
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [reɪndʒ]play美 [reɪndʒ]play

  • n. (变动或浮动的)范围,界限;视觉(或听觉)范围;射程,射击距离;一系列;成套产品,系列商品;山脉;牧场,牧区;靶场,射击场,炸弹试验场;(尤指旧时的)炉灶;一排建筑物;<古>方向,走向;(飞机等交通工具的)续航距离
  • v. (在一定的范围内)变化,变动;(按一定位置或顺序)排列,排序;徘徊,四处移动;(文章或讲话)涉及,包括 ;(枪、炮、射击后校准)测距,(用雷达或激光)测距;支持,反对;自然生长,分布;与……联合起来,加入……行列
  • adj. <文>(生活方式)有秩序的,安定的

复数 ranges 第三人称单数 ranges 现在分词 ranging 过去式 ranged 过去分词 ranged

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


range /reɪndʒ/ CET4 TEM4 [ ranging ranged ranges ]

  • 1.
    可数名词 A range of things is a number of different things of the same general kind. (同类事物的) 一系列

    A wide range of colours and patterns are available.


  • 2.
    可数名词 A range is the complete group that is included between two points on a scale of measurement or quality. 范围

    The average age range is between 35 and 55.


  • 3.
    可数名词 The range of something is the maximum area in which it can reach things or detect things. (能够到达或探知的) 最大范围

    The 120mm mortar has a range of 18,000 yards.


  • 4.
    不及物动词 If things range between two points or range from one point to another, they vary within these points on a scale of measurement or quality. (在一定幅度内) 变化

    They range in price from $3 to $15.



    ...offering merchandise ranging from the everyday to the esoteric.


  • 5.
    可数名词 A range of mountains or hills is a line of them. 山脉

    ...the massive mountain ranges to the north.


  • 6.
    可数名词 A rifle range or a shooting range is a place where people can practise shooting at targets. 射击场

    It reminds me of my days on the rifle range preparing for duty in Vietnam.


  • 7.
    可数名词 A range is a large area of open land, especially land in the United States, where cattle are kept. (尤指美国的) 大牧场

    He grazed his cattle on the open range.


  • 8.
    可数名词 A range or kitchen range is a large metal device for cooking food using gas or electricity. A range consists of a grill, an oven, and some gas or electric burners. 炉灶
  • 9.
    →see also   free-range
  • 10.
    习语 If something is in range or within range, it is near enough to be reached or detected. If it is out of range, it is too far away to be reached or detected. 在可触及的范围内/外

    Cars are driven through the mess, splashing everyone within range.


  • 11.
    习语 If you see or hit something at close range or from close range, you are very close to it when you see it or hit it. If you do something at a range of half a mile, for example, you are half a mile away from it when you do it. 近距离内

    He was shot in the head at close range.




  • adj.

    ranking 上级的;头等的;超群的

    rangy 又高又瘦的;适于远行的;宽广的

  • n.

    ranking 等级;地位

    ranger 突击队员;漫游者;骑警;别动队员

    ranging 排列;测距修正

  • v.

    ranking 排列;归类于(rank的ing形式)

    ranging 排列(range的ing形式);分类



range field scope 【导航词义:范围】

range n. 范围,界限

〔辨析〕 指数、量、年龄等的范围,常后接具体的上下限额。

例1: This game is suitable for children in the pre-school age range.


例2: Most workers in that company earn a salary in the range of 3000 yuan to 4000 yuan.


例3: This coat is out of my price range.


例4: Her reading covers a wide range of subjects.


field n. 领域,范围

〔辨析〕 指研究或工作的领域。

例1: In fact, he is an adventurer in the financial field.


例2: He has become very famous in his own field.


例3: She works in the field of environmental protection.


例4: Who is the expert in that field?


scope n. 范围;[非正式] 圈子

〔辨析〕 指学科、活动、书籍等的范围,也指不同的活动圈子。

例1: the music/cinema scope


例2: The police had to first define the scope of the investigation.


例3: A discussion of post-colonial issues is beyond the scope of this book.



1. Stanovoy Range 外兴安岭

2. long range 远程的,长期的

3. product range 产品范围;产品系列;产品类别

4. dynamic range 动态范围

5. a range of 一系列;一些;一套

6. Open Range 天地无限 ; 大地无限 ; 展开距离

7. frequency range 频率范围

8. range of application 使用范围;适用范围

9. applied range 应用范围

10. full range 全音域,全频;全距;全馏程

11. a wide range of 大范围的;许多各种不同的

12. in range 在射程内

13. measurement range 量程;测定范围

14. Range Rover 路虎揽胜 ; 兰治·罗孚 ; 揽胜 ; 路虎

15. Alaska Range 阿拉斯加山脉

16. Vindhya Range 温迪亚山脉 ; 文干

17. application range 应用领域

18. measuring range 测量范围,量程

19. Measuring range 测 测量范围 ; 计量范围 ; 测定范围

20. in the range of 在…范围之内;在…射程外

21. at close range adv. 接近地

22. mountain range 山脉

23. price range 价格幅度

24. Dynamic Range 电子 动态范围 ; 动态规模 ; 灰黑比可调范围 ; 动态范畴

25. operating range 工作范围;运行范围

26. temperature range 温度范围

27. wide range 宽波段的;宽量程的




broad range 各种各样

limited range 有限的几个

narrow range 不多的几个

wide range 数量繁多

full range 全范围

normal range 正常范围

whole range 完整的范围


range of emotions 各种情绪

range of possibilities 一系列可能性

age range 年龄范围

price range 价格区间

temperature range 温度区间


1. Note: Data of aricultural mechanization fluctuated largely in 2005 for the reason of the range changes.

注: 2005年农机统计口径发生变化,农业机械化情况相关数据变动较大.《期刊摘选》

2. He grazed his cattle on the open range.


3. ...a base within range of enemy missiles...


4. Passively enhances the range of Kardel 39 ; s rifle.

被静天增添 狙击手 的步枪的射程.《期刊摘选》

5. Her emotions had ranged from anger to guilt in the space of a few seconds.


6. The 120mm mortar has a range of 18,000 yards.


7. Our equipment is top of the range.


8. More than 1,500 police and troops are ranged against them.


9. Shooting range, including creative photography, commercial photography, wedding photography, personal images, art and other images.

拍摄范围包括创意摄影 、 商业摄影 、 婚纱摄影 、 个人影象 、 艺术影象等.《期刊摘选》

10. A range of solvent based and emulsion type rust preventives, offering indoor and undercover outdoor protection.

包括溶剂型和乳液型防锈剂, 可提供不同期限的室内和有遮护的室外保护.《期刊摘选》

11. Some 300 trees have been ranged along the perimeter hedge...


12. Current annual meeting has the following characteristics: Emperor dispatch ? of Dong Ji, range is wide.

本届年会有以下几个特点: 一是参会代表多, 范围广.《期刊摘选》

13. Age affects the range of a person's capabilities.


14. We were now getting within range of enemy batteries.


15. There is a full range of activities for children.


16. The colleges grouped together to offer a wider range of courses.


17. Immediately, beside her, on either hand , ranged the women he had known.


18. At the current time , the questions submitted to an advisory committee can range from the scientific.

当下, 咨询委员会面对的问题可能会涉及科学领域.《期刊摘选》

19. Courses range from cooking to computing.


20. The 120mm mortar has a range of 18,000 yards...


21. The range of products will include carbon steel, HSLA steel, silicon steels and modern multiphase steels.

产品的范围将包括碳钢 、 HSLA钢 、 硅钢以及现代复相钢.《期刊摘选》

22. The meter has the merits of easy mounting, widely measuring range , high sensibility, well linearity etc.

本仪表具有安装方便,测量范围宽, 灵敏度高, 线性度好等优点.《期刊摘选》

23. College Students content management more complex, involving a very range of content.

高校学生管理内容比较复杂, 涉及的内容极其广泛.《期刊摘选》

24. Claymores once planted on the floor, will detonate when a zombie goes in range of it.

地雷一旦埋设在地上, 怪物走过它的范围就会爆炸.《期刊摘选》

25. The arm's length has a wide range and can satisfy comprehensive project needs.


26. The school is extending the range of subjects taught.


27. The child was now out of her range of vision (= not near enough for her to see) .


28. He owns a factory producing a range of textiles.


29. McCoist knocked the ball in from close range.


30. Soft limiting is a limiting action with appreciable variation in output in the range outputlimited.


31. Orbison's vocal range spanned three octaves.


32. Their remedy lay within the range of existent technology.


33. Thrust self aligning roller bearing is one type of thrust bearing with tambour roller aslant ranged.


34. Insurance companies offer a wide range of products including life, health, property and liability insurance.

保险公司提供的保险业务范围很广,包括人寿保险, 健康保险, 财产保险和责任保险等.《期刊摘选》

35. It is probably wiser to look at a wide range of figures.


36. In the end , an example of a variable gear with extension speed range is given.


37. This frequency range is normally between 5 and 8 cycles a second.


38. Product Range: Cheetos, Lay's Chips and Quaker Oatmeal.

旗舰产品包括奇多玉米片 、 事薯片和早餐麦片食品桂格等.《期刊摘选》

39. We need to explore a wide range of possibilities.


40. Assures valve tightness on both seats over wide range of pressures.


41. The gasket can be used for a wide temperature and pressure range.


42. ...the massive mountain ranges to the north.


43. Our activities cover a wide range of commodities, as ties, belts shirts.

我们的业务范围涉及大部分的日用品, 像领带, 皮带,衬衫等等.《期刊摘选》

44. Motion sensed by the body mainly in the 0.5 HZ ~50 HZ frequency range.


45. The danger range included the western Mediterranean up to Gibraltor.


46. If expanded to heavy range, then, it also should include opportunity, accidental factor and so on.

如果再往大的范围扩展, 那么, 它还应该包括机遇 、 偶然等因素.《期刊摘选》

47. The ship came within range of the guns.


48. Our conversation ranged over many topics.


49. The hotel offers a wide range of facilities.


50. A wide range of cleaning fluids and powders is available.


51. Pamper yourself with our new range of beauty treatments.


52. The course offers a range of exciting possibilities for developing your skills.


53. The tiles come in a huge range of colours and designs.


54. They talked amiably and easily about a range of topics.


55. Effect; 30 MP , Range 7, AOE 1; Delivers massive damage.

效果; 30MP, 射程7, 效果范围1; 给予沉重的打击.《期刊摘选》

56. There are severe limitations in measuring intelligence by a linear scale ranging from dull to bright.


57. A large number of geometrical parameters influence these coefficients, and range of design configuration is wide.

有许多几何参数影响这些系数, 且设计外型变化很大.《辞典例句》

58. The caves range in size from a few meters across to huge halls.


59. They shrieked and howled and shot arrows at General Mao, but he was already of range.

他们咆哮着朝毛将军放箭, 但是他早在射程之外了.《期刊摘选》

60. Her study, which ranged over many languages and cultures, was full of challenge.

她的研究涉及到多种语言和文化, 富有挑战性.《期刊摘选》

61. A wide range of colours and patterns are available...


62. Support; 25 MP, Range 6, AOE 1; Allows second turn.

支援; 25MP, 射程6, 效果范围1; 允许二次行动.《期刊摘选》

63. The article covered a wide range of topics.


64. Due to its variation and wide range, scholars and abroad have done much research on it.

评分规则变化频繁, 幅度大,国内外学者对其做了大量的研究.《期刊摘选》

65. This was outside the range of his experience.


66. We are now within range of enemy fire.


67. Mammoth Tank: Health increased by 15 %. Tusk Rockets range increased by 17 %, splash radius increased.

猛犸坦克: 生命值上升15%. 象牙火箭射程增加17%, 杀伤范围增大.《期刊摘选》

68. Each eye ray has a range of 100 feet and a save DC of 14.


69. And the changes of polarizing angle are compared in the different transmitting range.


70. We stock a wide range of cards and gift wrap.


71. He was shot in the head at close range.


72. Thus, the sensing range of the memory cell can be remarkably improved.

通过该读取操作, 存储单元的感测范围可以显著地改善.《期刊摘选》

73. ...offering merchandise ranging from the everyday to the esoteric.


74. The child was now out of her range of vision.


75. Price ranges from $ 199 to $ 70 for all other purchasers based on volume of licenses purchases.


76. In the algorithm if mode space is continual. model set converges gradually to the given range.


77. Kangaroos harbour a vast range of parasites.


78. Other cyclic variations in the relationships between Sun, Moon and Earth also affect tidal range.

太阳, 月球和地球之间的其它周期的变化也对潮汐大小产生影响.《辞典例句》

79. Feeding is not a problem because the birds range over such a large area...


80. He shouted angrily at anyone within range.


81. Range of arivilege obligations was arranged with great challenges.


82. Their products cover a wide range, quality and trusted the user.

其产品涉及广泛, 品质优良而深受用户信赖.《期刊摘选》

83. It enlarges the adjustable range of parameters and the strengthens the robustness of the controller.


84. Environmental problems involved in the range has been extended to a global scale.


85. These scarabs greatly reduce the amount of ranged damage the Necron Lord takes.

这些圣甲虫非常减少Necron公爵 轮流的排列损失的合计.《期刊摘选》

86. They range widely in search of carrion.


87. American Riflemen receive longer range sticky bombs ability at Vet level 2.


88. The job encompasses a wide range of responsibilities.


89. To find this angle, we first work out general algebraic expression for the range.

为求这一角度, 首先我们求出射程的一般代数表达式.《辞典例句》

90. AVCS includes a broad range of concepts that will become operational on different time scales.


91. The method can guarantee the attitude fluctuation with in the allowance range.


92. Extensive numerical calculations of the emissivity have been performed over a broad range of parameters.


93. Work done by biomedical engineers may include a wide range of activities such as.


94. The shop sells only a narrow range of goods.


95. Most of the students are in the 17-20 age range.


96. These particles range from coarse silt to sand or pebble size.


97. Total virtual address space reserved for this heap ( includes uncommitted ranges )

为这个堆栈保留的虚拟地址空间总数 ( 包括没有提交的范围 )《期刊摘选》

98. He was shot in the head at close range...


99. His reading covers a wide range of subjects.


100. Great pitchers are highly flexible, with stable joints and a good range of motion.

优秀的投球手具有高度弹性, 包括稳定的关节和延伸有力的动作.《期刊摘选》

101. The variation of condition did not change the distributive range magnitude of the dispersed phase droplet.


102. You'll be able to conduct a wide range of naval warfare tactics, including boarding enemy vessels.

您能进行大型海军作战策略, 包括登陆敌人船只.《期刊摘选》

103. You might be surprised about the wide range of videos that are out there.


104. Cook the meat on a low heat on top of the range.


105. The gun ranges over five miles.


106. According to reports, these works range of topics related to figures, flowers, landscapes.

据介绍, 这些作品题材广泛,涉及人物 、 花鸟 、 山水.《期刊摘选》

107. The carded out at each ECN site covers a range of physical, chemical and biological measurements.

在每一个环境变化网络地区进行的监控都包括一定范围的物理 、 化学及生物测量.《期刊摘选》

108. Latter range wants wide, included former.

后者的范围要广, 包括了前者.《期刊摘选》

109. The talk ranged over literary and publishing matters of mutual interestEdward Bok.


110. Historians use a wide range of primary and secondary sources for their research.


111. Architectural styles range from Tiki to Tuscan.


112. She received long letters from him on a wide range of topics.


113. This rifle ranges over a mile.


114. His subject ranged over a number of fields.


115. Her museum's collection ranges from ancient sandals to modern high heels.


116. His interests spanned a wide range of subjects.


117. Capital offenses ranged from gathering sticks on the Sabbath.


118. The Neandertal DNA sequence falls outside the variation range found in humans today.


119. He ranged the books according to size.


120. Avatar: Primary weapon range decreased by 20 %, reload time increased by 100 %.

神像机甲: 主武器射程减少20%, 装填时间增加100%.《期刊摘选》

121. The two men discussed a range of issues...


122. Our conversation ranged over many subjects.


123. The average age range is between 35 and 55.


124. These changes brought the patients closer to the normal range for these measurements and angles.


125. A range of policy innovations were needed to overcome or to moderate the urban problems.


126. If the law isn’t there, people will drive within their ability range.

如果没有法律限制,他们就会在能力范围之内行驶。《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

127. Planning map indicates a large overhaul, but ch. ranges are unknown.

规划图显示出将会有.大的.修改, 但是变化细节目前还. 不. 知.《期刊摘选》

128. Estimates of the damage range between$ 1 million and$ 5 million.


129. A broad range of issues was discussed.


130. The types of book range science, geography, history, literature and etc.

书的种类涉及天文 、 地理 、 历史、科普 、 文学等方面.《期刊摘选》

131. Blinded units suffer dramatic penalties to their ranged accuracy.


132. With the aging of the display cathode, the displayed color range also change.

随着显示器阴极管的老化, 所显示的颜色范围也将变化.《期刊摘选》

133. The conversation ranged over the desirability of such restaurants, the shortcomings of men, and why it had only taken 15 minutes to cross a continent.


134. Adjusted the pressure and thickness by adjustable cylinder with big range.


135. These two products are from opposite ends of the price range.


136. The cablestayed bridges may penetrate the complete range of span now dominated by suspension bridges.


137. This particular model comes with a wide range of options.


138. The officer was shot dead at point-blank range.


139. It is within this pyramid that emotions range from lowest frequency to those of pure energy.


140. Cleanse and Purify range increased to 40 yards.


141. The range of a modern shotgun is about 50 yards ( 45 m ) .

现代猎枪的有效射程约为45 公尺.《期刊摘选》

142. The discussion covered a wide range of subjects.


143. Specify a range, and whether you want to copy data, formatting, or both.

指定一个范围, 并指定是要复制数据 、 格式设置还是复制两者.《期刊摘选》

144. By increasing the input energy, the wider tuning range of pulse width could be achieved.

增大抽运能量, 脉宽可调范围也相应地增大.《期刊摘选》

145. There is a range of programs on the market which may be described as design aids.


146. The trees on the mountains within my range of vision had all been felled...


147. This definition covers a broad range of behaviors.


148. The range includes chests of drawers, tables and wardrobes.


149. This chemical has a wide range of industrial uses.


150. Price range and fabric category.


151. We carry a range of educational software.


152. Thermocouple linearity varies, depending on thermocouple type and temperature range.


153. It executes by setting each element in the range to the given value.


154. Stress changes were in the range of die material allowed, proving that die structure was available.

应力变化在模具材料允许范围内, 验证了模具结构的合理性.《期刊摘选》

155. This was outside the range of his experience .


156. Has no melee or ranged attack but has several special abilities.


157. The conversation ranged widely (= covered a lot of different topics) .


158. It's difficult to find a house in our price range (= that we can afford) .


159. Cannon: Long - range artillery piece , as distinguished from other Big guns such as the howitzer or mortar.

火炮: 远射 程,加农炮、榴弹炮或迫击炮之通称.《期刊摘选》

160. The school provides a wide range of courses.


161. These can range from lighting dimmers and climate control systems to security and audiovisual appliances.


162. The talks embraced a wide range of issues.


163. Simply put this command tells your units to stop and attack any enemy unit in range.


164. Exhibits will range from seafood products, storage, handling , processing, ingredients to packaging and quality control.

展品范围从水产品 、 贮藏 、 加工 、 处理 、 配料一直到包装和质量控制.《期刊摘选》

165. Though inaccurate, some have a range of 11 km ( 7 miles ), while others can fly 26 km.

虽然打击并不精确, 但一些火箭弹的射程有11公里 ( 7英里 ), 有的甚至达到了26公里.《期刊摘选》

166. In terms of range, these weapons cannot stand comparison with mind weapons.

这些武器的射程跟意识武器的射程比起来, 简直是小巫见大巫.《期刊摘选》

167. The common assessments include muscle tone, range of motion and upper extremity assessment.

常用的评价方法包括肌张力 、 关节活动度测定和上肢功能评价.《期刊摘选》

168. ...an Army firing range.


169. The road weaves through a range of hills.


170. Wider range of granularity of iron ore will produce longer the amount of calcium ferrite.


171. Our product range includes machine tools and light industrial products.


172. These missiles have a range of 300 miles.


173. Jump backward while you gouge, bandage when you are just right outside of his melee range.

当你凿击的时候跳后, 绷带当你正好再攻击范围以外.《期刊摘选》

174. Anhydrous hydrofluoric acid and hydrofluoric acid in aqueous solutions range in appearance from colorless to tinted.


175. Wind forces will have a series of circles drawn showing direction and range of the force.


176. Our activity range from mining in the usa to computer servicing in Scotland.


177. They range in price from $3 to $15.


178. Axis Flammenwerfer Range increased to match Croc flamer range. Increased upgrade price to 125 Munitions from 100.

喷火车的射程增加到和鳄式相同. 升级消耗弹药从100增加到125.《期刊摘选》

179. The moral injustice of serfdom was an issue that touched a wide range of groups.


180. We offer a compressive range of sunglasses optical frame reading glasses which bear CE quality marks.


181. The Tannoy Wildcat range consisted of following speaker systems.


182. The whole family seemed ranged against him.


183. ...an impressive range of hills topped with trees.


184. So the correct carbon steel forging temperature range does not include industrial pure iron.


185. They were ordered to stand well out to sea , out of the range of shore batteries.

他们接到命令,向外海行驶, 把船开到海岸炮火射程之外去.《期刊摘选》

186. A range of policies have been introduced aimed at curbing inflation.


187. Fee includes Instruction , on course range ball, lunch, transportation, clothing and gift.

费用包括教练费,下场费, 球费, 午餐费, 交通费, 衣服及纪念品费用.《期刊摘选》

188. There will be an increase in the range of 0 to 3 per cent.


189. His lecture ranged over a variety of topics.


190. Their contents range over feasting, chemical processes during production of beer, beliefs and myths.

它们的内容涉及了宴会 、 啤酒生产的化学过程以及相关的信仰和神话.《期刊摘选》

191. He arranged the oranges in strange ranges.


192. Fluorine contents in grains of Xuzhou epidemic fluorosis area range between 0.


193. The documents may range from a single sheet to a large packet of papers.


194. Valid annotation type values range from 0 to 11, inclusive.

有效批注类型值的范围为从0到11, 包括0和11.《期刊摘选》

195. Computer networks involving a wide range of applications.


196. ...properties available in the price range they are looking for.


197. MODS changed. Conforming to these change, the range of cataloging object and cataloging methods change also.

顺应这些变化, 图书馆编目工作也应在编目对象的范围和编目方法上有所改变.《期刊摘选》

198. Cars are driven through the mess, splashing everyone in range.


199. Rather than offer evidence for 28 categorizing brains as “male” or “female,” research shows that brains fall into a wide range, with most people falling right in the middle.

他们没有找到证据将大脑(28) 分类为“男性”大脑和“女性”大脑,相反,研究表明大脑的分类范围很宽,而大多数人正好处于中间地带。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

200. The difference between today’s workplace and the “dress for success” era is that the range of options is so much broader.

当今职场与“穿着得体”时代之间的区别是可选择范围广了许多。【句子解析】本句是复合句。主句的主语是The difference,系动词是is, that引导的表语从句作主句的表语;介词短语 between today’s workplace and the “dress for success” era作后置定语,修饰The difference。表语从句由“主语 (the range of options) + 系动词(is) + 表语(broader) ” 构成;so much 作状语,修饰 broad《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

201. A heat range change is not recommended.


202. She ranged the goods neatly in the shop window.


203. The puddings are neatly ranged on the shelf.


204. It's a range that covers nearly one quarter of the earth's surface.


205. Our talk during eight hours ranged widely.


206. Don't get within range of their big guns; surround the camp from a distance.

不要进入他们大炮的射程以内, 要隔一段距离包围住敌营.《期刊摘选》

207. There is a wide range of choices open to you.


208. our new range of hair products


209. Prizes of lotteries ranged from objects, such as a car or a color TV, to cash.

彩票的奖级涉及到各种用品, 从小汽车、彩电到现金.《期刊摘选》

210. Most supermarkets sell a range of organic products.


211. It's difficult to find a house in our price range.


212. Missile; 6 MP , Range 7, AOE 1; Vapor that corrodes target.

投射; 6MP, 射程7, 效果范围1; 侵蚀目标的蒸汽.《期刊摘选》

213. Range the books by size.


214. We'll give the enemy beans when they come within range.


215. The topics, ranging from climate change to fiscal policy, provided no new insights into Beijing's thinking.

会谈的话题涉及从气候变化到财政政策等, 但并未能就中国政府的思路提供新的洞悉.《期刊摘选》

216. Now utopia has grown unfashionable, as we have gained a deeper appreciation of the range of threats facing us, from asteroid strike to epidemic flu and to climate change.

随着我们对自己面临的威胁有了更深入的了解,从行星撞击地球,到流感爆发,再到气候变化,现在这种乌托邦式的理想已经不再流行。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

217. The cat stayed well out of range of the children.


218. Spectators were ranged along the whole route of the procession.


219. The range blocks are then sorted by collage errors to become a descending range sequence.


220. Its business range relates to science, industry, trade, commerce and real estates.

业务范围涉及科, 工, 贸, 商及房地产开发等领域.《期刊摘选》

221. Wide range and high precision is the trend of contemporary weapon.


222. Eggs were ranged small, medium and large.

蛋按小号 、 中号、大号排列成行.《期刊摘选》

223. The temperature ranges between 0 ℃ and 3 0 ℃.


224. His lecture ranged over a number of topics.


225. These guns range seven miles.


226. Guests at the health spa receive a range of beauty treatments.


227. It reminds me of my days on the rifle range preparing for duty in Vietnam.


228. Our range of products consists of antibiotics, antidiabetics, antihypertensives, antiosteoporotics and psychotropic drugs.

我们的产品主要包括:抗生素类 、 抗糖尿病类 、 抗高血压类 、 抗骨质疏松类及精神类药品.《期刊摘选》

229. All the tattoo supplies are within our range.


230. We stock a wide range of perfumes.


231. This is the flagship system in our range of computers.


232. Conclusions Diagnostic techniques for hepatic encephalopathy range from simple scales to sophisticated tools.



1. Rather than clustering at one point, they range over 24 miles of the delta.

FORBES: Let Them Drink Dust!

2. Sony's product is already on the market and Casio has released its new range.

BBC: Do we need watches to tell us more than the time?

3. Sidibe also went close with a fine long-range strike that was well saved by goalkeeper Scott Carson.

BBC: Stoke 1-0 West Brom

4. Officials say Iran has made slower progress than expected in developing long-range ballistic missiles.

VOA : special.2009.09.19

5. "Probably,for a one-hundred-fifty-thousand-dollar- a-year employee it would cost me in the range of ten to fifteen thousand dollars."

VOA : special.2011.05.13

6. Typically, a mountain range will be the boundary between the area of two poleis or a stretch of water, because Greece has the sea winding through it everywhere.

比如,一座山脉,就能成为一种典型的城邦之间边界,由于希腊四处邻海,一段水域也可以成为边界古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. Now the word "first" begins to take on a much bigger range of significances than we might at first think.

现在看来,“初/先“一词,比我们起先所想的有更加重大的意义。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind or more important for the long range exploration of space.

VOA : special.2009.07.08

9. So everyone in this field is trying to look ahead And decide even the strengths and weaknesses of Their organization what small subsets of the entire Range of possibilities should they pursue.

所以这个领域的每个人都试着向前看,根据自己机构的长处和弱点,来决定应该追求何种,小的分目标和可能性。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

10. What will happen is that Yale will continue to hold a relatively well-diversified portfolio as defined by the range of asset classes in which it invests.

实际上,耶鲁会继续保持,一个相对合理多样化的投资模式,来进行多种资产的投资金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. Her warm voice and wide range brought roles including Carmen, Salome,Aida,Tosca,Medea and Bess.

VOA : special.2009.11.30

12. Their recommendations range from the blindingly obvious, to the naive and simplistic, to the interesting but underdeveloped.

NPR: Iraq Report Well Received in Washington

13. Dadi launched the fightback when he netted from close range.


14. The Nokia Lumia 720 delivers a high end camera performance at a mid-range price point.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

15. During the 1980s and 1990s, he held a range of ministerial positions, including transport secretary in 1995.

BBC: Andrew Mitchell resigns over police comments row

16. To be made into fine wine, some kinds of grapes must grow in a limited range of temperatures.

VOA : special.2009.04.22

17. Now, I accept that students need a basic proficiency in a broad range of topics.

FORBES: Real-World Advice for the Young

18. Five people, including Mr Mohammed, deny a range of charges including trafficking, rape and exploitation.

BBC: Trafficking trial: Woman 'forced to touch' employer

19. Aberdeen continued to come under pressure as long-range efforts from Ladislav Onofrej and Horava drew saves from Langfield.

BBC: Sigma Olomouc 3-0 Aberdeen (8-1)

20. Yeah, strings, violins, violins, but not the top part of the violin family, kind of second violin, middle range of the strings here.

是,弦乐,小提琴,但不是小提琴组的最高音,像是第二类小提琴声,弦乐的中部音域聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. So, assimilation would be the act of expanding the range of things that you respond to.

同化是指,反应范围的扩大心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. He had Russian and English tutors that came in succession; he had drawing masters and so on, to cover the range of education thought to be appropriate to a young man of his station.

后来他还有了俄语和英语家教;,他还有绘画老师等等,他接受了非常全面的教育,那些教育在他国家被认为是非常合适的。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. Why were more than 80 children killed here, some of them shot at point blank range?

BBC: [an error occurred while processing this directive]

24. The 13km-long range is home to some 20 peaks, with the highest point reaching an intimidating 992m.

BBC: A death-defying ride along Scotlands Cuillin Range

25. Bonus: a chance to spot the elusive and endangered blue sheep, unique to this mountain range.

FORBES: Connect

26. His research interests in the Geoenvironmental Engineering field range from the basic to commercial development.

UNESCO: Purpose/Objectives of the Chair/UNITWIN Network

27. The thesis of 3.091, and this is where the chemistry comes in, is that electronic structure of the elements holds the key to the understanding, not just the chemical bonding, but the long range atomic order.

这是这门课的论点,这是化学的研究点,也就是元素的电子结构,那即是理解的关键,不只是化学键,还有长程的原子排序。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

28. But because of engine problems,he says, the range right now is probably closer to two thousand kilometers.

VOA : special.2009.05.23

29. Your plant is going to blow up, because the ideal gas law works only in very small range of pressures and temperatures for most gases.

理想气体定律,只在一个很小的压强,与温度的范围内适用。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

30. The WHO notions range from taxes on Internet use, to financial transactions to alcohol, tobacco and weapons.

FORBES: Keep An Eye On The U.N.

31. Without it, symptoms can range from digestive disorders to very serious illnesses including osteoporosis and bowel cancer.

BBC: NHS 'paid ?17 for gluten-free pizza base'

32. The goal of a statesman was to ensure that the spirit had the widest possible range of objects.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

33. The expressions range from mild to strong, from exclamations and oaths, to curses and swear words.

VOA : special.2010.02.14

34. McCaw has spent several years assembling extensive bandwidth in the 2.5 Gigahertz spectrum range.

FORBES: Bumpy Transition to 4G Cellular

35. The low end of the range would speak volumes about the business prospects of Sharp.

FORBES: Hon Hai and Foxconn Renegotiate Investment in Sharp, Shares Rally

36. "People have been conditioned to think products are priced in this range, " says Glass.

FORBES: Is Your Product's Price Right?

37. In one room chemists are fabricating a range of organic molecules they hope will function as mechanical components.

FORBES: The Science of Small

38. By contrast, the four larger U.S. carriers range between 23 and 62 million subscribers each.

FORBES: Dial D For Dilemma

39. a good range of à la carte dishes


40. The goal is to get the biggest range.

最终目的是要达到最大射程基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. free-range chickens


42. Donald Slayton, another Air Force flier, worked on the long-range Atlas Rocket.

VOA : special.2009.06.10

43. Gylfi Sigurdsson had put Reading ahead with a tap-in before Lloyd Dyer levelled with a long-range strike.

BBC: Leicester 1-2 Reading

44. free-range eggs


45. So it's not only augmenting materially what you're teaching, but also extends the range of what you can teach in these introductory courses.

所以这不仅仅是物质上的积累,你所教授的东西,更是在延伸,你能讲的内容,在这些入门课程中。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

46. But Ms.Zimina says the ranch in Voronezh can help show Russians about life on the range.

VOA : special.2011.05.24

47. During my life on the range I'd seen plenty of prairie whirlwinds but this thing didn't move;

VOA : special.2009.12.07

48. Gold futures are lower in early trading so this range will likely be broken today.

FORBES: The Most Vulnerable Market

49. FM radio stations transmit in a range of frequencies between eighty-eight and one hundred eight megahertz.

VOA : special.2010.12.08

50. Probably Beijing's best mid-range option, the rooms are furnished in imperial gold, red and green.

BBC: Mini guide to Beijing

51. Just had, you know, the local driving range and then started doing a bit more on the national level, playing,

一开始,你知道,就是在当地的练习场打,然后开始打很多国家级的,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 高尔夫俱乐部的回忆

52. free-range turkeys


53. For comparison, climbing fees for Nepal's other mountains range from about 18, 000 to 38, 000 Nepali rupees.

BBC: Everest's growing problem

54. His work has covered a wide range of fields, including construction, pharmaceutical, biotech, automotive and digital companies.

UNESCO: Who's who

55. How many of you chose numbers in the range 21 through 23?

你们当中有多少人选了21到23的数博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. The exception is right there. It's an index error, that is it's trying to do something going beyond the range of what this thing could deal with.

但他事实上抛出一个异常,异常就在这里,这是一个下标错误,它是试图去取超出范围的元素造成的。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

57. But it doesn't have to be through philosophy, I think it can be through a wide range of other studies and other activities that you make a difference.

但不一定仅仅是通过哲学,通过学习其他的学科,通过其他的活动,你也一样可以发挥作用。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

58. After all, Nepal's Himalaya range is home to eight of the world's highest peaks.

BBC: Everest's growing problem

59. The music we will listen to comes from a wide range of influences and traditions.

VOA : special.2010.08.11

60. The science of statistics tells us that positive correlations range from 0.0 to 1.0.

FORBES: The Baseball Enigma

61. These are increasingly available in shops, along with a wide range of gluten-free products.

BBC: NHS 'paid ?17 for gluten-free pizza base'

62. Estancia accommodations range from luxurious suites with private fireplaces to rustic rooms with hardwood floors.

BBC: Where have all the cowboys gone?

63. Defense Secretary Gates says short- and medium-range missiles are now the more immediate threat to American forces in Europe and to allies.

VOA : special.2009.09.19

64. The president spoke just hours after North Korea launched a long-range rocket.

VOA : special.2009.04.11

65. Our bodies have mechanisms like that, that mainly use the principle of negative feedback in order to control the parameters that are important for life within a certain range.

我们的身体有着与之类似的机制,主要依靠负反馈原理来,将与生命息息相关的指标控制在一定范围生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课







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