
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈprɒfɪt]play美 [ˈprɑːfɪt]play

  • n. 利润,盈利;<正式> 利益,好处
  • v. 获益,得益(于);赢利,获利
  • 【名】 (Profit)(法)普罗菲(人名)

复数 profits 第三人称单数 profits 现在分词 profiting 过去式 profited 过去分词 profited

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


profit /ˈprɒfɪt/ CET4 TEM4 [ profiting profited profits ]

  • 1.
    有变体名词 A profit is an amount of money that you gain when you are paid more for something than it cost you to make, get, or do it. 利润

    The bank made pre-tax profits of $6.5 million.



    You can improve your chances of profit by sensible planning.


  • 2.
    不及物动词 If you profit from something, you earn a profit from it. (从…中) 获利

    No one was profiting inordinately from the war effort.



    He has profited by selling his holdings to other investors.


  • 3.
    及物动词/不及物动词 If you profit from something, or it profits you, you gain some advantage or benefit from it. 使 (某人) 获利; 获利

    Jennifer wasn't yet totally convinced that she'd profit from a more relaxed lifestyle.



    So far the French alliance had profited the rebels little.






advantage benefit profit 【导航词义:好处】

advantage n. 优势,有利条件;好处

〔辨析〕 指有助于获得成功的因素或某事有利的方面。

例1: They gained an advantage over their enemy.


例2: The hotel is small, but it does have the advantage of being close to the bus station.


benefit n. 好处,利益

〔辨析〕 最常用词,指任何利益或好处。

例1: He stopped smoking for his own benefit.


例2: Getting up early in the morning is of great benefit to this patient's health.


profit n. [正式] 益处,好处

〔辨析〕 指做某事得到的好处。

例1: There's no profit in watching TV all day long.


例2: Students could do these exercises with profit.



1. economic profit 经济利润,经济盈利

2. profit margin [经]利润率

3. profit maximization 利润极大化;最高利润

4. profit rate 利润率

5. Profit Tax 税收 利得税 ; 税收 利润税 ; 所得税 ; 所得补充税

6. profit by 得益于

7. operating profit 营业利润;营业收益

8. in profit [英方]在产乳期的(乳牛)

9. profit motive 盈利动机 ; 课利动机

10. gross profit 毛利;总利润

11. for profit 为了赢利

12. gain profit 获得利益

13. profit distribution 利润分配;利益分配

14. net profit 净利润

15. reasonable profit 合理的利润

16. make profit 获利;盈利;赚钱

17. average profit 平均利润

18. profit from 得益于;利用

19. profit and loss 盈亏帐目,损益

20. paper profit 帐面收益 ; 会计 帐面利润 ; 账面利润 ; 纸上利润

21. make a profit 获利;赚钱

22. at a profit 获利

23. profit sharing 利润分享,利润分摊;分红制




decline in profit 利润减少

profit and loss 盈利与亏损

profit margin 利润率

operating profit 营业利润

profit sharing 利润分红


make a profit 盈利

maximize profit 利润最大化

post a profit 公布利润

report a profit 报告利润

turn a profit 获利


1. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.


2. The agency is voluntary and not run for profit .


3. What level of profit do you envisage?


4. Profits really took a dive last year.


5. a rise/an increase/a drop/a fall in profits

收益的上升 / 增长 / 跌落 / 下降《牛津词典》

6. Rather, it was the weak economy that devastated profits and loan demand ( see chart ).

相反, 是萧条的经济摧毁了利润和贷款需求 ( 见图表 ).《期刊摘选》

7. Believe to current bound all personages have profit greatly certainly.


8. A movie theatre and roller rink attracted customers and profit.


9. Common Shares represent ownership in a company and a claim ( dividends ) on a portion of profits.

普通股票象征着对公司的所有权和 分享 部分利润或取得红利的权利.《期刊摘选》

10. City analysts forecast huge profits this year.


11. Part of its profits reflect the higher fees its bigger market share allows.


12. Not the 20% profit margins that were routine a few years ago, but profit all the same.

虽不及几年前通常20%的利润空间,但毕竞是有钱可赚。 《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

13. He made a profit of $ 50, 000 on the sale of his house.

他把房子卖了, 获利五万美元.《期刊摘选》

14. The writer also often profited by his own ingenuity.


15. The year of financial rate grows, sale of main profit from increases brings cost leverage.

金融界毛利率的年度增长, 主要得益于销售额增加所带来的成本杠杆作用.《期刊摘选》

16. Fabulous profits were sweated out of these foreign workers.


17. The company reported a small decline in its profits.


18. In many cases, Islamic financing requires the lender and borrower to share profits and losses.

许多情况下, 伊斯兰金融要求债权人和债务人共享利润和亏损.《期刊摘选》

19. Asia City early Tuesday, spot gold investors take profits fall slightly under the pressure.

周二亚市早盘, 现货金在投资者获利了结的打压下小幅回落.《期刊摘选》

20. Gerber has been running her own for-profit school in southern Florida for 17 years.


21. His business yields big profits.


22. YieldThe profit or interest earned on an investment.


23. Our company profits from the team of intuitive employees we have.


24. Some corporations pay out most of their profits in the form of dividends to their stockholders.

有些公司把大部分利润作为红利付给股东.《英汉非文学 - 政府文件》

25. We tried to profit by our mistakes (= learn from them) .


26. While the stores make big profits, it's the customer who loses out.


27. Profit is not a dirty word around here.


28. The sale generated record profits .


29. Quicker turnarounds mean less wasted inventory, more frequent releases, and more profit.

快速周转意味着商品库存浪费更少、新货上市更频繁以及利润更加丰厚。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

30. The painting was sold at a profit.


31. I believe you will profit by confining your offer to a limited number of firms.


32. To produce or yield ( profit or interest ) as a payment for labor, investment, or expenditure.

生产制造或产生 ( 利润或收益 ) 以支付作为劳动力 、 投资或开销的报酬.《期刊摘选》

33. Profits were at the same level as the year before.


34. Taking those extra courses profited me.


35. The situation ise fit for profiting and beneficial tg o the shops situated nearby.


36. You can improve your chances of profit by sensible planning.


37. Hard work: All hard work brings profit; but mere talk leads only to poverty.

努力工作: 诸般勤劳,都有益处. 嘴上多言,乃致穷乏. (天道酬勤)《期刊摘选》

38. Almost all modern machines have enough cache memory to profit from LAPACK's design.

几乎所有现代的机器有充足的隐藏所记忆从LAPACK' s的设计有益于.《期刊摘选》

39. Profits of the Joint Stock Company shall be distributed as ~ s to the shareholders.


40. Do you think that they would forfeit profit in the name of safety?


41. That will make them more financially sound but will also significantly limit their profits.


42. Dividends represent a share in the profit of a company to the shareholder.


43. We plan to reinvest most of the profits from our small business into capital equipment.


44. Investments showed a gross profit of 26%.


45. Net profit (= after you have paid costs and tax) was up 16.1%.


46. Profit will most likely have risen by about $25 million.


47. Profits will be sentries. Capital gains will be bridges.

红利就是岗哨, 资本增加就是桥梁.《期刊摘选》

48. The profit from overseas is far higher than those of the home division.

从外国得到利润比国内利润高得多.《英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语》

49. Shenzhen, 1 people Main Responsibilities include: Aggressively achieve personal and dept. revenue and profit targets.

深圳, 1人职位描述: 积极有效地完成个人及部门的销售和利润目标.《期刊摘选》

50. It yielded a profit of at least $36 million.


51. Profit from exports rose 7.3%.


52. Their profits have fallen by 30 per cent.


53. They whacked up the $ 3,000,000 profit among themselves.


54. We can't undertake that you will make a profit.


55. Therefore, all good books can be read with profit and renewed pleasure a second time.

所以, 一切好书重读起来都可以获得益处和新乐趣.《期刊摘选》

56. La Biao has today's result, be profit from structure of this kind of equity.

蓝标之所以有今天的成绩, 正是得益于这种股权结构.《期刊摘选》

57. What is philosophy? does its own can be, you can generally clear profit is the idea!

什么是理念? 只做自己可以得到, 可以大体明确的利润就是理念!《期刊摘选》

58. In June the profit amounted to 900, 000.


59. Everbright Prudential profit by revenue bonds to fund managers Haiying said.


60. From theoretical mean the marginal cost to the marginal revenue is the enterprise profit maximization principle.


61. This year's profits will balance our previous losses.


62. Integrated cultivation should be practised to increase the yield and profit per hectare.


63. The net profit amounts to 20 dollars per ton of ore.


64. If you can saw the branches into equal lengths of wood, we shall make a bigger profit.

如果你能把这些树枝锯成同样长度的木段, 我们获利会更大.《简明英汉词典》

65. Large holdings of cash assets clearly decrease profits because of the opportunity loss of interest income.


66. Profit margins in some key industrial sectors are narrowing.


67. The Executive stock Options: Expense Theory or Profit Distribution Theory?

经理人股票期权: 费用观还是利润分配观? ——由伊利事件引发的思考.《期刊摘选》

68. The profits will be dealt out among the investors.


69. The group had a net profit margin of 30% last year.


70. What I mean is the year when the plant gets profits.


71. We should be able to sell the house at a profit .


72. Apple's per share profit for the third quarter conformed to analysts'earlier expectations.


73. So they actually had a profit of $ 382.68.


74. Business savings come from profits.


75. “ Just because I have a business relationship with an individual and I can profit from that relationship, it does not necessarily mean that this person is my friend, ” Soupios says.

“我跟一个人有生意关系,并且可以从这种关系中获利,这并不一定意味着这个人是我的朋友。”Soupios 如此阐述。《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

76. Company profits were 5% lower than last year.


77. The bank made pre-tax profits of £3.5 million...


78. Mrs. Tweedy has decided to increase her 4 profits by selling not eggs but chicken pies.


79. You may profit by the experience of others.


80. Once his factual profit is lower than his expected profit, he may practice appropriation.

一旦实际收益低于他们的期望收益, 经理人就具有侵占倾向.《期刊摘选》

81. The high speed of two regions economy grows, greatly the interpose with profit from strong government.

两个地区经济的高速增长, 很大程度上都得益于政府强有力的干预.《期刊摘选》

82. We should be able to sell the house at a profit.


83. Not all of the difference is profit.


84. The company made a healthy profit on the deal.


85. To profit from good advice require more wisdom than to give it.


86. They sold it easily and made a hefty profit.


87. He hoped to profit from his investments.


88. On paper our profits look impressive, but in reality we made very little money last year.

表面上我们获利可观, 但实际上我们去年赚钱很少.《简明英汉词典》

89. Sheila Sisulusays the farmers are now starting to earn profits through the project.


90. Yes. You know people earn a big profit from doing business.


91. He hoped to profit from loaning money to make money.


92. The happening of Industrial Revolution is profit from actually two significant agriculture progress.


93. You could profit from listening to a wise man.


94. They will make a handsome profit on the property.


95. Profit and dividend growth looks above average for the foreseeable future.


96. Profits of the Joint Stock Company shall be distributed as ~ s to the share notholders.


97. The bottom line for 2004 was a pre-tax profit of £ 85 million.


98. Record profits in the retail market indicate a boom in the economy.


99. The surplus profit from a mining right should be shared by the vendor and the vendee.


100. Higher profits meant the phones typically paid for themselves within two months.


101. In all labour there is profit : but the talk of the lips tendeth only to penury.


102. The difference is profit for the investor. If the stock price rises, the investor loses money.

差额就是投资者的收益. 如果股价上涨, 投资者将赔钱.《期刊摘选》

103. Their key motives and preferences in life appear to around revenue, budgets and profit.

他们生活的主要动机和首选都表现出与收益 、 预算和利益有关.《期刊摘选》

104. He resells the goods at a profit.


105. By my calculation, we made a profit of £ 20 000 last year.


106. Newspaper Web sites can coexist with the newspapers and still bring in healthy profit margins.


107. I hope all the hard work will translate into profits.


108. Production and profits of construction enterprises continued to grow.


109. Last year's profits were virtually wiped out.


110. General, you can profit by Mr. Zhang wave January 10 and $ 4 million.

一般来说, 张永波一月可以获利10余万元.《期刊摘选》

111. The agency is voluntary and not run for profit.


112. I profit more from one consultation with you than from ten years of reading.


113. In the short run, revenues will increase and profits will improve.


114. Objective To find out a more efficient method to forecast investment profit.


115. He got screaming profits by buying government securities.


116. We buy them cheaply and then flog them off at a profit.


117. Dealer A person that buys and sells for the purpose of a profit.


118. Can it profit him?

此事对他有益 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

119. Mr Huang realized that the other part of the profit equation is revenue.


120. They also do illegal mining, from which Rwanda profits as well.

他们也从事非法采矿, 从中,卢旺达也获利.《期刊摘选》

121. Profits have risen by 15 per cent compared with the corresponding period last year.


122. So, its exploration activity occurs the phase that simulcasts high profit and high hazard.

因此, 该地区的油气勘探存在高收益与高风险并存的局面.《期刊摘选》

123. Most companies these days are just out to make a quick profit.


124. The shareholders are greedy for profit.


125. What will it profit me?

这对我有什么好处 呢 ?《现代英汉综合大词典》

126. Recent losses have cancelled out any profits made at the start of the year.


127. Customer satisfaction is an important factor in evaluating hotel marketing, economic profit and Competitiveness.

客户满意度是评判酒店营销效果 、 经济收益和竞争实力的重要因素.《期刊摘选》

128. Below market economy environment, getting profit is the first important or urgent business of commercial company.

在市场经济环境下, 获取利润是商业企业的第一要务.《期刊摘选》

129. They will have looked at blueprints of the building to understand its layout.


130. They whacked up the $ 3000 profit among themselves.


131. They had made a clear profit of £ 2 000.


132. Profit from exports rose 7.3%.


133. Pretax profit surged almost twelvefold.


134. The charity is non-profit-making.


135. Retailers that master the intricacies of wholesaling in Europe may well expect to rake in substantial profits thereby.

因此,那些掌握了欧洲批发复杂流程的零售商很可能会获得丰厚的利润。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

136. Careless driving was thousands of years ships, profits are still just leave!

小心驾驶得万年船, 获利者还要见好就收!《期刊摘选》

137. We are making a damned good profit, I tell you that.


138. Surely we'll profit from your work.


139. I have read it to my profit.


140. Once the subject realized, investors want timely profits.

一旦题材兑现, 投资者要及时获利了结.《期刊摘选》

141. The sale netted him a good profit.


142. The group made a pretax profit of $1.05 million.


143. Profit and dividend growth looks like being above average for the foreseeable future.


144. An addition to capital investments or stock from profits.


145. Last spring, farmers received around $ 20 a 60 kilogram ( 132 pound ) bag a heady profit.

去年春季, 农民们每销售一包60公斤 ( 132磅 ) 的大豆可收回约20美元,因此获利颇丰.《期刊摘选》

146. The company pays out a large share of its profits in dividends.


147. Net profit was up 16.1%.


148. I have read your book with pleasure and profit.


149. It will not profit you to do so.


150. Access to the disadvantaged in the market, the average selling law may profit lock control risk.

在大盘进入弱势时, 均线卖出法可锁定获利控制风险.《期刊摘选》

151. They are set to make a big fat profit.


152. Analyze the products profit by calculating the cost of manufacturing, distributing and storing.

计算工厂加工, 运送及储存成本,分析产品的毛利润.《期刊摘选》

153. The airline hopes to break even next year and return to profit the following year.


154. No product is prosaic to profit greatly by attractive packaging.


155. The profIt'statement analysis focuses on gross profit rate, period expenses, returns on investments etc.

利润表分析主要从毛利率 、 期间费用 、 投资收益等方面进行分析.《期刊摘选》

156. He has a profit on everything he sells.


157. The profits made in the first year have never been matched.


158. I have read it with profit [ to my great profit ].

我读完它之后得益匪浅 [ 大受裨益 ].《期刊摘选》

159. The good food habit to maintains the stature has the profit greatly.


160. The profit on the deal was fractional.


161. Future lawyers could study this text with profit.


162. My school has long been enjoying a high reputation and I have profited much from it.


163. The shareholders get income from the company's profits.


164. Last year's profits were swelled by a fall in production costs.


165. Jennifer wasn't yet totally convinced that she'd profit from a more relaxed lifestyle...


166. I hope to profit by [ from ] your advice [ criticism, comments ].

我希望从你的忠告 [ 批评, 评语 ] 中得益.《现代汉英综合大词典》

167. Footballers are accustomed to profiting handsomely from bonuses...


168. I got a portion of the profits according to the shares I hold.


169. A cinema and roller rink attracted customers and profit.


170. The profits growth came on the back of a 26 per cent rise in sales.


171. Profits reached an all-time high last year.


172. Gain profit most Wang Mou, still purchased BMW car and entrance name watch.

获利最多的王某, 还购置了宝马车以及进口名表.《期刊摘选》

173. They make a profit of ten pence on every copy they sell.


174. Many local people believe the development will profit them.


175. Being the fundamental production material, the forestland exist theof differential profit as the matter of fact.


176. The students do hope to profit by / from the teacher's comments on their compositions.


177. In order to maximize profit, the firm would seek to maximize output.


178. Profiting in this way is winning popularity by cheating the public.


179. More payments are late. Charges for late payments are a growing source of profit for banks.

越来越多的还款都逾期了, 逾期还款的费用也成为了银行收益不断的来源.《期刊摘选》

180. Creative endeavors and anything concerning children will also profit from this burst of celestial power.


181. This year the airline will be hard-pressed to make a profit.


182. Last October the bank balked, alarmed that a $24M profit had turned into a $20M deficit.


183. So far the French alliance had profited the rebels little...


184. While the hand, another investment expert, Mr. Buffett is to invest to see a profit.

而与此相对, 另一投资高手巴菲特先生看到的是投资获利.《期刊摘选》

185. That will enforce a more cautious attitude to lending, putting pressure on profits.

他们会通过发行新股, 削减红利,及出售资产达到这一目的.《期刊摘选》

186. Profit is not a dirty word around here.


187. I have read book to my profit.


188. She salted away the profits in foreign bank accounts.


189. They came to an accord that profits should be shared equally.


190. The entrepreneur takes business risks in the hope of making a profit.


191. American business profited greatly from an inexhaustible supply of unskilled and semiskilled workers.


192. How much profit the airline can make is largely lied on its sales strategies.


193. The firm had shaved profit margins.


194. So perfect asset structure efficiently reduces risk of a firm of equilibrium between risk and profit.


195. You can improve your chances of profit by sensible planning...


196. He has profited by selling his holdings to other investors...


197. Which gains a profit fou our company and promoted the sales volume rose quickily.


198. Farmers are profiting from the new legislation.


199. They are discussing how to whack up the profits.



1. Both firms are producing quantities; both firms are trying to maximize profit, and I want to find out the Nash Equilibrium.

两个公司都生产商品,都希望最大化利润,而我也想找出纳什均衡博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. Once on the road, with the narrow margins of profit versus costs in travel, I never saved money.

BBC: How I quit my job to travel: The wedding photographer

3. But at least your penny-and-a-half of profit on the sales dollar comes with a scant dose of capital.

FORBES: At your service

4. At the same time, significant cost overruns on U.K.-based projects pressured profit margins further.

FORBES: Build A Portfolio With Chicago Bridge And Iron

5. profit margins


6. The company announced a half-yearly profit of just £2 million.


7. Islamic bonds can be structured in different ways, but a major idea is shared profit and loss.

VOA : special.2009.12.11

8. Money talks loudly in rugby because profit is relatively rare in the professional game.

WSJ: Cup That Could Hold More

9. Among other things, they say he sought to profit from his duty to appoint a United States senator to complete Barack Obama's term.

VOA : special.2009.01.12

10. All of us need some money, but some people really enjoy doing work that may not generate, if it's non-profit work like what we do.

我们都需要一些钱,但有些人,是真的乐于从事平凡的工作,比如说像我们做的这种不会发财的工作。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

11. She is the president of a small non-profit group of volunteers called the Women's Microfinance Initiative.

VOA : special.2010.06.16

12. Very Hong Kong is a community-based and funded non-profit programme that will re-imagine forgotten or under-utilised city spaces.

BBC: A very Hong Kong festival

13. Now incidentally, in a for-profit corporation-- this is how to understand this, this is a concept that is enshrined in law.

顺便提一下,在一家盈利性公司中,我们需要这样理解,这是个在法律中明文昭示的概念金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. Their innovations as managers--profit sharing, flex-time, management by objective, the "HP Way"--transformed modern industry.

FORBES: Great Garages

15. The other option is a spanking-new for-profit venture down the street that specializes in joints.

FORBES: Hospitals' Nightmare

16. Chinese PC maker Lenovo says its quarterly profit has doubled on strong sales in emerging markets.

FORBES: Morning Tech Wrap: Skype, Apple, Lenovo

17. Soon after,he and his friend Dawn Hutchinson established a non-profit group to build community playgrounds across America.

VOA : special.2010.11.05

18. And if I'm the tax collector, the way I make a profit is by charging you a lot more than I need just to send to Rome.

如果我是税吏,就会收你们一大笔钱,远多于需要上缴的数目,以赚取利润。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. Goldman Sachs and Citigroup blew past third-quarter profit expectations Thursday, helped by big one-time gains.

FORBES: Shiny Returns, Shaky Foundations

20. These costs are expensed through the profit-and-loss account.


21. Last year,he established Timeless Media, a for-profit company that pays for and extends the work of Playing for Change.

VOA : special.2009.07.31

22. The group made a pretax profit of £1.05 million.


23. So what's the profit for Firm 1 going to be?

那么公司1的利润是多少呢博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. Well actually, we have some voting among alumni I guess, but it's not a for-profit corporation.

实际上,在校友会活动中还是会投票的,但这不是个盈利性公司金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. It was produced by a non-profit group called The Children's Television Workshop, today called The Sesame Workshop.

VOA : special.2009.11.27

26. If you want to lower your audit profile by showing a profit, disqualify possible expenses.

FORBES: Hobby Horse

27. He wants to set up a profit-making company, owned mostly by the university.


28. I calculated in Hector Davis's account book that the biggest week he had and he had some big weeks but he had a week in 1859 where he made a cool, approximately,$120,000.00 in profit, just from selling slaves.

我计算了一下赫克托·戴维斯的会计账簿,这是他获利最丰收的一个星期,当然他有很多获利丰盈的星期,但在1859年的某个星期他大赚了一笔,仅仅在销售奴隶上,就赚到了近12万美元的利润美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. If labor costs increase faster than productivity and sales, then profit margins will be squeezed.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

30. But the firm has forecast a 20bn yen profit for the current financial year ending in March.

BBC: PlayStation 4 console announced by Sony in New York

31. More incredibly, he boasted that Uncle Sam would make a profit on the bailout of AIG .

FORBES: The New World Order Of Global Markets

32. There's also a more specific, a more local, reason for which our John Milton was susceptible to this profit-and-loss rhetoric of Calvinist puritan theology.

还有一个更具体,更局部的原因,弥尔顿易受,卡尔文新教神学的盈亏理论的影响。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. The USPS was never intended to be a profit mill for the federal government.

FORBES: Going Postal: How Congress Has Failed Its Shareholders

34. If the profits are the problem, then the Non-profit could come in and under cut all the and lower the cost to us all.

如果利润是问题的话,可以让非营利机构操作,来减少花费。经济学课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

35. She also began to raise money for her dream of a permanent, non-profit school for the higher education of women.

VOA : special.2010.06.27

36. Quitting shows you intended to make a profit and will help if prior losses are challenged.

FORBES: Hobby Horse

37. You know, they're making their 10 percent profit.

他们赚的钱只有10%的利润。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 纽约的负面变化

38. Smith makes no profit from it, but hopes advertising will fund it in future.

BBC: Find the perfect disability carer, like online dating

39. It reported a profit of about six billion dollars in the first three months of this year.

VOA : special.2010.06.04

40. Then, he finished a study program in non-profit management because he wanted to do something different with his life.

VOA : special.2009.01.28

41. Jones has founded and led four not-for-profit organizations engaged in social and environmental justice.

CNN: About

42. But it moves us decisively in the right direction." Barry Arbuckle is chief executive of the non-profit MemorialCare Health System in Fountain Valley,California.

VOA : special.2010.03.26

43. It's for-profit and the theory that we have in capitalist countries is that this is a good model.

这是盈利性公司,这是种滋生于资本主义国家的理论,也是个很好的模式金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. At both universities and non-profits, commercial operations often conflict with non-profit and academic charters.

FORBES: Corporate Venture Capital: Big Business Can Spur Innovation

45. Elsewhere in the financial sector Wells Fargo slipped 0.5% despite an increase in fourth-quarter profit.

FORBES: Goldman's Earnings Stumble Stifles U.S. Stocks

46. The company posted profit falling by 29% in the fourth quarter of the last fiscal year.

FORBES: Earnings Preview: GlaxoSmithKline

47. Therefore, you will produce enough profit to make it possible, so that these small farms, you should imagine as typically having one or two slaves playing a part in this experience.

因此,需要创造足够的利润,才能使每个只有,一两个奴隶的小农场,能够在那段时间得以维系下去古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. We made a lot of profit over the last six months and we don't have to sell.

BBC: Berbatov not for sale, says Jol

49. For every one hundred graduates of for-profit colleges, eighteen fail to repay their federal student loans.

VOA : special.2010.07.29

50. While there is demand for more baseball, team owners siphon off supply to maximize profit.

FORBES: Play More Ball!

51. And all of a sudden, I moved from being a professor here, which previously had been my greatest opportunity, to leading this very large non-for-profit organization that had both national and international responsibilities.

所以突然间,我从普林斯顿的教授,这曾经是我最大的机遇,变成了这个公益组织的领导者,负有国内和国际的双重责任。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

52. More importantly, Burns and TPG helped clean up Chobani's operational mess, returning its profit margins to the black.

FORBES: #1386 Hamdi Ulukaya

53. The chinampas that continue operating have owners that are more passionate about cultivation than turning a financial profit.

BBC: Finding farms, and solitude, in Mexico City

54. And on Friday, this was how we started with every session, with every world leader, whether in business, whether in non-for-profit, whether in politics.

而在星期五,每一次聚会都是这样开始的,对每一个世界级领袖,无论是商界的,非盈利机构的,还是政界的。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

55. I guess the fashion that's behind non-profit work,

我觉得这是非营利工作背后的时尚,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 关于自由和时尚

56. Every geographic location showed higher revenue, but only North America saw its profit rise.

FORBES: Ford Working Its Way Back To Health, Pays Off Debt, Sells More Cars

57. But at the last moment, His brother Judah convinces the brothers that, if instead of killing him, they sell him, they can profit a little for their troubles. So Joseph is sold ultimately ends up in the household of Pharaoh in Egypt, and his adventures there prove his meritorious character.

但是在最后一刻,他的哥哥犹太说服了其余的兄弟们,不要杀他,如果卖了他,他们还能从中获利,于是约瑟夫就被卖了,他最后生活在埃及一个法老的家里,他在那儿的冒险也证明了他值得称道的品格。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

58. Most small breweries do their own bottling, which raises the revenue but tends to reduce the gross profit.

FORBES: Money on Tap

59. They could not sell their oil for that low a price and still make a profit.

VOA : special.2010.04.25

60. In October 2004 Wales cofounded the for-profit Wikicities, a ring of themed sites supported by advertising.

FORBES: The Answer Man

61. The company predicted its rekindles lineup would yield 11% to 17% profit growth through 2009.

FORBES: Harley-Davidson Dazzles Wall Street

62. So Ford has decided it needs to increase profit margins on its passenger car business.

FORBES: Ford's New $45,000 Taurus

63. Dervatives are their crown jewel of profit and also ground zero of the meltdown.

FORBES: Don't Let Banks Weasel Out Of Derivatives Reform

64. Her non-profit group has been working for more understandable language in government and business since two thousand four.

VOA : special.2010.04.30

65. William Paddock offers his consulting services for profit, but says social responsibility is a big part of what his company does.

VOA : special.2011.06.03



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