
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈprɒdʒekt; prəˈdʒekt]play美 [ˈprɑːdʒekt; prəˈdʒekt]play

  • n. 项目,计划;(学校的)课题,研究项目;<美>廉租房区,公共房屋区
  • v. 预计,推算;计划,规划;伸出,突出;投掷,喷射;投射,投影;展现,表现;使(声音,尤指嗓音)扩及远处;传播;想像(自己、场景等)在另一地点或时间;(尤指无意地把情感、愿望)投射转移(给别人);使(某人)迅速成功,让(某人)获得更好的工作;作(曲线)的射影图;把(地球,天空等)投影在平面上

复数 projects 第三人称单数 projects 现在分词 projecting 过去式 projected 过去分词 projected

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


project CET4 TEM4 [ projecting projected projects ]

  • 1.
    可数名词 A project is a task that requires a lot of time and effort. 项目

    Money will also go into local development projects in Vietnam.


    例: international science project.


  • 2.
    可数名词 A project is a detailed study of a subject by a student. (学生研究的) 课题

    Students complete projects for a personal tutor, working at home at their own pace.


  • 3.
    及物动词 If something is projected, it is planned or expected. 计划; 预计

    13% of Americans are over 65; this number is projected to reach 22% by the year 2030.



    The government had been projecting a 5% consumer price increase for the entire year.


  • 4.
    及物动词 If you project someone or something in a particular way, you try to make people see them in that way. If you project a particular feeling or quality, you show it in your behaviour. (以某方式) 呈现

    Bradley projects a natural warmth and sincerity.



    He just hasn't been able to project himself as the strong leader.


  • 5.
    及物动词 If you project a film or picture onto a screen or wall, you make it appear there. 投映

    The team tried projecting the maps with two different projectors onto the same screen.


  • 6.
    不及物动词 If something projects, it sticks out above or beyond a surface or edge. 突出

    ...a narrow ledge that projected out from the bank of the river.




  • adj.

    projecting 突出的;伸出的

  • n.

    projection 投射;规划;突出;发射;推测

    projector [仪] 投影仪;放映机;探照灯;设计者

    projectionist 放映员;电视技师;地图绘制员;电影放映师

  • v.

    projecting 使突出(project的现在分词);计划;发射



1. construction project 建筑计划,建设项目;基建计划

2. key project 重点项目,关键项目;枢纽工程

3. investment project 投资项目;投资计划

4. pilot project 试点项目,试点工程;样板工程,样板设计

5. project team 项目工作组;攻关队伍

6. engineering project 工程项目

7. project financing 项目融资;项目资金筹措

8. Manhattan Project 曼哈顿计划 ; 曼哈顿工程 ; 曼哈坦计画 ; 曼哈顿项目

9. project manager 项目经理

10. project plan n. 项目规划;工程计划

11. Project Manager 项目经理 ; 项目管理器 ; 专案经理 ; 工程管理器

12. Project Runway 天桥骄子 ; 天桥风云 ; 天桥宠儿

13. human genome project 人类基因组计划 ; 人类基因体计画 ; 计划 ; 人类基因组项目

14. The Blair Witch Project 女巫布莱尔 ; 厄夜丛林 ; 布莱尔女巫 ; 死亡习作

15. project oneself 表现自己;突出自己

16. development project 开发项目;发展计划

17. three gorges project 三峡工程

18. project evaluation 项目评估;工程评定

19. project management 项目管理;专案管理

20. Project Gutenberg 古腾堡计划 ; 古登堡计划 ; 古腾堡工程 ; 古腾堡项目

21. project implementation 项目执行;项目实现

22. power project 动力工程

23. graduation project 毕业设计

24. Project Management 经管 项目管理 ; 专案管理 ; 经管 工程管理 ; 项目管理类

25. project cost 工程项目成本;施工费用

26. Project Phoenix 凤凰计划 ; 凤凰工程 ; 画面精美 ; 凤凰项目

27. Project HOPE 世界健康基金会 ; 美国世界健康基金会 ; 基金会 ; 盼望工程

28. research project 研究项目

29. project planning 项目规划;工程规划;计划图编制




approve a project 批准项目

launch a project 启动项目

complete a project 完成项目(或课题)

start a project 启动项目(或课题)


construction project 建设项目

development project 开发项目

project director/manager 项目负责人/经理

research project 研究项目(或课题)

science project 科学项目(或课题)

writing project 写作项目(或课题)


involved in a project 参与项目(或课题)

latest project 最新项目(或课题)

new project 新项目(或课题)

special project 特殊项目(或课题)


1. It is estimated the project will last four years.


2. This project is designed to help homeless people.


3. My project is going to be about frozen fish.


4. Students worked in pairs on the project.


5. On the other hand, overseas project contracting and construction projects.

另一方面, 在国外承包工程和承建工程.《期刊摘选》

6. They are projecting a new road.


7. A ball is projected directly toward a second ball.


8. The project is environmentally unsound.


9. This project example fully presents the entire process of the engineering inventory valuation model.


10. I m doing a project on Chinese history.


11. Enterprises internal logistics transformation projects have come to their climax.


12. A second look at the final model, showing the massing of the project.

再次审视最终模型, 展现了项目的主要部分.《期刊摘选》

13. Innovation is what blvd can contribute to the project.


14. The project has gone through nearly a dozen years of planning.


15. The project is being allocated more resources.


16. Let's say the projected video display is a 4 feet wide and 3 feet high.


17. This project is expected to cost up to several billion dollars.


18. The final term will be devoted to project work.


19. Design and Developing of Construction Projects Authorized Dynamic Monitoring System in Wuchang.


20. A pipe projected from one corner of the smiling mouth.


21. In the paper, systematic research of ion concentration has been carried out according to 863 project.

本文作者结合国家863在研课题, 对空气负离子和负离子材料进行了比较系统的实验研究,提出相应的测试与评价方法.《期刊摘选》

22. LISA is a joint European Space Agency and NASA project and should launch around 2014.


23. Movie pictures are projected onto the screen.


24. The cliff projects over the sea.


25. He made a very positive contribution to the success of the project.


26. Plans, schedules , and coordinates detailed phases of a project.


27. Without this program, I may have failed several papers and projects.

如果没有这个程序, 我可能就无法完成我的数篇论文和课题项目.《期刊摘选》

28. Nails that project from the wall may tear your clothes.


29. Integrate the available resources to achieve the project objectives.


30. Theindependent project approach has met with success in variededucational settings.


31. What is the main objective of this project?


32. Business schools grade their students in part on their performance in group projects.

商业学校给学生的评分,部分取决于他们在团队项目中的表现。《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

33. The Planning Process Group facilitates project planning across multiple processes.


34. QFD, a quality engineering tool, is used in the selections of many plans and project.

质量功能展开(QFD) 是一种质量工程工具, 但也开始运用于各种规划与方案选择中.《期刊摘选》

35. He projects his own thoughts and ideas onto her.


36. Projecting a rocket determine the minimum velocity for the rocket to escape the earth.


37. His ears project noticeably; he has projecting ears.

他的耳朵特别突出; 他有特别突出的耳朵.《期刊摘选》

38. This research subject is supported by the Project of Hanzhong Municipality's Electronic Administration System. ( O 0235 P 01 ).

本研究课题得到研究项目汉中市电子政务系统集成 ( O0235P01 ) 的支持.《期刊摘选》

39. He stood at a balcony that projects over the entrance.


40. The contract of this project applies the system of job responsibility.


41. Integrative application of mechatronic, computer, automation technology and vehicle engineering is embodied in this project.

课题充分体现了机电一体化 、 计算机和自动控制技术与汽车技术的结合.《期刊摘选》

42. This has not been a notably successful project.


43. For example,the Long Now Foundation has as its flagship project a mechanical clock that is designed to still be marking time thousands of years hence.

例如,今日永存基金会的旗舰项目就是设计一个在几千年后依然能够记录时间的机械钟。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

44. Qatalum project include 708 sets anode superstructure.


45. Bradley projects a natural warmth and sincerity...


46. This project will be expenditure of time and effort.


47. She projects an air of calm self-confidence.


48. But, those who make him glad is, having Buddha business school reachs projecting hand to him.

但是, 让他高兴的是, 哈佛商学院向他伸出邀请之手.《期刊摘选》

49. He is very passionate about the project.


50. The television was projecting from the wall.


51. Volunteer to represent your department at meetings, on planning committees, and on projects.


52. Their assumption that their project under way was something entirely new proved to be untrue.


53. Three line in projecting diamond.


54. It was chosen as a launching place because its position is ideal for space projects.


55. (figurative)the powerful men who would project him into The White House


56. Project name: International Consultancy of Conceptual Planning of Qianhai Region.

项目名称: 前海地区概念规划国际咨询.《期刊摘选》

57. The project is beginning to show results.


58. to set up a project to computerize the library system


59. A domelike gunner's enclosure projecting from the fuselage of a combat aircraft.

飞机''.'炮'.''''.'塔'. ''战斗机上圆顶形的封闭式结构,炮手的位置,从飞机机身上突出.《期刊摘选》

60. A domelike gunner's enclosure projecting from the fuselage a combat aircraft.

飞机炮塔战斗机上''.'圆顶'.''''.'形'. ''的封闭式结构,炮手的位置,从飞机机身上突出.《期刊摘选》

61. A lot of money has been donated to Project Green Hope.


62. This is an apparatus to project missiles into space.


63. We must reset the deadline for the outstanding projects.


64. Basic project planning, critical path, critical chain, or PERT analysis may mitigate such failings.

基本的项目计划 、 关键路程 、 重要链子, 和计划评审技术分析也许会减低失败的几率.《期刊摘选》

65. They prepare to project a missile.


66. Shouldn't we begin working on that history project?

难道我们不应该开始研究那个历史课题 吗 ?《电影对白》

67. Finn: I think it's time we started our new class project.

芬恩: 我认为,我们是时候开始一门新的课题了.《期刊摘选》

68. You should consider getting your whole family involved in a project at home.


69. That should create more collaborative endeavors and help to develop projects aimed directly at solving global problems.

这会激发更多的协作性努力,并帮助开发直接针对解决全球性问题的项目。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

70. I prefer photos to colour paper. Have you seen the photos I used for my project?

与彩纸相比我喜欢照片. 你看见我用在课题里的照片 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

71. Sponsor or participate in a health awareness campaign or a project that addresses health concerns.


72. Two : buying more important project : this district planning reasonable construction, excellent.


73. They sought advice on how to project a more positive image of their company.


74. The project is funded by private enterprise.


75. Africa's mid-1993 population is projected to more than double by 2025...


76. Be responsible for developing related project WI, PFMEA, chart, process card.

负责相关项目作业指导书, PFMEA, 流程图, 过程卡的开发运用.《期刊摘选》

77. I will cooperate with him on that project.


78. Please send me your ideas for a project and the final price on completion.


79. Current, industry of machinery of our country project already built whole industrial system.

目前, 我国工程机械行业已建成了完整的工业体系.《期刊摘选》

80. This project is of great practical significance and engineering value to the development of electric actuator.


81. Enioying advantageous location and prominent business pattern, the project enioys promising prospect.

该项目地理位置优越,商业业态突出, 发展前景良好.《期刊摘选》

82. The project is also about the history of Europe looking at the sea and wondering when thenext enemy would appear.

这个项目也关乎欧洲关注大海并思忖着下一个敌人会在何时现身这样的历史。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

83. The project is one of the contents of Comprehensive Planning in the Yellow River.


84. ...a piece of projecting metal.


85. Images are projected onto the retina of the eye.


86. W: Was innovation at the core of the project?.

女:创新是项目的核心吗?。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

87. ABB will also carry out project management, engineering, customer training and commissioning.

此外,ABB还为此项目提供管理 、 工程 、 客户培训以及试运行服务.《期刊摘选》

88. ...the remains of a war-time defence which projected out from the shore.


89. Sulfur dioxide control in fruit wine had become an important research project in food safety.


90. It began in 1980 as a community organization called the New York history projectChinatown History Project.


91. The project site and planning has obtained the approval of construction department of Chencang District.


92. They attach great importance to the project.


93. Once again, Rotary spirit is vividly demonstrated in this project and we are touching people's hearts.


94. The project is on such a gigantic scale that the cost is hard to calculate.


95. And the project is conform to the city's integrated planning.


96. Will you be able to project the film for us?

你能为我们放映那部影片 吗 ?《辞典例句》

97. A multistage rocket projects missiles into space.


98. Earlier this year the country's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency announced plans to pay Boeing to investigate formation flighty though the programme has yet to begin. 

今年早些时候国防高级研究计划局宣布了一系列计划:将调拨资金以供波音公司研究编队飞行,尽管这一项目还未开始。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

99. Taken overall, the project was a success.


100. W: Can you talk a bit about how history plays a role in this project?.

女:您能说说历史在这个项目中扮演了怎样的角色吗?。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

101. From the words which Mr Fogg dropped, she saw that he was meditating some serious project.

她很难过,因为从福克先生说的一些话中, 她已经了解到他正在考虑着一个伤心的计划.《期刊摘选》

102. The auxiliary body projects from the main body and detecting an obstacle around the main body.


103. In September 2003, China and Niue signed an implementation minutes for a television transmission tower project.

2003年9月, 中国和纽埃签定电视发射塔项目实施纪要.《期刊摘选》

104. His ears project noticeably.


105. Nails that project may tear your clothes.


106. This project was the highlight of my academic career.


107. Taking the project in one district of Zhengzhou City for example, its result accords with actual requirement.

以郑州市区某城网架空线入地改造工程为算例, 所得到的评判结果与工程的实际要求非常吻合.《期刊摘选》

108. A projecting forward part, such as the front end of a ski.

前端的突出部分向前突出的前端, 比如滑雪板的前端.《期刊摘选》

109. A missile was projected into space.


110. Career planning is not simply tell you a macro future direction, it's an orderly huge project.

职业生涯规划不是简单的告诉你今后的一个宏观的大方向, 而是一项井然有序的大工程.《期刊摘选》

111. The project wasted a considerable amount of time and money.


112. Two long horns project from the bull's head.


113. The project has demanded considerable investment of time and effort.


114. The projected housing development will go ahead next year.


115. The project seemed unlikely to succeed.


116. There was little overt support for the project.


117. The projecting overhang at the lower edge of a roof.


118. You can often use this calculation as a basis for the project budget.


119. Responsible for project financial planning and analysis.


120. In profile allshowedthe end of the nose projecting from beyond a sheaf of shiny black hair.


121. Also consider if the project can be reasonably completed in the allocated time for graduation.


122. The small country has an apparatus to project missles into space.


123. I can not deny my enthusiasm for the project.


124. Who took the decision to go ahead with the project?


125. Human Genome Project ( HGP ) displays us the vast foreground in human genetics.

人类基因组计划 ( Human GenomeProject,HGP)给我们展示了人类遗传学研究的广阔前景.《期刊摘选》

126. The project badly needs a transfusion of cash.


127. It's good to have you on board for this project.


128. The government has given the green light to the channel tunnel project.


129. The Sound Insulation Door of Experimental Theater Maintenance Project.


130. It's just one of several projects on the drawing board.


131. The financial intermediation for the project, planning, implementation, provide a solid and reliable technical support.

为项目的资金融通 、 规划 、 实施, 提供坚实可靠的技术后盾.《期刊摘选》

132. Money will also go into local development projects in Vietnam...


133. She had to write a report on the project.


134. Two projects are being developed with a view to putting more officers on the beat.


135. Going into the projects alone is dangerous.


136. a history project


137. Databases used by some companies don't rely on data collected systematically but rather lump together information from different research projects.

一些公司使用的数据库并没有系统地收集数据,只是把不同研究项目收集的信息混合在一起。《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

138. The heat is projected into space.


139. Now, thlogistics park project is being planed and constructed the feature the country.

目前, 国内一些地区开始规划或正在建设符合自身特色的物流项目.《期刊摘选》

140. The bills in both houses would start pilot projects within Medicare.

国会参众两院的议案计划在老年人医疗保险制度框架内启动试点项目。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

141. MinuteMan Systems publishes software for project management, cost estimating, planning, scheduling and Pert and Gantt charting.

民兵出版系统软件项目管理, 成本估算, 规划, 调度和PERT的和甘特图表.《期刊摘选》

142. Are you going to continue with the project?


143. The satellite was released from the launcher upper stage and entered the projected orbit.


144. One such project is PolioPlus, through which Rotary working to eradicate polio by 2005.


145. The next edition of the book is projected for publication in March.


146. In order to transform their environment, he drew up the project with painstaking accuracy.

为了改造环境, 他苦心孤诣地制订了这个计划.《现代汉英综合大词典》

147. Trackers, which are ongoing projects that look at trends or customer satisfaction over a long period of time.

第一种是追踪调查,这属于时间连续型项目,需要长期调查流行趋势或顾客满意度。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

148. And it's every two weeks, and so you get five projects during the semester.

每两星期一个, 所以一个学期你可以做五个课题.《期刊摘选》

149. We need someone with lots of personality to head the project.


150. The economics of the project are very encouraging.


151. international science project...


152. Another project is under way near Fanlingcentre with a target completion date in early 1998.


153. Some creatures project their tongues to catch flies and other insects.


154. W:Well, at the moment, I specialize in quantitative advertising research, which means that I do two types of projects.

女:嗯,目前,我专门做定量广告的研究,也就是说我做两种类型的项目。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

155. This dissertation depends on the project of baseband decoded chip of ATSC DTV standard.


156. It belongs to the category of project supervision in constructional industry.


157. We have undertaken and jointly in building some key projects in Shijiazhuang and in sequence.


158. The calcaneus projects backward behind the ankle.


159. The film was projected onto the screen.


160. In the next weeks and months he mede antiguerrilla instructiona personal project.


161. She has sole responsibility for the project.


162. The project is still in the early stages.


163. Our project must proceed at a reasonably quick tempo.


164. The images are projected onto the screen.


165. None of us thought that we have enough time to be busy with English project.


166. XXX is an acting Principal Inestigator of this project.


167. Finish the writing of advertisement copy in different stages of the project.


168. All the houses in this project are alike.


169. I feel impelled to express grave doubts about the project.


170. Nautical The part of a bow or stern that projects over the water.


171. There has been a big input of resources into the project from industry.


172. Recirculation cooler is one of the main equipments in oxide pellet system project.


173. North Point Sewage Screening Plant. The location of the project is shown in Figure 1.

北角污水隔滤厂. 工程项目的地点载于本许可证图1.《期刊摘选》

174. The DOE first announced the project, a prototype for the private sector, in 2003.

2003年能源部首次公布了这个计划, 以私有部门为样板.《期刊摘选》

175. Its portfolio also includes town planning and railway development planning projects.


176. What does financial stewardship mean to project participants, project beneficiaries, and TRF?

财务监督对于计划参与人 、 划受益人 、 及扶轮基金会,代表何种意义?《期刊摘选》

177. “The state’s facilities management project team is still in the process of developing its business justification and expects to have that completed and available to the public at the end of February,” Martin said.

“州里的设施管理项目小组仍在进行其商业论证,预计将在二月底之前完成并公布。”Martin 说。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

178. We've come a long way since the early days of the project.


179. I want you to continue as project manager.


180. Land reserved for project planning use about 600 thousands sq . m.


181. Please specify commencement and completion date for installation part and whole project.


182. His eyebrows project noticeably.


183. He just hasn't been able to project himself as the strong leader...


184. He projected himself as a man worth listening to.


185. The party attempted to assemble its aims into a focussed political project.


186. a building with balconies projecting out over the street


187. The project had its genesis two years earlier.


188. Students complete projects for a personal tutor, working at home at their own pace.


189. I have decided for the project.


190. Contents and Layout of a Project Planning Report.


191. For her the whole project was just a game.


192. a research project


193. His observation added a substantial argument in favor of the project.


194. The team tried projecting the maps with two different projectors onto the same screen.


195. I'm not interested in any military application of the project.


196. I loved experimenting with new materials, and I always tried to develop new techniques to make the most unique textiles for my fashion projects

我喜欢尝试新的材料,总会试着用新技术做出独一无二的纺织品来完成我的时装项目《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

197. Nick Perks, project director for Climate Solidarity, believes this sort of activity is where the future of environmental action lies.

Climate Solidarity 运 动 的 项 目 主 管Nick Perks 认为这类行动预示着未来环保行动的方式。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

198. Nations are also pressing ahead with space research and satellite projects to expand their global navigation abilities

各国也在积极推进太空研究和卫星计划,以增强其全球导航定位实力。《16年12月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

199. Lifting lugs on insulated vessels shall project sufficiently to allow shackles to clear the insulation.


200. Classes go along following ways: Project dialogue slides 3 times in serial with sound remarks.

上课按以下方式进行: 连续三次放映对话片并伴放声音注释.《期刊摘选》

201. A Voluntary Project Manager is hired and the preliminary planning team is organized.


202. This thesis is based on a project involving a city's testing center

论文所研究的课题来源于某市考试中心的 实际 需求.《期刊摘选》

203. From the beginning, the project was underfinanced.


204. She has a supervisory role on the project.


205. He was hopelessly impractical when it came to planning new projects.


206. Elizabeth had been collecting snails for a school project.


207. Architecture The edge of the tiling that projects over a roof gable.


208. A new manager has been appointed to direct the project.


209. W: So Mike, you managed the innovation ?project at CucinTech.

女: 所以,Mike, 你在CucinTech 公司负责管理创新项目。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

210. The African project at present employs my whole time.


211. The unemployment rate has been projected to fall.


212. Thus mountains are large isolated land masses that project conspicuously above their surroundings.


213. The upper storey projects over the street.


214. Composition of all submissions must project the dolls of the Pullip series.

所有相片构图必须要突出该娃娃是Pullip系列 出产的娃娃.《期刊摘选》

215. The project has a new website address.


216. It will take time and money to get the project to get off the ground.


217. And the international project construction risk is in existence to both the client and general contractor.


218. The project is in its final stages.


219. The whole project was badly managed.


220. Project planning area of 40,846 square meters and a building area of about 100,000 square meters.


221. The second chapter expounds the approval and ratification of the reorganization project.


222. In general GNU Project thinks the GPL should be preferred.


223. Contracting and Consulting of Internat. Projects.

国际工程承包与工程咨询“, ”《期刊摘选》

224. She was intimately involved in the project.


225. Actors must learn to project their voices.


226. They decided to sound out her interest in the project.


227. The Architecture of Moscow from the 1930 s to the early 1950 s. Unrealised projects.

上世纪30年代至50年代, 莫斯科规划而未能付诸实施的建筑-是不是嗅到了一点萦绕在我们身边的熟悉的味道?《期刊摘选》

228. He planted some flowers on the balcony that projects over the street.


229. We should focus on key projects , stress practical results and lay a solid foundation.

要突出重点, 注重实效,打好基础.《期刊摘选》

230. Discusses with other managers ( Engineering, Project, Production, etc ) about molding improvement program.

与其他部门经理 ( 工程 、 项目 、 生产 ) 商讨模具改进.《期刊摘选》

231. The project cost a shedload of money.


232. The project failed for want of financial backing.


233. A tremendous amount of work has gone into the project.


234. Because of his outstanding contributions to the project, the board promoted him to vice president.

由于在这个项目中贡献突出, 他被董事局擢升为副总.《期刊摘选》

235. The fireplace projects from the wall rather too far into the room, taking up a lot of space.

壁炉伸出墙外太远, 占去了屋里不少地方.《简明英汉词典》

236. In the diagram, the outer portions ofthe projecting lens serve no useful purpose.

在图上, 放映透镜较外侧部分未能加以利用.《辞典例句》

237. They projected the pier out into the lake.


238. They asked for a progress report on the project.


239. The project is still causing him a lot of problems.


240. Dojo , as a project, should meet expectations in this way.

作为一个项目, 应该满足这样的期望.《期刊摘选》

241. Critical Chain; Project Process Management; Project Scheduling; Project Control; Buffer setting.

关键链; 项目进度管理; 项目进度计划; 项目进度控制; 缓冲区.《期刊摘选》

242. The project will collect tissue samples Aug. 8 at IU Simon Cancer Center.


243. The project should be completed within a year.


244. At its best, the European project is remarkably liberal: built around a single market of 27 rich and poor countries, its internal borders are far more open to goods, capital and labour than any comparable trading area.

在最佳状况下,这一欧洲大工程(即欧盟计划)相当自由:建立在一个由 27个贫富不一的国家所组成的单一市场之上,其内部边界对商品、资金以及劳动力的开放程度比任何一家具有可比性的贸易区都高得多。《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

245. The project must be completed within a specific time span.


246. The government had been projecting a 5% consumer price increase for the entire year.


247. The project is of immense significance.


248. The project is studying the dynamic characteristic of dissipative silencer by theory and experiments.


249. Resources are being redirected to this important new project.


250. Submarin sail is part of the bridge and the most important projecting attached part of submarine.


251. It remains to be seen whether his project will fly.


252. We began work on the project in May.


253. Secondly, we may project a scientific scheme to show advantage and tap the latent power.

其次, 设计科学的考核方案,展现实验环节考核的优势,挖捌实验环节考核的潜力.《期刊摘选》

254. S : So will all the projects follow the same sequence?

那么所有这些课题都试图达到同样的结果 嘛 ?《期刊摘选》

255. Special organization that participates in the planning of Project: including project organization and performance.

从事项目策划的专门机构: 包括项目的组织和实施.《期刊摘选》

256. Standard 8mm projects at 16 frames per second.


257. The talents consist of investment managers, sales layout, software development, programme planners, project managers, and administrators.

包括投资管理 、 营销企划 、 软件开发 、 规划设计 、 工程管理 、 行政管理方面高素质专业人才.《期刊摘选》

258. The project had an auspicious beginning.


259. The success of this experiment is crucial to the project as a whole.


260. A growth rate of 4% is projected for next year.


261. A rusty ironrod projected mournfully from one of the window ledges.


262. Team or project management experiences and outstanding achievements preferred.


263. He was promoted to a high situation for his outstanding performance in the project.


264. The authors of the paper are from different universities, and their findings are based on a study involving 147 students (who completed the project) at an unnamed private university.

论文的作者来自不同的大学。他们的发现基于一项研究,该研究的对象涉及到一所未著名的私立大学的147名学生(他们均完成了该项目)。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

265. We started work on the project in 2002.


266. I made painting the house my project for the summer.


267. a building project


268. This fear of a looming danger became the subject of a largescale photo project

这种对步步逼近的危险的恐惧成了一个大型摄影项目的主题。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

269. A hipped hip roof has sloping sides and ends meeting at inclined projecting angles called hips.


270. Then there is the scale of the typical housing project.

再有一个是典型住房项目的规模,《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

271. I caught my coat on a loose brick projecting from the wall.


272. This paper based on the boiler rebuild project of DaLian Maritime University.


273. Finally, the genetic algorithms model is verified by its application on engineering project.

最后, 通过工程实例验证了该模型具有一定的理论和应用价值.《期刊摘选》

274. What's the timescale for the project?


275. Field engineer looking into consideration the safety and quality of project implementation.


276. In fall 2010, she helped 30 launch a pilot project in Chicago to see if the i Pad could improve working conditions and patient care.

2010 年秋季,她在芝加哥大学参与 (30) 启动了一个试验计划,旨在检验 i Pad 是否可以改善工作条件,提高病患护理水平。③《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

277. The project was only a qualified success.



1. For example, maybe you are a partner at your firm and you're working with an associate on a project.

例如,你是公司的合伙人,你和一位同事正在共同跟进一个项目。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : Would you 课堂

2. However, it was young, valiant San Franciscan engineer, William Hammond Hall, who took on the 20-year project.

BBC: San Francisco's blissful Golden Gate Park

3. Now it's not entirely clear that Milton has been successful in sufficiently vilifying Mammon's project of the excavation of riches.

现在尚不清楚弥尔顿是否成功地,有力地咒骂贪神挖掘财富的这一行径。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. So they're going to share equally in the profits of this firm, or this joint project, but you're going to supply efforts individually.

总结起来就是两家公司平分利润,但是都要各自为协作项目付出努力博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. And so it really, not the course but the idea for the course, was an evolution three years four years ago, really, when I was involved in something called the Civic Values Task Force, which was started by Princeton Project 55.

所以说,不是这个课程,而是这个课程的设想,是在三四年前形成的,当时我参加了,公民价值专责小组,由普林斯顿大学55工程发起。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

6. The space-rocket project has been a shining success.


7. Once the project is completed, performances will increase and museum opening hours will be extended.

UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO - A revival movement: Edinburgh World Heritage Site helps regenerate Scotlands oldest music hall

8. Murphy was heard muttering his famous phrase and his smart project manager wrote it down.

FORBES: Applying Murphy's Law To Retirement

9. But a newly announced project to develop soil maps and make them available on the Internet promises help for the situation.

VOA : special.2009.01.20

10. Both firms had one project coordinator overseeing a calling agent selling customer-relations software to medium-size businesses.

FORBES: Silicon Valley's Prison Call Center

11. Glasgow City Council gave its backing in June to plans for a similar project in Govanhill.

BBC: Sistema children's orchestra awarded ?1.325m funding

12. project costs


13. This table tennis simulation was originally meant to be a training project for a new engineer at Atari.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

14. So this project was, let's see if we can detect any alpha particles by making a detector that swings around.

当你是本科生的时候,你们的导师会派一些,你们看上去很傻的工作,给你们干,现在这个工作就是。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

15. In Kenya,a project aims to educate girls about H.I.V.prevention while helping them stay in school during their monthly periods.

VOA : special.2009.03.16

16. The project breached environmental protection acts and raised concerns for the rights of local tribes, the authorities said.

BBC: India court orders Vedanta subsidiary plant to close

17. But last month the researchers from the MIT Media Lab won first prize in the Vodafone Americas Foundation Wireless Innovation Project.

VOA : special.2011.05.16

18. It is the first project of its kind within the UK Creative Cities network.

UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO - From receptionist to cultural diplomat: hotel teams across Bradford trained to promote its UNESCO status

19. Are you lusting after me? How disgusting," because what I do is I take my own desires and I project it to others.

你在对我暗送秋波吗,太恶心了“,因为我这样说不仅满足了自我欲求,还把想法投射到别人身上。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. For the other groups, there was no way to punish people who did not cooperate on the public project.

VOA : special.2009.03.03

21. Two years ago Forbes thought the Rockport works a dubious project (Feb. 10, 1997).

FORBES: The Cortez of steel doesn't look back

22. The Storyline will provide foundation material upon which all other project activities will develop.

UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO - Drifting Apart which brings together the Global Geopark Network in the Northern Peripheries and Arctic Region launches new website

23. To attend these lectures in sections-- more on that in a moment; to submit 9 problem sets, take two quizzes and ultimately design a final project.

每节课都要来参加-,这个一会儿再解释,做完九套习题,参加两次测验,最后设计好期末的大作业。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

24. and your boss comes to you with a very large project when you already have much work to do.

你的老板找到你,希望你参与一个大型项目,而你自己的工作已经快忙不过来了。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I think 课堂

25. No more than one project proposal may be submitted per person for the call for applications.

UNESCO: Apply for UNESCO Prizes

26. Brown is now doing some consulting work and is unable to pursue his pet project.

FORBES: Whose Rolodex is it, anyway?

27. The name honors Mister Sarbanes, the Senator who led the campaign for the project in the United States Congress.

VOA : special.2009.10.06

28. The Manhattan Project,when they created the atomic bomb and whether or not you agree with the Manhattan Project normatively.

曼哈顿计划中,他们创造了原子弹,无论你是否同意,这计划。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

29. For her project, Kern says, she used only a wide-angle lens to reflect the closeness of her subjects.

CNN: Making a 'squat' a home

30. Live from the NPR studios of BRYANT PARK in Midtown, Manhattan, this is THE BRYANT PARK PROJECT.

NPR: Sunshine State Smiles on McCain

31. The Wellcome Trust is currently involved in a conservation project with the Royal Scottish National Hospital (RSNH) archives.

UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO - A relic to a forgotten era: over a century of material documenting the medically incarcerated linked with Wellcome Trust in new project

32. The bank has disbursed over $350m for the project.


33. Should we turn this into a real project, or should we just keep monitoring it?

我们应该把它付诸实践吗,或者只是继续观察?戴尔CEO-Michael.Dell谈创业和发展课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

34. In one classic study, psychologist Ronald Finke asked participants to create an art project.

BBC: The beautiful side to border towns

35. The research is part of a project to search on land and in the water for remains of the Lost Colony.

VOA : special.2009.08.17

36. It is a collaborative project between the The Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust and Meadow Arts.

UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO - Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site launches 6 months of shape shifting

37. The project has already seen great success since it launched, with rooms booking up quickly.

BBC: Pay what you want at a Paris hotel

38. The entire human genetic blueprint is in the process of collection, in the Human Genome Project.

FORBES: A hail of silver bullets

39. We worry that a contract or freelance project could end, throwing our finances into uncertainty.

BBC: How we quit our jobs to travel: The digital power couple

40. The area is needed for a land reclamation project.


41. Digging at Pit Ninety-One was recently suspended in order to pay closer to attention to a new discovery called Project Twenty-Three.

VOA : special.2010.04.07

42. She starts at the beginning of her day and goes through task after task, chore after chore, project after project

她从一天的开始说起,从一个任务说到另一个任务,从一件杂活说到另一件杂活,从一个项目说到另一个项目。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : It sounds like 课堂

43. However, your friend might think that what you're talking about is more important than the project that you're discussing.

然而,你的朋友可能觉得你们谈论的内容比项目更为重要。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : There is 课堂

44. "A project like this will give us more confidence to carry out the next project underground, " says Tan.

CNN: Why Singapore is putting its oil back into the ground

45. The Favorite Poem Project collected video of Americans from all backgrounds,ages and places reading their favorite poems and talking about them.

VOA : special.2010.04.05

46. So, Barth is taking a risk that this little craft project emphasizes and that the stories in the book act out.

所以,这个小小的手工作品强调了,书中的故事,展示了巴斯冒的风险。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. The scheme's investors decided to abandon the project.


48. "Therefore, we don't want to speculate on either the project or project feasibility, " a spokesperson said.

CNN: Can plan to fly Concorde again get off the ground?

49. She borrowed sound recordings from a musical project by the singer David Byrne to make one song on her new album.

VOA : special.2009.08.14

50. Mr Bayley also said there was something "troubling" about the style of the politics involved in the project.

BBC: Battle of the Dome continues

51. That has not deterred her from her next project: reforesting acres stripped by those in search of firewood.

FORBES: Millions Served

52. In the future, other works by female artists will be shown as part of the museum's "New York Avenue Sculpture Project".

VOA : special.2010.05.07

53. The project also works to prevent languages from dying out by identifying the most threatened areas where languages are disappearing.

VOA : special.2009.12.02

54. One goal of the project is to record the condition of the tomb and the wall paintings in the burial room.

VOA : special.2009.12.15

55. There are others apart from the British who insist the project needs far-reaching reform.

BBC: Europe's summer of argument

56. They sought donations for a local madrassah project and a legitimate international development British charity, Muslim Aid.

BBC: The joker who wanted to be a bomber

57. That's our common project here, in fact, in an English department, say.

这是我们每个人共同的大工程,实际上是在英国。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

58. Check the Project Aware site to see if you can volunteer dive time with a local event.

BBC: Underwater volunteer vacations

59. This will allow me to project images in class and for you to look at them later at home.

这样我可以放映一些图片,给你们在课上和回家后看。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

60. During the lunch of the first day, their project groups were assigned eating, so we asked them to sit together over lunching beginning to develop their pool getting to know each other.

在第一天的午饭时间,项目组的同学一起吃饭,我们要求他们坐在一起,形成自己的圈子,并相互了解。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

61. Like the city itself, Guyton's masterpiece, the Heidelberg Project, has seen its share of adversity.

BBC: The rebirth of Detroit amid modern-day ruins

62. Typically your employer or your pension plan administrator can project what you may receive at different retirement dates.

FORBES: Why You Should Retire Before Dec. 31

63. They urged the United States government to pay for a secret scientific effort, called the Manhattan Project, to create the bomb.

VOA : special.2009.06.14

64. She grew up in a public housing project in the South Bronx, one of the poorest areas of the city.

VOA : special.2009.05.30

65. Adam Hart, from the Gloucester Bee Guardians Project, said the scheme would start next February.

BBC: Gloucester bee conservation project wins ?50,000 grant





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