several method to infect the ELF object file;


11. Adenovirus was found in 1949, which is tendency to infect epithelial cell.


12. Avian influenza viruses are highly species-specific, but have, on rare occasions, crossed the species barrier to infect humans.


13. Yet people who begin their treatment early are less likely to infect others.


14. In the second stage the parasites cross the blood-brain barrier to infect the central nervous system.


15. This is one of the most effective ways for viruses to infect you.


16. It is not possible to infect another person through kissing.


17. To infect or corrupt, as with illness or vice.

侵蚀因疾病或罪行而被感染或堕落。《provided by jukuu》

18. Could a plant virus have found a way to infect humans?


19. But in the event the panic spread to infect the whole financial system.


20. Bob oozes concern; he wants to infect the state of New Jersey with good driving habits.


21. A competition was set up to infect some friendly rivalry into the proceedings.

设置这项竞赛是为了在活动中引入一些友好的竞争。《provided by jukuu》

22. Sometimes we bury our feelings where they fester and decay, and then begin to infect other parts of the psyche as well.


23. Another way would be for both types of virus to infect other animals with which humans have close contact, such as pigs.


24. When these multiply and go on to infect new individuals, drug resistance spreads.


25. One was made by man to infect computers. The other was made by nature, and could infect man.


26. Since then, two variants have been spotted as the virus has gone on to infect more than 10m PCs.


27. However, all evidence to date indicates that the H5N1 virus does not spread easily from birds to infect humans.


28. It is not possible to infect another person through kissing.


29. Often, animals used for meat are processed in conditions that permit listeria to infect them.


30. In order to infect the SPF KM mice with HP and determine the optimum infection dosage.


31. One was made by man to infect computers.


32. The new virus particles then erupt from the cell to infect other T-lymphocytes.


33. The researchers calculate that every person infected by the virus will go on to infect 1.3 to 1.7 other people on average.


34. Ebola was so deadly and killed so quickly that within a short period of time, there was no one around to infect.


35. data on what this virus looks like, how it's able to infect cells in our body,


36. Then your once healthy cell bursts open, releasing new viruses to infect more cells.


37. What started as a crisis in the financial sector in Britain continues to infect the wider economy.


38. H5N1 is the only strain within the H5 subtype known to infect humans.


39. Then, these recombinant plasmids were taken to infect 293T cells, respectively.


40. On rare occasions, avian influenza viruses have crossed the species barrier to infect humans.


41. Once it is running, it is then able to infect other programs or documents.


42. Today I tried to infect a boy in a primary school all day.


43. These viruses are among the most virulent pathogens known to infect humans.


44. These viruses are among the most virulent pathogens known to infect humans.


45. The virus is not killed so it's a live virus, which is actually going to infect your intestinal system and reproduce.


46. I've heard that that bug is threatening to infect the world.


47. When these multiply and go on to infect new individuals, drug resistance spreads.


48. A good teacher should be able to infect his students with his own keenness for his subject.


49. To infect the entire population with an alien virus.

让所有的人感染外星病毒。《provided by jukuu》

50. Sindbis virus ( SV) was used to infect the blood cells.


51. The disease tends to infect healthcare workers or family members who bury the dead.


52. The virus supernatant was used to infect the BEL 7402/ DOX cell.


53. It is feasible to utilize Beauveria bassiana carried by Scleroderma sichuanensis Xiao to infect Monochamus alternatus larva voluntarily.


54. Viruses are already known to infect animals, plants, fungi, protozoa, archaea, and bacteria.


55. The recombinant virus was used to infect silkworm larvae.


56. The H5N1 virus tends to infect the lower respiratory tract in humans, where it can't easily get out and spread.


57. What started as a crisis in the financial sector in Britain continues to infect the wider economy.


58. 70 years ago, it took one man to infect an entire nation with the power of "we can."


59. These crystals reenter the environment after the insect dies and decomposes, thus becoming available to infect other caterpillars.



1. In August of nineteen hundred, the researchers began to raise mosquitoes and infect them with the virus.

VOA : special.2010.05.18

2. Now, all you have to do is introduce that virus into an organism and the virus will do what it naturally does, which is infect some cells.

剩下你要做的就是将之导入某个生物,病毒自己就会做好自己的本分,也就是去感染细胞生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. Bad guys also have the ability to infect clouds with spyware, botnets and other malicious programs, Reavis said.

CNN: How safe is cloud computing?

4. After all, hackers used a similar flaw in Java to infect more than 600, 000 Macs with the Flashback malware earlier this year.

FORBES: Another Critical Security Flaw In Java Appears Before Oracle Has Even Resolved The Last One

5. Now security companies have caught copies of a worm travelling the net that tries to infect Windows machines via this loophole.

BBC: NEWS | Technology | Hackers target latest Windows fix

6. He sent malware via instant messenger to the contacts of his victims to infect more computers, tallying more than 100 infected in all.

FORBES: More Details Emerge On 'Sextortion' Hacker Suspect

7. These will continue to move around in the air and can infect people.

VOA : special.2009.07.14

8. The cells did not contain a strain of PERVs known to be able to infect human cells.

BBC: NEWS | Health | Pig organs may be safe for humans

9. By denying the flu strain further opportunities to infect humans, this swift action may have prevented a pandemic, says the WHO.

ECONOMIST: Averting a global plague | The

10. Rieger points to signs that Stuxnet was engineered to infect systems as early as January 2009.

FORBES: Theories Mount That Stuxnet Worm Sabotaged Iranian Nuke Facilities

11. HIV-positive, a man is twice as likely to infect a woman as a woman is a man.

ECONOMIST: More miserable data on AIDS

12. The strain is normally found in birds, and until last month was never known to infect people.

CNN: New bird flu well-adapted to infect people

13. Smallpox might even be introduced if one could find a volunteer willing to infect him or herself first.

CNN: Dr. William Hall: Medical impact of bioterrorism

14. Dieback was first recorded in eastern Europe in 1992 and spread over two decades to infect most of the continent.

BBC: Ash dieback chalara cases confirmed in Essex

15. The HIV virus reproduces with a cell, then virus particles bud off that cell's surface to infect other cells in the body.

FORBES: Myriad Genetics On HIV Drug Trail

16. With an aura of defeat starting to infect its global sprawl of 31, 000 eateries, the board nudged out chief executive Jack M.

FORBES: You Want Data With That?

17. As well stealing e-mail addresses Bagle also attempts to let its creator know when it has managed to infect a new victim.

BBC: The Bagle virus has tricked lots of people

18. It is one of a growing number of viruses that attempted to infect machines and spread by exploiting human gullibility.

BBC: Anna Kournikova

19. Usually viruses have certain kinds of cells they want to infect or that they're capable of infecting.

通常病毒倾向于或者有能力,感染某些种类的细胞生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. The virus is not killed so It's a live virus, which is actually going to infect your intestinal system and reproduce.

病毒没有被杀死,那么它就是活性病毒,也就意味着它将会,侵入你的肠道系统并且会繁殖生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. However, the researchers urged "vigilance" in case the Salmonella strain mutated again to become able to infect people with healthy immune systems.

BBC: HIV 'made' new deadly Salmonella - study

22. In August of 1900, the researchers began to raise mosquitoes and infect them with the virus.

VOA : special.2009.01.27

23. Ash dieback was first recorded in eastern Europe in 1992 and spread over two decades to infect most of the continent.

BBC: Ash tree

24. America's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the disease will infect three hundred fifty million to five hundred million people around the world this year.

VOA : special.2010.04.20

25. So far, the attackers relied entirely on social engineering to infect the targets.

FORBES: First-Known Targeted Malware Attack On Android Phones Steals Contacts And Text Messages

26. These released particles can now go on and infect neighboring cells, they can travel in the bloodstream to infect cells at a distance and the virus spreads throughout a multicellular host.

这些释放出的病毒颗粒,可以继续感染邻近的细胞,它们可以随着血流去感染远距离的细胞,于是病毒可以在多细胞宿主体内全面扩散生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. "It reacts with that region, it inactivates the virus and the virus never has a chance to enter the cells that it would otherwise infect."

VOA : special.2010.07.14

28. Even more alarming, resistant bacteria are breaking out to infect healthy people outside the hospital ward.

FORBES: Germ Warfare

29. There is no vaccine against the strain, the commission said, adding it was currently testing to assess its ability to infect humans.

BBC: China bird flu: third person dies from new H7N9 virus

30. That is also an advantage of using them as gene therapy vehicles because they will only infect cells that they are - that they have an affinity for or that they're prone to affect.

非常有利于将其,作为基因治疗的载体使用,因为它们只能感染那些--,它们对之具有亲和性,或者说它们倾向于去感染的细胞生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. Merck's adenovirus and Aventis' canarypox seem to infect different kinds of immune cells.

FORBES: Merck, Aventis Team On AIDS Vaccine

32. It used the same technique as Stuxnet, an earlier highly sophisticated malware, to seek out other machines to infect.

WSJ: Super Malware Targets Middle East Computers

33. Last month, sectarian barbs appeared to infect Turkey's domestic debate on Syria.

WSJ: Turkey's Shiites Fear Contagion

34. The problems, and the confusion they caused, threatened to infect the rest of the banking system.

BBC: RBS computer failure needs clear redress, says MP

35. And in fact, its malware warning is telling the truth: the site is trying to infect your computer.

FORBES: Scareware Scam Impersonates Firefox And Chrome Warnings

36. Trouble is, testing positive seroprevalence is simply not a useful measure of their ability to infect other animals or people.

FORBES: House Cats Said to Lead to Car Crashes, Suicides, and Mental Disorders

37. The two new antibodies target one of the proteins that form a spike used by HIV to infect cells.

BBC: Antibodies 'may aid HIV jab hunt'

38. Security firm Websense said it had discovered numerous websites that were using the flaw to infect a PC with spyware.

BBC: Hand on computer mouse

39. The therapy, developed by UniQure, uses a virus to infect muscle cells with a working copy of the gene.

BBC: Gene therapy: Glybera approved by European Commission

40. If a truly malicious worm were to infect meters in a given area, there would be a best- and a worst-case scenario.

FORBES: OECD's Cyber Report Misses Key Facts



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