to freeze翻译_to freeze短语搭配_to freeze权威例句

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to freeze

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  • 凝结

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. to freeze to death 冻死

2. Aim to Freeze 砸死大傻鹿

3. You Start To Freeze 浑身冰凉

4. Condensing power to freeze down 凝结力量

5. to freeze three feet deep 冰冻三尺

6. Time to Freeze 冻结时间 ; 凝固时间

7. To freeze together 冻结

8. freeze to death 冻死 ; 因寒冷而使生物死亡 ; 冻结

9. to freeze solid 冻硬


1. This condition may cause exposed parts of the body to freeze.


2. They've decided to freeze the grant at last year's level.

他们决定按去年的标准拨款。《provided by jukuu》

3. Secondly, I don't understand why so many people like to freeze - out here.

其次, 我不理解,为什么这里好多人都偏爱冷冻.《互联网》

4. One or two others are planning to freeze spending.


5. They seemed to freeze me out of the family.


6. The study tested duct tape against cryotherapy, which USES liquid nitrogen to freeze warts.


7. I thought that there was no need of ice to freeze them.


8. Ordinary mice learn to freeze in fear when confronted with those cues.


9. They want the government to freeze prices


10. The lion chooses to freeze and wait.


11. Hampton pulls her gun and tells Jack to freeze.


12. Other traders did everything they could to freeze us out of the business.


13. This took less than twenty seconds. Yet, his fingers began to freeze.


14. It takes more than one cold day for the river to freeze three feet deep -- the trouble has been brewing for quite some time.


15. The day of the competition was rather cold for my legs and my special oil began to freeze.

比赛那天的温度对我的腿来说很冷,我的特制油开始结冰了。《中考真题- 2019 徐州 阅读C》

16. Ice expected to freeze together in Great Bear Lake.


17. If the winter is not cold enough to freeze the ground, you can grow carrots the same way as you do during the summer months.


18. Volcanoes won't hesitate to freeze you to death however.


19. These might include threats to freeze EU funds for poorer regions and EU mega-projects, and even the suspension of a country's voting rights in EU ministerial councils.


20. To freeze prices which are falling is hardly good politics.


21. To freeze a freshly baked pie, cool to room temperature.


22. I was told that this process slowly extracts energy from the fat, causing it to freeze, crystalise and die.

我的皮肤逐渐冷却并最终麻木。 我听说这一过程会慢慢吸走脂肪的能量,导致它们冻结、结晶并最终死去。

23. He promised to freeze energy prices shortly before world prices collapsed.


24. Actors are likely to freeze on the stage when they forget their lines.


25. Any long running operation that operates on the main thread will cause an application to freeze up.


26. What I think Microsoft is trying to do is to freeze the market.


27. Threats to freeze out the search engine will not change those underlying economics.


28. Suddenly they were no longer going to freeze to death.


29. Come on. If he wants to freeze to death, let him.

走吧, 他要冻死就随他去.《互联网》

30. Now these areas, the new areas the farmers moved to, used to be warm and unlikely to freeze, however, recently the area has become susceptible to freezes.


31. Among other benefits, this allows her to freeze the development of an embryo during times of drought and food shortage until the offspring in the pouch is able to leave.


32. The court decision to freeze their holdings is just the latest twist in the partners' legal wranglings.


33. The others tried to freeze me out of the conversation.

其他人试图将我排挤在谈话之外。《provided by jukuu》

34. You want to freeze me to death?

你想把我冻死么?《provided by jukuu》

35. In capitalist society, big enterprises always try to freeze out the smaller ones.


36. Markets for bank bonds were the first to freeze.


37. I said to myself, 'The moon is bright: it is going to freeze.


38. Cause of cracks of brick-mixing wall due to freeze injury and its treatment


39. The government decided to freeze prices for six months.


40. Provides us a good solution to freeze the header and first column of a table.


41. OPEC has agreed to freeze its global oil production slightly in order to firm up crude prices.


42. The Below Zero ice cream machine uses a unique technique to freeze alcohol, which allows you to turn beers, cocktails and even spirits into delicious soft-serve ice cream.


43. It must be pretty cold for the milk to freeze.


44. Your first reaction is to freeze, so you must prepare yourself emotionally to engage the patient.


45. Just to freeze to death in my own damn house.

却要在自己该死的房子里被冻死。《provided by jukuu》

46. That's what you need to freeze him in mid - air.


47. I just don't want to freeze to death.

我只是不想被冻死。《provided by jukuu》

48. A single night's cold was enough to freeze over the pond.


49. Then that puddle of water starts to freeze.


50. This allows her to freeze the development of an embryo during times of drought and food shortage until the offspring in the pouch is able to leave.


51. Freezing by vacuum evaporation is one of the most important ways to freeze the solution.


52. The ice had frozen in a flat, round shape, around the size of a dinner plate, with the unusual patterns often caused by swirling3 foam4 floating on a river starting to freeze, usually overnight.


53. To freeze or to refrigerate, that is the question.


54. The camera doesn't know that you want to freeze a fast-moving subject, for example.


55. The government is threatening to freeze wages at last year's level.

政府威胁说要把工资固定在去年的水平上。《provided by jukuu》

56. Rhinoceros: Dome on . If he wants to freeze to death, let him.

犀牛甲: 走吧,他想冻死就让他去吧,别拦着.《互联网》

57. If the Earth-Sun distance were as little as 1 percent larger, runaway glaciation on Earth about 2 billion years ago would have caused the oceans to freeze and remain frozen to this day.


58. On Some Problems in Regard to Freeze Sinking of Deep Shaft


59. Analysis and Calculating Method of Using Primary Heave Pressure to Freeze Shaft Wall


60. Rhinoceros: Come on. If he wants to freeze to death, let him.

犀牛甲: 走吧, 他想冻死就让他去吧,别拦著.《互联网》

61. The instinctive response to being approached rapidly is to freeze.


62. It takes more than one cold day for the river to freeze three feet deep--the trouble has been brewing for quite some time.


63. The cold was severe enough to freeze the milk.


64. Her whole brain seems to freeze up.

她整个脑袋好像都僵住了。《provided by jukuu》

65. This cold wave is severe enough to freeze over all the rivers and ponds.


66. The researchers had no idea how long their frog cells would last and so decided to freeze them at once.


67. Seven years ago they lost more than half of their crops to freeze.


68. We imagine using an anticatalyst to freeze out any chemical reactions in the system.

可想象利用一种反催化剂使体系内的任意化学反应 “ 冻结 ”.《辞典例句》

69. If the Earth-Sun distance were as little as 1 percent larger, runaway glaciations on Earth about 2 billion years ago would have caused the oceans to freeze and remain frozen to this day.


70. On September 16th the trust proposed to freeze it for the next two years.



1. Since then,there have been angry protests by the settlers, and inspectors trying to enforce the freeze have been attacked.

VOA : standard.2009.12.21

2. I like to make a lot of stews in the winter that you can like then freeze, or beans and things like that, soups.

冬天我喜欢炖汤,比如你可以,把它冷冻起来,或者用大豆之类的东西做汤。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 联合广场呢

3. Second, will you rely on mother nature or on refrigeration coils to freeze the water?

FORBES: Ice Follies

4. Mr Carter said he planned to freeze council tax for Kent residents for the third year running.

BBC: Kent 'needs ?15m cuts on top of ?60m'

5. When melting snow crystals or raindrops fall through very cold air, they freeze to form small particles of ice,called sleet.

VOA : special.2010.01.05

6. Palestinian officials say the partial freeze is not enough to resume peace talks that were suspended a year ago.

VOA : standard.2010.01.03

7. But John Masiunas of the University of Illinois Extension says it may be best to wait until after the last winter freeze.

VOA : special.2009.03.10

8. Cornwall Council has voted to freeze council tax after a proposal by the Liberal Democrats was agreed.

BBC: Cornwall Council budget: Tax freeze agreed

9. When melting snow-crystals or raindrops fall through very cold air, they freeze to form small particles of ice, called sleet.

VOA : special.2011.01.11

10. Yet,his fingers began to freeze.

VOA : special.2010.05.01

11. He said he planned to freeze council tax for Kent residents for the third year running.

BBC: Kent County Council to cut ?60m from 2013 budget

12. The Nokia Lumia 928 also comes with powerful Xenon flash to freeze the moment.

ENGADGET: Nokia announces the Lumia 928: 4.5-inch OLED display, OIS camera, xenon flash, available May 16th for $100 (video)

13. For these reasons we should step up our efforts to freeze Iran's financial assets around the world.

FORBES: Magazine Article

14. In colder climates, parsley can go into the ground two to three weeks before the last winter freeze is likely to happen.

VOA : special.2009.06.02

15. Mr.Netanyahu imposed the construction freeze under pressure from the United States, which sees the settlements as an obstacle to peace.

VOA : standard.2009.12.07

16. The government has already agreed with provincial governors to freeze central-government transfers to the provinces.

ECONOMIST: Argentina: Long recession, short shrift | The

17. Many suspect that the Lusaka deal was designed to freeze the interveners' positions on the ground.

ECONOMIST: Split Congo, with peace treaties but no peace

18. In fact, the government was waiting for British courts to freeze Jefri's assets before it went public.

CNN: 'Everyone Was Shocked'

19. In the U.S., there have been similar calls to freeze relicensing applications of existing plants.

FORBES: First Videos From Inside Fukushima Reactor Buildings Show Extensive Damage

20. But when uncertainty increases substantially, the temptation is to freeze to do nothing until the situation becomes clearer.

ECONOMIST: The impossible task of eliminating uncertainty

21. I'm about to freeze to death.

我快要冻死了。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I'm about to 课堂

22. He could freeze to death. At about twelve o'clock, the man decided to stop to eat his lunch.

VOA : special.2010.05.01

23. It could be me that-- my cabin could burn down and I would freeze to death in the winter.

因为也许中招的会是我-,我的房子可能被烧毁,冬天我可能会被冻死。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. Mr.Abbas has postponed elections indefinitely that were due for January, as some accused him of failing to persuade the Israelis to freeze settlement growth and grant other concessions.

VOA : standard.2009.11.16

25. We never promised to freeze construction in those areas,".

VOA : standard.2009.12.28

26. Speaking on Palestinian radio, Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said there will be no compromises from their side on their demand for Israel to freeze settlement activity.

VOA : standard.2009.09.13

27. Availability of this freeze-dried vaccine made it, then, possible to think about vaccinating people all over the world.

冻干疫苗的应用能使医护人员,考虑向全世界人民接种疫苗生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. Icewine is made when grapes are left to freeze on the vine and picked at --8 degrees Celsius.

FORBES: Magazine Article

29. The wine would freeze on the way from the kitchen through-- it is sad--to the big dining hall.

从厨房到宴会厅 酒全部都上冻了,这真糟糕,宽敞的舞会厅就这么成摆设了欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. Mr.Obama says he is standing by his pledge to freeze spending for three years in all areas except national security, and programs funded through special taxes that help the elderly and the poor.

VOA : standard.2010.02.01

31. The issue is far from being settled. The United States has called for Israel to freeze settlement construction, but in response Israel insisted the freeze would be time-limited and exclude settlements currently under construction.

VOA : standard.2009.09.13

32. The Palestinians under Mr.Abbas are sticking to their demand that Israel freeze settlement construction before a return to negotiations.

VOA : standard.2009.11.16

33. The U.S. has twice vetoed a council resolution asking the Israeli government to freeze its construction plans.

CNN: U.N. leader surveys interest in possible special session

34. Saturday,Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas told Secretary Clinton the Palestinians will not back off their demand for Israel to freeze settlements before negotiations resume.

VOA : standard.2009.11.01

35. If the winter is not cold enough to freeze the ground, you can grow and harvest carrots the same way as during the summer months.

VOA : special.2009.02.24

36. Durham county councillors have agreed to freeze Council Tax for the fourth consecutive year.

BBC: Durham County Council: Tax freeze and job cuts agreed

37. Two of the candidates, Labour John Savage and Independent Sue Mounstevens pledged to freeze the police precepts.

BBC: Police elections radio debate

38. We can kind of freeze dry this thing and store it and then bring it back to life more or less exactly as the composer had intended.

我们相当于把这件作品干燥冷藏起来,并能够还原作品,比较精确地吻合作曲家的原意聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. The statement added that councils are free to freeze council tax if they choose to.

BBC: PM attacks Welsh government over council tax freeze snub

40. In return for these power stations, the Stalinist regime is supposed to freeze a possible nuclear-weapons programme.

ECONOMIST: North Korea

41. The United States is pushing Israel to freeze settlement construction in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, an issue that has soured relations between the two countries.

VOA : standard.2009.09.12

42. They praised her for having enough sense to freeze whatever money was left in the joint accounts.

NEWYORKER: The Repatriates

43. But it pledged to freeze the price of off-peak fares in 2014 and 2015.

BBC: Below-inflation Scottish off-peak rail fare pledge

44. Resentment lingers over Britain's invocation last year of anti-terrorism laws to freeze Icelandic assets.

ECONOMIST: Iceland and the European Union

45. But those gains may be at risk if donors continue to freeze funding.

VOA : standard.2010.03.04

46. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says his decision to freeze construction in West Bank settlements for 10 months is proof that Israel wants peace.

VOA : standard.2009.12.07

47. Fights caused by improper estate planning can cause even the warmest families to freeze over.

FORBES: Simon Cowell Wants To Freeze His Body After He Dies

48. He voted six times in the past decade to freeze or reduce spending on defense.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Centers Scorecards show Kerrys consistency

49. Those disagreements center on U.S.calls for Israel to freeze construction on Jewish settlements on lands claimed by the Palestinians.

VOA : standard.2009.07.27

50. Israel has indicated it might agree to a limited freeze, possibly allowing for the completion of thousands of homes under construction.

VOA : standard.2009.09.14

51. And then they found that they could freeze-dry this preparation of virus, and freeze-drying to lower the temperature, freeze it, then extract out all the water, so you're left with a powder, basically a powdered form of the virus, that could be shipped all over the world, and then reconstituted by adding water to it.

研究者们发现可以冷冻干燥这些病毒制剂,冷冻干燥就是就是降低温度,冷冻病毒,然后提取出所有水份,然后就剩下一些粉末,这主要是粉末状的病毒,这样就能将它运往全世界,并可以通过加水来恢复病毒的活性生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. Despite the delay, it is understood that all parties have agreed in principle to freeze council tax.


53. Analysis showed that too much work was coming into the system, causing it to freeze.

FORBES: It's Not The Doctors: It's The System!

54. In Florida, as temperatures fell to record lows, citrus growers sprayed water on their trees to help prevent freeze damage.

VOA : special.2010.01.12

55. Dudley Council has approved plans to freeze its portion of council tax for the next year.

BBC: Dudley Council backs council tax freeze

56. The change follows criticism of the Republicans' decision to freeze Pell Grants for the past five years.

NPR: President Bush Releases $2.9 Trillion Budget

57. On September 16th the trust proposed to freeze it for the next two years.

ECONOMIST: The BBC loses a hapless defender

58. Dr. Klein says two of his patients, ages 37 and 35, recently opted to freeze their eggs.

WSJ: More Doctors Broach Subject of Women's Age and Fertility

59. This he said should allow them to freeze the council tax, which they duly did on Thursday.

BBC: MSPs play a game of two halves

60. They also pledged to freeze assets of terrorists and their organisations and boost airport and aircraft security.

CNN: Prodi calls for EU unity on terror




















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