practical use翻译_practical use短语搭配_practical use权威例句

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practical use

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  • 实际应用:指某物或某概念在实际生活中的使用或应用。

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. In Practical Use 中实际运用

2. Practical use Pract 实用级

3. hatchability for practical use 实用孵化率

4. object for practical use 实物

5. put to some practical use 利用

6. Pract Practical use 实习用

7. practical use value 实用价值

8. no practical use 无实用价值

9. practical use proved 实际使用证明


1. You'll also gain a thorough understanding of the JAX-RPC APIs, all in the context of practical use.

还将在实践背景下全面了解 JAX-RPC API。

2. However, problems exist with the practical use of CNTs.


3. In the process, he began to think there might be a practical use for these creatures.


4. This provides a basis for it's practical use.


5. The researchers say their technology is still several years from practical use.


6. EWB and Its Practical Use in the Design of Electronic Technology


7. We can develop new methods with practical use by the research.


8. If you need examples of devils hiding in details, go investigating service orientation being put to practical use.


9. Materials can already be made to do some of these things, but they are too bulky, rigid or complicated for practical use.


10. Development& practical use of technology of low-grade iron ore resource utilization


11. He would rather be a plumber's mate and do a real job that requires doing than learning about hydrostatics sitting at a desk, without understanding what practical use they are going to be.


12. Experts have pointed2 out that the majority of published papers in China have little worth, except to meet the professional title requirement, and the majority of scientific and technological3 results fail to be transferred to industry for practical use.


13. The practical use result is good.


14. The Practical Use And The Research On Drop Plastics In Textile Printing


15. On Practical Use of International Trade Terms


16. Put the energy of hot coffee to practical use with Ironius iron mug.


17. By ceiling, we mean the highest amount or maximum value of, for example, memory you can use and still make practical use of the system.


18. He was always dragging home something he'd salvaged from God knew where, items he had no practical use for.


19. This time you find out another practical use of Groovy; that is, how you can use it to quickly build SQL-based reporting applications.


20. Analysis of design and practical use of arched cross fixation bone fracture plate


21. And for almost every practical use you would put that model to, it works pretty well.


22. Problems remain, however, in putting the bold idea to practical use.


23. A case study shows that this is a simple and feasible method for practical use.


24. The common problems and Countermeasures in the practical use of activated-sludge methods


25. Discussion on Frequency Control of Motor Speed Device in Practical Use


26. This paper has some innovations and is of practical use.


27. The results are of practical use.


28. And culture is one important avenue to the practical use of language.


29. Simulation results and practical use indicate that the system can efficiently lower the repeat rate.


30. It was not until a decade ago that Nasa started taking an interest in the substance and putting it to a more practical use.


31. These methods are satisfactory in practical use.


32. He was hailed for putting advanced theoretical research into practical use.


33. Ganesh points out that "the" canonical data model is typically too high-level and abstract for the practical use.


34. Much of the information be of no practical use.

许多情报没有实用价值。《provided by jukuu》

35. The paper describes a switching unit testing system with good results in practical use.


36. It's an interesting scientific phenomenon, but of no practical use whatever


37. Food pressers also make practical use of carbohydrate composition data.


38. The Math.ulp() method has a practical use in testing.


39. The GAO found that direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic test results were "misleading and of little or no practical use to consumers.


40. The serializer is not technically part of the XSLT processor, but it is essential for practical use.


41. In practical use, it allows for distinct, transaction-based, connections to occur from a pool of connections that SQLAlchemy has waiting.


42. And the practical use shows that this method has a good prospect.


43. The practical use of configuration technique in control engineering field was introduced.


44. It's an interesting scientific phenomenon, but of no practical use whatever.


45. The early humans also found a practical use for their discovery, such as storing things like grain—although there were drawbacks.


46. In fact the description above is a meta-model to help define more specific implementation models that are of practical use.


47. One project has been cited to show how to make the risk management system into practical use.


48. The verification and practical use of the model are presented.


49. In practical use, there should be a balance between nesting and granularity.


50. The Methods For Determing Mould Temperature and Their Practical Use


51. The examples in this article demonstrate different Python features that you can put to practical use.

本文中的示例展示了不同的 Python 特性,您可以在实际应用中使用它们。

52. Thus this soundwave echo method has its limitation in practical use.


53. The analysis permits the determination of the feasibility and practical use of this model.


54. The paper discusses the practical use of NLB technology in network.


55. Maybe I missed it, but I still got the impression that there wasn't much there that had any practical use.

也可能是我看漏了 但我真真切切有一种感受 那就是这儿并没有多少实用的软件.


1. The main feature of irony that makes us associate it so closely with hipsters is that lots of hipsters are essentially downwardly mobile young people who are putting themselves to some practical use, however small or marginal, instead of sitting around getting obese.

FORBES: Suburbia Vs. Gentrification: The Hipster Wars Heat Up

2. "I don't like plastic kits, because they look like toys, and most of the applications built by plastic kits are just for fun, without practical use, " he says.

CNN: Makeblock: open source 'Lego for adults'

3. Even without eventual practical use, it would be good if the Higgs boson had a cultural impact, by moving into the language as a metaphor, just as "light year, " "Darwinian, " "subconscious" and "in the DNA" have done.

WSJ: Matt Ridley on the Higgs Boson | Mind & Matter

4. There's certainly no shortage of companies working to make electronics of all sorts more energy efficient, but NEC and Rohm Co now say that they're on the verge of a breakthrough that could change things in a big way, and we could possibly see it in "practical use" by the end of this year.

ENGADGET: Integrated circuits with no standby power could be in use by year's end

5. When embryonic stem cells were a highly controversial topic at the beginning of the decade, some companies offered to store fat cells from liposuction for a fee after it was discovered that there were stem cells in the fat, but their practical use had not been established.

CNN: Study: Human fat yields multipurpose stem cells

6. Knowledge of history can be of real practical use, even in business.

FORBES: An Investment Strategy Based on Ancient History

7. Environmental and regulatory issues abound, not to mention the need for billions in new infrastructure to make practical use of the finds.

FORBES: Oil and Gas Feeding Off Each Other While They are Fueling Economic Recovery

8. However, NIR only came to practical use in the 1950s as an analytical device.

FORBES: Looking For Algal Oil With Near Infrared Light

9. In the practical use case of a connected home, bandwidth will always be limited, but intelligent network management helps address this.

ENGADGET: Qualcomm Atheros announces StreamBoost technology to improve home networks, router performance

10. You could use the "I want to" pattern to express something much less practical as well.

你也可以用“I want to”句型来表达不太现实的事情。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I want to 课堂

11. The invention of an LED goes back to the 1920s but the first LED for practical use was invented by GE scientist Nick Holonyack in 1962.

FORBES: How Samsung Became Such a Formidable Competitor

12. While any practical use is still some distance away, it's easy to see future tablets and tables that are designed from the start to encourage a little socializing.

ENGADGET: Disney Research develops capacitive touch that detects multiple users through their fingertips (video)

13. As Warren Buffett, ceo of Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A) (BRK.B) recently wrote in his annual letter to shareholders, gold has limited practical use and is only a buffer against disaster if someone else wants to pay more for it than you did.

FORBES: Apple Stock vs. Gold: Belief vs. Disbelief in a Growing Global Economy

14. But rather that he is enormously clever, that he can use speech to achieve practical ends just as he uses strength and power, and all those other things.

更是指他非常聪明,他可以用演说来达到实际的目的,就像他使用力量,权力,以及所有其他的品质来达到目的一样古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. As a long-standing proponent of marketing integration I can speak to the fact that many marketers still have difficulty in putting it into practical use, including many chief marketing officers which was the basis of my piece aptly titled The Eleven Letter Word That Continues To Elude All CMOs And Marketers.

FORBES: When It Comes To Mobile Marketing, Integration Is Key

16. By 1997 or 1998, Japan's Ministry of Post and Telecommunications predicts, the system will be in practical use.


17. The primary purpose is to eventually use the technology in new forms of "minimally invasive surgery, " and although the microhand is likely years away from practical use, they're already in cahoots with robotic firm to develop a "slightly larger" rendition with an onboard camera for live action video feeds.

ENGADGET: Researchers craft microscale robotic hand for surgeries

18. And so that very practical consideration turns out to be important in how we use vaccines in real populations.

所以,如何使疫苗接种更便于,实际操作就变得非常重要生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. One practical use an economic indicator of this sort has is as a contrary indicator.

FORBES: University Of Michigan Survey Makes Dow 20,000 Look Easy

20. During my first year of teaching, I sometimes wondered if the knowledge would ever have any practical use.

NPR: An Outstanding Name for an Outstanding Student

21. Second, they are not held to the higher standard of double-checking by an industry responsible for putting their science to practical use.

FORBES: What Do The War On Cancer And Climate Modeling Have In Common?

22. However, using sensors to track subtle signals would likely cause some privacy concerns which reduces their practical use.

FORBES: The Science Of Subtle Signals

23. But unless you actually are a bird, the feature won't be of much practical use for navigation.

CNN: 5 big changes in iOS 6

24. Thinking of engineers here, and the clamoring for more engineering degrees, anyone teaching the discipline would as a rule be imparting knowledge of no practical use.

FORBES: Sorry Left AND Right, No Job Requires A College Degree

25. At many of the gatherings there were far more volunteers than could find a practical use.

BBC: England riots: Are brooms the symbol of the resistance?

26. Government officials have said that they aim to establish methane hydrate production technologies for practical use within five years.

BBC: Production test

27. But in practical purposes most of the time, they didn't-- they just mixed these together and they might use different things.

但实际上大多数情况下,她们并没有。。。,而是把财产混合在一起了。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. Apart from low-quality industrial diamonds, the stones had no practical use that would help prop up their price.


29. In 2008, Dr Cummer first described the theory of acoustic cloaking in an article in Physical Review Letters, and earlier this year a group from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign demonstrated the first practical use of the theory in an article in the same journal.

BBC: Acoustic 'cloaking device' shields objects from sound

30. Gambarota believed there were ways human power could be brought into practical use in the home.

CNN: Are we heading for a human-powered future?

31. Its technology will now be put to a more practical use helping students to consider challenging cases and offering potential diagnoses.

BBC: IBM's Watson supercomputer goes to medical school

32. For most Japanese (data suggest over 80 percent), English is of little practical use.

FORBES: Fujiwara Masahiko and Japanese "Internationalization"

33. Dr. NIMAR: I think this report stops short of saying things that are of practical use to the law enforcement community.

NPR: NYPD Probes Path of Homegrown Terrorists











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