
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈkæpʃ(ə)n]play美 [ˈkæpʃ(ə)n]play

  • n. (图片的)说明文字;(电影或电视的)字幕;(法律文件的)开端部分
  • v. 给……加文字说明

复数 captions 第三人称单数 captions 现在分词 captioning 过去式 captioned 过去分词 captioned

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


caption /ˈkæpʃən/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A caption is the words printed underneath a picture or cartoon which explain what it is about. (图片或卡通的) 说明文字

    The local paper featured me standing on a stepladder with a caption, "Wendy climbs the ladder to success."




1. picture-caption copy 图片说明式正文 ; 图片阐明式正文

2. caption signal generator 电视 字幕信号发生器

3. Scroll Caption 滚动字幕

4. A Caption to Love 给爱加个说明 ; 给爱加个阐明

5. Yee Caption 字幕制作软件

6. caption adder 电视 字幕叠加器

7. Closed Caption 隐藏字幕 ; 隐藏式字幕 ; 闭合字幕 ; 隐藏式字幕功能

8. Caption of account 会计 会计科目 ; 账户名称 ; 资本

9. figure caption 图名 ; 图目录 ; 图索引 ; 插图图题


1. CAN you write an Economist picture caption?


2. Caption: Mr. Jobs was greeted with a standing ovation and lengthy applause by the crowd.

描述: 会场听众起立并长时间鼓掌,欢迎乔布斯归来.《期刊摘选》

3. Notice the ungrammatical "2 Entry" caption.

请注意不合文法的“2 Entry”标题。

4. The local paper featured me standing on a stepladder with a caption, "Wendy climbs the ladder to success."


5. This state caption has already been assigned to another state. Please enter a different caption.

此状态标题已指派给另一状态. 请输入其它标题.《期刊摘选》

6. You can type any caption text that you like.

可以按您的意愿键入任意标题文本。《provided by jukuu》

7. Every label, caption and heading a role to play in the overall value of your site.

每一个标记 、 标题、题目都会体现网站的价值.《期刊摘选》

8. Enter name in the Caption field.


9. We have noted your letter of August 5 under the above caption.


10. This caption is a contradiction all, perhaps be a mistake all.

这标题根本就是个矛盾, 或者根本就是个错误.《期刊摘选》

11. title: This gives the GreyBox overlay a caption.

title:这会给 GreyBox 覆盖层一个标题。

12. Many regular TV programs are captioned for the deaf.


13. The caption read, "You go."


14. The Sun had captioned a picture of Princess Diana 'Princess of Veils'


15. Most graphs have a few basic parts: a caption or introduction paragraph, a title, a legend or key, and labeled axes.

大多数图形都有几个基本部分:说明文字或介绍段落、标题、图例或符号说明,以及带标记的轴。《高考真题- 2015 浙江 阅读B》

16. In any case their names were in the caption at the bottom.


17. Caption: The best effective birth control method known to man.


18. The Research and Implementation of Error Correction of Video Caption Recognition Results


19. Displays a message box with specified text, caption, buttons, and icon.

显示具有指定文本 、 标题 、 按钮和图标的消息框.《期刊摘选》

20. All the foreign films were captioned.


21. Please suggest a caption in the comments thread below.


22. On the back of the photo is written the simple caption, 'Mrs. Monroe'.


23. Throughout the book a few exceptions , caption names repre ? sent the name used for the file.

这本书中,大多数情况下, 标题名代表文件名.《期刊摘选》

24. Provide the collected figure captions in sequence on a separate page.


25. NASA image courtesy Ozone Hole Watch. Caption by Michael Carlowicz and Patrick Lynch.


26. The Sun had captioned a picture of Princess Diana 'Princess of Veils'...


27. Caption: Star trails record the motions of the stars in the night sky through long exposure.


28. Study of Video Caption Extraction Algorithm Based on Spatial-Temporal Information


29. Caption: Hiking hidden Wales : Get off the beaten trackthe spectacular Rhinog mountains.

描述: 漫步威尔士: 打破常规去景色迷人的威尔士高山吧.《期刊摘选》

30. It is obviously that the damage to the captioned goods result from rough handling.


31. All captions for labels, text boxes etc. are reset to'( demo )'in the unregistered version.

所有字幕标签, 文本框等重] ( 演示 ) ',在未注册版本.《期刊摘选》

32. Caption aerospace floated , do not know prop body to want what to say, vehicle?

标题太空泛了, 不知道具体要说什么, 交通工具 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

33. Important information in the photo captions were not read by many.


34. Each level should have exactly one caption attribute.


35. Photo caption: Like dolphins diving athletes.


36. Most browsers show the title in the window caption bar.


37. The Low Cost Voice Caption and Alarm System With Super Large Capacity


38. The captioned goods are urgently needed, so we wish to receive your proforma invoiceby return.

我们急需标题所提到的商品, 因此希望尽快收到贵方的形式发票.《期刊摘选》

39. I didn't understand the drawing until I read the caption.


40. The element is used to create a caption for a table.


41. In caption location part, this paper puts forward an algorithm based on wavelet transform.


42. Caption Tubes: Students watch television screens inside the Great People's Study House.

描述:屏幕: 小孩正在平壤“人民大学习堂”看电视.《期刊摘选》

43. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, the caption beneath it ran.


44. An error occurred while initializing the caption string table.


45. Caption is an essential part of telefilm and important complementarity of telefilm information transmission.


46. Arrange according to recording, already oneself are authorized, caption is added for complier place.

根据录音整理, 已经本人审定, 标题为编者所加.《期刊摘选》

47. Pages are separated with captions.


48. The recent research works about video caption detection are summarized detailedly, and compared with each other.

综述了当前视频字幕检测的研究成果, 并对其中具有代表性的方法进行了分析比较.《期刊摘选》

49. The is a film with English captions.


50. In the balance sheet, organization costs appear under the other assets caption.

在资产负债表中, 开办费出现在其他资产项目下.《期刊摘选》

51. Study of Methods for Video Caption Detection and Extraction


52. Can you understand the english film without looking at the caption.


53. The icon navigation link is shown as two parts: icon and caption.


54. Captions usually summarize the author's main point as well.

标题通常也概括了作者的主要观点。《高考真题- 2015 浙江 阅读B》

55. Please present table and figures with captions at the point they will appear in the manuscript.


56. Thank you for your continued interest and support the HK at the captioned fair.


57. In some software programs, you can display captions for speech and sounds.


58. Invalid caption. Captions cannot be empty and must be fewer than 256 characters long.

标题无效. 标题不能为空且应少于256个字符.《期刊摘选》

59. Indicates whether the user or the system paints the captions.


60. The caption reads, "As the sand advances, we retreat."


61. Can you think up a caption that exactly covers the whole idea?

你能想出概括全部内容的标题 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

62. There is no any caption when I watch the first time.


63. Select the column whose caption you want to edit.


64. WS _ OVERLAPPED Creates an overlapped window window usually has a caption and a border.


65. There is a caption under the picture.


66. Caption: A street scene showing bomb damage in Hiroshima.

描述: 原子弹爆炸后的广岛街景.《期刊摘选》

67. An algorithm is proposed in the paper to segment caption region.


68. Please have annotation or caption on each photo , i . g . when and where was this photo taken.

请在每幅照片上加上标题注解, 比如在哪儿,什么时候拍的.《期刊摘选》

69. Onscreen caption: Two hundred thousand Indians found jobs in Silicon Valley.

字幕: 20万印度人在硅谷找到了工作.《期刊摘选》

70. The thesis researches the caption frame detection technique.


71. Caption: An Atlantic bull rests on a piece of multi year ice near Nunavut, Canada.

描述: 加拿大努勒维特附近, 一只雄大西洋海象在一块多年冰上休憩.《期刊摘选》

72. You get 20 pages with 240 photos and you can add your own captions.


73. Please advise other considerable hotels for this captioned group.


74. As the caption points out, excessive love for food exerts negative influences on health.

正如标题所提示的那样, 贪吃对于人们的健康只会产生负面效应.《期刊摘选》

75. The Introduction of Foreign Caption and Mexican Railway Construction in Modern Times


76. Caption: Laboratory technician examining flasks of penicillin culture.

描述: 实验室的技术人员正在检查盘尼西林培养瓶.《期刊摘选》

77. The system can be adopted for economical caption television system now.


78. Caption: Packaged: Despite outspoken international protest, attitudes in Japan are still permissive regarding whale hunting.

描述: 打包: 尽管国际示威抗议不断, 日本国内对捕鲸的态度仍然很宽容.《期刊摘选》

79. Also use captions to showcase important information. People areto text that is apart from the rest.

也可以利用标题来突出某些重要信息, 总之,要让用户全神贯注浏览文章,而不是去阅读其他的内容.《期刊摘选》

80. When you play live performances, you are basically unable to rely on captions.


81. Notice that the entry field appears below the caption.


82. Caption: A large green flag flows through the crowd.

描述: 人群传递着一面绿色的旗帜.绿色是穆萨维的竞选色.《期刊摘选》

83. In the caption." Most of the poster are having fun with the unusual new trend, setting "Too Player" by Vinny West as the soundtrack to their windmill.

这个不同寻常的新潮流让大多数的用户玩儿得很开心,他们将文尼·韦斯特的《Too Player》设置为“风车舞”视频的背景音乐。

84. Enter caption names (optional).


85. For example, fewer women win the New Yorker caption contests, but fewer enter.


86. The book is well written, properly illustrated and excellently captioned.


87. Titles and Subtitles: Add text captions like titles and subtitles to create enhanced video experiences.

标题和字幕: 添加文字字幕一样,标题和字幕,创造的经验,增强的视频.《期刊摘选》

88. Research on the Method of Rendering Caption Based on OpenGL


89. As you can see in Figure 10, the icon and caption pairs are iterated across and then down.


90. Displays a message box with the specified text, caption, buttons , icon , default button, and options.

显示具有指定文本 、 标题 、 按钮 、 图标和默认按钮的消息框.《期刊摘选》

91. The next page of the wizard ( Figure 12) is for entering optional caption values.

这个向导的下一页( 图 12)描述的是输入可选择的标题名称。

92. Caption: Crisis: An injured man is carried to a hospital.

描述: 危机时刻: 一名受伤男子被送进了医院.《期刊摘选》

93. As before, it's up to you to provide the caption.


94. Displays a message box with the specified text, caption, buttons, icon, default button , options, and button.

显示具有指定文本 、 标题 、 按钮 、 图标 、 默认按钮和选项的消息框.《期刊摘选》

95. Captions on the screen can give brief information about what they were saying.


96. Specifies if the caption of a Form is half the normal height.


97. Captions running with the footage had suggested that she accompanied by her father.


98. Have the ability to add text caption to image.


99. Virtually all radio and stations offer specific programs for disabled children, compounded with sign and captions.

广播、电视普遍开办残疾儿童专题节目, 并配制手语、字幕.《期刊摘选》

100. Enter Gizmos in the Caption field.


101. We took caption to his frivolous accusations.


102. The transktion of captions of movies and televisions should be practical and timely.


103. Captions will usually tell you where the data came from ( for example, a scientific study of 400 African elephants from 1980 to 2005).

标题通常会告诉你数据的来源(例如,1980年至2005年关于400头非洲象的科学研究)。《高考真题- 2015 浙江 阅读B》

104. NASA image by Robert Simmon. Caption by Rebecca Lindsey.


105. The photograph is captioned 'People Power'...


106. Caption: Lion statues standing at the stairs of the Angkor Wat temple.

描述: 狮子雕在吴哥窟庙宇的台阶旁.《期刊摘选》

107. Caption: shop owner displays carved ivory items at his antique shop in Hanoi, Vietnam.

描述: 在越南河内市一家古玩店老板展示他店里的象牙雕刻品.《期刊摘选》

108. Big brother is watching you, the caption beneath it ran.

下边还有行说明文字,道是:老大哥看着你。《provided by jukuu》

109. Caption : Cocked and Ready: A woman loads a pistol for firing practice.

描述:时刻准备着: 一名女子拿着手枪准备练习射击.《期刊摘选》

110. It allows you to add a Title or Caption to the photos without changing the names.


111. Caption: 19: China's Politburo Standing Committee Member Li Changchun.

描述: 第19位: 中共中央政治局常委李长春.《期刊摘选》

112. The Sun had captioned a picture of Princess Diana Princess of Veils


113. Close caption parser source code integrity of the source code can be directly used test.


114. The photograph is captioned 'People Power'


115. Caption: Value of Assets, International Competitive Capacity and Financial Crisis


116. Live like someone left the gate open, says the caption.


117. A key frame extraction algorithm based on shots and caption comparison is presented.


118. The system is built on high accuracy news story segmentation and topic caption text extraction.


119. This example demonstrates a table with a caption.


120. If it's a, you can assume it's the table caption.


121. Displays the caption and control bar when you play audio, video, or animation.

在你演奏声音 、 图像或视频时,显示标题和控制条.《期刊摘选》

122. You can enter the number of seconds, the default button, the caption and the prompt.

你可以输入秒数, 缺省按钮, 标题和提示.《期刊摘选》

123. Do you want programs that offer this feature to display captions for speech and sounds?

您想让提供此功能的程序显示语音和声音字幕 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

124. This week, we intend to put this theory to the test by asking you, our readers, to write a caption for this picture.


125. "Architecture like you've never seen it," a caption says.


126. It can edit the captions and transforms in the different captions form.



1. In the comments below that post, Make Magazine readers chime in with all kinds of ways this sort of closed-caption-reading tech could be used.

CNN: Hacked TV remote will auto-mute Snooki

2. The second error was in the caption to a graph comparing the new temperature forecast with one from the past.

BBC: Flooding in York

3. She is holding a cucumber and the caption says: "My first banana".

BBC: Frugality rules at German dinner parties

4. Second, each slide depicts a woman at work, with a caption stating what the average weekly earnings are for women vs. men in that position.

FORBES: Extra! Extra! False Positive Financial News

5. "Once that caption's complete, I'm ready to send that picture out on the feeds, " Willis says.

NPR: At Beijing Olympics, Photographers Shine

6. The photo caption incorrectly stated that it was taken at the Bluegrass Clinic in Stanford.

WSJ: Corrections & Amplifications

7. They analyzed the full text of words said in shows like CNN Headline News by using the closed-caption transcripts.

FORBES: co-founder Sergey Brin

8. In one poster a gleeful U.S. serviceman throws a Korean baby down a well (caption: "Do not forget the U.S. imperialist wolves").

FORBES: Dictator Chic

9. "Hanukah without our grandfather - second year that we spend it without him, " one caption said.

CNN: Bolivia releases imprisoned American after 18 months

10. The seven of clubs shows an ancient arch and the caption: This site has survived 17 centuries, will it survive you?

NPR: U.S. Military Deals Cards to Save War-Torn Sites

11. The new version also allows users to take and caption landscape photos.

FORBES: Snapchat Adds Video, Now Seeing 50 Million Photos A Day

12. Beyond that, the app includes "multi-line caption editing, more streamlined photo uploading, speed improvements and infinite scroll, " according to our pals at TechCrunch.

ENGADGET: Instagram 3.0 adds Photo Maps, infinite scrolling and speed improvements (video)

13. He did this to point out your apparent incorrect caption of a waxing moon in Rio de Janeiro.


14. The poor-quality video of the murder was preceded by a caption announcing that al-Zarqawi would carry out the killing.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Politics | Carey condemns Iraq beheading

15. The caption explained that he was a thief (of mobile phones) who had shot himself rather than face the lynch mob outside.

ECONOMIST: Mandelas heir

16. Every caption tells a story of an ordinary person being touched by the Olympic gods, or at least their spirit.

BBC: The Road to 2012 in portraiture

17. This image, with this caption, was originally published in Vol. 3 No. 53 of Tropic Lightning News, December 30, 1968.

BBC: Return to Vietnam

18. He also sent a picture of himself, via Instagram, lying in what appeared to be a hospital bed with the caption "gettin' better".

BBC: Justin Bieber to resume tour after scare

19. It depicts Liberal statesman David Lloyd George with the caption 'The Demon Bowler'.

BBC: In pictures: David Lloyd George election posters

20. The caption read: What you need to know to use a PC.

FORBES: If Steve Jobs Had Run The IRS

21. On the back of the photo is written the simple caption, `Mrs. Monroe'.


22. This fridge picture actually showed up in the article, with a caption that described the fridge as dominating the apartment.

NPR: Excerpt: 'Alive at the Village Vanguard'

23. "My name is Wael Ghonim and I publicly support ElBaradei, " the caption reads.

WSJ: Google Executive Emerges as Key Figure in Revolt

24. Another shows a young woman, transfigured by a kind of Sound of Music ecstasy, amid a herd of goats (caption: "Let's expand goat rearing").

FORBES: Dictator Chic

25. The caption read: What you need to know to use a Mac.

FORBES: If Steve Jobs Had Run The IRS

26. He put a caption on each image, giving the 0600 forecast for the day when that photograph was taken.

BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Shipping Forecast's 'baffling' legacy

27. You can put in caption and text and other things to add to it.

NPR: Your Black Friday Shopping Agenda

28. In some editions Tuesday, a photo caption with a Personal Journal article on accidental pet poisonings incorrectly said the animal had ingested three.

WSJ: Corrections & Amplifications

29. Under the photos, the paper ran the caption "the prison guards have arrived".

BBC: Greece referendum: Democracy versus the eurozone

30. The image, posted on the official College GameDay social media accounts, included the caption "Just no chill, " or not cool.

CNN: ESPN vows to take closer look at showcased fan signs

31. The photo had a caption underneath.


32. We "borrowed" the contrarian headline style of FORBES and the witty caption style of Sports Illustrated.

FORBES: Benchmarking Blues







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7.下列句子运用的修辞手法与其他三项不同的一项是 A.电视广播以及行人的谈话全是法语法语法语,把你囚禁在...

7.下列句子运用的修辞手法与其他三项不同的一项是 A.电视广播以及行人的谈话全是法语法语法语,把你囚禁在...



