
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [hjuːdʒ]play美 [hjuːdʒ]play

  • adj. 庞大的,极大的;<非正式>很受欢迎的,著名的
  • 【名】 (Huge)(英)休奇(人名)

比较级 huger 最高级 hugest

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


huge /hjuːdʒ/ CET4 TEM4 [ huger hugest ]

  • 1.
    形容词 Something or someone that is huge is extremely large in size. (尺寸) 巨大的

    ...a tiny little woman with huge black glasses.


  • 2.
    形容词 Something that is huge is extremely large in amount or degree. (数量或程度) 极大的

    I have a huge number of ties because I never throw them away.


  • 3.
    副词 (数量或程度) 极大地

    In summer this hotel is a hugely popular venue for wedding receptions.


  • 4.
    形容词 Something that is huge exists or happens on a very large scale, and involves a lot of different people or things. (规模上) 极大的

    Another team is looking at the huge problem of debts between companies.




  • adv.

    hugely 巨大地;非常地



huge colossal enormous giant gigantic immense vast 【导航词义:巨大的】

huge adj. 巨大的,庞大的

〔辨析〕 含义很广,指体积、数量、程度方面极大的,但通常不用于重量。

例1: The road was blocked by a huge rock.


例2: The play was a huge success.


colossal adj. 巨大的,庞大的

〔辨析〕 通常指体积或总量极大的。

例1: It looked like a colossal statue.


例2: He has gained colossal profit from the business.


enormous adj. 巨大的,庞大的

〔辨析〕 指尺寸或数量巨大的。

例1: She has bought an enormous house.


例2: He saved up an enormous amount of money for his daughter.


giant adj. 巨大的,庞大的

〔辨析〕 只作定语,指比其他同类事物大的。

例1: They found a giant tortoise.


例2: That's a giant step for us to take.


例3: He is a manager of a giant electronics company.


gigantic adj. 巨大的,庞大的

〔辨析〕 指规格、数量或程度巨大的,含超出常规或预想之意。

例1: This is the most gigantic pizza I've ever seen.


例2: Those jewels are so gigantic a hundred men could not carry them.


例3: The gigantic task of reconstruction awaits them.


immense adj. 巨大的,广大的,无限的

〔辨析〕 指体积、数量或程度等超过一般标准的。

例1: It's almost impossible to find him in the immense ocean.


例2: The value of the helicopter is immense. It can hardly be measured.


vast adj. 巨大的,广阔的,浩瀚的

〔辨析〕 多指空间、面积、范围巨大的。

例1: The vast plain stretches for 800 miles.


例2: There is a vast difference between them.


例3: The Pacific Ocean is a vast expanse of water.



1. Huge Jackman 杰克曼 ; 晓治积曼 ; 休杰克曼 ; 和老婆

2. huge amounts of 大量的

3. huge-crowd strategy 人海战术 ; 人流战术

4. Hoodia huge 南非蝴蝶亚 ; 神仙掌 ; 南非胡蝶亚

5. sudden huge profits 暴利

6. Huge state hotels 巨州酒店

7. huge system 巨系统

8. huge dimension 巨型维度

9. Huge amount of 巨量 ; 盘中巨量 ; 大量的

10. Huge Numbers 巨大的数字


1. Another team is looking at the huge problem of debts between companies...


2. Obtains the popularization, will certainly to bring the huge social efficiency and the economic efficiency.

得到普及, 必将带来巨大的社会效益和经济效益.《期刊摘选》

3. Tricia: Those are sea urchins . We'll 3 pass on those.

翠西雅: 是海胆,那个就免了.《期刊摘选》

4. “It’s already a huge problem from a public expenditure perspective for the whole country,” he says.

“从公共支出角度看,这对整个国家来说已然是一个巨大的难题,”他说,《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

5. The party was a huge success.


6. Several painters were working on a huge piece of canvas which would serve as the scenery...


7. There is a huge sales outlet for pocket computers.


8. Our competition has attracted a huge entry.


9. huge debts


10. That evolution from ethereal beings to physical bodies was a huge shift.


11. The person that buy an oar to China is temptation of a huge.


12. These little local firms are mere small fry compared with huge international companies.


13. a huge crowd


14. When this realization hit, it was as if a huge iceberg in my heart suddenly melted.

意识到这点时, 仿佛我心里的一块巨大的冰山突然融化了.《期刊摘选》

15. When these two huge social strata, social stability prop.

而这两个庞大的阶层, 时社会稳定的支柱.《期刊摘选》

16. The first, economic wave motion is having huge concern with innovation.

第一, 经济的波动就与创新有着极大的关系.《期刊摘选》

17. We threw a huge birthday party.


18. Chaos pulls electrical wiring, lamp holder and electrical outlet inside, put in huge safety hidden danger.

里面乱拉电线 、 灯头和插座, 存在极大的安全隐患.《期刊摘选》

19. The huge, iron gate was locked.


20. We passed a group of walkers, carrying huge packs.


21. Samson was a man of huge physical strength.


22. Beyond the Antarctic treaties, huge obstacles persist to

tapping these resources, like drifting icebergs that could jeopardise offshore platforms.除了南极地区的相关公约,开发这些资源还有许多巨大的阻碍,例如漂浮的冰山可能会危及海洋平台《16年12月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

23. The enterprise of each respects and user also represented intelligent traffic carriage field huge interest.


24. He was a huge influence on my career and he did so much for me.


25. The LBO funds get and larger and buy and larger businesses, so it's a huge trend.

杠杆收购基金变得越来越多并且购买越来越多的公司, 所以这是个极大的趋势.《期刊摘选》

26. The development of the Huanghe delta and development, in caused huge internationally attention and take seriously.

黄河三角洲的开发与发展, 在国内外引起了极大的关注与重视.《期刊摘选》

27. But the cost of this kind of insurance could be huge.


28. Faced with a huge population base of social training, vocational education has very bright prospects.

面对庞大的社会培训人口基数, 职业教育发展前景非常广阔.《期刊摘选》

29. Miguel Indurain, Tour de France legend, had a huge advantage over his competitors.


30. The Colossus of Rhodes was a huge statue constructed in Rhodes in the 3 rd century BC.


31. Some relatively poor European countries have seen huge improvements across measures including civil society, income equality and environment.

一些相对贫困的欧洲国家通过实施诸如公民社会、收入公平和环境等方面的措施,已经取得了巨大的进步。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

32. The seller may invoice the goods at $ 70 per ton. Invoice us after the shipment.

卖方可以每吨70美元开具该货的发票, 请在装船后给我公司开具发票.《英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语》

33. He eventually constructed a huge business empire.


34. He criticized the huge pay rises awarded to industry bosses.


35. Huge waves surged over the rocks.


36. He lumped his huge bulk down opposite.


37. They had the laborious task of cutting down the huge tree.


38. Huge balloons bobbed about in the sky above.


39. The result was human suffering on a huge scale.


40. Water rushes out of huge tunnels.


41. A huge earthquake far beyond people's imagination.


42. But, if our answer measure do one's best, will form huge pressure and challenge to agriculture.

但是, 假如我们的应对措施不力, 将对农业形成极大的压力和挑战.《期刊摘选》

43. Artificial lighting, despite huge efficiency improvements, has cost a constant percentage of GDP for three centuries.

三个世纪以来, 尽管电灯的效率得到了极大的提高, 但是照明用电的消耗所占GDP的百分比一直没有变.《期刊摘选》

44. If you add all these amounts together you get a huge figure.


45. The huge airplane lifted from the airport.


46. Four days after setting out , while the Titantic was sailing across the icy waters of the North Atlantic, a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout.

启航四天后, 泰坦尼克号在穿过北大西洋多冰的海域时, 瞭望员突然发现了一个巨大的冰山.《用法词典》

47. There's a lot of turnover, it's a huge institution, a couple of hundred thousand.

它的营业额很大, 是个庞大的机构, 有好几十万名员工.《期刊摘选》

48. This is a huge list of investment projects.


49. The bridge is reinforced with huge steel girders.


50. Atlantis was a huge civilization, we use ships of communication that brought news from all areas.

亚特兰蒂斯是一个庞大的文明, 我们用通讯船传送各地新闻.《期刊摘选》

51. It has get a huge loses to national economy because of seepage failure.


52. The blind touched the elephant's ear and said that it was just like a huge fan.


53. Huge transportationtroop, accurate, quick declaration system, unimpededly causes yourcargo to be unimpeded in world each place.

庞大的运输队伍, 准确, 快捷的报关系统, 使您的货物在世界各地畅通无阻.《期刊摘选》

54. They blasted a huge crater in the runway.


55. Their superior military strength gives them a huge advantage.


56. Bitmapped maps require huge storage space.


57. Inevitably, huge household financial deficits also mean huge accumulations of household debt.


58. These children have a huge reserve of latent talent.


59. They now exist in huge groups, as mobs.

他们现在存在的庞大的群体, 被称为暴徒.《期刊摘选》

60. Her unbuttoned jacket opened to show two huge, pendulous breasts.

小棉袄本没扣着,胸前露出一对极长极大的奶来.《汉英文学 - 骆驼祥子》

61. After waiting for so long, all he got was an empty stomach and a huge disappointment.

经过如此漫长的等待, 他所等到的只有个空荡荡的胃和极大的失望.《期刊摘选》

62. In 1955 the huge Flower Watch was created at the edge of the English Garden.


63. There is a huge gap in the assistive technology higher education between China and USA.


64. Bulldozers piled up huge mounds of dirt.


65. A deluge of personal revelation followedand the programme earned a huge following.


66. Huge waves lashed the shore.


67. Forestry estate is a huge industrial system.


68. Huge pipes funnel the water down the mountainside.


69. And that, fundamentally, is why claims that we face huge structural problems have been multiplying: they offer a reason to do nothing about the mass unemployment that is crippling our economy and our society.

而从根本上说,这就是为什么我们面临巨大的结构性问题的说法大肆盛行——这种说法为不采取任何措施应对正严重破坏我国经济和社会的大规模失业的做法提供了理由。《16年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

70. huge amounts of data


71. Just the huge size of the place amazed her.


72. They heard what sounded like a huge explosion.


73. This decision is, I feel, a huge mistake.


74. Fines are meaningless to a huge company like that.


75. The server is designed to store huge amounts of data.


76. Huge inequalities exist between the richest and poorest within many countries.


77. He can fly, possesses huge strength.

他能飞翔, 拥有巨大的力气.《期刊摘选》

78. In the picture, a huge painted egg is on show in a city in Serbia.

图片中, 一个巨大的手绘彩蛋在塞尔维亚的一个城市展出.《期刊摘选》

79. Something huge is moving on the far side of the thin wall.


80. IN ONE respect at least, it has been a huge success.

至少从一个方面讲, 商业取得了巨大的成功.《期刊摘选》

81. Solve this one problem, it is an element complex, difficulty huge system project.

解决这一问题, 是一个因素复杂 、 难度极大的系统工程.《期刊摘选》

82. The game is currently drawing huge crowds.


83. She was given a huge bunch of flowers.


84. Huge pipes funnel the water down the mountainside.


85. There are huge problems in our inner cities.


86. She had run up a huge phone bill.


87. He is furious they are making huge profits out of the misery of young addicts.


88. There a huge mountaintop antenna monitored radio chat behind the Iron Curtain.


89. The CRB commodity index gave back 1.4 % following a huge run in the previous week.


90. Huge force broke the steel pipe.


91. The resolution was carried by a huge majority.


92. The road went in a huge loop around the lake.


93. He is painting a huge volcano.


94. The government had also incurred huge debts.


95. It harbors huge reserves of capital in the insurance companies of Hartford.


96. The Hip joint disease bring huge pain and inconvenience to the patient.


97. Huge numbers of birds had flocked together by the lake.


98. Astronomers think the big rock bombs made huge holes when they hit.


99. His acting raised a huge laugh.


100. The huge face gazed back at him, full of calm power.

那张庞大的脸看着他,神情安详, 充满力量.《英汉文学》

101. The directors have just voted themselves a huge pay increase.


102. The tiles come in a huge range of colours and designs.


103. He gazed up at her with huge brown eyes.


104. They made a gigantic [ huge ; mammoth ] demonstration against the government.

他们举行了一次 声势浩大 的反政府示威.《现代汉英综合大词典》

105. I say! What a huge cake!


106. Suddenly a huge chasm opened in the earth.


107. Removing them would be a huge boost to China's economy.


108. America veterans are a huge entity to attest the interests of the social economy.


109. I have a huge number of ties because I never throw them away...


110. He was a huge, intimidating figure.


111. The new century international seafarer employment market has a huge developing potential and prospect.


112. The giant aerospace concern has racked up record sales and a huge backlog of orders.


113. Huge waves washed him overboard.


114. They saw the huge building outlined against the sky.


115. The band has a huge following in Italy.


116. Elephants are huge animals.


117. The carriers responsibility system is a huge system and is also an updating one.


118. The water churned beneath the huge ship.


119. The stock exchange has registered huge losses this week.


120. The whale is a huge animal.


121. This huge machine toddled in a courtyard, deliberating at each step.

这台巨大的机器在院子里蹒跚学步, 每一次迈步都要经过深思熟虑.《期刊摘选》

122. It was a huge challenge to finish the work because of my limitation in English.


123. He said it's a huge mistake and we shouldn't be doing it.


124. Repulse Bay was one big picture opportunity because it's full of these huge, colorful statues bay.

浅水湾就像是一幅巨大的画,海岸边随处都是那些庞大的 、 多彩的雕塑.《期刊摘选》

125. A batholith has been defined as a huge intrusive mass of granitic rock.


126. FREE access to our huge community of international members. Come and find your ideal match!

免费进入我们庞大的国际会员社群. 快来找寻你(你)的理想对象吧!《期刊摘选》

127. Having the decision hanging over head is a huge energy drain.


128. He wears huge spectacles with thick tortoiseshell frames.


129. This is going to be a huge problem for us.


130. The old houses were dwarfed by the huge new tower blocks.


131. Huge chimneys belched forth smoke and grime.


132. Therefore, the rubber profession belongs to a huge system.

因此, 橡胶行业属于一个庞大的体系.《期刊摘选》

133. Huge chimneys belched forth smoke and grime.


134. They had laid on a huge spread for the party.


135. And we expect this will have a huge impact on obesity.

我们预计这将对肥胖问题产生巨大的影响。《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

136. The country faces a huge task of national reconstruction following the war.


137. Construction has started at last, to the huge relief of China.

最终基建启动, 极大的为中国缓了一口气.《期刊摘选》

138. ...a tiny little woman with huge black glasses...


139. From frogs to gorillas, from huge plants to tiny insects, thousands of species are in jeopardy.

从青蛙到大猩猩, 从庞大的植物到微小的昆虫, 成千上万的物种正处于危险之中.《期刊摘选》

140. This is a huge responsibility because human safety must be paramount.


141. The superstructure is a lie and the foundation is a huge quaking fear.


142. Obtained fix eyes upon achievement, promote action to huge arrived since economic progress.

取得了瞩目成就, 为经济发展起到了极大的促进作用.《期刊摘选》

143. This decision is, I feel , a huge mistake.


144. The shadowed side of the shields has huge cooling fins.


145. They have a Tiffany's and four huge department stores.


146. Police have stumbled across a huge drugs ring.


147. The farmer is accumulates the poor deterioration the huge social group.


148. I full tear of double eye hold in mouth or eyes , little heart got huge shakes.

我双眼噙满泪水, 幼小的心灵受到了一次极大的震动.《期刊摘选》

149. Ken winced away from the antiseptic, and she bit her lip, at him with huge eyes.

肯恩畏缩远离杀菌剂, 而且她咬了她的唇, 以极大的眼睛看他.《期刊摘选》

150. I think this band is going to be huge.


151. Having the decision hanging over your head is a huge energy drain.


152. City analysts forecast huge profits this year.


153. This is a huge leap compared with past launches.


154. It had huge block eyes, huge head, tiny nostrils and very scary and slimy creature.

它有庞大的布卢克的眼睛, 巨大的头部, 小小的鼻孔和非常可怕和粘造物.《期刊摘选》

155. Instead, many countries have built up huge financial reserves to weather downturns.


156. As one member the huge financial derivatives family, warrant has the characteristic similar to futures.

权证作为庞大的金融衍生产品家族的一员, 具有与期权相类似的特性.《期刊摘选》

157. The sums of money involved are potentially huge.


158. Potentially huge oil also lie underneath the Caspian Sea.


159. It is China's largest trading partner, after all, with two - way trade worth a huge €300 billion.

毕竟, 它是中国最大的贸易伙伴, 双边贸易达庞大的3000亿欧元.《期刊摘选》

160. Of course, it is indeed a huge business opportunities.

当然, 它确实是一个庞大的商机.《期刊摘选》

161. It started to hail, huge great stones.


162. The complexity of socioeconomic domain, to economic domain medium valuation caused huge difficulty.

社会经济领域的复杂性, 给经济领域中的价值判断造成了极大的困难.《期刊摘选》


1. It had huge parks as part of its land, where he first learned to hunt butterflies and mount them.

在他的土地上有一个很大的湖,他就是在那学会了抓蝴蝶。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. Hurricane Hydrocarbon , a Canadian company with huge energy assets in Kazakhstan, and Pacific Corp.

FORBES: Leon Levy Says Sell on Strength

3. If not, you may be missing a huge opportunity to make your customers the star.

FORBES: 3 Ways to Change With Facebook

4. William is lost in Anna's world and she causes a huge sensation in his.

CNN: Review: Julia, Hugh a perfect match for 'Notting Hill'

5. In the center of the courtyard, there is a huge glass and steel pyramid surrounded by water fountains and smaller pyramids.

VOA : special.2010.06.23

6. But independent campaign group Railfuture said there was "huge frustration" among passengers in the region.

BBC: Rail commuters hit by 4.2% average fare rise

7. I've long adovcated that they bring in doctors, and teachers and health workers from the countries to the north with this huge unemployment, particularlly in Tajikistan.

我一直倡导我们引进医生,教师还有健康卫生人员,从这些国家到阿富汗北部,正好利用了当地的高失业率,尤其是塔里克斯坦。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

8. The slightest touch to the controls can result in huge movements of the aircraft.

BBC: Think you can fly a jumbo jet?

9. For a time he was one of only three doctors,and the only surgeon, at a huge hospital in Kinshasa.

VOA : special.2009.02.23

10. If I want to get down to very, very fine dimensions, I have to bring huge energy and disturb the very thing I am going to measure.

如果我想认真处理很精确很精确的度量,我需要用巨大的能量,但是弄乱我将测量的东西。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

11. It looks severely damaged. But the huge hole, the names and other marks seem to add to its sound.

VOA : special.2010.05.12

12. But lately, the school is famous for its huge brawls, beginning in April and continuing through last week.

NPR: Racial Tensions Overheat at L.A. High School

13. Pensioners are worse off as a result of this Budget, it's a huge surprise.

BBC: Budget 2012: Ministers under fire over tax allowances for pensioners - BBC News

14. Through huge rocks and small canyons we roar, through picturesque desert and slowly melting, sticky-to-the-touch, two-lane blacktop.

BBC: Trick of the light: A California road trip

15. It has grown into a huge event that brings together musicians, record companies,filmmakers, reporters and radio programmers from around the world.

VOA : special.2009.04.03

16. And she told me it was this huge toy store and she like, found a picture in a magazine.

然后妈妈告诉我那就是个很大的玩具店,还在报纸上找了一张照片。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : FAO Schwarz的回忆

17. Other settlers brought huge herds of sheep to compete with cattle for the grass, and the sheep always won.

VOA : special.2010.03.18

18. Margot lives alone in the huge farmhouse, growing berries in the summer, managing her forest in the winter.

BBC: A portrait of summer in Finland

19. Greta fetched a huge sigh.


20. In eighteen ninety-seven,the word came to mean the huge groups of people running or stampeding to Alaska and the Klondike.

VOA : special.2009.02.04

21. So, one of the bizarre side effects is some people with Ambien while sleeping go downstairs, open up their refrigerator and eat huge amounts of food.

服用安必恩的其中一个副作用,就是梦游走下楼,打开冰箱,吃一大堆东西。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. Noncompetes are banned in California which partly explains the huge turnover among engineers and scientists there.

FORBES: Whose Rolodex is it, anyway?

23. Huge flames leapt into the air.


24. The preserve now has 111 pandas, a huge increase from its original population of six in 1987.

BBC: Play one-on-one with a giant panda

25. He said the reopening of the line would have a huge impact on the area's "psychologically".

BBC: Trains back on track after 40 years

26. Central Park was a huge success and helped create a movement across the United States for creating public gardens.

VOA : special.2009.10.30

27. Even as top-tier Japanese institutions go bankrupt or post huge losses, Orix has remained consistently profitable.

FORBES: The sun also rises

28. This left even less gold and silver to exchange for the huge amounts of paper money the banks had issued.

VOA : special.2009.01.01

29. We've made a huge contribution in terms of aid, we're providing logistical assistance to the African Union troops.

BBC: [an error occurred while processing this directive]

30. All you guys, there's a huge number of hands who said they had seen it before.

所有人,之前有很多人都说见过这个博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. Marteinn Hjaltested is a huge man with a sweep of red-blond hair and an outdoor complexion.

BBC: Iceland on horseback

32. This creates a huge opportunity for smart and well-financed component companies like Dana, Delphi and Magma.

FORBES: Perspectives

33. Huge amounts of water ran into a low area in the dry, waterless desert that had once been an ancient lake.

VOA : special.2009.08.12

34. And if you work out the energetics as we've gone with thermochemistry, dH you discover there's a huge negative delta H.

如果你计算能量变化,就像在化学热力学中所作的一样,你会发现很大的负的。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

35. Ms. COX: Well, I can tell you there is a huge denial factor at play here.

NPR: Women Of Color Lag Behind In Wealth

36. The first bill I got after the iOS upgrade had a huge data overage charge.

FORBES: ATT And Apple Battle Over Data Leakage

37. I mean, these are huge, huge, numbers that humans are now using to protect their data.

我的意思是它们是非常,非常巨大的,数字,用来为保护我们的数据。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

38. You can put your hands through a hole in a clear, plastic box and hold the huge piece of gold.

VOA : special.2010.03.22

39. That's the huge force that we're talking about in terms of making a bond stable, but there are also repulsive forces, so you can imagine we're going to have electron-electron repulsion between the two electrons if we're bringing them closer together.

正是这个非常强的力,使得我们所讨论的这个键能够稳定存在,但是其中还有排斥力存在,大家可以想象一下,我们会有电子与电子之间的排斥力,如果让它们离得更近。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

40. With his ginger moustache, sun-destroyed hair and huge, rhinestone-studded watch, he's become a Hamptons icon.

BBC: Escape from New York

41. This was when you had this big track, and if you have wandered around different Greek cities that are dug up, some of them will have the hippodrome there, and you can see how huge they were.

里面是大型赛道,如果你参观过发掘出土的希腊城市,有一些会有赛马场,非常宏伟巨大。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. He says whatever you call it, jazz has played a huge role around the world in opening up musical creativity.

VOA : special.2009.04.17

43. Herschel has built a huge catalogue of far-infrared and sub-mm images of the sky.

BBC: Herschel space telescope to go blind

44. This lets me have a way of representing things that could be arbitrary in size. And some of these things could be huge, if they're themselves lists.

有些可能很大,如,果他们本身就是列表,那问题来了。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

45. A huge cowboy,nine feet tall, took one look at Bill and said in a shaky voice, "I was the boss.

VOA : special.2009.11.28

46. His first version of the historic film "The Ten Commandments" was a huge success among silent films in nineteen twenty-three.

VOA : special.2009.05.31

47. It's a huge book which is all about this short story by Balzac, "Sarrasine," that he begins this essay by quoting.

这本大部头的书都是在讲巴尔扎克的短篇小说《沙拉辛》的,在文章开头他引用道。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. He described it as a huge success story, following decades of exploration around the Irish coast.

BBC: Ireland 'close to oil billions'

49. But I'm just not the type of person to pay for a brand name, like a huge brand name.

但我不是那种为了大品牌花大价钱的人。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : SOHO的画廊

50. At the gates of Memento Park, a huge statue of Lenin greets visitors.

BBC: Ghosts of Budapests past

51. Peter the Great was a huge sort of power-forward-sized guy at a time when people were very small.

在那个民众极端渺小的时代,彼得大帝却手握重权欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. Trapped in the Past What emerges is a huge financial shopping mall of investment choices.

FORBES: Legacy Shareholders

53. This huge warrior threw me to the ground and then took hold of my arm again to pick me up.

VOA : special.2010.07.17

54. Huge blocks of ice calved off and collapsed into tidal waves of icy slush.

BBC: Patagonias ice-carved waterways

55. The reality is that the sustainability of this fragile desert environment is a huge concern.

BBC: Discover life in the Nevada desert

56. thrivingly huge vegetables


57. As well as the managerial merry-go-round, the club has also seen a huge change in player personnel.

BBC: Elliott is confident the club can turn around their season

58. The most recent example, as I mentioned before, is the huge spike in food prices around the world which has created rioting, starvation, major crises in various countries.

最近的一个例子,我之前提到过,是全世界范围食品价格的巨大变动,它在许多国家导致了骚乱,饥荒,以及其他重大危机关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. He maintains that its high levels of protein and affordable price outweigh its huge saturated fat content.

FORBES: Cheap Foods That Are Good For You

60. Soros, on the other hand, manages a huge offshore hedge fund for wealthy individuals and institutions.

FORBES: Soros Vs. Levy Vs. Buffett

61. In mid-2007, she says, she realized that CLOs were going to cause huge problems in the economy.

FORBES: Life After Wall Street

62. The huge loss, for 2002's second quarter ending June 30, is a standard net income figure.

FORBES: Magazine Article

63. huge adverts pushing slimming drugs


64. The government had incurred huge debts.


65. It wasn't just California, because California was a huge state, with all kinds of--but mostly empty--land.

不是整个加利福尼亚,因为加利福尼亚是个很大的州,有着各种各样的土地,但多为空地金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课



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