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  • adj. 多头的;平民的;民众的

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  • adj.多头的;平民的;民众的

    civilian   /   mass


1. many-headed chrysanthemum 多头菊

2. The Many-Headed Hydra 书名

3. many-headed and small diameter 多头小直径


1. The whale implosion is altering many things in the inner earth as the larger headed ones ponder why a dream was dreamt of this nature; and what is going wrong in their own ascensions to cause this.


2. The lab chief was one of a handful of the world's most prominent research psychologists at that time, and many in the lab believed he was headed for a Nobel Prize.


3. Still, no matter how many pointy-headed tests are dreamed up, there will always be pet owners who believe their dogs possess the magical ability to apprehend their larger place in the world.


4. Inflation reduces the value of debt, which for many people and companies feels like slowly sipping champagne, producing a nice buzz of light-headed excitement as they are unburdened.


5. Japan's disaster A crisis of leadership, too The many-headed catastrophe points to deeper-seated problems in governing Japan


6. "This was a very interesting mission, " said Frank Goddio, a Frenchman archaeologist who headed the team. "We discovered so many things. This site is amazingly rich. "


7. Both companies then headed towards Salt Lake City, cutting many corners (including building shoddy Bridges or sections of track that would have to be rebuilt later) in their race to get ahead.


8. I encountered many hikers who were headed to a distant camp-ground with just enough time to get there before dark.


9. The titans ( Google, Facebook) don't seem content building smaller, more precious sideshows-they want to be the platform, the body to the many-headed Narcissus.


10. In 2000, Japanese researchers placed Physarum polycephalum - the name means "many-headed slime mold" - in a maze, along with two blocks of food.

2000年,日本研究人员将多头绒泡菌(Physarum polycephalum)—意思是“多头黏菌”—连同两块食物一起放入一个迷宫。

11. Like its neighbours, Slovakia has seen wages rising fast as new jobs arrived and many of its own people headed west.


12. Many young people, most of whom were well-educated, headed for remote regions to chase their dreams.


13. Many windy and snowy nights, she pulled the door open, what came into her sight was a white-headed boy awfully bleeding before her, with the.


14. Among the yelling crowds were not only young boys and girls, but also many hoary-headed old professors.


15. This system can be extended to realize the multi-center data acquisition, and the measurement of many-headed ignition coil.


16. This paper introduces growth characteristics, propagation technology, cultivation management and plant disease and insect prevention method of many-headed chrysanthemum. It indicates a suit of integrated many-headed chrysanthemum's cultivation management from many years of practice.


17. Amongst these were slaying the many-headed Hydra, retrieving the Golden Apples of the Hesperides and bringing the hellhound Cerberus up from the Underworld. Heracles was also an Argonaut.


18. I can give many examples of temperamental geldings and level-headed mares to counteract the fallacy of the hot-headed chestnut mare syndrome.


19. With the advent of the “peace dividend” (read: Pentagon cuts), many of them headed for Wall Street and became “quants.”


20. Many of them are headed off to college, but we will be staying in touch.


21. There are many new grads headed into the real world this time of year.


22. In many ways, we are headed for a thrilling new world of media.


23. IN GREEK legend, the hydra was a many-headed monster. If a head was severed, it grew back.


24. Cultivation Management of Many-headed Chrysanthemum


25. Few people believe it would have handled the many-headed catastrophe any more adroitly.


26. Many riders evacuated the train and headed for the archways, but not Weiss.


27. For the moment, worryingly, too many of them seem to be headed for stagnation.



1. Higher levels of school autonomy are a characteristic of many higher performing systems - headed by China, the Netherlands, the UK and Hong Kong (which is considered as a separate school system in such education rankings).

BBC: UK education sixth in global ranking

2. In any event, there are many other compelling reasons why this proposed programmatic change is wrong-headed.

FORBES: Danger: Grid Operator Threatens Economic Growth, Clean Energy

3. NAFTA, Hispanics stood out: Raul Hinojosa-Ojeda, of the University of California at Los Angeles, reckons that many Mexican immigrants who had headed north in search of work saw jobs move in the opposite direction.

ECONOMIST: Does it matter?

4. But the 2013 model year is shaping up to be better than most, with more than 30 all-new nameplates headed to showrooms and many existing models being thoroughly reinvented.

FORBES: The Most Anticipated Cars of 2013

5. It was one of his least popular decisions (Mr Rumsfeld went some months later), and Mr Bush's many critics thought it was a bull-headed thing to say.

ECONOMIST: George Bush edges back into public life

6. Why hazard that kind of damage when some thoughtful preparation, and cool-headed discussion, can disarm many confrontations before they happen?

FORBES: Radioactive Conversations -- and how to avoid them

7. Many book companies are brick-and-mortar shops headed by academics with 30 years of experience.

FORBES: Entrepreneurial Life: Tales of a Young Bookseller

8. Many artists are consumed with their creativity -- and pretty soft-headed when it comes to business.

FORBES: Crafty

9. Afterward, many of the black-tied guests headed to the David Koch Theater across Lincoln Center for a reception.

WSJ: Celebrating the Power of Barbra

10. The insurgency is not a single-headed beast, but rather a loose affiliation of many different groups that rarely act in a coordinated way.

NPR: Zarqawi Hideout Yields 'Trove' of Materials

11. Cubans also headed to higher ground on the mainland, with many utilizing horse-drawn carriages and vintage cars.

CNN: Hurricane Gustav churns into Gulf

12. But for many others who had headed to Windsor, it was the new 40-year-old French First Lady - a model-turned-singer - that was the biggest draw of the day.

BBC: NEWS | UK | French glamour meets British pomp

13. Anemic job growth and falling retail sales have many worried the global economy is headed for a double-dip recession.

FORBES: The Silver Lining Of Corporate Earnings

14. Many headed for the already overflowing townships established near the all-white cities.

NPR: One Boy's Heroism in the Face of AIDS

15. Many of the new Internet companies are headed by the very same entrepreneurs whose pen-computing companies have just gone bust.

ECONOMIST: What it takes to come top in technology

16. Setting out at 1pm each day from the golden Shwedagon pagoda Myanmar's most sacred shrine a seemingly endless line of shaven-headed monks, many barefoot, has passed through the streets of Yangon.

ECONOMIST: Myanmar's protests

17. Although many economists believe the Germans are wrong-headed in refusing to countenance substantial purchases of government debt by the ECB, there is some logic to the prohibition.

BBC: The eurozone's borrowing costs may stay lethally high

18. Since the split between the federal Belgrade administration, run by allies of President Slobodan Milosevic, and the Montenegrin leadership headed by reformist President Milo Djukanovic, many Montenegrins are reportedly trying to avoid military service in the Belgrade-controlled Yugoslav army.

BBC: Police detain Saveljic

19. Faced with such a many-headed hydra, what can the record industry do?

ECONOMIST: Napsters wake-up call

20. Many of the new Internet firms are headed by people in their mid-20s.

ECONOMIST: What it takes to come top in technology

21. Nor, apparently, do many Democrat senators who are currently facing hot challenges from skeptical cooler-headed opponents.

FORBES: Hellfire and Heresy: Global Warming Hotheads Inflamed About Skeptical Challengers



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江西2024高考模拟志愿填报时间 具体几月几号报考











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