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英 [səˈpraɪzd]play美 [sərˈpraɪzd]play

  • adj. 意外的,惊讶的,诧异的
  • v. 使惊奇,使诧异,使感到意外(surprise 的过去式和过去分词形式)

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surprised /səˈpraɪzd/

  • 1.
    形容词 If you are surprised at something, you have a feeling of surprise, because it is unexpected or unusual. 吃惊的

    This lady was genuinely surprised at what happened to her pet.


  • 2.
    →see also   surprise




1. be surprised 惊奇 ; 惊讶 ; 觉得奇怪 ; 感到惊奇

2. Agreeably surprised 又惊又喜

3. very surprised 非常惊奇 ; 吃惊的 ; 惊奇的

4. be surprised at 对…感到惊奇;使…感到意外;对……很吃惊

5. be surprised to do sth 对做某事感到惊奇 ; 吃惊地做某事 ; 惊讶地做某事

6. Pleasantly surprised 大惊喜 ; 令人惊喜 ; 意外惊喜 ; 无意的惊喜

7. I was so surprised 我很惊讶 ; 如此惊奇 ; 这令我太惊讶了

8. be surprised at sth 对某事感到惊奇 ; 对某事感到吃惊 ; 惊讶于某事 ; 对某事吃惊

9. pleasantly surprised 惊喜

10. Aren't you surprised 你不觉得很惊讶吗 ; 不觉得很惊讶吗 ; 不觉得很讶 ; 不觉得很讶吗

11. be surprised to do 惊讶做某事 ; 对做某事感到吃惊 ; 惊讶地


1. The stranger's question surprised me so that I temporarily lost my tongue.


2. She seemed neither surprised nor worried.


3. A surprise air attack was launched at night.


4. The timing of the decision was a complete surprise.


5. Everyone was surprised at her omission from the squad.


6. Don't be surprised if I pretend not to recognise you.


7. They couldn't conceal their surprise at seeing us together.


8. You will be surprised how much you can accomplish if you put your goals on paper.


9. We need to preserve the element of surprise.


10. A successful campaign should have an element of surprise.


11. The girl's vanity surprised me.


12. Would it surprise you to know that I'm thinking of leaving?


13. SM : What surprised you the most about working with the cast of the show?


14. The thing that surprised me most was that I saw no police or soldiers.


15. I was surprised by his preparedness to break the law.


16. I'm surprised that you of all people should say that.


17. I am surprised ( to learn that ) you give countenance to such conduct.


18. They were surprised to see that her name headed the list.


19. Her familiarity with Japanese surprised me.


20. He was apparently much surprised at the news.


21. They were surprised to find that he'd already left.


22. Surely you locked the door? I would be surprised if you hadn't.

想必你一定锁上门了 吧 ?如果你没有的话,我会很惊讶的.《辞典例句》

23. For her 81 st birthday, I surprised my grandmother with a birthday greeting signed by the President.

我奶奶过81岁的生日, 我送给她一份惊奇的礼物--一张由总统签名的生日贺卡.《期刊摘选》

24. But even the head coach can get surprised at practice.


25. Her promotion to Sales Manager took everyone by surprise.


26. Is that anything to be surprised at?


27. She looked surprised when I told her.


28. He was genuinely surprised.


29. This lady was genuinely surprised at what happened to her pet...


30. You may be surprised.


31. The violence of her feelings surprised him.


32. The rising risk arises from the surprised fund raiser's praise of the appraisal.


33. Students in Alexandria said that they were surprised that they actually like the program.


34. a surprised look


35. At first, he seemed surprised by my questions.


36. It wouldn't surprise me if they got married soon.


37. I am surprised at you.


38. Harvey: I'm surprised you haven't a stall here.

哈维: 我感到惊奇的是你们没有在这个展销会上设立展台.《期刊摘选》

39. Elinor could not be surprised at their attachment.


40. I'm really not a bit surprised.


41. He's not easily surprised.


42. Actually, I was surprised to see you at the dances this week.

说真的, 在舞会上看见你我挺惊讶的.《电影对白》

43. The children were surprised by the sudden entry of their teacher.


44. Quite frankly , I'm not surprised you failed.


45. We were surprised by the narrowness of our victory.


46. These stories surprised and moved me.


47. I was surprised when he addressed me in English.


48. I'm not really surprised.


49. This is a donkey that Alice would not have been surprised to encounter in Wonderland.


50. I am surprised he lent himself to such a thing.


51. I caught a look of surprise on her face.


52. I was surprised, to say the least.


53. My words surprised and confused him.


54. I surprised everyone by wearing a terrible mask.


55. He a surprised expression on his face.


56. I am very surprised to hear of his resignation.


57. I'm surprised you fell for that trick.


58. He was surprised to find nobody at home.


59. My father never aspired to the job of managing director, and was very surprised when it was offered to him.

我的父亲从不渴求当主任, 当他被委以该职时,他大为惊讶.《简明英汉词典》

60. She didn't sound surprised when I told her the news.


61. She could yet surprise us all.


62. You will be surprised how difficult it is to perfect alignment in this exercise.


63. You would be surprised to know the number of books he managed to get through with.


64. His expression changed from surprise to one of amusement.


65. They think it'll be easy but they have a surprise in store.


66. Trust me, you'll be surprised to see how much people are willing to share if you just ask.

相信我,你会惊讶的发现,如果你提问,人们会多么乐于分享。《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

67. He surprised us with his knowledge of the locality.


68. He was surprised that no man hailed him as he into the office.


69. I was surprised at the cross-section of people there.


70. They were even more surprised when that peregan advancing in the tournament, with his impressive skills.


71. I was somewhat surprised to see him.


72. I'd be surprised to see him on such an occasion.


73. I was surprised why he came here so early.


74. Mom is busy kitchen surprised to see them move, asked: What are you doing

他们忙于做饭的妈妈很惊奇的看着他们移动, 问: “ 你们在做什么? ”《期刊摘选》

75. She was surprised by the book's success.


76. I must admit I was surprised it cost so little.


77. He's surprised when he finds one.


78. This lady was genuinely surprised at what happened to her pet.


79. I should be surprised if he came.


80. Surprise visits help to keep the staff on their toes.


81. ‘Will she cancel the party? ’ ‘ I wouldn't be surprised . ’


82. After such a storm I'm surprised the river hasn't flooded.


83. Much to her surprise he came back the next day.


84. His friend was surprised. Oh? he said. And what do you consider important decisions then?

他的朋友很惊奇的问道: “ 哦? 那么你决定哪些重要事情? ”《期刊摘选》

85. It surprised me that a driver of Alain's experience should make those mistakes.


86. She was surprised that he had no words of blame or accusation for her.


87. It's always surprised me how popular he is.


88. I'm surprised at you, behaving like that in front of the kids.


89. You shouldn't be surprised (that) he didn't come.


90. It was the best possible surprise anyone could have given me.


91. It was hot, but not dangerously so; what surprised him was the thing's misleading solidity.

它很烫, 但不是那么的危险; 使杰克惊讶的是这东西有着令人迷惑的硬度.《期刊摘选》

92. They were served lamb and rosemary and she surprised herself by eating greedily.


93. Mr. Adams didn't seem surprised.


94. We surprised the burglars opening the safe.


95. I was surprised at seeing [ to see ] him there.

我真 想不到 会在那里见到他.《现代英汉综合大词典》

96. The prisoner was surprised into admitting his guilt.


97. He was surprised at her breadth of reading.


98. But it was the gorillas that surprised the researchers most.


99. It was with some surprise that I heard the news.


100. We were very surprised to learn she had got married again.


101. Chang seemed surprised to find the big living-room empty...


102. Much to my surprise, I passed.


103. The physicians were surprised to see no substantial adverse effects, such as nausea or vomiting.


104. When Tom gave him the money, the panhandler was surprised and seemed grateful.

当汤姆给他钱时, 这名乞丐很惊奇而且好像很感激.《简明英汉词典》

105. She surprised us all on her first day of school by going off like a lamb.


106. He whistled, surprised but not shocked.


107. She didn't appear at all surprised at the news.


108. People were surprised that Smith was omitted from the team.


109. I was surprised by the strength of her feelings.


110. He rolled up his trousers and, to his surprised, found his keens bruised.

他卷起裤腿, 惊奇的发现,膝盖上是青一块紫一块.《期刊摘选》

111. Her docility had surprised him.


112. I am constantly surprised at how often one experiences poor service, especially in competitive fields.

我时常感到惊讶的是,人们如此频繁地遭遇糟糕的服务, 特别是在竞争激烈的领域.《期刊摘选》

113. I'm not surprised that your studies are suffering.


114. Charles's visit surprised and gladdened him.


115. I was surprised at her reaction.


116. I was surprised at how quickly she agreed.


117. She was, not unnaturally , very surprised at the news.


118. You shouldn't be surprised he didn't come.


119. Are you surprised to see Einstein on a Chinese stamp?

看到中国邮票上的爱因斯坦你感到惊奇 吗 ?《简明英汉词典》

120. She is surprised to find the front gate is open.


121. He has surprised us before with his inventiveness.



1. Surprised on the high side or the low side?

惊讶于卡路里含量过高还是过低关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. He was pleasurably surprised.


3. For starters, I was a bit surprised by the large number of credit cards per cardholder.

FORBES: Do People Still Love Credit Cards?

4. And I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Detroit was on relatively hard times.

NPR: The Hidden Costs and Benefits of Illegal Immigration

5. He was surprised by the large number of busy people in the subway who stopped to listen.

VOA : special.2009.07.31

6. Yet as the hour of the escape drew nearer, Shin surprised himself by not feeling afraid.

WSJ: Escape From a North Korean Prison

7. And I was really surprised, that was the character George.

对于乔治这个角色,我真的感到很意外。电影哲学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

8. Being digital, you won't be surprised to hear the process doesn't stop with merely showing you an image.

BBC: Digital product placement creates adverts out of thin air

9. From Japan, Mo eko Toyoda wrote on our Web site: I was surprised how dramatic her life was, particularly her physical condition.

VOA : special.2010.04.23

10. I think - I see where you wouldn't see - I see where you would put it in that category and how you would be surprised to put it in that category It should be in the category because it's engineering to be able to do this, right?

我明白你们为什么疑惑了,明白为什么,先前那位同学觉得它属于生物医学工程,而刚才这位同学却对此感到惊讶,它之所以属于这个领域,是因为它是靠工程技术实现的,对吗生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. Surprised they didn't see it, but I'm pretty sure there was no intention to offend anyone.

CNN: Apparently This Matters: Teatime for Hitler

12. Nineteenth century workers would probably be surprised to know that their pants would one day become a fashion object.

VOA : special.2009.12.18

13. when you allow yourself to be present in situations and be surprised from them, you know.

那是当你把自己放在一种情境下,让自己感到惊奇的时候。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 艺术从自由起步

14. But President Obama surprised mourners by also visiting the graves of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

VOA : special.2009.11.14

15. This time, however, the company has surprised with an uncharacteristically optimistic guidance for the next quarter.

FORBES: Cisco Is Still Cheap And Worth $27

16. "I think that people are often surprised when they come to this museum and see an exhibition of modern or contemporary native art.

VOA : special.2010.11.29

17. you could maybe be speaking with a friend who talks about his long work hours and you are very surprised,

在你跟一个朋友聊天时,他谈起自己很长的工作时间,而你感到非常惊讶,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : Do you ever课堂

18. Tolstoy draws a highly realistic and believable portrait of somebody who is surprised to discover that he's mortal.

托尔斯泰刻画了一个高度真实可信的,一个对自己的必死感到惊讶的人的形象。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. Steve and I were pleasantly surprised at how much we enjoying our road trip.

FORBES: Money Saving Tips for This Summer's Road Trips

20. Babies expect there to be an entire, complete bar and are surprised and look longer at the broken bar.

婴儿会期待那是一根完整的木杆,所以会对断开的木杆感到惊讶,并且会有更长的注视时间心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. I was surprised to see three riders in the same place where I had last seen my friend.

VOA : special.2011.07.16

22. The company knew the crop would be short but was surprised by how much.

WSJ: Spring Is No Bowl of Cherries for Michigan Growers

23. He was surprised to see land turtles that weighed more than two hundred kilograms and were more than one meter long.

VOA : special.2009.12.16

24. Part of what's been bothering Franny is her frustration with acting, and that's one of the things that Lane is so surprised she has given up; it was the only thing she was passionate about.

动作的挫败已经让弗兰尼烦恼了,莱恩也很奇怪她放弃了,这是她唯一有激情的事情呀。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. Don't be surprised if the market for Son shares lurches back to irrational exuberance.

FORBES: Overreaction

26. No, I haven't. For me, personally, I have been very surprised that New York has been so safe.

那倒没有。就我而言,我因纽约城如此安全而感到惊奇。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 在上西区

27. In fact,I've always been surprised at how broad the representation is.

其实我一直都对于,这么广的受众面感到惊讶基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. What has surprised me though is that there are so many others out there like her.

NPR: Who's Your Grandma? These Days, Nobody Is

29. Can anyone possibly be surprised that using the same data gets the same result?

FORBES: Keep This Bit of News On the QT: The Earth Is Round!!!

30. But Klawans also asserts, and I quote, that "Imitatio dei does not exhaustively explain sacrifice in ancient Israel," and in fact, we should be surprised if any one single theory would indeed explain sacrifice.

但是克洛文同时也宣称,“模仿并不能完全地解释股以色列的献祭,“,事实上,如果有某个独立的理论真的解释了献祭,我们会十分惊讶。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. Mr Lundestad, writing in his memoir, Secretary of Peace, said even Mr Obama himself had been surprised.

BBC: Nobel secretary regrets Obama peace prize

32. Middle East experts were surprised at the inclusion of Mr Peres in the award.

BBC: 14 October

33. A lot of Americans may be surprised to know that it was written without saying anything directly about sports.

VOA : special.2010.03.04

34. "I am surprised that Paul O'Connell got the captaincy ahead of Brian O'Driscoll, " he said.

BBC: Boks surprised by O'Connell pick

35. It just surprised everyone so it was not a repeat of this.

它使所有人惊讶,所以它不是这次危机的翻版。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. You might be surprised at what you find out.

你们也许会对你们所发现的表示惊讶。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

37. The pro-corporate agenda of the current legislature is so pronounced that even conservative Republicans seem surprised.

NEWYORKER: State for Sale

38. He says he's not surprised by the finely tuned diplomatic language in this report.

NPR: U.S. Notes Growing Chinese Military Strength

39. That really surprised me as I hadn't initially considered getting that area filled in.

FORBES: Going Under The Needle

40. The other dog was going to win and Smiley's dog looked surprised and did not try to win the fight anymore.

VOA : special.2009.08.29

41. After several hardware companies, you might be surprised to see Amazon making the list.

FORBES: Five Companies That Are In Line To Dominate The Post-PC World

42. Her docility had surprised him.


43. All right? If you run it, you have a sense of the upper bound, about how much time it's going to take to do this computation, so you're not going to get surprised by something showing up.

第一,这样做意味着没有意外了对不对?,你去运行程序,你已经大致知道运行时间的上限了,因此发生任何事情,你都不会吃惊了。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

44. None of that would have surprised Baffert, or any of the other members of the fraternity.

WSJ: Column: Hard work gets Lukas a record

45. But no - those surprised Russians thought that no one regiment by itself would come around there at such a time.

VOA : special.2011.03.26

46. I'm not really surprised.


47. In nineteen sixty-eight, President Johnson surprised the nation by announcing that he would not seek reelection as president.

VOA : special.2010.09.26

48. I'm not surprised that your studies are suffering.


49. Rick Aggeler says he is happy but not surprised by the results of the Music Clubhouse at the Blue Hill Boys and Girls Club.

VOA : special.2010.11.04

50. We shouldn't forget to be surprised that it has taken so long to do even this.

BBC: ECB takes (a little) action

51. Boy, was she surprised!


52. Speaking outside court, she said the family was "very disappointed but not surprised" by the verdicts.

BBC: McCartney sisters in justice vow

53. "I'm not surprised that we are where we are, " says Valero Chairman William Greehey.

FORBES: $2 Gas? We Love It

54. She brought her daughter Khiyali to the exhibit and was surprised to find how much she already knew.

VOA : special.2009.12.01

55. Initially, colleagues and the public could be surprised to see a female within the job.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | 'If a gran can do it, anyone can'

56. "I thought it was brilliant, because he surprised us all with his answer, " she said on CNN.

CNN: 's Republican debate: Winners and losers -

57. Nicks surprised Coughlin Wednesday when he failed to show up for the team's first voluntary workout.

WSJ: Giants kick off OTA without WRs Cruz and Nicks

58. Visitors to Zion National Park are surprised by the huge mountain structures of red, pink and white.

VOA : special.2009.04.15

59. Surprised Mumford and Sons took home the album of the year prize for Babel.

BBC: Grammy success for Fun, Gotye and Mumford and Sons

60. Now we're not, of course, surprised by Paul's list of the virtues.

现在我们当然没有为保罗列出的美德名单而惊讶。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

61. How could any sentient person be surprised about tortilla riots in Central and South America?

FORBES: The Inflation Intifada: Hunger And Revolution In The Third World

62. In perusing the many movies with LA filming locations, there were several that surprised us.

BBC: Search the

63. The pessimism sort of surprised me. So I spent some time looking for sort of a deeper positive message.

这其中的悲观主义某种程度上使我感到惊讶,我花了些时间寻找蕴含其中的深层的积极信条。电影哲学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

64. Holmes said he was surprised at the December correction in gold, but saw good developments ahead.

FORBES: Interview: Want A Read On Emerging Market Gold? Follow the Japanese -- Frank Holmes

65. Cath Stanley, of the UK's Huntington's Disease Association said she was not surprised by the findings.

BBC: Lifestyle link to Huntington's disease



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