given situation是什么意思_given situation短语搭配_given situation权威例句

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given situation

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  • 特定情况:指在某种特定的环境、条件或场景下的情况。

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. Given He Situation 在一定情况下

2. given your situation 考虑到你的情况

3. Given This Situation 鉴于这种情况

4. Given Any Situation 什么场合

5. Given The Current Situation 鉴于目前形势

6. Given The Above Situation 在此背景下

7. in a given situation 在某一局势 ; 在给定的情况 ; 在一个给定的的情况下

8. Given Our Situation 我们情况

9. Given The New Situation 在新形势下


1. Please make a sentence with the word according to the given situation.


2. You can decide what you are going to think in any given situation.


3. There are three things you can do in any given situation – accept it, change it, or leave it.


4. Find the positive side of any given situation. It's there - even though it may be hard to find.


5. A factor in a given situation whose bearing and importance is not apparent.


6. When you concentrate on a given situation wholeheartedly, you'll get the best results.


7. Control law is designed for plane in given situation for flight qualities.


8. The influence of learning task requirements and time pressure on the self regulated learning activities of 57 subjects were studied through their appraisal of a given situation.


9. First, I'd make sure I followed all applicable company rules and procedures and any laws that govern the given situation.


10. Thus, even with rules, we may not recognize what the right thing to do is in a given situation.


11. Risk implies some form of uncertainty about an outcome in a given situation.


12. Only then can we best understand how to apply web services in a given situation to achieve our business goals.


13. So the multilingual is always making choices in selecting the appropriate language for a given situation.


14. There was no clear delineation as to which to use in any given situation.


15. From time to time an Employee may also be required to seek guidance from others with respect to the appropriate course of conduct in a given situation.


16. Study on the Issue that whether the Afterwards Defense Should Be Punished in Given Situation


17. In any given situation, a sacrifice requires you to give up something you value more for something you value less.


18. Only then can we best understand how to apply web services in a given situation to achieve our business goals.

只有到那时我们才能很好地理解如何在一种给定的情况下应用 Web 服务以达到我们的业务目标。

19. In any given situation you probably which role gets to do which test - but in the next project it may be different.

在具体的情景下,某种角色会执行某些测试。 但是,换个项目这种关系就可能不一样。

20. Your goal is to play the ball at whatever height in any given situation.


21. Many people find that discontent for a given situation is acceptable.


22. A procedure for operating something or for dealing with a given situation.


23. She felt that the easiest way out of any given situation was generally the best way out.


24. Furthermore, in given situation, if responsibility should be absolutely ascribed to the person who enkindles the criminal events, the victim who is involved to the events should be released from his afterwards defense.


25. There was no clear delineation as to which to use in any given situation.


26. By contrast, the Multidimensional State Boredom Scale, developed in 2008, measures a person's feelings of boredom in a given situation.


27. Risk implies some form of uncertainty about an outcome in a given situation.


28. In any given situation you probably which role gets to do which test-but in the next project it may be different.


29. In a real game you probably would want to add multiple responses for each given situation and then randomly select among them.


30. To have place in, or experience of (a given situation, or condition); to fit (a given description).


31. Inevitably, in any given situation, a balance is found between such opposing requirements.


32. Learn the basics of several key quality improvement methods and then reach for the one that best serves the purpose in any given situation.


33. They are often unsure which side of their personality should lead in a given situation.


34. In a real game you probably would want to add multiple responses for each given situation and then randomly select among them.


35. In fact, criminal acts are a result of the interplay between individual propensity to crime and a given situation.


36. They behave in ways appropriate to the given situation-regardless of whether the behavior is masculine or feminine.


37. But it is very important to be aware of making a wrong choice of Event for a given situation.


38. If your characters' personalities are well defined, it will be easy for you as the writer to portray them realistically and believably in any given situation.


39. Intelligence consists of the ability to make right decisions in a given situation in order to achieve a certain goal.


40. So the multilingual is always making choices in selecting the appropriate language for a given situation.


41. You must also be willing to reexamine your beliefs about what is the "right approach" to clinical care in a given situation.


42. Please make a sentence with the word according to the given situation.


43. There are three things you can do in any given situation-accept it, change it, or leave it.


44. The shoulder shrug shows that a person feels incapable or uncertain of responding positively to a given situation.


45. In this step, you need to pay attention to your thinking and identify the automatic thoughts that come to your mind in a given situation.


46. The rules are to be followed in any given situation.


47. First, I'd make sure I followed all applicable company rules and procedures and any laws that govern the given situation.


48. This is similar to trying to answer the question "how can I refactor my code and how much refactoring is appropriate for a given situation?"


49. On the receiving end, there are also reasons we would want to assume there is one feeling to read in any given situation.


50. It is possible that in any given situation different modes of failure are in competition.


51. If God is omniscient, He must know beforehand exactly what a person will do in a given situation.


52. Make a short speech according to the second paragraph of the passage and the given situation.


53. Discuss with your spouse in private how you'll handle a given situation.


54. Many people find that discontent for a given situation is acceptable.


55. How we represent things to ourselves determines how we will respond to any given situation.


56. Through prediction, one can estimate the probability of a specific outcome in a given situation.


57. How would you determine the best span of management in a given situation?


58. considering all trajectories in any given situation.



1. Elliot no longer felt anything, and although he could summarise the choices available in a given situation as well as anyone else, without his emotions to guide him he could not actually make a choice.

ECONOMIST: Emotion is essential to human survival

2. We were taught that, in any given situation, a solution that works for both parties (or countries, or disputed areas) can be created.

FORBES: Doing Well vs. Doing Good: How About Both?

3. "It's been pretty slow all round in the transfer market this year, probably given the economic situation globally, " he said.

BBC: Martin impressed by Posh signings

4. There, Newton doesn't tell you what forces are going to be acting on a body in a given situation.

在式子里,牛顿没有告诉你,在给定条件下,有哪些力,作用在物体上基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. Given this financial situation, some recent "solutions" to workers' problems would be extremely challenging for the industry.

WSJ: Business Asia: Letter from a Bangladesh Factory

6. Several press reports note the aptness of the opera's military theme, given the situation in Chechnya and the UK Government's problems in Northern Ireland.

BBC: Press review: Politics take centre stage

7. The reason for this is that many of the causes of the problem are what could be called default human behaviors--what most people are accustomed to doing in a given situation.


8. I'm more concerned with the bank's lending programs, especially given the dreadful situation in Pakistan.

FORBES: Magazine Article

9. "However, given the current situation, it is highly likely that these cuts may be extended into the summer, " he added.

BBC: Toyota's Japanese output down 63% due to parts shortage

10. These activities and processes are informal by design, based on people making the best choices they can, given their situation.

FORBES: Informality: A Marker Of Opportunity

11. Then we may, from this equation, say a certain force is acting in a given situation by multiplying the m times the a.

然后根据这个方程,我们就能说,得到给定条件下的作用力,它等于 m 和 a 的乘积基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. Dr Philip Dixon from the Association of Teachers and Lecturers said that the small increase in funding was welcomed given the financial situation.

BBC: Finance committee

13. Given the situation in Iraq today, however, we should push hard and persistently for the government to go the Alaska way.

FORBES: Magazine Article

14. You know, some people would contest that, obviously, given the situation on the ground in southern Lebanon.

NPR: Cluster Bombs a Vestige of Israel's Lebanon Fight

15. Deborah Shank was highlighted on the show, and won back her settlement from Walmart because of the attention given her situation.

FORBES: Keith Olbermann Casts A Wide Net In Job Search

16. Hivin Kako, a volunteer with the Observatory, says the reporting process is difficult given the situation, but that it has never had a case where it has listed someone as dead who was later found out not to be.

BBC: Profile: Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

17. Given the situation Toronto FC was in need of a safe pair of hands but instead the head coach position has been handed to an apprentice.

FORBES: Kevin Payne's Maverick Appointment Of Nelsen Unnecessary and Inexplicable

18. Given this situation, even if their bid for U.N. membership fails, the Palestinians will have won.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Israel at the UN: A suckers game

19. Given the situation, I learned to do the best I could with what I had.

FORBES: How the No-Pants Challenge Helped Me Look Like an Adult

20. Likewise giving away what you would do in a given situation during an interview will not necessarily lead to you being hired.

FORBES: No, You Can't Pick My Brain. It Costs Too Much

21. Given this situation, neither of these guys is Napoleon.

鉴于这种情况,这两个家伙都不是拿破仑。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. The senior aide also said the campaign asked the state parties "to be all very respectful" given the situation and to help raise money for various relief agencies.

CNN: Gustav prompts major changes to RNC agenda

23. In addition, flexibility includes effectiveness in any given situation, meaning that soldiers are equipped and trained to fight in otherwise unfamiliar situations.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Peace through strength in a globalized world

24. Given the situation at that time we did not feel it was appropriate to run an on-pack promotion featuring Wayne Rooney.

BBC: Wayne Rooney dropped from Coca-Cola campaign

25. "This is quite an unacceptable situation given the fact that we are all living in modern world.

VOA : special.2010.03.15

26. Given what she calls a "volatile security situation,"

VOA : standard.2009.08.27

27. It seems mischievous, even incomprehensible given the current situation to even suggest the party should start planning for a succession.

BBC: State of Play 4 - Labour

28. However, some adoptive parents are pressing for more urgent action given the humanitarian situation in Haiti.

BBC: Orphaned Haitian children to be allowed into US

29. Given that situation, Argentina coach Marcelo Loffreda would find it much easier to gather his squad for the northern hemisphere's Six Nations.

BBC: SPORT | Rugby Union | Internationals | Pichot targets Six Nations place

30. What makes it worse is that glib polarization is especially unfortunate given the current situation.

FORBES: London Calling: Leadership Lessons from a Riot's Rage

31. We need kids to have the ability to ask--not what they can or can't do but what they should do in any given situation.

FORBES: Dov Seidman

32. Given the current situation, Mills believe his strategy of buying quality but out-of-favor stocks will be an effective means of beating the market.

FORBES: Of Navy SEALs, Steel-Hearted Analysts And The 'Formidable Four' Stocks

33. One situation is when you're speaking with a friend who had given you really good advice that you failed to take.

一种情况是,当你正在和一个朋友交谈,他之前曾给你一些很好的建议,但你却没有采纳。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I should have 课堂

34. So we thought given the situation we were seeing, that there was a possibility of the situation becoming worse.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

35. America sees Turkey as a key strategic ally, especially given the situation in Iraq, and sees EU membership as a way of reinforcing the country's links with the West.

ECONOMIST: Growing and slowing | The

36. There can be a lot of reasons why you're not at your best in a given situation.

BBC: Agassi loses in Montreal

37. I think we're still in a precarious situation but I think we do have central bankers who are working effectively given the tools that they have.

我认为我们仍处于一个不稳固的情形之中,但是我们也有那些,用手中的金融工具有效率地工作的,中央银行主。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. Given the sensitive nature of the situation, details are not being made public, but as Business Secretary Peter Mandelson says the outlook does not look good.

VOA : standard.2009.07.29



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