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indigenous people

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  • 土著人:指某个地区或国家最早居住在那里的原住民。

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1. the indigenous people 当地居民

2. Indigenous People' s Residence 土着民居

3. Services for Indigenous People 土着居民服务

4. Indigenous People Committee 原住民委员会

5. international day for indigenous people 国际土着人民日

6. Chico indigenous people 土着人奇哥


1. Any indigenous people on the planet?

星球上有本地居民吗?《provided by jukuu》

2. The move will protect biodiversity in the region and help thousands of indigenous people maintain sustainable livelihoods.


3. The, the indigenous people of Japan, traditionally wore facial tattoos.


4. Despite centuries of coexistence, the First Nations, as Canada's indigenous people call themselves, and other Canadians still live in mutual incomprehension.


5. Joint Commission on Rights relating to Indigenous People's Land


6. Indigenous People's Status in the History of Our Country& Analysis of Judith Wright's Two Essays


7. Indigenous people are raising their voices and demanding that Arctic nations stop stealing their land and respect their way of life.


8. In several countries, indigenous people are likely to die well before their non-indigenous 4 peers.


9. In the Northern Territory, 54 % of Indigenous people spoke an Indigenous language at home.

在北领地, 有54%的土著人在家里使用土著语言.《互联网》

10. In the end, indigenous people need to be partners in and not subjects of genetic research.


11. Historically, TK is closely related to the daily life of indigenous people.


12. This includes safeguards meant to ensure the fair treatment of indigenous people.


13. The "Indigenous People" and Ethnic Problems in Contemporary Taiwan


14. In the depths of the French Guianese rainforest, there still remain unusual groups of indigenous people

在法国圭亚那热带雨林深处,仍然存在着一些不寻常的土著人群体。《高考真题- 2016 四川 阅读C》

15. The vast majority of the indigenous people, the 'Shan', maintain a Buddhist way of life and belief.


16. Technical Meeting on the International Year for the World's Indigenous People


17. but who speak for all of humanity, for the indigenous people of the world,


18. Ethnic Relationship between Overseas Chinese and Indigenous People in Southeast Asia: The Cases in the Philippines and Malaysia


19. Movement To Rename 'Columbus Day' To 'Indigenous People's Day' Gains Momentum


20. In the depths of the French Guyanese rainforest, there still remain unusual groups of indigenous people.


21. NGO Conference on Indigenous People and the Land


22. Then there is the symbolic Kevin Rudd, who formally apologised to Australia’s indigenous people in early 2008.

接下来谈谈陆克文的共和制象征意义。 在2008年初,陆克文正式向澳大利亚土著居民道歉(注4)。

23. Poynton says CIB is seeking certification to an international standard, which requires that they work very closely with indigenous people.


24. Which is the country with the highest percentage of indigenous people?


25. Magellan also found nearby the local indigenous people, these human cells tall, wearing animal skins;


26. There was only one pesky flaw in Garcia's plan: the indigenous people who live in the Amazon.


27. The Festival of Light, Diwali to the indigenous people, marks the commencement of the New Year for Hindus.


28. Although my claim bordered a First Nations (indigenous people) plot, it was identified as mine and marked on the official map.


29. What part do indigenous people such as Inuit play?


30. Life has changed for all Taiwan's indigenous people, but many traditional links with nature survive.


31. Indigenous people who rely on the forests need to have a say in how their homeland is managed but in many countries they are marginalised.


32. Whether 'Indigenous People's Day' ever gets Federal recognition in North America remains to be seen.


33. Many indigenous people have been gradually developing their traditional environmental knowledge of protesting and using natural resources in their existence and development.


34. The Educational Support Program for Indigenous People in Mexico: Origin, Significance and Inspiration


35. The desolate region was home to indigenous people for millennia, then to the stockmen and adventurers who populate fantasies of the outback.


36. Johnston says that indigenous people and Western scientists have a lot to learn from one another.


37. They persistently lobbied the National Commission of Indigenous People with great tenacity.


38. This year's meeting will focus on the health of indigenous people.


39. The rights of indigenous people only to claim compensation of unauthorized disposition.


40. Third, we should pay attention to the protection of rights of indigenous people.


41. The indigenous people were merciless towards the immigrants.

当地的土著对外来移民可谓赶尽杀绝。《provided by jukuu》

42. There are almost four hundred million indigenous people in the world.


43. Brazil's draft national REDD law also states that indigenous people own the forest carbon of their reserves.


44. Johnston says that indigenous people and Western scientists have a lot to learn from one another.


45. Instead, there is a surprising indifference to the fate of this indigenous people, who also live in northern Norway, Finland and Russia.


46. Voluntary Fund for the International Decade of the World's Indigenous People


47. Now despite this history of distrust, I still believe that indigenous people can benefit from genetic research.


48. This year's meeting will focus on the health of indigenous people.


49. They're driving out of Mexico, Sal and Dean, and they meet indigenous people along the road.


50. Unless forest-dwelling communities and indigenous people understand the value of a live tiger against a dead one, we’ve lost the battle.


51. This bias and systematic lack of engagement of indigenous people in both clinical trials and genome studies


52. This raises unique challenges for Arctic wildlife and indigenous people who depend on Arctic ecosystems to survive.


53. The figures are thought to represent Makassans, indigenous people from the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.

在Djulirri遗址发现的一幅人物简笔画上,有人在划船。 这些图画被认为是表现来自印度尼西亚苏拉威西岛的土著Makassans的生活。

54. Indigenous people and single women and girls are prone to exploitation and abuse.


55. Loggers build roads, allowing farmers and hunters to enter, further crowding the indigenous people and destroying the delicate ecosystem.


56. Indigenous people comprise about a quarter of the Northern Territory's population, compared with 2% in Australia as a whole.



1. They're driving out of Mexico, Sal and Dean, and they meet indigenous people along the road.

萨尔和迪安正开车离开墨西哥,他们在路上,遇见了各种当地人。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. Spend time learning the history and culture of local indigenous people with the goal of building relationships and trust.

FORBES: Ten Ways for Mining Companies to Work Better with Indigenous People

3. The Ainu are an indigenous people who today live mostly in Hokkaid? in northern Japan.

UNESCO: Culture

4. In the latest incident, the U.N.refugee agency says about 2,000 indigenous Embera people have been displaced this month from their territories in different areas along the Baudo River in the Colombian department of Choco.

VOA : standard.2009.03.22

5. Despite their hopes of peace, their sagas tell of battles with the local indigenous people.

ECONOMIST: Helge Ingstad

6. "I don't think this is going to have that big an effect on either side, whether it's the states who want to maintain their territorial integrity against the aspirations of some of their own indigenous people or, for that matter, movements that want to seek their own independence and freedom."

VOA : special.2010.07.24

7. In Canada,for example, indigenous -- or First Nation people live on average seven fewer years than Canadians of European ancestry.

VOA : special.2009.07.20

8. Morales' goal of improving the situation of indigenous people in his country might be hard to achieve.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Latin American leaders at the UN

9. There are about one million indigenous people in Colombia.

VOA : standard.2009.03.22

10. My elementary notion of a peaceful celebration between indigenous people and pilgrim settlers was disrupted.

FORBES: Connect

11. Many others feel troubled by the plight of indigenous people stemming from more than 200 years of European settlement.

ECONOMIST: Drastic measures for a troubled people

12. She said three more indigenous people had been killed since, allegedly also for witnessing drug smuggling in the area.

BBC: Drug smugglers kill indigenous people in Paraguay

13. In Russia, where indigenous people get no special recognition, the outlook for all Arctic people is grim.

ECONOMIST: One man and his dogs | The

14. For now, the U.S. is far from the minds of Bolivia's indigenous people.

NPR: Ceremony Precedes Bolivian President's Inauguration

15. Indigenous people would be granted autonomy over their traditional lands and a "priority" share of the revenue from natural resources.

BBC: Bolivia set for constitution vote

16. In 1958 he spent two months in prison for a charge of supplying alcohol to other indigenous people.

BBC: Australia ghost gum trees in Alice Springs 'arson attack'

17. But in the 1800s, Spain stopped counting indigenous people in the census of its colonies.

VOA : standard.2010.04.05

18. The 2010 national census established that the illiteracy rate for indigenous people was about 27.2% while the national average was 5.4%.

UNESCO: Bilingual Literacy for Life

19. There are almost four hundred million indigenous people in the world.

VOA : special.2009.07.20

20. The constitution adopts the moral principles of the indigenous people of the highlands.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Quietly following Chavez's lead

21. In Guatemala, which has a far higher proportion of indigenous people than Mexico, evangelism is doing even better.

ECONOMIST: Religion in Mexico

22. Understand that indigenous people look at time horizons and development differently and that actions taken must benefit future generations.

FORBES: Ten Ways for Mining Companies to Work Better with Indigenous People

23. The coup was greeted with elation: Doe promised to liberate the indigenous people from the Americo-Liberian yoke.


24. Brazil's draft national REDD law also states that indigenous people own the forest carbon of their reserves.

ECONOMIST: Will REDD trample on the rights of traditional forest folk?

25. Recognize that indigenous people are seeking the same community goals as corporations: better education, more employment and improved economic opportunities.

FORBES: Ten Ways for Mining Companies to Work Better with Indigenous People

26. Redmond says indigenous people throughout the region are under constant pressure from illegal armed groups, many involved in the drug trade.

VOA : standard.2009.03.22

27. He had campaigned against mining operators claiming that their activities violated the rights of indigenous people in the region.


28. "The indigenous people of these islands,the English, the Scots the Irish and the Welsh" "The whites" "The color is irrelevant it's the people who have been here overwhelmingly for the last we are the aborigines here."

VOA : standard.2009.10.23

29. "The government's own figures, according to demographers at Oxford University,show that the indigenous British the people who've been here."

VOA : standard.2009.10.23

30. The new proposed constitution recognizes the pre-colonial right of the indigenous people to their territory, to autonomy and to self-rule.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Quietly following Chavez's lead

31. Bishop Gerardi, then a campaigner for the country's many indigenous people, received death threats and had to flee into exile.

ECONOMIST: Guatemala

32. The settlers formed an aristocracy, but it was one which educated indigenous people could join, by talent or by marriage.


33. Indigenous and aboriginal groups are often less healthy than the people whose ancestors settled in their lands.

VOA : special.2009.07.20

34. Citizens were entitled to procure alcohol, but it was illegal to supply to wards of state, including indigenous people.

BBC: Australia ghost gum trees in Alice Springs 'arson attack'

35. David Handel has commissioned imaginative arrangements of Andean folk music and tried to bring in some of Bolivia's indigenous people.

NPR: American Seeks to Put Bolivia on the Musical Map

36. But if the activists expect a transformation of indigenous people's lowly lot, they will be disappointed.

ECONOMIST: Will REDD trample on the rights of traditional forest folk?

37. It fights discrimination against indigenous languages, strengthens the cultural identity of indigenous people, and opens up possibilities for lifelong learning.

UNESCO: Bilingual Literacy and Reproductive Health

38. Remember that there are unique rights that are protected and advanced by indigenous people.

FORBES: Ten Ways for Mining Companies to Work Better with Indigenous People

39. Both were indigenous people taken from their land.

VOA : standard.2009.11.25

40. As a result, school enrolment, retention and achievement rates are particularly low in rural areas and, more specifically, among indigenous people.

UNESCO: Bilingual Literacy for Life

41. Mr Rudd says he hopes to close a 17-year gap in life-expectancy between indigenous people and other Australians.

ECONOMIST: An apology but no compensation

42. He had been helping indigenous people trying to stop the exploitation of protected forests.

BBC: Teenage girl shot dead in Cambodia land protest





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