in the person of是什么意思_in the person of短语搭配_in the person of权威例句

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in the person of


英 [ɪn ðə ˈpɜːsn ɒv]play 美 [ɪn ðə ˈpɜːrsn əv]play

词典扩展 权威例句 实用例句



1. He have a faithful friend in the person of Tom Brown.


2. If you don't smile at the person you love first thing in the morning, you're sucking energy out of your relationship.


3. On Orientation of the Theory of Individualism; The detective will appear in the person of beggar.


4. I'm not the kind of person to sit in a cubicle behind a desk.


5. The developed countries are responsible for 44% of waste, and in the U.S. alone, the average person throws away their body weight in rubbish every month.


6. She found a good friend in the person of her teacher.


7. He spoke in the person of Xinhua News Agency. Wordsworth was a defining member of the English Romantic Movement.


8. Diversified competition of enterprises from the market will be finally in the person of pricing decision.


9. You must collect the mail in person and take along some form of identification.


10. There is the New York of the person who was born somewhere else and came to New York in quest of something.


11. She is the eighth person who died of bird flu in that country.


12. It always takes the third person singular form of the verb even though it's always plural in English.


13. He spoke in the person of Xinhua News Agency.


14. America has produced a great inventor in the person of Mr Edison.


15. As to nowadays, the state-owned enterprises should gather strengths to deal with important matters, and in the person of economic control, meanwhile, develop the private enterprises.


16. In any case, cash gifts can weaken the resolve of even the noblest person.


17. They opted to put an executive committee in charge of the project rather than a single person.


18. He restored love and service to the centre of our lives in the person of Jesus Christ.


19. But as we look to Him, His help is always near in the person of the Holy Spirit.


20. Providence, in the person of this little girl, had assigned to Hester's charge the germ and blossom of womanhood, to be cherished and developed amid a host of difficulties.


21. The firm has an important asset in the person of the director of research.


22. The Lannings survived only in the person of two very old but lively Miss Lannings, who lived cheerfully and reminiscently among family portraits and Chippendale;


23. We have a valuable asset in the person of sue jones.

我们以苏琼斯的名义拥有无价财产。《provided by jukuu》

24. But after the breakdown of feudalism political power was no longer portioned out but became concentrated in the person of one man, the monarch.


25. The youth bean, the elfevident is to be placed in the person of the youth growth period still is out of tune because of the endocrine cause of


26. And he exists In the person of Kriss kringle!


27. In thy person bides the majesty of England.


28. Although the Hartfield circle was denied churchill's company, it did acquire an addition in the person of Jane fairfax, niece of the garrulous miss bates.

尽管哈特菲尔德的社交圈子没能受到邱吉尔的光顾,却也增加了一个叫简费尔法克斯的姑娘。《provided by jukuu》

29. He have a faithful friend in the person of Tom brown.

他有一位名叫汤姆。布朗的忠实朋友。《provided by jukuu》

30. He had a faithful friend in the person of Tom Brown.


31. Help arrived in the person of his father.

前来帮忙的是他的父亲。《provided by jukuu》

32. Those who will benefit may be the elderly relatives of the random person we didn't pass in Starbucks, on the subway, or in the elevator.


33. She's the sort of person who stands out in a crowd.


34. You interpret this as a sign—a polite one—that he is interested in you as a person rather than just in the topic of conversation.


35. Llewellyn claims that the work of appellate courts then was in the person of a resuscitating common law tradition, Grand Style.


36. Help arrived in the person of his mother.


37. Help arrived in the person of his mother.

来帮忙的是他的母亲。《provided by jukuu》

38. The state was an abstraction, but in the person of the czar it was a reality.

国家" 只是个抽象概念,但沙皇这个人是真实存在的

39. People in the area are habituated to the idea of learning from the person above how to do the work.


40. The detective will appear in the person of beggar.


41. That passenger tapped the person sitting in front of him.


42. We would like to see a more matured, better, wiser Shin gun in the person of jjh.

我们希望智勋演绎的一个更加成熟,优秀,聪明的信君。《provided by jukuu》

43. He spoke in the person of Xinhua-News agency at the press conference.

在记者招待会上,他代表新华社讲了话。《provided by jukuu》

44. The editorial board has an expert with a world-wide reputation in the person of Professor jameson.

编辑部有一个全世界闻名的专家,那就是詹姆森教授。《provided by jukuu》

45. Such ego speaks let often erupt in the person of the spot blast a yock.


46. The thrill of meeting my favourite writer in person is beyond description.


47. The club has a faithful supporter in the person of Jim Brown.


48. It is an interaction between the person and the place, not the sort of place in itself, that leads to better or worse experiences.


49. We had a knowledgeable guide in the person of George Adams.


50. To our great joy, the number of books that each person read in 2016 in China reached 7.


51. Aaron Antonovsky, the third person I would consider the grandfather, brought in the idea of focusing on health.


52. I found an enthusiastic coadjutor in the person of a young fellow named Wang Ming.


53. One point is the locative words which are in the person of space category.


54. The person finds himself in charge of a revolution he did nothing to discourage but did not create.


55. He found a good friend in the person of his teacher.

他的老师变成了他的好朋友。《provided by jukuu》

56. She found a good friend in the person of her landlady.


57. America's thirtieth president was, in some ways, an unusual kind of person to lead the country.


58. From the angle of physical education teaching to teaching and researching about the flexible diathesis with the senior high school students 'evaluation, in the person of students' main body the consciousness and exercise the attitude etc.


59. The developed countries are responsible for 44% of waste, and in the US alone, the average person throws away their body weight in rubbish every month.


60. We had a knowledgeable guide in the person of George Adams.


61. The sovereign is, for Hobbes, the artificially reconstructed will of the people in the person of their representative.


62. If you don't smile at the person you love first thing in the morning, you're sucking the energy out of your relationship.


63. Take a walk in any of the more ritzy areas of New York and every other person has a dog—on a leash, or even being pushed along in a stroller.


64. He a faithful friend in the person of Tom Brown.


65. In a world full of cynicism she was the one person I felt I could trust.


66. He is in the person of his father for the banquet.



1. Okay. I know one person in the department who is one of the most connected people I know on earth.

好的,我认识系里的一个人,他是我认识的人中连接性最强的人。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. He said "Steve, you don't get it. We're going to put a computer on every desk, in every home. You didn't drop out of business school to be the bookkeeper of a 30 person company."

他说“史蒂夫,你还没尽力呢,我们要让电脑进入每桌每户,你从商学院辍学又不是为了,给一个只有30人的公司当图书管理员的“微软CEO-Steve.Ballmer谈科技的未来课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

3. The prospect of a Secretary of Defense in the person of Chuck Hagel who wants to cut even more.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Destroying The U.S. Military From Within

4. That the skills, and particular, the social experiences in exposure to the non-technical part of the world, as a young person, made a huge difference for me.

那些在非技术领域,得到应用的技能,尤其是社会经验,对于年轻的我来说,作用非常大。领导能力简介课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

5. In half of the groups, a person could chose to punish another individual who did not donate to the public project.

VOA : special.2009.03.03

6. At one time in the book or at one point he maintains that a person cannot be made to accuse themselves without the assurance of pardon.

他在书中辩护道,除非一个人知道自己会被赦免而主动认罪,否则是不能轻易强逼他认罪的。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. So she's getting involved in that; and a person who sees more on the cultural side of things so they're doing that.

那么她就参与到这一领域中;,如果成员更喜欢关注事物的文化层面,他们就关注文化方面。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

8. So physicalists do not believe in any immaterial object above and beyond the body that's part of a person.

所以物理主义者不相信,任何超越肉体的非物质实体的存在死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. Still,in the words of an old American saying, the person who keeps pulling the grapevine shakes down at least a few grapes.

VOA : special.2009.02.22

10. Genes direct the making of proteins which do much of the work in building an organism, whether a person or a potato.

VOA : special.2009.11.03

11. Now that relative moderation, in the person of Vojislav Kostunica, Yugoslavia's new president, has prevailed among the Serbs, the West has at times sounded rather desperate to dampen Montenegro's ardour for statehood, and also to contain armed Albanian nationalism.

ECONOMIST: The Balkan jigsaw | The

12. You could argue that the film is too wrenching a departure for an actress as earthy as Farmiga, but that, I suspect, is why she took the risk daring herself, in the person of Corinne, to slip the surly bonds of beauty and desire.

NEWYORKER: Devotions

13. Once a federal tax lien arises, the IRS will record notice of it against the responsible person in the register of deeds' office in the responsible person's county of residence.

FORBES: Expert View

14. Aaron Antonovsky Aaron Antonovsky, the third person I would consider the grandfather, brought in the idea of focusing on health.

还有,第三位祖父级人物,提出了关注健康的理念。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

15. It will attempt to get to the bottom of allegations by university pollster Dr. Robert Chung Ting-yiu that Tung's office -- in the person of his senior special assistant Andrew Lo Cheung-on -- tried to pressure the university to stop the polls.

CNN: Intelligence: The Week Ahead

16. One can stop spread of disease through a community without being 100% effective in each person who gets the vaccine.

疫苗能够遏制疾病在整个社区中传播,虽然对于每个人来说它并非百分之百有效生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. Now this isn't the first time that we have in Milton the representation of the turning of a person to marble.

这不是第一次,在弥尔顿的表述中把人向石头转换。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. But the first person who had a real discussion had a real meeting with the president in our construct, was the Chief of Staff.

但第一个,和他有真正谈话,和总统真正开会的,在我们的习惯里,是办公室主任。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

19. In your pain and sadness, you may decide that the person you loved is hard-hearted, and in fact,has a heart of stone.

VOA : special.2010.07.18

20. Another aspect that is very important in this sort of enlightenment approach is individualism, that the core of everything is the single individual person.

另外一个启蒙思想的,重要方面是,个人主义,即一切事物的核心在于每个单独的个人古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. The first is its willingness to personalise its products and brand in the person of Steve Jobs, and the second, the astute skill of Jobs in performing his role as chief cheer leader.

FORBES: Mr Popularity: What Really Makes Apple, Steve Jobs an Online Powerhouse

22. Team Obama (notably in the person of its hapless and overexposed UN Ambassador, Susan Rice) and its running dogs in the elite media would nonetheless have us believe that the upset is the by-product of an amateurish short video that disparages Mohamed.


23. He did not look much interested in the violin itself but in the whole person of Rudolf, his violin and his work.

VOA : special.2010.05.08

24. He even has what amounts to a primary challenger in the person of former Colorado Governor and china breaker Richard Lamm, who by announcing last week that he would indeed seek the Reform Party's nomination, has given Perot a chance to win his first miniature election.

CNN: It's My Party And I'll Run If I Want To

25. Unfortunately, to the outrage of supporters of this President and his commitment to principled foreign policies and genuine structural change at the UN, his State Department (in the person of Under Secretary of State Nicholas Burns) promptly compromised this stance.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: No money for latest U.N. human rights flim-flam

26. The key to the wider meaning of Mr Schwarzenegger's victory lies partly in his policies much more liberal than those of most Republicans and even more in the kind of person he is, including the sexual accusations that surfaced in the last days of the campaign.

ECONOMIST: Lexington

27. It should be noted that according to CARD, the Engineering Dean at Wayne State is the brother of the person in charge of Sustainability, Safety and Environmental Engineering at Pall.

FORBES: Responsible Investing: Is Pall 'Leading' in Water Filtration? (Governor Snyder's Hometown has a 1,4 Dioxane Problem)

28. In 2009, he was the victim of a nonfatal shooting in Queens and is wanted for questioning in the shooting of a person in Queens in June, the official said.

WSJ: Gunman Sought in Queens Shooting

29. There is a laconic, world-weary protagonist in the person of Inky Lautner, whose negotiation of his urban underworld works as a sort of noir bildungsroman.

FORBES: Jewish Action Heroes: A Review of Neal Pollack's 'Jewball'

30. He rattles on about positivity and "a shot at silver linings, " yet he can't seem to appreciate the shot he's got in the person of Tiffany, who keeps flashing across his jogging orbit like a rogue comet.

WSJ: Silver Linings Playbook | Anna Karenina | Silver Linings Is a Platinum Film | Film Reviews by Joe Morgenstern

31. The sovereign is, for Hobbes, the artificially reconstructed will of the people in the person of their representative.

君主制是,人民意志的体现,人民以共同意志推选出代表。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. Whoever sheds the blood of a person, in exchange for that person shall his blood be shed, for God made humans in his image .

凡流人血的,他的血也必将被人所流,因为神造人都是按照自己形象造的。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. And so Mr Salmond sought to argue that the United Kingdom would be sustained in the person of Her Majesty and the continuing institution of the shared Crown.

BBC: Royal role in independence debate

34. The underlying point being somewhere in the process the components of a story suffer when placed in the hands of a single person, thus debunking the picturesque model of new journalists.

FORBES: A new breed of journalist fits right in at

35. These attacks are really a measure of the rage and frustration in the daily life of the average person in these countries.

FORBES: Don't Be Fooled, The Middle Eastern Riots Aren't What You Think They Are

36. The speaker describes how the person he loves will remain forever young and beautiful in the lines of this poem.

VOA : special.2010.01.06

37. The interviewer wants to know if the person understands the demands of life as a medical student and doctor in training.

VOA : special.2009.06.02

38. He may, however, now back a tougher reformist alternative in the person of Mir Hosein Mousavi, prime minister during Iran's war with Iraq in the 1980s.

ECONOMIST: Iran: The problem of Persian pride | The

39. A person in one of Faulkner's stories says, "God created man, and he created the world for him to live in.

VOA : special.2010.01.10

40. These games in which the more the other person does the more I want to do, these are called games of strategic complements.

这种别人付出越多,你就付出越多的博弈,叫做策略互补博弈博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. Indeed the unpredictability of the Iranian political system is not a reflection of its inherent 'democracy', but of the absence of the rule of law and the growing identification of power in the person of Khamenei.


42. For 12 years baseball commissioner Allan (Bud) Selig has been the walking definition of a conflict of interest--serving as both a team owner and the person in charge of the game.

FORBES: Buddy System

43. The app interface is user-friendly and simple, and lets the user register the biometrics of the person in front of him with relative ease.

CNN: How to turn your phone into a biometric scanning machine

44. Notwithstanding the beefing up of U.S. forces there, the United States in the person of Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has signaled an openness towards accepting the sort of deal for the Afghans that the Pakistanis have now acquiesced to in the Swat Valley.


45. Europeans are not the descendants of Neanderthals - in spite of what you may think of the person in the office next door.

BBC: What is anthropological genetics?

46. In 1986 the rebels (in the person of Martin McGuinness, now one of those ministers) formally renounced their central contention, recognising that there were two governments in Ireland and that the one in Dublin legitimately ruled an Irish state.


47. If Haze is busy looking at something, what he's looking at is manifestly not the person in front of him.

如果当时Haze的目光,正专注于什么,那也显然不是面前的这个人。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. Much of the discussion about income has focused on one person in the marriage earning more than the other.

VOA : special.2010.02.19

49. It added a new political wrinkle in the person of Cheryl Mills, whose role was previously unnoticed.

WSJ: Elliott Abrams: Benghazi Truths vs. Washington Politics

50. Or, despairing of the prospects of the outgoing prime minister, Sergei Stepashin, successfully carrying the democratic torch in an election, he could simply be putting in place an alternative, in the person of Vladimir Putin.

ECONOMIST: Russian roulette

51. Any organization that over weights the importance of technical competency fails to recognize the considerable, and often-untapped value contained in the whole of the person.

FORBES: The Most Common Leadership Model - And Why It's Broken

52. In July of nineteen sixty-nine he was almost speechless when Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the moon.

VOA : special.2009.08.16

53. But Roberto Clemente was loved not only for his ability in sports, but also for the kind of person that he was.

VOA : special.2010.04.11

54. If we had an honest discussion, both of us would know that the other person's heart is in the right place.

VOA : special.2010.07.11

55. The state was an abstraction, but in the person of the czar it was a reality.

国家" 只是个抽象概念,但沙皇这个人是真实存在的欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. When Scottish Power found a new chief executive officer and "fresh perspective" in the person of Philip Bowman early this year, there was widespread speculation of a deal with Germany's E.

FORBES: Spanish-Scottish Match In The Air

57. Prof Eastman explained folie a deux depended on one person being the primary individual, in this case Eileen Pearson, with the other person being in the shadow of them.

BBC: Mental illness 'affected' death accused Angela Pearson

58. The Skin Cancer Foundation says use of tanning beds in youth increases a person's risk of developing melanoma by seventy-five percent.

VOA : special.2010.07.06

59. But change the rules, make there be any question of the qualification of the person so promoted, however understandable the goal of more rapidly effecting that change, is immoral, in that you deprive the person of the fullness of their own legitimate achievement, in their own eyes and in the eyes of everyone looking at them.

FORBES: Heather Higgins On Women in Politics and Business

60. They think that a person who gets up early in the morning for work has the best chance of success.

VOA : special.2010.06.13



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