call together是什么意思_call together短语搭配_call together权威例句

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call together

play play

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1. call together convene 召集

2. Call Anna Go Together 叫安娜一块儿去

3. call band together gang up 互相招呼着聚集在一起

4. call them together to consult 聚众商议

5. call sb together 把…召集起来

6. to call together 召开 ; 召集

7. Please Call Together Talking 欢迎来电合谈


1. Collect and audit branch business report, and then call together and organize corresponding measure to effectively manage installation department and branch and to detect the problem timely.


2. In other words, put objects together, set up state, call methods, and verify the results.


3. The other, I'll call Project Unity, during which both teams worked very well together.


4. These components work together to provide remote procedure call (RPC) replication in a site and mail-based replication among sites.


5. Kizuna has been invoked by some campaigns to call on people to unite together to help friends.


6. To make bicycling safer, some people who live and work near each other are riding to work together, which they call a "bike train".


7. Chinese haven association developed congratulatory letter to call together of electric branch board, express enthusiastic congratulation.

中国港口协会对电气分会理事会的召开发来了贺信, 表示热烈的祝贺.《互联网》

8. Originally carved from antelope horn and used to call villagers together, vuvuzelas are viewed by many as symbols of South Africa, though not everyone likes them.


9. As a long distance couple, it's important to do other things together besides the usual phone call.


10. Call up some friends and share some great moments together.


11. One, which I'll call Project Split—the testing and development teams did not work well together.


12. While many students get caught up in memorizing facts, intelligent learners know to seek the bigger picture and connect the facts together. This form of learning I call holistic learning.


13. Li, together with his 10 classmates made a volunteer group to call on people to join in The "Clean Your Plate Campaign".


14. And the web of unseen, unknown material that scientists call dark matter, holding everything together, might as well have been spun by the angels until the Large Hadron Collider proves otherwise.


15. I call on all Americans to come together to honor the men and women who gave their lives so that we may live free, and to strive for a just and lasting peace in our world.


16. NAKIA DOUGLAS: "our young men grow together." But all of our young men we call 'brother.'

NAKIA DOUGLAS:“我们的年轻人一起成长,但我们称呼所有的年轻人为兄弟。”

17. Should you call him and try to get back together?


18. When they danced together at roll call, it had not seemed like it.


19. To call together for a common purpose; assemble.


20. See this circumstance, small strong wave at once call together breathes out two his associate.

看到这情景, 小强连忙挥手召呼他的两个伙伴.《互联网》

21. Mike: Well , that's settled then . I'll call together my friends right now.

麦克: 一言为定, 我这就去召集我的朋友.《互联网》

22. We shall work harder together to build a stronger, better China—a country that our children and grandchildren are proud to call home.


23. Finally, we wired the services together based on which service had to call which other service.


24. You can run them separately or together from the one call.


25. So when pundits call on the parties to sit down together and talk, the obvious question is, what are they supposed to talk about?


26. The key messages that have been put together for World Environment Day do include a call for governments to enact legislation to curb single-use plastics.


27. Fixing it is as simple as the phone call my colleague and I had together.



1. And he concluded his speech with a focus on human rights, a forceful denunciation of tyranny, and a call for the world to come together for global development as he described yesterday -- "The world that America seeks is not one we can build on our own, " he said.

WHITEHOUSE: Share This Post

2. "Taken together, these inaccuracies and deletions call into question the integrity of the data on adverse cardiovascular events in this article, " it read.

FORBES: Magazine Article

3. If the five nations wanted peace they could call together all the world and keep the peace.

BBC: India's nuclear tests: cause for concern?

4. What we do know now is that people sit with intimates in great rooms and studio apartments each with their own laptop, smartphone, tablet, e-reader, game console or whatever and call it spending time together.

FORBES: Multi-Screen Fully Digital Family Life: Making it Work

5. Now you can get all your friends on the call, they can watch together with you, and they can egg you on to go over there.

WSJ: How I Built It: Video-Chat Tool Expands From Its Teen Base

6. Friday morning, as I pulled together notes from our call, I was horrified at the thought of some of the items I am to execute.

FORBES: Objectives From An Advisory Committee

7. While ill in hospital Litvinenko called Lugovoi about a planned trip together to Spain, a phone call that was witnessed by his wife, Emmerson said.


8. Do yourself (and the IRS) a favor and have all of that info together before you call.

FORBES: Where The Heck Are My Forms W-2 And Other Tax Forms?

9. In the same time frame, gaming companies pull together thousands of iterations of Call Of Duty and Farmville.

FORBES: Google Says It's Time For Agencies To Get Agile

10. Why call for superdelegates to come together now to constructively pick a president?

CNN: Dems make appeal to blue-collar voters

11. What remains, therefore, is to bring the photon to be teleported call it Kirk together with one of the transporters.

ECONOMIST: Dont look now, Im teleporting

12. This webinar and conference call brings together Department of Health and Human Services and the Small Business Administration to discuss outreach efforts from their offices, what specific programs faith-based communities can take advantage of, and concrete steps on how the Muslim community can get involved in these programs.

WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Highlights,

13. And I believe the international community as a whole, together, will need to call for restraint on the part of DPRK, and more specifically I believe the measures incorporated in the recent U.N.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama holds a Press Conference with Prime Minister Noda of Japan | The White House

14. Julius Nyerere, Tanzania's ex-president, hoped to call all parties together for talks and to find a formula for dropping the sanctions imposed by Burundi's neighbours after the coup in 1996.


15. "I loved the idea of a small part of the city that I call home coming together and using tattooing as the medium for the sake of a community art project, " said Josh Weinel, 36, a participant in the project.

CNN: Linked by ink: Tattoos mark a city's pride

16. So I think this President aims high, and I think that there will -- there are absolutely things that remain undone that need to be done that he will call on all of us to work together to get done in this address and beyond.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

17. Researchers hope the study will be a call to action for local authorities and international actors to work together to better assist victims and fight violence against children.

VOA : standard.2010.06.29

18. The latest Democratic attacks forced the McCain campaign to scramble and pull together a conference call with reporters to fight back.

CNN: McCain targets message to Clinton backers

19. In an era of division, they call upon us to come together.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama at Fort Hood: "Greatness Before Our Very Eyes" | The White House

20. In it, they backed the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee's call for the existing legislation to be brought together and improved in a dedicated Bill.

BBC: A muzzled and leashed pitbull terrier

21. The two edits detailed in the complaint saw portions of a lengthy call compressed and spliced together.

BBC: Trayvon Martin gunman George Zimmerman sues NBC

22. Protestors therefore made a call for all religions to come together and develop an approach to this kind of material.

FORBES: Dear Muslim Protestors: Yes, Freedom Of Speech Does Mean That The Prophet Can Be Insulted

23. Simply call together a press conference with out-of-school students standing in the background in solidarity, and the politics will take care of itself.

FORBES: Move up t Move down

24. So I hope that whatever the issue is, that we can come together and respond to that call and that desire.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney,

25. As the Democrats responded to what they saw as a Republican onslaught, keeping the caucus together didn't call for L.B.

CNN: Fasten your seat belts

26. He called the group together and overturned the call.

WSJ: With Jeter looking on, Cano leads Yanks over Jays

27. So the emperors would try to call together councils to get them to agree on things. To get them to agree on doctrine, to get them to agree on the canon.

所以皇帝会把议会召集起来,让他们达成一致,达成共同的教义,共同的正典。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. "So it is a broad scenario, it allows our soldiers to work together, and what we call basic blocking and tackling, and if the eventuality comes where we have to work together with India,with Thailand, with the other nations in the region we work with, we will be better prepared to work as partners together,".

VOA : standard.2009.10.26

29. Or, everyone could have acted like grownups, swallowed their pride and swagger, and worked together to call off the game.

FORBES: To Football's Detriment, the Pop Warner Five-Concussion Football Game Won't Be The Last Of Its Kind

30. Giant Ant put together an animated video call out to other animators and the response we got was overwhelming.

CNN: Surviving the pain of childhood bullying

31. It would have been understandable, even commendable, to have cited such qualities in a call for legislators to come together as our troops do to accomplish the difficult missions at hand.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Audacity of Deceit: Notes on the State of the Union

32. Her slogan is a call for the global community to come together for freshwater, which has no borders.


33. When they come together in something we call an organization, whether for-profit or non-profit, great things are possible.

FORBES: Jack Welch is Wrong
















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