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bomb out


英 [bɒm aʊt]play 美 [bɑːm aʊt]play

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bomb out

  • 1.
    动词 to make homeless by bombing 轰得(某人)无家可归

    24 families in this street have been bombed out



1. Bomb yourself out 硬摇滚


1. Presuming Gazans to be responsible for the bus bomb, Israel hit back, blacking out their territory with an aerial attack on an electricity power station.


2. After the bomb went off - an explosion I felt in my home over a mile away - and reports of the shootings out on the island of Utoya began to come in, I asked my daughter whether she was scared.

在炸弹爆炸后- - - - - -我感觉到了我房间里或一英里远地方发生了爆炸- - - - -紧接着于特岛枪击案的报道也接踵而至,我问我的女儿是否感到害怕。

3. But there was no bomb crater, indicating the strike may have been carried out by a helicopter gunship, or that it had been strafed by a fighter jet.


4. The police cleared all the people out of the hotel after the bomb threat.


5. Current disposal methods involve a version of the MAARS robot that insurgents will bomb to take out of action.


6. But they fear his planes circling overhead are out to bomb them.


7. The show was a real bomb, so I cut out early.


8. They say he also helped in carrying out bomb attacks in Ahmedabad and Jaipur - two other cities that have been hit by serial blasts in recent months.


9. U.S. officials are accusing Pakistan's primary intelligence service of helping to carry out last month's bomb attack on India's embassy in Afghanistan.


10. Worst of all, using poor technique will probably make your program bomb out once in a blue moon or at3 AM on an important client's system.


11. Check out the new website. It's the bomb!


12. a bomb threat that turned out to be a false alarm.


13. Bomb Squad officers carried out a controlled explosion of the device.


14. Raytheon beat out original SDB-maker Boeing to build the new version of the bomb following a 42-month contest where both companies developed and tested prototype versions.

在长达42个月的两家公司开发和测试原型版本的竞赛中,雷神公司击败了SDB原来的制造商波音公司。 据悉,SDB II定于2013年开始交付,2014年投入使用。

15. When I came back, Tim was in big trouble, he had climbed out our bedroom window to make a water bomb.


16. I'd find out who did it and kill them. Any way I could. I'd hate them for ever and ever. And then I'd get in a plane and bomb their cities.


17. A previously unknown extremist group has said it carried out Friday's bomb attack.


18. At the briefing before we took off to bomb the Germans, our commander told us it would probably be a tough flight. But it turned out to be a piece of cake: no anti-aircraft fire and no enemy fighters.


19. No one believes you, so they bomb the crap out of you and invade your country.


20. Nuke the moon Today I found out the United States once planned on shooting a nuclear bomb at the moon.


21. Nothing will work with Israel except for a nuclear bomb that wipes it out of existence.


22. This kind of bomb is actually send out from unknown address, great amount, huge capacity, full of chaos codes and nonsense mails. Most of the time send away same mail repeatedly.


23. In the end, Iran backed out of the deal and provocatively started enriching to 20% itself (a big step further towards the high-enriched stuff need for a bomb).


24. In the way enrichment works, getting from 20% to bomb-usable 90% enrichment takes a lot less effort even than churning out the initial 3.5% reactor-grade stuff still piling up at Natanz.

走浓缩这条路,从20%到可用作造核弹的90%的浓缩所要花费的努力甚至比艰苦地做出开始的3.5%浓度的反应堆物质要少的多。 在纳坦兹,伊朗依然在生产3.5%浓度的浓缩铀。

25. Hot chocolate doesn't have to be the calorie bomb and nutritional nightmare as it's sometimes made out to be, Beauvais said.


26. Bomb Squad officers carried out a controlled explosion of the device.


27. Which means that, while I was playing sports and auditioning for musicals in a Connecticut middle school, she was cowering in a bomb shelter five nights out of seven, trying not to die.


28. The trio were working with special forces carrying out a routine security patrol with Afghan forces when their vehicle was struck by a bomb blast and came under small arms fire.


29. Threats to bomb Iran and staying out of Syria do not add up to a coherent Middle East policy.


30. Nothing will work with Israel except for a nuclear bomb that wipes it out of existence.


31. After disassembly, the uranium pits from the bomb will be temporarily stored at the Pantex plant near Amarillo, Texas, where Tuesday's dismantling was carried out.


32. I looking at below the hills the thing of the Gang Chang hand inside and know to is the remote control that controls my heart bomb, this thing but boy take out for the first time, is this appearance!



1. He was convicted of spying and carrying out the bomb blasts, and the death sentence he received was upheld in Pakistani superior courts.

NPR: Indians Angry At Convicted Spy's Death In Pakistan

2. And I had to, like, rip the bomb out of his hands.


3. In August, the suspect allegedly decided to carry out the bomb plot, Kelly said.

CNN: Father of New York terror suspect disputes charges

4. Venture Capitalists have crawled out of their bomb shelters and are funding startups again.

FORBES: Why We Need Startups

5. Earlier this week, media organisations, including the BBC, had agreed to a police request not to broadcast details of the bomb incidents while officers carried out inquires.

BBC: Parcel bombs sent to Neil Lennon, McBride and Godman

6. When prices plunged by as much as 80% in two years it took the economy more than a decade to emerge blinking out of the bomb crater.

ECONOMIST: Property in Japan

7. The six-party talks have got further than previous efforts to lever North Korea out of the bomb-making business.

ECONOMIST: Time for North Korea to come clean about its nuclear past

8. One was a 1.8-metric ton British air bomb that could have wiped out the city center, according to the local fire brigade.

CNN: Experts defuse unexploded WWII bomb in central Berlin

9. NATO's decision to bomb the Serbs out of Kosovo were not prompting retrospection among the anniversary-minded, thoughts would anyway be turning towards that luckless corner of the Balkans.

ECONOMIST: A year on, and its still not in the bag

10. It would take another 16 years for the sunny conservative ideas of Reagan to scrub out the bomb shelter paranoia of the Birchers.

FORBES: Daily Kos Slanders, Inoculates Sarah Palin

11. He aims to lever North Korea out of the bomb-building business, and to part Iran and others with dubious nuclear ambitions from dangerous bomb-useable technologies.

ECONOMIST: America and a nuclear India

12. He convinced a jury that the airline was negligent by not detecting the bomb that brought the plane out of the sky.

CNN: Attorney: Mechanical failure caused TWA crash

13. Imagine for a moment that bin Laden is proven to be the immediate culprit and the US were to successfully bomb him and his organization out of existence.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Who is the Enemy and How They Must Be Fought

14. However his victims must not be forgotten - something the grand-daughter of Matilda Gould ensured when she gave a chilling account to the BBC of how a petrol bomb attack carried out by Spence's gang in the 1960s burnt her grand-mother "to a cinder" .

BBC: Selective memories of Martin McGuinness and Gusty Spence

15. Al-Marri was sent to the U.S. on Sept. 10, 2001, by KSM to carry out cyanide bomb attacks.


16. The "Warriors of the Farmers' Nation", a group which police suspect is a front for the Boeremag, has admitted carrying out the recent bomb attacks.

BBC: Police raids across South Africa

17. It has also, the Web site says, provided internal security for the government of Iraq while carrying out bomb attacks on Iranian leaders inside Iran and on embassies outside Iraq.

CNN: Coalition negotiates cease-fire with armed group

18. Prone to boasting and eager to impress, Hassoun even made what the defense describes as absurd claims he could make a gun out of two pieces of wood and a spring, and a bomb out of baking soda, Madden said.

NPR: Would-Be Chicago Backpack Bomber Gets 23 Years

19. No one was hurt in a five-hour standoff and the bomb turned out to be road flares.

WSJ: Clinton office hostage taker found, arrested in NH

20. So as you look around the world you see, how do you explain these three children of -- who were killed in Ireland or all the people who were killed in the square, when the people were told to leave the city hall, there was a bomb there, and then they walk out toward the bomb?

CNN: Transcript: Clinton On Anniversary Of March On Washington

21. Mr. RONAY: There are just a myriad of possibilities of what you can make a bomb out of.

NPR: It's Hard to Spot a Liquid Threat to Airline Safety

22. Visit the Bomb Village where houses have been constructed out of bomb debris, and meet the woman who runs a whisky distillery out of an old shed.

BBC: Seven days in Laos

23. The gunmen are suspected to be Islamist militants from Boko Haram, which recently carried out multiple bomb attacks in Kano, killing 185 people.

BBC: Nigeria's Boko Haram suspected in Kano police attack

24. Over powerful loudspeakers, the congregants sing and scream and bomb out demons.

NEWYORKER: Baptizing the Gun

25. It also, the Web site says, provided internal security for the government of Iraq while carrying out bomb attacks on Iranian leaders inside Iran and on embassies outside Iraq.

CNN: Iraqi council targets Iran group

26. The alleged neo-Nazi cell is also suspected of carrying out a bomb attack in Cologne, in which 23 people were wounded, and a number of bank robberies.

BBC: Germany to compensate 'neo-Nazi' murder victims

27. Army bomb disposal officers carried out controlled explosions and took the defused bomb away for further examination.

BBC: Car in east Belfast

28. They have also been building a dam of hundreds of sand bags around the bomb site to pump water out in preparation for the delicate task of defusing the device.

WSJ: German City to Evacuate as 2-Ton Bomb Is Defused

29. Army bomb disposal officers carried out a controlled explosion on a suspicious object that was found on the Cavehill Road, close to a police station.

BBC: Bomb alert in north Belfast was a hoax

30. He was convicted of spying and carrying out the bomb blasts, and the death sentence he received has been upheld in Pakistani superior courts.

WSJ: Indian Prisoner Dies in Pakistan
















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