more specific翻译_more specific短语搭配_more specific权威例句

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more specific

adj. 具体的;特定的;明确的;独特的;特有的


英 [mɔː(r) spəˈsɪfɪk]play 美 [mɔːr spəˈsɪfɪk]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. That is more specific 再具体就是


3. To More Specific Class 转换为特定的类

4. more specific insurance 最特定保险

5. had more specific suggestions 已较具体的建议 ; 更具体的建议

6. more specific suggestions 更具体的建议 ; 更多特别建议 ; 更多具体的建议 ; 更具体的的

7. More specific is 再具体就是

8. More specific recommendations 更多具体建议 ; 更多更具体的建议 ; 更具体的建议 ; 有更具体的建议

9. More specific mind 更具体的介意


1. The argument is only making a much more specific claim.


2. In today's competitive world these pursuits must be balanced with the pursuit of more specific goals.


3. Some simple code additions can make this error a lot more specific.


4. The more specific you can make your goal,


5. Sometimes, more specific information is required.


6. More specific rules override more generic ones.


7. As above, the more specific you can be, the better.


8. Or, to be more specific, a Big Bang of a guest star!


9. You could have been a little bit more specific.

你应该讲得更具体些的。《provided by jukuu》

10. Secondly, the research objectives are more specific and more in-depth.


11. But other studies have found something more specific.


12. Also more specific short term and long term goals are established.


13. To be more specific: firstly, speed up financial reform.


14. And these strategies are contained by a number of methods which are more specific.


15. Please make your request more specific and try again.

请使您的要求更具体,然后重试。《provided by jukuu》

16. Could you be more specific on the date the contract was made?

您能否告诉我合同订立的具体日期 吗 ?《互联网》

17. For more specific cabling information, refer to Installation Considerations, page 18.

更多的线缆信息, 参考安装事项, 第18页.《互联网》

18. I asked him to be more specific.


19. For more specific information, click the details button.

有关详细信息,请单击“详细信息”按钮。《provided by jukuu》

20. Could you be more specific about what you're looking for?

可否请你更明确的说明你要找的是 什么 ?《互联网》

21. Thanks to a new EU directive, insecticide labelling will be more specific.


22. To interpret it we need some more specific and definite revelation.


23. I think we have to be more specific on the penalty.


24. The next level down has more specific categories.


25. Could you be more specific?


26. A portal usually serves one or more specific purposes.


27. I didn't get any more specific than that.


28. Thanks to a new directive, food labelling will be more specific.


29. Users are going to navigate to a more specific category.


30. Perhaps you could be a bit more specific.

你能不能说得更加详细一点。《provided by jukuu》

31. She stayed in the Northwest, although the test could not be more specific than somewhere between eastern Oregon and western Wyoming.


32. These nerve centres generate rhythmic movements; or to be more specific, rhythmic stomach movements


33. But the more specific it is, the more power it has in your life.


34. You're going to have to be a little bit more specific.

那你们不得不说具体些。《provided by jukuu》

35. These nerve centres generate rhythmic movements; or to be more specific, rhythmic stomach movements.


36. Should you have more specific keywords?


37. But more specific consequences are worth pondering.


38. There are indications that pleiotropic plant hormones may actually function by activating the enzymes that release these other, more specific chemical messengers from the cell wall.


39. She declined to be more specific about the reasons for the separation.


40. The next level down has more specific categories.


41. Could you be a little more specific concerning our current mission?

你能把我们现在的任务解释地详细一点儿吗?《provided by jukuu》

42. Be more specific about what you want to do.


43. I asked him to be more specific


44. The term is most commonly used in the context of head-to-toe ( or nearly) shots involving nudity. More specific terms are often used in special cases; a stunt adjustments.

具体情况不同,“替身”的说法也不同,危险或复杂场景的替身叫做stunt double(特技替身)。

45. When the needs become more specific, however, they can make up longer phrases to meet the needs.


46. Student c: could you be more specific?

学生丙:是吗?你能给我们具体说说吗?《provided by jukuu》

47. The more specific each signal is, the more information they can impart.

每一种信号越有特异性, 那么所能传送的信息就越多.《辞典例句》

48. Some experts, however, suggest a more specific definition.


49. Through what way second liver travel? Bit more specific!

乙肝是通过什么途径传播的? 具体点!《互联网》

50. Yudell said scientists need to get more specific with their language, perhaps using terms like "ancestry" or "population" that might more precisely reflect the relationship between humans and their genes, on both the individual and population level.

亚戴尔说道,科学家们需要更具体的语言,或许可以使用像“血统”或“人群”这样的术语,它们也许能更准确地在个体和群体层面上反映出人类与其基因之间的关系。《六级真题- 2016年 12月 3卷 阅读B》

51. There is also a more specific reason.


52. I'll try to be more specific.


53. Time to drill down further using more specific AIX tools.

下面,让我们再来深入地研究特定 AIX 工具的使用。

54. No, no, no, no, too general. Something more specific.


55. Of course, there are many more specific types of data.


56. You also get more specific information and detail in the format.


57. Could you put that into more specific terms?


58. You've got to be more specific.


59. Hogan is more specific.


60. Some more specific option names have changed.


61. The more specific the better.


62. You have to be a little more specific.

你得说的稍微详细点。《provided by jukuu》

63. Could you be a little more specific? East, you say?

你能不能再具体些? 你说,去东边?《互联网》

64. However, some of the more specific results are intriguing.


65. Ki-67 is a more specific cell proliferation antigen. 1.


66. Replace generic text with something more specific to your company


67. But they also gave more specific advice:


68. Some experts, however, suggest a more specific definition.


69. These more specific re - interpretations will be spoken of later.


70. You could also be more specific.


71. To be more specific, I want to sell my house.


72. More specific, nuanced theories are often less versatile.



1. Good, because you can add even more specific information to your profile to describe yourself.

FORBES: New Facebook Profiles: No Downgrade

2. " Then, the declaration turns more specific: "We will defeat the regime of Alvaro Uribe in Colombia...

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The consequences of Colombia's negotiations with FARC

3. More specific, short-term strategies that work towards the grand goals can then be laid out.

ECONOMIST: Nice picture. Where to next?

4. What is it about Buddhism, what is the actual tradition you bring to that, is there a school of thought or being more specific, what is it?

佛教到底是要做什么,有哪些实际的传统惯例,有没有自成一派的学说,具体来说,佛教到底是什么?人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

5. Then we would be able to change our equation to make it a little bit more specific and say that delta energy here is equal to energy of n equals 6, minus the energy of the n equals 2 state.

第一激发态,我们就可以把方程,变得更具体一点,能量差,等于n等于6能量,减去n等于2的能量。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

6. We're going to talk more about this as we go through some specific examples of where RNA processing is important.

我们以后会讲到一些,特定的例子,进一步说明为什么RNA的加工如此重要生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. Anything more specific?

还有更确切的见解吗聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. The new settlement, which requires Google to set up a privacy program within six months, is more specific.

FORBES: Google Ordered To Teach America How To Put Passwords On Wi-Fi Networks

9. So it's a more specific version of the equation where we have the n final equal to 2.

当我们令n等于2时,使这个这个方程变成更具体的版本。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

10. An optogenetics device could hit more specific subsets of brain cells than those devices can.

FORBES: Magazine Article

11. I digressed a little from this diagram but I think you've gotten the picture that as I move to more adult organisms, as I move to more specific regions of the brain, for example, I can still find progenitor cells that have some potential.

我不太认同这张图表,不过我认为随着我说到成人机体,你们已经在脑海中有这样的概念了,我在更特异性的区域,比如大脑中,仍能找到有一定潜能的祖细胞生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. In fact, in part, because of this, we are only reading approximately half the book, the first five books, to be more specific.

事实上,也部份归因于此,我们大约只能读,其一半的篇幅,更确切的说是前五部。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. Also interesting: you can now list more specific information in your work and extracurricular experiences.

FORBES: New Facebook Profile Pages Revealed

14. His specific request is still secret, but it is believed to involve tens of thousands more troops.

VOA : standard.2009.10.23

15. It would lay down the overarching and some of the more specific aims that all schools should follow.

BBC: Viewpoints: National curriculum in England

16. In this first debate, it is unlikely Obama will get any more specific than he has.

FORBES: It's Debate Time, And Romney's Chance To Show Us The Way Forward

17. There's also a more specific, a more local, reason for which our John Milton was susceptible to this profit-and-loss rhetoric of Calvinist puritan theology.

还有一个更具体,更局部的原因,弥尔顿易受,卡尔文新教神学的盈亏理论的影响。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. Will he be making a general case or talking about any more specific policy ideas?

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

19. So we'd love to see any of those of you who are interested to stop by and talk with us and we'll be able to talking more detail about more specific questions you might have at that point.

我们非常期待,有兴趣的同学过来和我们谈谈,到时我们可以更详尽地,解答你们的问题。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

20. On Tuesday we'll turn to a more specific subject matter: hermeneutics, what hermeneutics is, how we can think about the nature of interpretation.

周二我们会讲到一个更具体的问题:,即解释学,解释学是什么,我们该如何看待解释学的本质。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. We'll get more specific here, more specific even than just saying you can think of it as an orbital.

我们今天要更具体的讲一讲,要比,把它想成轨道,更加具体。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

22. We'll have more specific dates for you shortly after they are completely done with the pre-advance.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

23. Ambassador Eide endorsed the idea, but would not be specific on how many more foreign troops he thinks Afghanistan needs.

VOA : standard.2009.10.23

24. The general has not made a specific troop request, but experts say he could ask for as many as 40,000,maybe more, on top of the doubling of U.S.troop strength to 68,000 in the past year.

VOA : standard.2009.09.22

25. Senator Joseph Lieberman, who calls himself an Independent but caucuses with Democrats, says the legislation is part of a process in which the United States and its allies "turn the page" toward finding more common ground on Iran and setting specific benchmarks with global enforcement.

VOA : standard.2009.04.28

26. However, there are several more specific topic areas (society, technology, and the arts, for starters).

CNN: Site Seer: Web sites let kids chat, learn, get published

27. But at times they reveal a more specific location: You know this is somewhere in Latin America.

FORBES: Evan Browning's Photos Of La Salada In Buenos Aires

28. And you could think to yourself 'That question is too broad, I need to be more specific.'

你可能暗自忖度,这个问题太宽泛了,我得更细化一些。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : Would you 课堂

29. Can you be a little bit more specific about what the President plans to do going forward?

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

30. Britain has held four different and more specific inquiries into the Iraq war.

VOA : standard.2009.06.15

31. It still points to specific TPB torrent files if more specific terms are used.

BBC: Google removes The Pirate Bay from auto-complete search

32. So, let me get a little bit more specific about what we mean by nodal plane and where the idea of nodal plane comes from, and nodal planes arise from any place you have angular nodes.

关于节面的意义,或者节面概念的起源,让我们讲的更具体一点,节面起源于角向节点。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

33. And also, I think he's seeking some reassurance from them on more specific objectives.

NPR: Iran, Peace Top Agenda for Bush's Mideast Trip

34. Such an accord would have to involve more specific commitments from China, India and other developing countries.

ECONOMIST: China, India and climate change

35. Teacher Laura Peterson says kids today are more used to structured play, where they have to follow rules, listen to a coach, or play on specific equipment.

VOA : standard.2010.06.25

36. As for the future, branded content will become even more specific than it is now.

FORBES: Building Your Brand: Making Magic, Using Logic

37. But by referencing Anonymous and Occupy, these two go beyond general jingoism to something more specific.

FORBES: What The Dark Knight Rises and Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Have in Common

38. You're going to know more details about it, they're not really colors, they're chemicals, specific chemicals - but the pattern is the same.

通过它,你可以知道更多,DNA不是真有颜色 它们只是化学物质,特殊的化学物质,不过模式是一样的生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. The title of that book, published in 1914, and the one that more than any other made him famous, locates his subjects in a specific geography.

这本书的名称,1914年出版,是这本书让他出名的,把他的主题放在一个具体的地理位置上。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. There's one on DNA fingerprinting, for example, that gives you a little bit more detail about that specific technique; another one on production of therapeutic proteins.

例如,这里有一段,是关于DNA指纹图谱法,提供了这项具体技术一些更详尽的细节,另一段是关于治疗性蛋白质的生产的生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. It just throws the decimal point away and that's because, again, these are ints and the answer intuitively should be a floating point value, but I need to be more specific.

它直接把小数点后面的数值丢弃掉了,因为,凭直觉,那些整型数和结果应该是一个浮点数据,但是我需要一个更精确的数值。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

42. Geoff Hollingworth, Head of Business Innovation at Ericsson, was more specific in his concern.

CNN: The future of travel: The dark side of connected cars

43. Mr Kramer is pushing for the more specific term "recognised operating agencies" to be used instead.

BBC: Divisions over internet governance intensify in Dubai

44. The other good news is that Democrats reportedly are getting more specific about cuts in federal spending.

FORBES: The Deficit Supercommittee: Still Not Serious

45. Its more specific aim is to help brands, businesses, and nonprofits design competitions that drive innovation.

FORBES: A Support System For Innovation

46. We conducted several rounds of interviews where each set of questions was more specific than the last.

FORBES: How to Incubate A Media Business -- Appealing to an Audience

47. These are much more specific things that users are interested in, says CEO Garrett Camp.

FORBES: StumbleUpon Brings More Focus With Explore Box

48. And, for investors in the enterprises they help to run, they bring more specific risks.

ECONOMIST: Who Vladimir Putin trusts to run Russian business

49. In 2007, Lilly added to Zyprexa's label a more specific warning about the potential for weight gain.

WSJ: Drug Reps Soften Their Sales Pitches

50. But because we're now programming a computer at a lower level and because as we said last week, you really have to be precise and then careful to instruct this machine, this fairly dumb machine that will only do what you tell it to do very specific instructions, do we have to use a more precise syntax than just a puzzle piece might have previously allowed.

但是我们是要在电脑的低平台上编程不是吗?,那我们就要像我上周提到过的那样,一定要小心,小心,再小心地,操纵这台又聋又哑的机器,它只会根据你敲进去的,特定指令来做事,所以我们必须使用非常精细的语法,而不是模模糊糊,让人费解的概念。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

51. The Council of Europe - the body that oversees the ECHR - is more specific.

BBC: Votes for prisoners - opening the door?

52. People are opting to use Google for more specific and technical tasks vs. paying for higher quality maps.

FORBES: Google Maps - The New Standard

53. The country will soon go the way of Europe or, to be more specific, Greece (sometimes Portugal).

NEWYORKER: The Miners Daughter

54. More specific and dramatic was the presentation by a serving politician on the Tokyo Bunkyo ward council.

FORBES: Second Meeting of the Tokyo Tea Party

55. The argument is only making a much more specific claim.

它只是提出了一个更明确的主张死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课



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