central region翻译_central region短语搭配_central region权威例句

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central region

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  • 中部地区:指一个国家或地区的中心地带,通常是指在地理、政治、经济或文化上具有重要地位的区域。

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1. Core Central Region 核心中央区

2. Central region Sales Manager 华中地区销售经理

3. provinces in the central region 中部省份

4. OVCY PM - Central Region 艾滋遗孤项目主管

5. Rest of Central Region 其他中央地区 ; 代表中档私宅的其他中央区 ; 其他中央区 ; 代表中档领域的其他中央区

6. Outside Central Region 中央区以外

7. Central Region Office 中区工程处

8. central region command 中央区域司令部

9. central region air defence 中部航空方面队


1. In the Zoogeographical region of China, 44 species (54.32%) are the Central region;

在中国动物地理区中,华中区44种,比重达54.32 % ;

2. The experimental results show that the radial profiles of local slip velocity are non-uniform :flat in the central region and steep in the region near the wall.


3. Urbanization Makes Great Contributions Urbanization to Economic Development in the Central Region


4. Therefore, improving the capability of independent innovation was the key to develop the central region.


5. Objective To summarize the operative experience on lesions located at the cerebral central region by sulcus approach combined with frameless neuronavigation.


6. Zhengzhou's Financial Role in the Central Region


7. China's central region includes the provinces of Shanxi, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei and Hunan.


8. In the central region, the transmission mechanism is only partly built and not effective.


9. The central region should accelerate the standardization of hospitals for infectious diseases and centers for disease control and prevention, and improve the ability of urban and rural communities to provide medical services.


10. Are most of the mountains located in the west central region?

大部分山脉都在西部中心地区 吗 ?《英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语》

11. That means that you can go through twenty years of a career on Wall Street and all you've observed is observations in the central region.


12. China develops central region to cope with crisis.


13. Are most of the lakes located in the north central region?

大部分湖泊都在北部中心地区 吗 ?《辞典例句》

14. Approaches to Promote the Economic Development of the Central Region


15. The central region should cultivate new economic growth points and speeding up industrialization and urbanization.


16. These three cells are mainly distributed in the central region.


17. It shows that the development of the central region the lack of policy.


18. Therefore, verified with theoretical level the development strategies of central region are scientific.


19. In the central region of this biome, the weather is more mild because it is not near either the equator or the cold Antarctic.


20. The Research on the Development of the Logistics Network System in the Central Region


21. We work with the leadership of the Central Region to help them meet their strategic objectives.


22. P. euphratica is only suitable for growth of the central region, it is nature tree long evolutionary process of surviving species.


23. Some considers of rising strategy in central region


24. The province of the Henan is located in the central region of our country.


25. Waves can bounce back and forth across the central region, becoming successively amplified-a cosmic echo chamber.


26. The Study of the Urban Development Model on the Non-central Region


27. Second, the central region to form a fairly complete basic trunk network.


28. Investigation and analysis of soil fertility in the central region of Hainan Island


29. Nearly all the growth has come from large, mechanised farms in the south-central region-hundreds of miles away from the Amazon rainforest.


30. Results show that gas expansion in central region of vortex chamber caused by swirling flow is an important reason for the refrigerating effect of vortex tube.


31. Economic and Environment Coordination Degree of the Central Region


32. Strategic Choice of the Rise of Central Region of China


33. Strategy of Well-off Society Development in the Central Region of China


34. Objective: To recognize, count and isolate pacemaking (p) cells from the central region of rat SAN in study of pacemaking mechanism.


35. Study on processing trade development in the central region of China


36. Objectives To evaluate the surgical strategy and operative principle in the patients with meningiomas involving the central region of the skull base.


37. Analyzing on Fiscal Income& Expenses in Central Region Growing up and West Region Development


38. The upper part has a generally ring-shaped upper end surrounding a non-conductive central region.

第一上方部 分具有为环形的顶终端,其环绕非导体的中心区域。

39. Research on Environmental Law Issue of Rural Urbanization in Central Region


40. Most of the mountains are located in the west central region.


41. The enterprise clusters mainly in the coastal areas of the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and Bohai Bay as the center of the Central region.


42. The fourth part is the logistics financial development situation and SWOT analysis of central region.


43. The surface of the sun effective temperature for 5762 K, and the central region of the internal temperature is as high as millions degrees.


44. Market Development Strategy and Point in the Central Region of China


45. There are five geographic regions in Canada, Atlantic Division, central region, regiondessavanes, west coast region and northern.

加拿大有五大地理区。 分别是东部大西洋区、中部区、草原区、西海岸地区和北部区。

46. TüV SüD Shanghai is one of TüV SüD's largest and most important branches in Greater China, it is also the head office of Central Region of Greater China.

上海是南德集团在大中华区最大及最重要的分支机构之一。 它同时是大中华区中区的总部所在地。

47. The Study of Airborne Pollens in Central Region of Wuhan City


48. Waves can bounce back and forth across the central region , becoming successively amplified — a cosmic echo chamber.

波可在星盘中间来回反弹, 并连续放大,就像是个宇宙中的共鸣箱.《互联网》

49. A Comparative Study of Industrial Development of Central Region in China


50. The central region has abundant energy, multi - metal and nonmetallic mineral resources.

中部地区拥有丰富的能源 、 多种金属和非金属矿产资源.《互联网》

51. Be most of the lake located in the north central region?


52. No significant difference was found in central region in female and male group.


53. But in terms of legal system level, the central region has lead the northeast region.


54. The central region exist a double threshold effect.


55. The largest turbulence intensity was in the central region.


56. Are most of the lakes located in the north central region?


57. Be most of the lake located in the north central region?

大多数湖泊位于北部中心地带 吗 ?《互联网》

58. Aim to analyze sedimentary environment, the characteristics of clastic reservoirs and their controlling factors of the Lower Cretaceous in B Basin, central region.


59. Tran Lam, an employee of an oil and gas company, said that his hometown is a poor village in the central region.



1. And we have historically been an Asia Pacific power, and I wanted to make sure that all our friends and partners throughout the region understood that we see this as a central region for our growth and our prosperity, and it's not one that we can neglect.

WHITEHOUSE: The White House

2. On his trip to Russia he travelled to the central region of Mordovia, which has invited him to make his home there.

BBC: Depardieu fails to attend court on drink-drive charge

3. The Intuit Small Business Employment Index for the South West Central region is currently 7 percentage points higher than it was in January 2007, and declined only 2.5 percentage points to its low in November 2009.

FORBES: Small Business Employment Hasn't Been Hit Hard Everywhere

4. Green Party officials said they were "quietly confident" of their first AM, and are targeting 7% of the vote in the South Wales Central region, to elect their Welsh leader Jake Griffiths.

BBC: Vote 2011: Labour assembly majority is on a knife edge

5. Situated on a plateau in the central region of Afghanistan, Ghazni has a population of about 140, 000 people and a long history of military invasions.

WHITEHOUSE: Why Judge My Book By My Cover?

6. He was set to win in the northern region of Lombardy, as well as the central region of Campania and Sicily.

BBC: Italy election: Results point to impasse

7. At least 140 people reportedly have been killed in recent weeks in a suspected drug-cartel struggle over the north-central region of Mexico known as La Laguna.

FORBES: Monthly Mexico Media Roundup: Economic Growth and Continued Drugwar Violence

8. Several electoral officials have resigned, alleging intimidation, among them the head of the electoral office for the Central region, in which Hinche and Maissade both lie.


9. Prices of non-landed private homes outside Singapore's central region rose 3.4% in the fourth quarter from the previous quarter, accelerating from a 1.0% rise in the third quarter.

WSJ: Singapore Residential Property Prices Rise

10. The project was ongoing from 2008-2010 and as shown in the below map, was implemented in 23 soums of Bayan-Ulgii and Uvs aimags from the western region, Dornod and Khentii from the eastern region and Khentii aimag from the central region.

UNESCO: Herder Families Literacy and Life Skills

11. He will have a portfolio as a special assistant to the President and be senior director for the central region that largely extends -- encompasses the Middle East, the Gulf, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and South Asia.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

12. It is now starting pilot projects in the central region of the Visayas and the southern region of Mindanao.

WSJ: Microloans Target Shopkeepers

13. In the rest of the central region, prices were flat after falling 0.6% in the previous three months.

WSJ: Singapore Home Prices Swing Higher

14. In late April, fighting broke out between soldiers and Kamajors in the central region.

ECONOMIST: Sierra Leone

15. Hazarajat, the Hazara-dominated central region (with Behsood district at its eastern extreme), is an area poor in resources with too many people.

ECONOMIST: Modern politics meets ancient grievances

16. Over the 2007-to-present period, small business employment has been strongest in the West South Central region and weakest in the Mountain region.

FORBES: Small Business Employment Hasn't Been Hit Hard Everywhere

17. Along with the West North Central region, the West South Central and the Mountain regions also plan to add the most personnel.

FORBES: Careers

18. The LRA began intensifying civilian attacks in the DRC a year ago, but the group is now regularly crossing the border into neighboring Central African Republic and the Western Equatorial region of southern Sudan.

VOA : standard.2009.08.27

19. Her position at the top of Plaid's list for the South Wales Central region gives Ms Wood a reasonably safe route into the assembly.

BBC: Plaid Cymru's Leanne Wood to fight constituency seat

20. Some people in Muxengue and Gondola have fled their homes fearing further clashes and there is little traffic on the main highway between the central region and the capital, which is in the south of the country, he says.

BBC: Mozambican ex-rebels Renamo in police clash

21. Prices outside the central region grew slower in the second quarter, rising 0.4% quarter-to-quarter compared with a 1.1% gain in the previous three months.

WSJ: Singapore Home Prices Swing Higher

22. You see most of the cases are in Central Africa and in the region around India, particularly Northern India.

你可以看到,大多数病案都发生在中非,以及印度的周边地区,尤其是印度南部生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. Private-housing prices in the city-state's core central region rose 0.6% in the second quarter, compared with a 0.6% fall in the January-April period.

WSJ: Singapore Home Prices Swing Higher

24. And while it appears that Saudi terrorist cells are well funded, well equipped and well trained, their actions have so far been limited to a small part of the vast kingdom, stretching north from the capital to the arch-conservative central region of Qasim.

ECONOMIST: A blow for the forces of evil | The

25. Ixmiquilpan, MEXICO -- We heard about a strange thing when we came to Mexico: an attraction in the country's central region where tourists pay 20 bucks each to pretend they're illegal immigrants and make a run for a "make believe" border.

CNN: Pay to play a border crosser in bizarre tourist attraction

26. I've long been advocated of greater involvement by the countries in the region, particularly the central Asia coountries.

我一直在鼓励中亚地区的更多参与。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

27. In 2008, for example, tequila producers in Jalisco, the west central region of Mexico where the industry is based, generated 312.1 million liters of bioethanol.

FORBES: Biofuel from Tequila By-products

28. Oxfam, which distributes food in Hazarajat, a central region populated mainly by the Shia Hazara minority, says little has arrived.

ECONOMIST: The race to get food into Afghanistan before winter is on

29. Nearly all the growth has come from large, mechanised farms in the south-central region hundreds of miles away from the Amazon rainforest.

ECONOMIST: Energy in Brazil

30. Given that the Tel Aviv district has a 99% Jewish majority and the central region of the country has a 92% Jewish majority, a national plan for populating the areas could easily facilitate such a migratory trend.


31. The secretary reportedly has been trying to mediate between Kurdish leaders and the central government in Baghdad, over a thorny territorial dispute over the oil-rich region of Kirkuk.

VOA : standard.2009.07.29

32. Lim grew up in a small village in Malaysia's central region and worked on the family plantation during school breaks.

FORBES: Magazine Article

33. is sort of the heart of an up-and-coming wine region in the central coast of California.

位于加利福尼亚州的中部海岸,一个蓬勃发展的葡萄酒产区的中心地带。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 我的职业是

34. The vast reddish desert that covers much of Somalia's central Mudug region has always been a source of wealth, as well as calamity, for thousands of pastoral families.

VOA : standard.2009.10.06

35. Three weeks ago, three soldiers were killed when they hit a mine near Douentza in the central region.

CNN: Suicide bomber kills soldier at checkpoint in Mali

36. He was killed while a demonstration he was covering in Nyololo Village in the central region of Iringa was being dispersed.


37. That means that you can go through twenty years of a career on Wall Street and all you've observed is observations in the central region.

这就是说,你在华尔街混了二十年,所有观察值都集中在中心区域金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课





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