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inland revenue

n. 国内收入

英 [ˌɪnˈlænd ˈrevənjuː]play 美 [ˌɪnˈlænd ˈrevənuː]play

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Inland Revenue

  • 1.
    名词 (in Britain and New Zealand) a government board that administers and collects major direct taxes, such as income tax, corporation tax, and capital gains tax (在英国和新西兰)国税局 ( abbr: IR)



1. Inland Revenue Ordinance 税务条例

2. inland revenue office 税收 国内税务局

3. inland revenue integrated system 艾丽斯

4. IR Inland Revenue 国内税收

5. Inland Revenue Department 税务局 ; 内税部 ; 国内税务局

6. Inland Revenue Board 内陆税收局

7. UK Inland Revenue 英国税务局 ; 英国国内税收局 ; 英国国家税务局

8. Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore 新加坡国内税务局 ; 税务署 ; 国内税务局

9. Board of Inland Revenue 国内税务局 ; 国内税收局


1. Your company in the authenticity of unstamped have any doubts or fears, the Internet can be verified or directly with your company to verify the Inland Revenue Department.


2. We are currently computerizing the Inland revenue.

最近我们正在使国内税收工作计算机化。《provided by jukuu》

3. Contact Inland Revenue directly for a letter stating this.


4. What they owe to the Inland Revenue is small fry compared to the overall £ 1.2 million debt


5. The Inland Revenue is investigating donations made to the fund.

国内税收部正在调查给该基金的捐款。《provided by jukuu》

6. According to inland revenue data continuity requirements, we apply reverse engineering method to refine and inherit valuable legacy data.

对税务数据的延续性要求,采用对遗留系统的继承策略、施行逆向工程、进化接收有价值的遗留数据。《provided by jukuu》

7. For the foregoing reasons therefore government does not intend to amend the Inland Revenue Ordinance as proposed.

基于上述原因,政府不打算按建议修改税务条例。《provided by jukuu》

8. Do not know how to check the Inland Revenue Department?


9. Besides, we also provide you a computer software that can automate the compilation of employee salary tax returns to Inland Revenue.


10. The e-tax password is selected by yourself and is stored in an encrypted form in the Inland Revenue department.

税务易通行密码由你亲自选择,以加密格式储存于税务局。《provided by jukuu》

11. The tax officials admitted that at many rental housing owners and tenants who are private cash transactions, such "black" let alone their own Inland Revenue Department staff to check available.


12. This exemption will reduce the compliance cost of the industry without compromising the capability of the Inland Revenue Department to collect stamp duty.

此项豁免既不损害税务局徵收印花税,又可有助减低业界的遵行成本。《provided by jukuu》

13. Tax frauds are dealt with by the Inland Revenue.


14. The Commissioners of Inland Revenue control British national taxes.


15. By what means the Inland Revenue Department verifies the identity of the person who uses Internet filing and ensures safe transmission of data on the internet?

税务局如何核实在网上提交报税表人士的身分及保证报税资料安全地传送?《provided by jukuu》

16. An investigation by the Inland Revenue Department revealed that Chan had inflated the amounts of purchases for the business.

税务局经调查发现,陈夸大该公司的购货金额。《provided by jukuu》

17. The seventh step, the Inland Revenue Department as investment partners.

第七步, 把税务局当作投资伙伴.《互联网》

18. In Britain, the Inland Revenue collects taxes.

在英国, 税务局徵收各种税项.《互联网》

19. According to Inland Revenue data continuity requirements, we apply reverse engineering method to refine and inherit valuable legacy data.


20. In Britain, the Inland Revenue collects taxes.


21. Criteria for Internet filing are specified by the Commissioner of Inland Revenue and published in the government gazette.

有关符合网上报税的准则是由税务局局长指明,并在宪报刊登。《provided by jukuu》

22. You're not from Inland Revenue?


23. The couple brought their four children up in Gillingham, Kent, and worked for the Inland Revenue for 41 and 17 years respectively.


24. Are there any limitations for making electronic payments on bills issued by the Inland Revenue department?

使用电子付款方法缴交税务局的帐单,有何限制?《provided by jukuu》

25. If you pay too much tax, the Inland Revenue Department will refund the overpayment of tax and interest.


26. You must declare income from all sources to the inland revenue.


27. The Inland Revenue is responsible for collecting income tax.


28. Personal to the Pudong New Area Inland Revenue Department to apply and fill in the application form for tax registration. Tax registration certificate issued by the tax bureau.


29. Beijing related to the Inland revenue Department said that new regulations introduced mainly in order to circumvent the deed tax and stamp duty revenue loss.


30. In the UK, the Inland Revenue has compared it with drink - driving.

在英国, 税务局将避税与酒后驾车相提并论.《互联网》

31. He appealed to the Inland Revenue for a tax rebate.

他向国税局申诉,请求减税。《provided by jukuu》

32. Source jurisdiction The Inland Revenue is responsible for collecting income tax.


33. The suppliers and other organizations that I owe money to are my accounts payable or payables. I must remember to pay tax to the Inland Revenue Service on time.


34. The analysis for building Automation System of the old office building of Inland Revenue of Fujian Province


35. He reported his friend to the Inland Revenue for not paying his taxes.


36. Charitable institution Yes Please attach a copy of document certifying the charitable institution is exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance.


37. We shall be pleased to provide other taxation services, such as attending to enquires that may be raised by the Inland Revenue Department, lodging objections, and holdover applications.


38. Any balance of tax not covered by TRCs redeemed shall be payable directly to Inland Revenue Department on or before tax due date.


39. The Commissioners of Inland Revenue control British national taxes.


40. The information will be transmitted to the Commissioner of Inland Revenue for processing.


41. In recent years, business scale, reception number and revenue of European inland river cruise industry maintain sustainable growth.


42. Business Registration Office [ Inland Revenue Department] The IRS audits questionable income tax returns.


43. It becomes the international and inland revenue info's development direction that collects to heavens using the modern times info technology.


44. The Inland Revenue is responsible for collecting income tax.


45. For every £ 100 you invest into a pension plan the Inland Revenue makes it up to £ 125.


46. You should, however, retain such documentary evidence for production to the Inland Revenue Department for verification when required.

递交报税表时,无须提供证明文件,但你须保存有关文件,以备税务局查阅。《provided by jukuu》

47. The existing provisions may require the Inland Revenue Department to provide for an over-generous and distorted depreciation allowance claim upon disposal of the building.

现时条文可能令税务局在建筑物变卖时给予过份慷慨及不正确的折旧免税额。《provided by jukuu》

48. The Standard Chartered Bank 1994 Executive Share Options Scheme (No. 2) is a scheme for non-UK staff working outside the UK which is not a UK Inland Revenue approved share scheme.

渣打银行1994年执行股票期权计划( 2号)是一个为非英国工作人员制定的计划,该计划并没有被英国税务局批准…

49. Collection Enforcement Section [ Inland Revenue Department] The company avoids or evades its taxes.


50. You're not from Inland Revenue?


51. By Inland Revenue rules this is income.

根据国内税收规则,这是收入。《provided by jukuu》

52. The Inland Revenue is responsible for collecting tax.


53. Stamp Office [ Inland Revenue Department] and for tax refund, taxation authorities.


54. Relevant terms and definitions in the stamp duty ordinance, Estate Duty Ordinance and Inland Revenue Ordinance have also been updated accordingly.

印花税条例,遗产税条例及税务条例中各有关名称和定义,同时被相应更新。《provided by jukuu》


1. That figure includes the tax relief you get from the Inland Revenue.

BBC: Should you grab a stake?

2. Among its members are Customs and Excise representatives, the police, the NIO, Home Office and the Inland Revenue.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Clampdown on illegal fuel

3. Both the Inland Revenue and Customs and Excise are also keen to get out of the business of managing property.

ECONOMIST: Goldmans booty

4. Merge the Contributions Agency with the Inland Revenue in April 1999 - announced March Budget 1998.

BBC: Gordon's 'good ship'

5. It was trade unionism that gave him his first chance of advancement, as a senior official of the Inland Revenue Staff Federation.


6. But other councils said they would leave it up to schools or were relying on the Inland Revenue to tell parents.

BBC: NEWS | Business | Poor families 'miss out on free food'

7. The Inland Revenue would probably have to hire 5, 000 extra staff to deal with the extra work.

BBC: Budget 'sacred cows under threat in welfare row

8. In some Inland Revenue offices emergency measures had to be introduced to cope with the flow of tax credit claimants.

BBC: Inland Revenue office

9. Figures given in a parliamentary answer to Conservative MP George Osborne show three people were dismissed last year because of misuse at the Inland Revenue.

BBC: Whitehall computer abuse unveiled

10. Back in the mid-80s, I was an employee of the Inland Revenue in Mansfield.

BBC: Thatcher's role: Was she one of the great orators?

11. You can get this form from local Inland Revenue or Benefits Agency offices.

BBC: Revenue relaxes contribution rules

12. It is the Internal Revenue Service, not the Inland Revenue Service.

WSJ: Best of the Web Today: Why Did Lois Lerner Take the Fifth?

13. In Mrs Jimenez's case, the Inland Revenue argued that this obligation was not fulfilled.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | Diplomatic immunity? Not from the taxman

14. In response, an Inland Revenue spokesperson told BBC News Online that such emergency measures were short lived and the system was now on an even keel.

BBC: Inland Revenue office

15. If you pay lower rate tax - 10% - then you can reclaim some tax from the Inland Revenue.

BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Moneybox | Information on bonuses

16. Like most rich men, he does not keep his money in a piggy bank under the bed to be taken annually to the Inland Revenue for counting.

ECONOMIST: The hounding of Geoffrey Robinson

17. The credits are paid by the Inland Revenue direct to the parent who takes most responsibility for childcare.

BBC: NEWS | Business | Baby credit 'unfair to twins'

18. Coleraine were facing extinction last year through a winding-up order after the Inland Revenue went to the High Court.

BBC: SPORT | Football | Irish | Coleraine report financial upturn

19. Having overpaid 1.9m recipients in one year, the Inland Revenue then attempted to claw the money back the following year.


20. Inland falters as its on line tax return fails to attract customers and the woman snowed under with paper.

BBC: Money Box - Saturday 30 December 2000

21. The Inland Revenue had sent me the car but not the wheels.

BBC: Taxing internet returns

22. This includes giving greater resources to the Inland Revenue to pursue those paying less tax than they should.

BBC: Tax avoidance targeted by European Union

23. Inland Revenue and Customs and Excise told to be "very sympathetic" to rural businesses in trouble, possibly allowing deferment of payments of taxes and national insurance.

BBC: Rural package at a glance

24. That's 30 letters and two spaces, too long for the Inland Revenue's online form.

BBC: Taxing internet returns

25. However, it often took an hour or more before people in the waiting room were seen by Inland Revenue advisers.

BBC: Inland Revenue office

26. Otherwise you will have to reclaim the tax from the Inland Revenue.

BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Moneybox | Information on bonuses

27. About a quarter of jobs could be cut at a Telford Inland Revenue site, according to a trade union.

BBC: Mitie staff face job cuts at Telford offices

28. The first was to prove to the Inland Revenue that we could run Coleraine FC at a profit.

BBC: SPORT | Football | Irish | Coleraine report financial upturn

29. CSA's functions should be transferred to the Inland Revenue, which already has information about earnings.

ECONOMIST: Children and politics

30. He said the GP pay award had been based on factual information provided by GPs to the Inland Revenue.

BBC: GP consultation



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