show A around翻译_show A around短语搭配_show A around权威例句

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show A around

play play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. Show a frame around wallpaper 查看周围加框墙纸

2. show visitors around a factory 陪客人参观工厂

3. show a visitor around 领来访者到处参观

4. show a friend around 带朋友参观


1. Records from China around 1600 BC show that one end was chewed until it became brushlike, the other end was pointed and used as a toothpick.


2. This meant that if a particular show or event was important to me, I had to plan my life around it.


3. It is not the most welcoming place on Earth. But even in the Arctic you can find a friendly face willing to show you around.


4. Huai'an is a beautiful city, come here and I will show you around it!


5. Some can be "led by the nose" -when an operator moves the arm of a robot around to show it what to do.


6. Only a skeleton staff remains to show anyone interested around the site.


7. Put on a Puppet Show: If you've got stuffed animals laying around, pick them up and have them re-enact your love for one another.


8. Then, the record goes blank, and census figures from around a hundred years later show a population of 4 to 5 million.


9. It moves around on three wheels and waves its two little arms to show surprise and love, or to ask for a hug.


10. I kept clicking around, looking for a positive response, trying to show it that I was a partner, eager to keep up my end of the relationship.


11. So, today I'm back just to show you a few things, to show you, in fact, there is an open data movement afoot, now around the world.


12. Professor Finkelstein's comments came on the same day a video emerged purporting to show 'a mother ship and its fleet' zipping around in the clouds above a BBC building in central London.


13. Recent polls show that around two-thirds of registered voters want to bring the troops home within a year.


14. About 100,000 students around the country participate in the program's competition series, which culminates in a national game-show-style contest held each May.


15. Nationally, the number supporting marriage equality hovers around 50%, but polls also show that a majority of younger voters support it.


16. Circuit parameters show a: power consumption around 6.2 mW from 1.5V supply voltage.


17. National surveys show a concomitant uptick in confidence in the police from around 2008.


18. Future markets, which show only a modest recovery of prices to around $60 a barrel by 2019, support this view.


19. The one thing that did change and surprise me, although why should it, was what a wonderful basis for a show as it has been to be built around.

有一方面确实让我改变 并且让我很吃惊的是,虽然似乎并不应该吃惊,是以科学作为剧情基础是多赞的一件事。

20. Mom took a few steps around to show them that she wasn't hiding a broken leg or a sprained ankle.


21. He had reached over to turn around a bottle of champagne so that the label didn't show.


22. This June, after a tour around the world with stops including the UK, Canada, South Africa, Singapore, and New Zealand, this show will take to the stage in China.


23. The show, which is loosely organised around the theme of a woman's search for the ultimate party, features a fountain of fake blood, a burning piano and a host of dancing men.


24. The images show a sebaceous gland wrapping around a hair in the viable epidermis of mouse skin. ( left) CH2-image in red shows the lipid-rich gland cells with sub-cellular resolution.


25. Futures markets, which show only a modest recovery of prices to around $60 a barrel by 2019, support this view.


26. Company (1970) was a "concept musical", a show centered around a set of characters and themes rather than a straightforward plot.


27. Steve: a real estate agent is going to show me around some new office space.


28. Moreover, sunspot observations that began around 1610 show a near-absence of reported sunspots between 1645 and 1715.



1. Fourth, we encouraged states to show a stronger commitment to turning around some of their lowest-performing schools.

WHITEHOUSE: Race to the Top for Education Reform

2. Operating out of Germany, Plus One Berlin now offers tourists not only an apartment to stay in, but also a knowledgeable local resident who can show them around the city.

FORBES: Facebook Coat Hangers And The Best Business Ideas For 2013

3. For a couple of hours this afternoon, press people for the show carted around a bus-full of international journalists around to a half-dozen spots on the floor.

FORBES: CeBIT Press Day: Forklifts, Concept Cars, Servers In A Safe

4. At the first personal computer trade show in Atlantic City, Jobs walked around taking a close look at all the competitors.

FORBES: Should Tech Start-Ups Emulate Steve Jobs or Steve Wozniak?

5. "They do move around and a snapshot will show that each time they change role and force, " he said.

BBC: David Ainsworth

6. Sophisticated noise cancellation software shut out the hubbub of the Consumer Electronics Show around a listener.

FORBES: For Parrot, A Flying iPhone-Controlled HD Camera Is Just A Start

7. Italy, as these figures show, is around and about without a primary deficit even while it has a fiscal deficit.

FORBES: And Now to Really Scare you About Italy

8. So the government rebuilt its case around RICO, and now must show a grand conspiracy spanning decades.

ECONOMIST: The G-men and the cigarette “racketeers” | The

9. The idea of basing the game around events in the show is a good one and shows the game designers are fans too.

FORBES: Review: Family Guy Online

10. Historically, transboundary cooperation has been difficult but the hundreds of treaties signed between riparian states and the institutions created to manage and use transboundary waters in an equitable and sustainable manner around the world show that sharing a resource as precious as water can be a catalyst for cooperation rather than conflicts.

FORBES: World Water Day 2013: Water Can Be Fought Over or Shared, But Cooperation Brings More Benefits for All

11. From our very first show until the end in around 1975, we never did a show that wasn't frantic, standing ovations, and drove the audience nuts.

NPR: 'The Harder They Fall': Fame and Addiction

12. In a road show, the management travels around the country giving presentations to analysts and investors.

FORBES: Back Up The Truck And Buy Facebook

13. Drafted in 2011, these regulations are from an alternate universe, as a quick look around the show floor testifies.

WSJ: Henry Payne: The Motor City Roars Out of Washington's Shadow

14. Entertainment executives talk about "engagement" buzz and social-media comments around a show nearly as often as they mention traditional TV ratings.

WSJ: ESPN, Twitter Expand Video Tie-Up

15. On an eerily quiet street, he unlocked a padlock to show me around the dusty, cobwebbed four rooms where he once happily lived with his family.

BBC: Maiduguri: The Nigerian city gripped by insurgency

16. However,microfinance does show how it is possible to change the lives of women and girls around the world with just a little help.

VOA : special.2010.06.16

17. And there were always a few vacant booths and aisles around the edges of the show, so it never looked full, even with a large attendance.

FORBES: Apple Stores: How Much is Too Much of a Good Thing?

18. The show is structured around a central theme, such as Education, Human Rights, Cultural Diversity.


19. Presidential pardons have become more ceremonial than a way to correct an unjust sentence or show forgiveness to a person who has turned their life around.

FORBES: Pardon Me, President Obama

20. The show was packed with a mishmash of highlights from sports around the world.

FORBES: Magazine Article

21. The Germans even shot a propaganda movie, although they lost the war before they had a chance to show it around Europe.

BBC: Cabaret and football: Life before death in the Holocaust

22. I think they should actually show us a little bit more about how we can understand the organization of the things around us and within us as systems of signs.

我认为这个问题值得继续思考,我们怎样认识我们周围的事物?,我们怎样认识周围的符号系统。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. Preliminary results from a vote by around 1, 000 of them seems to show they like the idea that a renegade crew of their fellow investors will get access to the ketchup and condiments giant and spice things up a little.

FORBES: Peltz Get A Foot In The Door At Heinz

24. There, travelers can enjoy nature's colorful show from a heated, walled tent until around 2 a.m.

CNN: 'Dancing lights' draw thousands to frozen north

25. Bartels points to the most recent government data released Friday that show a drop-off of around 2% in PC, server and peripheral sales for the third quarter of 2008 compared to the same quarter last year.

FORBES: Magazine Article

26. The pieces on show in Salford include around a dozen "mannequin" figures - drawings of young women in tight corsets and high heels.

BBC: 'Real' Lowry in previously unseen art exhibition

27. Police statistics show that, in a region of around 1.8m people, over 1, 500 sectarian incidents and attacks were logged in the year through March, with more than 60 emergency evacuations since then.

ECONOMIST: Northern Ireland

28. The show ran for over a year, before traveling around the United States and Europe.

VOA : special.2010.05.23

29. Events are held in London, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland, with each show centred around a live concert before a live big-screen link-up to the main event for the traditional singalong.

BBC: Last Night of Proms in 3D cinemas

30. The challenge is to make a show that will appeal both to a British audience and the expected billion or more viewers around the world.

WSJ: Menu

31. The few that are available show a collapsed structure around one reactor.

FORBES: The Japanese Nuclear Power Crisis Deepens

32. This meant I never had to cover up the window where video was playing or pause a show to navigate around the app.

WSJ: For Live TV on the Go, Aereo Is Impressive But Limited

33. An invited audience of around 400 has attended a show held by luxury fashion brand Chanel in West Lothian.

BBC: Linlithgow Palace hosts Chanel fashion show





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