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英 [fərˈevə(r)]play美 [fərˈevər]play

  • adv. 永远;完全地,永恒地;<非正式>长久地;<非正式>老是,没完没了地;万岁(用在物或人名后,表示支持的口号)
  • n. 极长的时间,永恒
  • adj. 长期的,永久的

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forever /fɔːˈrɛvə, fər-/

  • 1.
    副词 If you say that something will happen or continue forever, you mean that it will always happen or continue. 永远地

    I think that we will live together forever.


  • 2.
    副词 If something has gone or changed forever, it has gone or changed completely and permanently. 永久地; 彻底地

    The old social order was gone forever.


  • 3.
    副词 If you say that something takes forever or lasts forever, you are emphasizing that it takes or lasts a very long time, or that it seems to. 很长久地; 似乎没完没了地

    The drive seemed to take forever.






1. Forever love 永恒的爱 ; 假如有一天就足够

2. last forever 永远持续

3. Diamonds Are Forever 永远的钻石 ; 金刚钻 ; 铁金刚勇破钻石党 ; 之金刚钻

4. Batman Forever 永远的蝙蝠侠 ; 蝙蝠侠 ; 永久的蝙蝠侠 ; 片

5. go on forever 永远继续下去

6. forever and ever 永远

7. Shrek Forever After 怪物史莱克 ; 怪物史瑞克 ; 史瑞克

8. Best Friends Forever 死党 ; 我啦 ; 好朋友

9. Forever Friends 永远的朋友 ; 永远是朋友 ; 冯曦妤 ; 我们是永远的朋友

10. Forever Young 永远年轻 ; 天荒情未了

11. After Forever 万世沉沦 ; 永恒之后 ; 万世沉沦乐团 ; 歌德金属

12. Dragons Forever 飞龙猛将 ; 飞龙虎将 ; 年

13. love you forever 永远爱你


1. Sky Of Atlantis On a clear day, you can see forever.

在晴朗的日子里, 你可以看到永恒.《期刊摘选》

2. I think that we will live together forever...


3. Diamonds Are Forever, Wars Are Not: Is Conflict Bad for Private Firms?

钻石永远闪亮, 战争不会永远持续: 内战是否对安哥拉私营企业不利?《期刊摘选》

4. Katherine was forever secretive


5. But if we fail that day, we live as a fox forever.

可是如果我们那天失败了, 我们就要永远做狐狸了.《电影对白》

6. Therefore, everywhere is here. It is a forever moment.

那么, 到处都是这儿. 这片刻已足够永恒.《期刊摘选》

7. Slowly she disappeared forever.


8. She will disappear forever.


9. LANTERN has been set as eternal instance and gets to be popularized forever.


10. Although I older every year, I am forever young when I am around you.

虽然我年年增岁,但在你身旁, 我觉得我永恒年青.《期刊摘选》

11. He was forever attempting to arrange deals.


12. This is something that's going to scar him forever.


13. I think that we will live together forever


14. Insisting on marxism is the forever symbol for marxists.


15. The image of their son holding up the championship trophy would be etched on their memories forever.


16. Hard times may hold you down at what usually seems  like the most inopportune time,but you should remember that they won't last  forever.

这些艰难的日子或许会在通常看似最不合时宜的时刻压得你喘不过气,但你应该记住,它们不会永远持续下去。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

17. He forever busied himself with his work.


18. Our luck couldn't hold forever.


19. Stand by you forever.


20. The drive seemed to take forever...


21. Katherine was forever secretive...


22. The days when the Chinese people had to rely on imported oil are gone forever.


23. Love turns into a teardrop and remains in your heart forever after.


24. Live as though you intend to live forever, and word as though your strength were limitless.

要这样生活,仿佛你寿命永恒.要这样工作, 仿佛你精力无穷.《期刊摘选》

25. So, they forever disappeared.


26. He is forever croaking about his problems.


27. She'll cherish it forever as a lasting symbol of your enduring love.


28. I forever love you.


29. Beauty is temporary, while wisdom is forever.

美丽是暂时的, 而智慧是永恒的.《期刊摘选》

30. They're forever bitching about everybody else.


31. I love you, forever.


32. It was great fun but we knew it wouldn't go on for ever...


33. Are you going to root here forever?

你留在这儿永远不走了 吗 ?《现代英汉综合大词典》

34. For a Scorpio rising, love is forever.

对上升天蝎而言, 爱是永恒!《期刊摘选》

35. May the friendship between the peoples of ( our ) two countries last forever.


36. He is forever getting in wrong with the people next door.


37. She has journeyed through forever turning feathers into stone.


38. You could search forever in Ireland, but you'd never find a leprechaun.


39. The scene will remain forever engraved on my memory.


40. The drive seemed to take forever


41. Now his daughter was lost to him forever.


42. I can't burn the candle at both ends forever.


43. Shine me, Light ! Holy light be with paladins and every creature forever.

永恒之光照耀我! 圣光与圣骑士和艾泽拉斯所有生灵同在.《期刊摘选》

44. They didn't cost anything and they lasted forever.


45. The boy is forever asking questions.


46. The headlong leader is forever making headlong decisions.


47. I'm forever on a diet, since I put on weight easily.


48. She thought that having his child would bind him to her forever.


49. The old social order was gone forever


50. Then the neighbors advised him, saying, You can't go on forever begging for cloth.

邻居就建议他说: [ 你不能这样老是去托钵布啊, 为何 不养只猫呢?《期刊摘选》

51. Her schemes backfired on herself, and she lost her boyfriend forever.

她的计划害了她自己, 从此永远失去了她的男友.《简明英汉词典》

52. Its descendants will reign over it forever, whether gifted or boobies.

它子子孙孙, 不论贤愚,都永远身居王位.《辞典例句》

53. Remember that a little love a long waythat a lot goes forever.


54. There'll be green waves forever out there waiting for me.


55. We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline.


56. Not a moment would the fly stop humming; yet everyone means to keep It'silent forever.

出入尘土的苍蝇嗡嗡地叫个不停, 可谁不想一拍子叫它永远沉默?《期刊摘选》

57. True love should last forever.


58. You can't shield her from the truth forever.


59. The old social order was gone forever...


60. He was forever attempting to arrange deals


61. Wish to actualize its beautiful and last instant moment forever its body smashed to pieces.


62. Once a use, forever a custom.


63. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever.

楼房会被烧毁, 人们也会死亡, 但是,真爱却是永恒的.《期刊摘选》

64. Just keep telling yourself that it won't last forever.


65. Language continues to change forever, along with the changes in people's lives.


66. I will forever be grateful for his considerable input.


67. My home was the forever sky above that green sea.


68. The drive seemed to take forever.


69. I think that we will live together forever.


70. Buddha cannot give you immortal. He cannot give you healthy forever.


71. It seemed as if she'd been gone forever.


72. Gone forever are the days when the imperialists enslaved the Chinese people.


73. Just think; tomorrow we shall walk out of this place and leave it all behind us forever


74. But they made no sound, and what I had almost remembered was uncommunicable forever.

但是嘴唇发不出声音, 因此我几乎想起的东西就永远无法表达了.《期刊摘选》

75. Acrossing through the dark forever fire.


76. And I will love you till forever comes.


77. Although they're expensive, they last forever and never go out of style.


78. She was forever waylaying him in odd holes and corners of the hotel


79. They represented a ruthless and illegitimate regime that could not remain forever.


80. We made a vow to stay friends forever.


81. Although they're expensive, they last forever and never go out of style


82. I'll love you forever!


83. Teacher is powerful in a child's eyes forever.


84. I am too strong for her to keep me here forever.


85. No one can remain youthful forever.


86. She has been so deeply hurt it may take forever for the wounds to heal.


87. Yes, new technology has been eating jobs forever, and always will.

的确,新技术一直在吞嗤工作岗位,而且将永远持续下去。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

88. We can't wait here forever!


89. Once their markers expire, they could be stuck there forever?


90. The grass withers , the flower fades; but the word of our God will stand forever.

草必枯干, 花必凋残; 惟有我们上帝的话,必永远立定!《期刊摘选》

91. He was forever attempting to arrange deals...


92. Congratulations on happy New Year and sincere wishes for your health and happiness forever.


93. She is forever chattering nonsense.


94. Just think; tomorrow we shall walk out of this place and leave it all behind us forever.


95. They'll become petrifactions in my cockles of the heart forever.


96. It takes her forever to get dressed.


97. To this end the young child is forever watchful.


98. I was forever dragging him away from the fireplace.


99. Being unable to exist forever, the building appears just as a moment in the history.

因为建筑不能永恒, 故而建筑师的作品只能成为历史长河中飘过的一片树叶.《期刊摘选》

100. Yea WILL come home to God and the light, or you WILL perish, forever.

你可以意愿回归上帝与光明, 或者意愿永恒的毁灭.《期刊摘选》

101. She is forever complaining about the food.


102. I really love you and want to be with you forever.


103. She's forever going on about how poor they are.


104. Forever means forever to me and so I will always love you now and forever.


105. Athens lost freedom forever, but freedom was not lost forever for the world.


106. Melamine Decorative doors with advanced hardware and accessories pleasant memory lasting forever.


107. Don't stop forever. Love them forever.


108. May the sight of our human beings can only see apparent horizon forever.


109. He's forever checking hair in the mirror.


110. We'll support you forever.


111. He would come back some day, they couldn't make him pay forever.

他有朝一日还要再来; 他们总不能老是要他付帐.《辞典例句》

112. The old social order was gone forever.


113. He had away from God. Now he was separated from God forever.

他一直远离神, 因此,他死后便要永远与神隔绝.《期刊摘选》

114. May 8 th is the deathday of Teresa Ten, miss her forever.

5月8日是邓丽君的忌辰, 永远怀念她.《期刊摘选》

115. The discus seemed to fly forever.


116. Her lucid eyes catch yours for a fleeting moment that seems to have lasted forever.


117. Father: Son, don't you think you're getting too big to be forever begging for dimes?

爸爸: 儿子, 你不认为你已经长大了,不该再老是一角一角地要钱了,不是 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

118. Cost control is the forever subject of enterprise management.


119. I'm forever on a diet, since I put on weight easily


120. With Mike, I lost the best friend I ever had, and I lost that forever.

而对于迈克, 我失去了我曾拥有的最好的朋友, 而且我永远地失去了.《期刊摘选》

121. The forever goal of our company is providing qualityprime equipments and prime management.


122. They were through. They wanted out. Forever


123. Their lives changed forever.


124. She had to face the fact that her life had changed forever.


125. For this, I am forever grateful.

对此, 我永远心存感激.《期刊摘选》

126. Some students in my class are forever talking.


127. Arrows would continue to fly forward forever in a straight line were it not for gravity, which brings them down to earth.


128. I discover the Heilongjiang frequently under acid rain, let the difficult adversary forever keep Heilongjiang.

我发现黑龙江经常下酸雨, 就让“克星”永远的留在了黑龙江.《期刊摘选》

129. Success won't be eternal, failure won't go on forever.

成功不会永恒, 失败不会永远.《期刊摘选》

130. It is a forever moment.


131. She was forever running errands for her housebound grandmother


132. It seemed as if she'd been gone forever


133. It took her forever to find the answer.


134. Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever.

荣誉是短暂的, 但是卑微是永恒的.《期刊摘选》

135. After her death, their lives changed forever.



1. It is a book that one of you will go back to time and time again and it will stick with you forever.

那是一本你们其中一人,会不断回顾的巨著,而且永世追随。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. It looked like it could expand almost forever.

而且似乎会永远增长下去美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. Minutes later, you have a 3d design that can be printed, and re-printed, forever.

FORBES: SXSW Embraces The Complexity Of The Web

4. It could run and give you the right answer, it could crash, it could loop forever, it could run and apparently give you the right answer.

它可能会正确运行,并返回给你一个正确的答案,它可能会崩溃,它可能会一直运行下去,它可能会运行并给你正确的答案。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

5. They play so rarely, and then it's so important when they do play, they'll be out there: seventy-eight-two, seventy-nine-two, eighty-two, eighty-one-two-- You've got to count forever.

他们演奏的机会很少,因此每次演奏都很重要,到时候,他们就会这样,七十八-二,七十九-二,八十-二,八十一-二,得一辈子数下去聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. This painting of five women went against the traditional values of artistic representation and changed modern art forever.

VOA : special.2010.03.24

7. He said the goal of creating the park was to protect forever a wild area that cannot be replaced.

VOA : special.2009.06.30

8. To be loved, baby, hard, at once, and forever, to strengthen you against the loveless world.

NPR: An Author's Companion in Rage, Exile and Return

9. People who have been in combat are changed forever by that experience, as are their families.

WHITEHOUSE: Honor, Courage, and Commitment

10. Thank God! I am finished writing that service guide! It took me forever!


11. Sony will forever remind the world that it was responsible for inventing the Walkman.

FORBES: Now that HP is Dead, Which PC Manufacturer Will Be the Next to Fall?

12. The shock of the deadly episode will change their lives forever, the guides said.

WSJ: Guides Recall Escape From Philippine Volcano

13. "You can be the generation that brings opportunity and prosperity to forgotten corners of the world and banishes hunger from this continent forever.

VOA : special.2011.06.24

14. In January, Uniqlo named Larry Meyer, former Forever 21 executive, to the U.S. COO post.

FORBES: Is There Room In America For H&M And Uniqlo?

15. She's forever complaining.


16. He will have to do battle with this temptation forever: the temptation offered by classical literature.

他将不得不永远与这种:,来自古典文学的诱惑战斗。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. In the song,a man named Charlie has to ride forever because he does not have enough money to leave the train.

VOA : special.2010.01.25

18. That's the type of feeling you just want to bottle up and take home forever.

NPR: Dickerson Homer Gives Orioles 7-5 Win Over Tigers

19. Off in the distance you see a valley way below and lines of bluish gray mountains that seem to reach forever.

VOA : special.2009.07.20

20. This has forever been the case with these Spurs, embodied by their leader, 37-year-old Tim Duncan.

WSJ: Jason Gay: The Completely Awesome San Antonio Spurs

21. And the strong man, still holding the small child, drifted away on the shadowy river that flows forever to the unknown sea.

VOA : special.2009.06.06

22. They are shown falling or being dragged by ugly creatures into hell where they are tortured forever.

VOA : special.2010.02.03

23. Suppose for some perverse reason the central bank wanted to keep interest rates zero forever.

FORBES: How To Keep Zero Interest Rates Forever

24. That leaves very few young adults who rent today and plan to rent forever.

FORBES: Connect

25. People talk about how hard he was on everyone, but his students were forever grateful.

WSJ: Cello's Golden Age Comes to a Close | Jnos Starker | By Stuart Isacoff

26. Neubauer's best hope may lie in the forever promising and always perilous Latin America.

FORBES: Global Services

27. His family were farmers. In nineteen thirteen, Wiley saw something that forever changed his life -- an airplane.

VOA : special.2009.03.18

28. The reason it looks like a tautology, because you look around, nothing seems to have its velocity forever.

其原因听起来像是绕圈子,因为你看看四周,似乎一切都不可能永远运动下去基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. Once they've got you, I guess they expect you to be their customer forever.

FORBES: Companies, People, Ideas

30. And he keeps talking about how he just wants to sleep forever, that he doesn't want to go to work,

他不停地抱怨自己老是想睡觉,根本不想去上班。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I get so upset 课堂

31. Let's just talk about it as forever.

我们就认为它是永久的好了金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. A new report in the journal Global Change Biology says the ecosystem of the Galapagos Islands has changed forever.

VOA : special.2009.12.16

33. Odysseus also was offered an opportunity to live forever.

奥德修斯也曾经有过一个能长生不老的机会古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. Now, if that potential changed and it stayed changed forever, then the cell would never go back to its resting state.

如果电势变化并且不再恢复到原始电势,细胞就永远不会回到静息状态生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. The day I got my personal computer, my life as a design engineer was forever changed.

FORBES: The Best Thing to Offer a Technology Customer: Choice

36. Although shoes like this are expensive, they last forever.


37. Talking Heads (800-1): If Roger Goodell reunited the Talking Heads all would be forgiven forever.

WSJ: Jason Gay: Super Bowl XLVIII: Unleash The Sizzle

38. But she realized then that his mind would forever be on the march, always requiring something newer, better and more perfect.

VOA : special.2009.09.26

39. It eradicates identity, eradicates sense of self. It's gone forever, and you can see the change in pronouns.

它超越了身份,超越了自我意识,它永远持续,我们能从代词中找到变化。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. The warship will forever be linked to the dramatic rescue of Captain Richard Phillips from Somali pirates.

VOA : special.2009.05.27

41. I mean, they last forever. You can keep them on for... like a month or something. Yeah, it's awesome.So, yeah.

它们可以维持很久。你可以把他们留在阅读器里,长达一个月。是的,太棒了,嗯。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 我的爱好是读书

42. So unless we can hitch a ride on some souped-up neutrinos, 2011 is gone forever.

FORBES: Foolish To Give Up On Gold Now

43. The conflict in Syria will forever alter the lives of an entire generation of children.

NPR: Former U.S. Ambassador: 'Don't Go Into Blind' To Syria

44. These take nearly forever to get and involve a proper background check on everyone involved.

FORBES: The 'Liberator' Plastic Gun And The Export Regulations Take Down Of It

45. And a gunfight had already taken place that would forever include Tombstone among the famous stories told about the American Wild West.

VOA : special.2010.02.15

46. Like recovering junkies, some hopelessly addicted collectors have no choice but to swear off their habits forever.

FORBES: They've Gotta Have It

47. The old social order was gone forever.


48. Reflecting on his military service, Hagel said his time in the Army shaped him forever.

WSJ: Hagel: Cadets must stamp out sex assault scourge

49. Then you get violins and crashing waves and stupendous orgasms and true love forever.

FORBES: Let's (Not) Talk About Sex: Meet The Filmmaker Who's Exploring Modern Virginity

50. Buckminster Fuller said humans are able, through planning and wise use of natural supplies, to feed and house themselves forever.

VOA : special.2010.05.30

51. I'm forever watching the situation.

我一直关注着它的状态。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

52. The incident is forever seared into my brain and is giving me sleepless nights.

CNN: Helpless as my son, 13, was profiled, cuffed

53. She is highly intelligent and her mind is forever active.


54. The industry believes those leaps in technology will change forever how we use our phones.

BBC: Children using mobile phones

55. It's not good for our country to have people trapped in this status forever.

WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Marco Rubio: Riding to the Immigration Rescue

56. It will never be a business and will forever just be an extension of ourselves.

FORBES: Don't Hold The Baby Too Tight

57. But in that time my life changed forever, and there is no way back for me.

CNN: Beckham flees sex claims storm

58. We know it. We know it forever, right.

我们知道它,我们永远都知道。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

59. The speaker describes how the person he loves will remain forever young and beautiful in the lines of this poem.

VOA : special.2010.01.06

60. Life is like that when you believe that its current conditions will exist forever.

FORBES: Living on the Investing Pendulum -- And Getting Free

61. Researching Manx history is about to change forever with the opening of the iMuseum in Douglas.

BBC: iMuseum

62. Couldn't that be a kind of existence that would be forever enjoyable and yet it wouldn't be a rat-like existence?

那样的存在难道不是让人永远享受的,而且并非老鼠般的存在?死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

63. Sports branding has gone on forever, but the dollars associated with sports brands today are stunning.

FORBES: America, The Land of Tribal Brands

64. America was changed forever by women stepping up and doing that work during the war.

FORBES: Why Is Military Active Duty, "Serving Our Country," But Parenting Active Duty, "Opting Out"?

65. God and humans lock in an eternal struggle, neither prevailing, yet both forever changed by their encounter with one another.

上帝与人类陷入一场永恒的战争,谁也不占上峰,但是他们相遇时却一直会引起改变。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课







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香闺十咏 其九 青鸾镜原文、翻译和赏析









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谒周瑜庙 其二原文、翻译和赏析



