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英 [ˌɔːtəˌbaɪəˈɡræfɪk(ə)l]play美 [ˌɔːtəˌbaɪəˈɡræfɪk(ə)l]play

  • adj. 自传的,自传体的

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autobiographical /ˌɔːtəˌbaɪəˈɡræfɪkəl/

  • 1.
    形容词 An autobiographical piece of writing relates to events in the life of the person who has written it. 自传性的

    ...a highly autobiographical novel of a woman's search for identity.





1. Autobiographical Notes 自传注记 ; 自述注记

2. Autobiographical Film 自传片

3. autobiographical method 自传法

4. autobiographical response 自传式回应

5. autobiographical memory 自传体记忆 ; 自传式记忆 ; 自传式的记忆 ; 自传记忆

6. Autobiographical Statement 英文个人陈述

7. autobiographical message 自传式讯息

8. focused autobiographical sketches 专题自传概要

9. semi-autobiographical 半自传的 ; 半自传体的


1. The realization that the physical self has continuity in time, according to this hypothesis, lays the foundation for the emergence of autobiographical memory.


2. The album is, in many ways, autobiographical.


3. But a brain injury doesn't selectively impair autobiographical memory-much less bring it back.


4. The Blithedale Romance has a more directly autobiographical origin than any of his other novels.


5. His two autobiographical works drew on his experiences in Shanghai.


6. The types of socialexperiences children have do factor into the development of autobiographical memories.


7. Research for the Impact of Autobiographical Memory under Self-concept and Emotional State


8. Autobiographical memory is a memory of a personal living event.


9. In some ways, autobiographical accounts of grief are unfalsifiable, and therefore unreviewable by any normal criteria.


10. The film is autobiographical and the central character is played by Collard himself.


11. Part Two: the Main Viewpoints of Autobiographical Curriculum Theory.


12. Her book is not without autobiographical meaning.


13. With its autobiographical elements, lyrical and graceful writing, portraits a new era in American history, and in particular the protagonist Amory representing the youth of the era, that first novel has drawn wide critical attention in America.


14. Autobiographical memory is a new field of human memory research.


15. CX: In very deep layers, all of my works are autobiographical.


16. And over the years, it was like, it was autobiographical.


17. The first half of this work is an autobiographical chronology of the author's life.


18. Anybody with a mobile phone that is also a camera is today a potential producer of an autobiographical documentary.


19. Critics accused him of being rambling , repetitious, sometimes incoherent and lazily autobiographical.

评论家指责他文风冗长含糊且反复, 批评他时有的语无伦次和怠惰的自传体风格.《互联网》

20. The Existences and Features of Dual Representation System of Autobiographical Memory


21. Reconstruction and Truth on The Historical Value of The Autobiographical Writing


22. The books are not 100 percent, like, autobiographical.


23. The types of social experiences children have do factor into the development of autobiographical memories.


24. The Concept of Autobiographical Memory and its Main Phenomenon


25. It is more autobiographical than many of his other recent works.


26. In his autobiographical poem'The Prelude ', Wordsworth describes his boyhood in the Lakes.


27. Critics accused him of being rambling, repetitious, sometimes incoherent and lazily autobiographical.


28. This was an autobiographical handbook: part confessional and part self-help manual.


29. The author puts forward that research methods used by teachers should be some kind of autobiographical one.


30. This wide-ranging introduction to the study of autobiography offers a historical overview of autobiographical writing from St Augustine to the present day.


31. Young writers are prone to write autobiographical pieces.


32. So I started writing 'Coming From Behind' [Jacobson's semi-autobiographical first novel].


33. Autobiographical Research Method in Teacher Research


34. But to weigh these pieces as somehow more autobiographical than his fiction is to underestimate how personal his fiction was.


35. Different definitions of autobiographical memory are defined through different aspects.


36. Although they can remember "autobiographical" life events in extraordinary detail, they seem to be no better than average at recalling impersonal information, such as random lists of words.

尽管他们能够非常详细地记住“自传式”生活事件,但是在记忆非个人信息方面,比如随机排列的单词,他们似乎不比普通人强。《四级真题- 2017年 6月 1卷 信息匹配》

37. This massive autobiographical work was the logical culmination of her long career.


38. This acute sense of alienation finds most vivid expression in London's semi - autobiographical novel MARTIN EDEN.


39. You'll begin to see the autobiographical odds and ends that are hidden in his work.


40. Part one: the Background and Basal Theory of the Development of Autobiographical Curriculum Theory.


41. An Autobiographical Myth Developing China's Auto Industry Through the CHERY Pattern


42. He tends to include many autobiographical characters in his novels.


43. In his spare time, he visited the local art galleries, and the paintings are now lodged deep in his autobiographical memories.


44. His novels are largely autobiographical, ie though fictional they describe many of his own experiences.


45. Meridian can be regarded as an autobiographical novel of Alice Walker.


46. Laurie Lee's trilogy of autobiographical novels.


47. Unlike Lowell's, his poems are neither autobiographical nor confessional.

和洛厄尔不同, 他的诗既不是自传性质的,也不是忏悔的.《互联网》

48. The film is autobiographical and the central character is played by Collard himself


49. Now living in Brooklyn, she creates autobiographical artwork, where she analyzes herself and her culture.


50. The Bell Jar is an autobiographical novel written by Sylvia Plath.


51. The amblyopia children had bad autobiographical memory than the normal children.


52. Autobiographical memory is the memory about individual life.


53. On Modern Transformation of Chinese Autobiographical Literature


54. Now I can say 'Vertigo.' When I am told, 'I've never seen what's so great about it,' I can reply: 'That's fascinating from an autobiographical point of view.'


55. If you've read this autobiographical work by Dave Pelzer, you likely know your parents may not have been all that bad after all.


56. Besides the similar theme, both of the two novels are autobiographical ones.

除了主题相似外, 自传体是这两部小说的另一共同之处.《互联网》

57. Murphy played rapper Eminem's girlfriend in the autobiographical "8 Mile, " which came out in 2002.


58. This book is autobiographical in a way that his others are not.


59. She had earlier published autobiographical writings in magazines and a story entitled 'a Chinese Woman Speaks' in the Asia magazine.


60. These poems are by no means purely autobiographical.


61. She had a fine ear for dialogue, but her plays could be a bit cute and awkwardly autobiographical.


62. "Highly superior autobiographical memory" ( or HSAM for short) first came to light in the early 2000s, with a young woman named Jill Price.

这种“超级自传体记忆”(简称HSAM)首次进入公众视野是在21世纪初。《四级真题- 2017年 6月 1卷 信息匹配》

63. Lee Isaac Chung's autobiographical drama has had glowing reviews, but it has also been the source of controversy8.



1. The patient responded accurately to five out of six autobiographical questions posed by the scientists.

BBC: Vegetative state patients can respond to questions

2. It was first published as a work of fiction in 1947 but was later revealed to be autobiographical.

BBC: Obituary: Robert Kee

3. In this exquisite, impressionistic, quasi-autobiographical reverie, from 1993, the British director Terence Davies celebrates, with meticulous grace, a Liverpool boyhood in 1955-56.

NEWYORKER: The Long Day Closes

4. The story of Franny Banks, an aspiring actress pounding the pavement in New York City in the 1990s, is semi-autobiographical.

CNN: 'Gilmore Girls' reunion? Someday, someday, maybe

5. The stories are good and the book is framed by two especially fine autobiographical sketches.

ECONOMIST: Hospitality

6. The Fang character in her jokes was her most autobiographical creation, and the couple divorced in the mid-1960s.

WSJ: Humorist Phyllis Diller Dies at 95

7. My first novel was recounted in the third person and described, with fair autobiographical fidelity, my growing up with an autistic brother.

WSJ: Eli Gottlieb on Giving a Voice to Autism | Word Craft

8. Much of his writing is autobiographical, and he seems unable to discuss his personal history without giving it mythic contours.

NEWYORKER: Neptunes Navy

9. an autobiographical novella from French writer Marguerite Duras


10. His primary sources for the writer's early life are an autobiographical novel and memoir by her sister, Elisa.

ECONOMIST: Brazilian literature

11. And while it would be ridiculous for us to read the entire mask as the poet's own completely unfettered autobiographical fantasy, a Miltonic set of interests and a Miltonic set of anxieties charging and fueling this work.

虽然要我们读完整篇文章有点荒谬,因为诗人的自传幻想太无拘无束了,这个作品有弥尔顿式的嗜好,和弥尔顿式的焦虑控诉及刺激因素。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. Or, he doesn't say it; his autobiographical hero says it: "Any genuinely new trend in art is a knight's move, a change of shadows, a shift that displaces the mirror." Okay.

或者他没讲,他是在自传《英雄》中提到了:,“艺术上任何一个全新的趋势都是迂回前进的,是一种影子的改变,一个转移镜子的变化“1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. The autobiographical tale was told from the viewpoint of an employee fresh out of business school.

FORBES: Magazine Article

14. Miyamoto is the closest thing there is to an autobiographical game creator.

NEWYORKER: Master of Play

15. The movie, The Learning Tree, was based on his 1963 autobiographical novel of the same name.

NPR: Tribute to Photographer, Filmmaker Gordon Parks

16. Laurie Lee's trilogy of autobiographical novels


17. Blackburn's new novel follows a clear trajectory in the author's intellectual development: from imagined biographies to what I suspect are highly autobiographical imaginings.

CNN: 'The Leper's Companions'

18. His bandmate Peter Tosh made secret autobiographical recordings called the "Red X" tapes.

NPR: Bob Marley's Music and Magic Endure

19. But the singer-songwriter is evasive on the question of whether the song is autobiographical.

BBC: Jake Bugg: 'I have to pinch myself'

20. "This is England, " his most autobiographical picture to date, is set in a small midlands town in 1983.

CNN: Review: Summer movies you may have missed

21. Many authors use pen names and claim their stories are at least partially autobiographical.

CNN: Cell phone stories writing new chapter in print publishing

22. Beethoven interpreters also have to be aware of autobiographical elements in these pieces.

WSJ: Plumbing the Depths of Beethoven | Richard Goode | Cultural Conversation by Stuart Isacoff

23. However, he swears not everything is autobiographical for example, he's never been a female social worker named Geraldine.

NPR: Glasvegas: Epic Rock Gets Stripped Bare

24. In doing so, he is despite his own atheism following a Protestant tradition of interpreting the Bible in an autobiographical light.

ECONOMIST: Canons of conflict

25. By taking that a step further, you could say that 'The Watsons' is her most autobiographical work.

WSJ: Pages From Jane Austen's The Watsons at Sotheby's | Backstory

26. Unfortunately, Joel is the autobiographical hero as abashed apologist, laying out and criticizing his experiences without exposing his core.

NEWYORKER: The Waterdance

27. They were paying attention to changes in literature styles and autobiographical works.

BBC: Kerouac's 'lost' book published

28. The title, 'A Record of Childhood and Youth' " that was the subtitle "makes one first think that the story is autobiographical.

标题是“童年和少年记事“,副标题是那个,“最先开始让人觉得是自传。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. Mr Carter's denials that the book is in large part autobiographical fly in the face of the fictionalised facts.

ECONOMIST: New fiction

30. He was only 23 years old, and I don't think he expected it to be treated as autobiographical, which it wasn't.

CNN: Gore Vidal, chronicler of American life and politics, dies

31. Her first novel, the semi-autobiographical Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit, was published in 1985 when she was 25.

BBC: Jeanette Winterson calls for library expansion

32. The film, a semi-autobiographical account of Ms. Ree's life, debuted at the Sundance Film Festival this past January.

WSJ: Indie Director Uses Marketing Skills

33. a highly autobiographical novel of a woman's search for identity


34. Despite all the spin, this semi-autobiographical novel falls somewhat flat in English.

ECONOMIST: Contemporary Chinese fiction

35. Since then, her sculptures have become harder, sharper-edged, less autobiographical and, frequently, machine-run.

ECONOMIST: Rebecca Horn

36. That means revisiting a piece that has plenty of autobiographical elements for Brown, whose first marriage ended in divorce.

WSJ: Songwriter Jason Robert Brown revisits tough times



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