the minority是什么意思_the minority短语搭配_the minority权威例句

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the minority

网络 少数人;少数;少数民族;小群

英 [ðə maɪˈnɒrəti]play 美 [ðə maɪˈnɔːrəti]play

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. in the minority 属于少数 ; 占少数

2. fraud on the minority 欺诈行为 ; 欺诈小股东

3. oppress the minority 压迫少数派

4. The Minority Report 少数派报告 ; 关键报告 ; 迪克科幻

5. The minority game 少数者博弈 ; 少数人的游戏

6. Frand on the Minority 对少数股东的欺诈

7. be in the minority 占少数 ; 属于少数 ; 属于少数派

8. Majority of the Minority 少数股东中的多数同意


1. Some reflections on the minority nationality's economic policy


2. Such persons are certainly in the minority.


3. Since potential markets for the minority businesses already exist through the sponsoring companies, the minority businesses face considerably less risk in terms of location and market fluctuation.


4. I seem to be in the minority.


5. The Minority Nationalities Higher Education Development Looks Back and Prospects


6. Don't refuse to support a browser just because its users are in the minority.


7. In this region, "the minority Hindus were landowners and professionals," Douglass writes.


8. Why this sudden personal focus on the minority leader?


9. An investigation of blood groups on the minority of Tujia in Longshan County


10. The minority is subordinate to the majority.


11. The minority problems in Thailand are mainly the separate movement of Malaysia Muslims in southern part and the problem of mountainous minority group in northern part.


12. As usual, the majority group should obey the minority group.

一般来说, 少数服从多数.《互联网》

13. But being the minority voice wasn't the only reason she felt unsure of herself.


14. The minority is subordinate to the majority.


15. As a basic principle, the minority shareholder should directly participate in monitoring the company so as to stick up for their rights and interests.


16. Are "active" music fans really the minority?


17. It was a salutary experience to be in the minority


18. The minority should submit to the majority.


19. The minority women's studies and its disciplinary construction in China in the past five years have made much progress.


20. As soon as the minority news website enters the market, these problems will appear quickly and will hinder the minority news website s' development.


21. In fact, she kind of enjoyed being in the minority, she says.

其实, 她说她还有点喜欢处于少数人的地位.《互联网》

22. Needless to say, it is crucially important to emphasize and develop the minority mythology to build a whole China's mythology system.


23. Chapter VI papers," Media Literacy Education System in the minority", and proposed the idea of a trial, with a strong operational and practical guidance significance.


24. I used to be in the minority at work.


25. An Investigative Analysis on the Minority Network-Communication Audiences in Xinjiang


26. Boys are very much in the minority at the dancing class.


27. So, you were in the minority if you saw the ad and you didn't engage with it.


28. Green brick tea is a kind of tea which is mainly consumed by the minority who live in western China.


29. The minority of us are confronted with difficulty in the frontier of the major.


30. Among the minority of studies that have reported advantages of single-sex schooling, virtually all of them were studies of girls.


31. The function of the minority, however, is equally fundamental.


32. Even in opposition, the minority party can still play a powerful role.


33. Such persons are certainly in the minority.


34. We're in the minority, more people are against us than with us.

赞成我们的居少数; 我们成了少数派.《辞典例句》

35. It was a salutary experience to be in the minority.


36. The minority nationalities account for six per cent of the population.


37. The mobility value used is that of the minority carrier.


38. So, developing the minority traditional sports School-based Curriculum has extensive social foundation and course resource.


39. Asthetically "beautiful" people are in the minority, the majority of us are NOT beautiful.


40. Funeral Rites of the Minority Nationalities


41. I read someplace that right-pawed cats are in the minority, just like left-handed people.


42. But I agree with the arguments the minority made.


43. In 1950s, the minority regions of Sichuan province directly entered into socialist society with a leap forward over 1000 years from feudal surf society or slave society.


44. All these three ways can improve the minority carrier lifetime effectively.


45. The truth often lies with the minority.


46. Employment Prospects Facing College and Polytechnic School Graduates in the Minority Areas and Possible Solutions


47. The next step will be the Senate, where the minority has more power.


48. A study on Reasons of Poverty and Measures of Poverty Reduction of the Minority Nationalities with less Population


49. In the past conservatives have been in the minority.


50. A university education shouldn't be the monopoly of the minority whose parents are rich.


51. Chinese Language Expression of the Minority Nationality Students


52. But we are very clear we don't want to punish the majority for the SINS of the minority.


53. However, the minority undergraduates is the nature part of higher-school, also bear the important task of country construction.


54. In the United States they were considered to be Black, a social definition that was feasible because they were in the minority. In Brazil, it was not feasible.


55. A method for measuring the minority carrier lifetime in silicon carbide semiconductor by the injection electroluminescence at point contacts is presented. The principles involved and measuring equipment used are described.


56. So the minority people are endowed with the relief rights for justice.


57. Thanks, but in view of the general responses, you and I are definitely in the minority.


58. Second, with the minority rich and the majority poor, it is not socialism.


59. It was a salutary experience to be in the minority.


60. And that we are basically being the majority oppressing the minority in a different light.


61. Behavioral Problems of the Minority Children and the Parental Rearing Patterns in East Guizhou


62. National civil society organizations highlight the minority culture based on the emphasize of non-governmental and public welfare foundation.


63. However, some netizens approved the act, but they made up the minority.


64. In a relative historical period, the minority party identification was relatively stable.


65. Chinese study material is a key element in han-language studying of the minority students, and it plays an important role.


66. The minority of us are confronted with difficulty in the frontier of the major.



1. Primarily the people who started are Emerson and Moscovici and many others who have done research showing how minority-- very often one person can make a big difference, can make a significant difference.

爱默生和莫斯科维奇是先驱,他们和其他学者都证明少数人-,经常是一个人,如何实现重大改变,能实现显著的改变。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

2. Under Saddam Hussein, the minority Sunni Muslims wielded power, often through violence against Shiites and Kurds.

CNN: Rumsfeld in Baghdad on surprise visit

3. That's exactly what he had in mind after five frustrating years in the minority party in Washington.

NPR: Democrat Corzine Manages Jump from Senator to Governor

4. In fact, my reform efforts had begun when we were still in the minority.

WSJ: I've Long Been a Champion of Fannie/Freddie Reform

5. A minority government of revolutionary Puritans had effectively taken control of the state. The radical Puritan Parliament voted to execute the tyrant -- what they considered to be the tyrant, King Charles I -- and to establish its own government.

清教徒革命者组建的少数政府成功的,控制了英国,激进的清教徒议会投票决定,处死暴君--他们认为是暴君的,国王查理一世--并组建自己的政府。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. So MRV is buying in the minority stake, offering 0.43 of its shares for each Luminent share.

FORBES: A Different Spin

7. One is Tasigna, now approved for the minority chronic leukemia patients who are resistant to Gleevec.

FORBES: Magazine Article

8. Unless, that is, he can persuade the minority communities to support these policies as Boston's minorities do.

ECONOMIST: First safety, then civility

9. He insults Alawites, the minority offshoot of Shia Islam to which Mr Assad belongs.

BBC: Outrage at Syrian rebel shown 'eating soldier's heart'

10. "If you look at those who are most inclined to be involved in politics right now, the dynamic shifts to the minority party."

VOA : standard.2009.11.02

11. Despite being in the minority, the Tutsis have dominated politics and the army since independence.

BBC: Hopes rise for Burundi talks

12. But the taskforce companies find themselves on the minority side of a polarized debate.

FORBES: Magazine Article

13. Who has an answer to Anna's worry about the effect on the minority?

谁能回答,安娜对于少数人影响的担心?公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. Yang-Da says you just have to add up people's preferences and those in the minority do have their preferences weighed.

杨达说,必须总体考虑人们的选择,而其中少数人的选择其实也被衡量过了。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. The completion rate is lower than for almost any other wealthy country, and worst for poor and minority students.

VOA : special.2009.09.10

16. Crest has taken the lead in defending the minority shareholder group but avoiding speaking for the class.

FORBES: Will The U.S.Allow Foreign Ownership Of A Giant Swath Of Our Broadband Spectrum?

17. Since I often take the minority view, I am used to receiving lots of hate mail.

FORBES: Cricket Can't Move iPhones Without Meaty Subsidy, Bad For Apple

18. The minority Hindu community suffered disproportionately because some Pakistanis blamed them for Bangladesh's secession.

BBC: Bangladesh minorities 'terrorised' after mob violence

19. The tyranny of the minority would not be any more tolerable than the tyranny of the majority.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: From fashion to fortitude: the road to resilience

20. As you move later in their history, you find you can guess that there would be councils that were not purely of nobles but might be of wealthy people, but they would always be a minority and come from the upper class.

随着你们进一步了解希腊的历史,你们能轻易猜想到议会组成人员中,不仅仅只有贵族,还有富人,但他们都是来自上层阶级的少数人古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. It asked more than one thousand women and minority members of the American Chemical Society about their experiences.

VOA : special.2010.04.01

22. And obesity is a huge problem in the United States, especially in the African american community and other minority communities.

在美国,肥胖症是一个严重的问题,尤其在非裔美国人和,其它少数民族群体中关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. Today, the Senate will vote on an insidious resolution offered by the minority leader, Sen.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Trying to put Moscow on the dole

24. "They were Christians and as such they were in the minority in Syria, " he explains.

BBC: Bearing witness to the Syrian conflict

25. Now let's see what people's reasons are and let me begin with those who are in the minority.

现在来听听大家的理由,先从少数派开始。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. The minority party in the House normally has one fewer leadership posts than the majority.


27. In such a system,he said, the minority would be able to veto actions of the majority.

VOA : special.2009.04.02

28. All the members of the minority party voted against the Senate measure, and only one supported the legislation passed in the House.

VOA : standard.2009.12.27

29. He says the biggest challenge is jobs the disabled have the lowest employment rate of any minority group in the country.

VOA : special.2009.08.15

30. Of the minority who voted against, some just wanted to be left alone where they have always lived.

BBC: Peru's 'copper mountain' in Chinese hands

31. Arkhipov says honest bureaucrats are outcasts who are surrounded by an atmosphere of intolerance, because they are not convenient to bureaucrats or embezzlers, whose main goal is to cast the minority aside.

VOA : standard.2009.05.15

32. The Tamil Tigers struggle for an independent homeland was triggered by complaints of discrimination against the minority Tamil community by the majority Sinhalese.

VOA : standard.2009.10.23

33. One reason Obama can do this is that the minority party is in disarray.

FORBES: Obama Says So Long To The Reagan Era

34. This act of peaceful disobedience started protests in Montgomery that led to legal changes in minority rights in the United States.

VOA : special.2009.03.08

35. Let's hear now from those in the minority, those who wouldn't turn.

现在我们来听听少数派的意见,那些选择不转弯的。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. The covert activities involve support of the minority Ahwazi Arab and Baluchi groups and other dissident organizations.

NEWYORKER: Preparing the Battlefield

37. She will now serve as the minority leader.

VOA : special.2011.01.10

38. Democracy not only means the rule of the majority, it also mandates respect for the minority.

CNN: Transcript: House debates articles of impeachment

39. Under the rules, the majority party called two witnesses and the minority party one.

FORBES: Deep in the Net Neutrality Trenches

40. When it comes to people of a certain age, Friedman may be in the minority.

NPR: As Facebook Matures, Is It Losing Its Edge?

41. But Stimson's voice was in the minority.

VOA : special.2011.03.03

42. The inflamatory language of dissenting opinions written by justices in the minority has often bolstered this impression.

ECONOMIST: The Supreme Court

43. During the legislative process, Rep. McHenry worked extensively with the minority to achieve satisfactory investor protection.

FORBES: Washington And The Markets Unite To Foster Small-Company Growth

44. Female and minority students would face the most harm,it says, as they are more likely to attend career colleges.

VOA : special.2010.07.29

45. Some women with headscarves and bearded men also marched, though they were in the minority.

WSJ: Turkish Protesters Return to the Streets

46. Firms that do that are, in practice, however, the minority and most mutual funds have some gimmick or some special-- they claim to be beating the market not forming the optimal portfolio.

然而实际上,这么做的公司很少,大部分共同基金都会耍些花招,或有一些特别的...,他们强调他们的收益率将强于市场平均水平,而非建立最佳投资组合金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. And I went to the school where I was a member of a very small minority group.

而在我上的大学里,我则属于一个非常小的少数人群体。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

48. I don't think that's the case because individually, the minority's value is just the same as the individual of the majority.

我认为事实并非如此,因为,少数人当中,每个个体的价值,和多数人的个体价值是一样的。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. Can you give an example of the kind of thing you're worried about when you say you're worried about utilitarianism violating the concern or respect due the minority?

你能举个你所担心的类似例子吗,即你所说的担心,功利主义缺少对少数的关心和尊重?公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. And I mean, at a certain point, you have to make a decision and I'm sorry for the minority but sometimes, it's for the general, for the greater good.

有时,你必须做出选择,我对少数表示遗憾,但有时,这是牺牲小我,成全大我。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

51. He argues that opposing the immigration bill does not put him in the minority.

NPR: Immigration Stalemate Frustrates Arizona

52. As for the minority presence in late-night, that's getting a boost this September with Hall's return.

NPR: Late-Night Network Shows Still A White Men's Club

53. Leaders of minority groups including Hispanics and Muslims are urging their communities to complete the form so they are counted.

VOA : special.2010.03.20

54. These qualities, he believes, are the preserve of the few, of a minority capable of sharing in the administration of justice and in the offices of a city.

他相信这些特质,是少数人所特有,他们能共享,正义的运作,与城市中的行政官位。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. Its involvement has been deeply debated in Britain. Nick Clegg of the minority opposition party, the Liberal Democrats, said in Parliament debate the forces deserve gratitude and clarity.

VOA : standard.2009.10.14

56. If the majority rules that there should be taxation, even if the minority should still not have to be taxed because that's taking away property, which is one of the rights of nature.

即使多数人规定应当征税,少数人仍并不一定非要交税,因为那等于夺走少数人的财产,而财产权是自然权利之一。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. The minority party always votes in opposition because it allows an easy opportunity to smear the majority.

FORBES: Debt Ceiling: How Can The U.S. Fix This Fiscal Fiasco? Abolish It

58. Year-round attractions are still in the minority, but that's mainly due to their business models.

CNN: Raven's Grin Inn

59. So there may be certain rights that the minority members have that the individual has that shouldn't be traded off for the sake of utility?

所以可能少数人,或个体的某些权利,不该为了功利最大化而被牺牲?公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课





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