Internet user翻译_Internet user短语搭配_Internet user权威例句

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Internet user

n. 因特网用户

英 [ˈɪntənet ˈjuːzə(r)]play 美 [ˈɪntərnet ˈjuːzər]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. Internet user experience 互联网用户体验 ; 因特网用户经历

2. Internet User of China 中国互联网用户

3. internet user clustering 网络用户聚类

4. Each Internet User 每一个互联网用户

5. Internet User of Dhina 中国互联网用户

6. Internet User Account Provider 因特网用户账号提供者

7. chinese internet-user 中国网民

8. pathological Internet user 病理性网络使用者

9. Internet User Index 网络用户测量指数


1. The Design and Implement of Internet User Charging System Based on J2EE


2. The development of information technology of our country and the fast increase of internet user create advantaged condition for tourism e-commerce.


3. Another Internet user wrote on the popular Internet forum Tiexue. com: 'China will not let any forces influence its law enforcement.


4. The increase of Internet user and the data transferred in the Internet result in more and more serious congestion.


5. The study of archival internet user and the administration of archival internet user have become urgent task.


6. The average Chinese internet user is almost young enough to be the average American user's son/ daughter!


7. Emerging markets have material potential for mobile Internet user growth.


8. The average Chinese internet user is almost young enough to be the average American users son/daughter!


9. Today's Internet user is self-taught.


10. Online education has been slow to catch on in China even though the country has the worlds largest Internet user base and is the worlds largest smartphone market.


11. The personal Internet user mostly uses windows OS, and the system security, itself is not high.


12. China's rapidly growing population of Internet users may have surpassed the U. S. last month to become the world's largest Internet user base.


13. When it comes to sheer growth, China has been on a tear for the past decade. Its Internet user base grew an incredible 1,767% between 2000 and 2010.


14. Before getting connected with the Internet, an Internet user must apply for an account and a password from an ISP.


15. A Study on Implicit Self-esteem of Adolescence Internet User


16. But actually, the Chinese Internet user is a lot like you — he browses, searches, and plays.


17. Thankfully, as an Internet user, you have lots of choice whenit comes to web browsers -- and unlike TVs, web browsers can be downloaded forfree.


18. Model the influence of Internet user subjectivity, system structure, and spreading circumstance on the process of opinion formation.


19. If you're a regular Internet user, have you ever felt a mounting sense of tension during what seems like an interminable wait for a web page to load?


20. "The detention is a clumsy denial and further harms Dongguan's reputation," Internet user WUPOZHONGYUAN wrote.


21. This demographic forms the core of China's mobile internet user group.


22. Today's Internet user is self-taught


23. In term of television, we may look internet user as TV audience who like going into internet.


24. Virtual design of mechanical performance using the Internet User's Information Service System of Light Machinery Based upon Internet Wire


25. Mining of Internet message is analyzing and mining network access action of Internet user so as to obtain mode for describing memory rule.


26. Design and Realization of UML Modeling for Campus Cable Internet User Management


27. The measure that mattered most was whether a new idea would be good for the Internet user's experience.


28. An Outline of Internet User Study


29. This is a very large user amount, 1/ 3 what be equivalent to Chinese Internet user.


30. And the average Internet user watched 186 videos each month, although I'm sure the 2 - to 24-year-old set watched far more.


31. But actually, the Chinese Internet user is a lot like you--He browses, searches, and plays.


32. One Internet user witnessed the scene said it happened in front of his shop.


33. As a wary Internet user, you should know by now that you should never click on links inside email from familiar businesses or Banks.


34. The "delete" key may still be Internet user's greatest weapon against these inbox invaders.


35. In the age of digital, beauty is in the eye of the Internet user.


36. One Internet user in Chongqing said the appearance of the video 'is a reflection of public opinion.'


37. With the explosive increment of internet user and website number, the higher demand applies to capacity of optical transport network.


38. The company will build a web site and offer that product to the consumer ( or internet user).


39. This internet user has also published a photo of one'questionnaire survey for romantic relationships'within his post.


40. With the increase of internet user, the security of information system becomes more and more important.


41. Then came the World Wide Web and the dramatic expansion of the Internet user base.


42. Like we said earlier, the average Internet user generally doesn't waste much time looking at things that immediately appear to be ads.


43. Dr Xue established the first Internet user organization in China with the support of the Internet Society of china.

得中国互联网协会的支持,薜博士在中国成立了首个互联网用户组织。《provided by jukuu》

44. In 2009, the average U.S. Internet user spent 13 hours per week online.


45. The Web site can be accessed by any Internet user using a browser. The site must support the following use cases


46. Through the Internet User Behavior Analysis to Reduce the Cost of Internet Applications


47. It looks like how you argue with your girlfriend, haha," one Internet user posted.


48. Today's Internet user wants to be a part of a community, and does NOT want to take YOUR word for it simply because you are a blogger!


49. In the age of digital, beauty is in the eye of the Internet user.


50. "Tang Jun is a talented person after all," wrote an Internet user. "Why should we dwell so much on his diploma?"


51. An Internet user could predict the future status based on the link bandwidth and the local traffic, and then control his own network behavior.


52. With the rapid increase of the Internet user and widely application of Web, the current network technology is facing great challenge.


53. Misuse a word, expression, etc Internet user's glossary



1. Also debuting: a Pandora-like user-programmable Internet radio service called Smart DJ, which includes unlimited skips and a view of the full recommended music stream.

FORBES: Connect

2. Alternate media platforms to PC such as mobile phones, smartphones and e-readers like iPad will also boost Internet user count.

FORBES: Google Goes To $717 On Surging Net Traffic

3. Online books didn't work out too well, but O'Reilly had the idea of putting Internet kiosks in bookstores as a way of promoting the Whole Internet User's Guide and Catalog.

FORBES: Calliope's revenge

4. As a result, the average number of searches per Internet user per month has risen sharply in recent years, from around 17.9 per month in 2005 to 33.4 per month in 2009.

FORBES: Google Gains From Search Market Growth, But Yahoo! Could Hit $20

5. By contrast, Silicon Valley is the place to be for companies that build great consumer Internet companies with sexy user interfaces.

FORBES: ScaleBase Helps Your Business Grow Fast

6. The company hopes to entice enterprise network managers to use more open source applications by offering professional-level support for open source systems, beyond Internet-based user groups and the open source community.

CNN: Red Hat to support "all things open source"

7. Those who want privacy are fighting over Internet user identities, cookies, e-mail addresses, databases, and spam.

CNN: Opinion: The Internet's identity crisis

8. "The telecommunications standards arm of the UN has quietly endorsed the standardisation of technologies that could give governments and companies the ability to sift through all of an internet user's traffic - including emails, banking transactions, and voice calls - without adequate privacy safeguards, " the group said in a statement.

BBC: WCIT conference

9. Online advertising and marketing is in a state of flux and advancement due to the increased sophistication of the Internet user.

FORBES: What Do Angie's List, GroupOn, LinkedIn, QuinStreet and BankRate Have in Common?

10. Second, the original database contains all the clicks of each of the 25, 000 Internet user for the period going from January 1st, 2011 to December 31st, 2011.

FORBES: Music Piracy: Major Studies Conflicted Over Recording Industry Impact

11. He also expects to see other players in online music enter the market for Internet-based user programmable radio.

FORBES: Clear Channel Takes On Pandora With Revised I Heart Radio Site

12. He said this would discourage spam and not have much impact on the typical Internet user.

FORBES: The Ridiculous Idea Of Taxing Email To Save The USPO

13. Then, just as an Internet user can hook any device they want up to their Internet connection, users will be able to use all sorts of devices on wireless networks.

FORBES: Spectrum Warriors

14. Adaptive streaming which automatically switches video quality to ensure the best viewing experience available based on the user's Internet connection.

ENGADGET: TMN Go launches on iOS and the web, brings HBO Go-style experience to Canadians

15. This level of portability also makes the device ideal for any scenario in which customers need high-speed, multi-user Internet access in a temporary location, such as construction sites or special events.

ENGADGET: ZyXEL to debut 'world's first' LTE router at CES 2010

16. And the only thing more fickle than a fund manager is an Internet user, which is why so many jaundiced eyes are being cast on social media IPOs.

FORBES: How Will Wall Street Value Facebook's Users As It Prepares To Go Public?

17. We believe most of they are internet user by nature.

FORBES: Mecox Lane and E-Commerce in China

18. The center's director, Jill Lesser, said the goal is to educate the average Internet user, rather than punish them, and no one will see their Internet access cut off.

NPR: Music, Movie Industry To Warn Copyright Infringers

19. PrettyPark also sends duplicate files of itself to the e-mail addresses listed in the user's Internet address book.

CNN: New 'Trojan Horse' strain may go mainstream

20. It experienced massive growth practically overnight, became a staple of nearly every Internet user, and at its height, it had a market share well over 90 percent.

FORBES: Is Facebook a Modern Day Netscape?

21. Several South American countries, such as Chile and Brazil, which introduced telecoms competition more successfully than Mexico, are seeing rapid growth in telephone lines and Internet use and falling user costs.


22. In addition to this, internet giants such as Google and Facebook have vast amount of information and influence over their internet user base to allow them to create viable recruitment portals that can pose a serious threat to LinkedIn.

FORBES: LinkedIn's Growth Is Highly Overvalued And Competitive Risks Ignored

23. Think laptop computers, cellphones, the Internet, user customizable automobiles, etc.

FORBES: The Age of Big Data

24. Right. Because all of us have probably bought something facebook on or the like, all of us have probably logged into, passing your credit card information over the Internet, passing your username and password over the Internet, and as you probably know, as a casual user, https denotes secure.

对的,因为我们都可能在亚马逊之类的网站上买过东西,我们都可能上过,在网络上传送你的信用卡信息,在网络上传送你的用户名和密码,你可能知道,作为一个非正式的用户,https保护安全。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

25. He discovered it was sending stolen data to an Internet user in Tianjin, China's third-largest city and the second-biggest hub for manufacturing, particularly electronics.

FORBES: Magazine Article

26. China is now the world's largest Internet user -- which is why we were so pleased to include the Internet as a part of today's event.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds Town Hall with Chinese Youth

27. But the stolen credentials could be used to eavesdrop on private messages or track which Internet address a user is posting from.

NPR: Twitter Says Hackers Compromise 250K Accounts

28. Xinhua reported that Qi Fang, the police chief accused of securing jobs for his mistresses, was suspended less than a week after photos purporting to be of the two women lying on a bed were posted online by an anonymous Internet user.

WSJ: Chinese Officials Ousted Over Alleged Sexual Exploits

29. The death of Google Reader reveals a problem of the modern Internet that many of us likely have in the back of our heads but are afraid to let surface: We are all participants in a user driven Internet, but we are still just the users, nothing more.

FORBES: Google Reader Shutdown a Sobering Reminder That 'Our' Technology Isn't Ours

30. Take for example this picture of a chicken with 6 wings and 4 legs posted online by a Chinese Internet user.

FORBES: Too-Fast Food: Behind the Scene of YUM! Brand China Slump

31. It was Ed Krol's Whole Internet User's Guide and Catalog which O'Reilly published in 1992 just before Internet fever reached mass hysteria levels.

FORBES: Calliope's revenge



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