hostile environment翻译_hostile environment短语搭配_hostile environment权威例句

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hostile environment


英 [ˈhɒstaɪl ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt]play 美 [ˈhɑːstl ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. Hostile Environment Application Tester 不利环境应用程序测试器

2. a hostile environment 不良环境

3. The hostile environment 恶劣的自然条件

4. hostile work environment 环境型

5. hostile environment logging 恶劣环境测井

6. hostile drilling environment 恶劣钻井环境


1. Unfortunately, an increasingly sophisticated and hostile environment exists in today's Internet.


2. As an important part of dynamic system, gearbox works in the hostile environment the failure of which often leads to serious accidents.


3. The Fezzan reveals thousands of years of life struggling against change, of humans adapting to a hostile environment.


4. We will have to make the turbines robust because the sea is a hostile environment, but all the signs that we can do it are good.


5. How can humans survive for months or years in the ultra-hostile environment of space?


6. Even if he is caught in a bad situation, a journey by a large group to escape from a hostile environment.


7. Only those plants and animals that are adapted to the hostile environment can survive in it.


8. A journey by a large group to escape from a hostile environment.

大批地逃离恶劣的环境。《provided by jukuu》

9. How can you build up that trust in a historically hostile environment?


10. Christianity came into being in a hostile environment.

基督教是在充满敌意的环境中诞生的。《provided by jukuu》

11. Companies are also developing new systems, technologies and sales tools to combat the increasingly hostile environment.


12. A hostile environment, I'm unprepared* With people who want to kick my ass.

在敌对的环境里,我没准备好对付那些想踢我屁股的家伙。《provided by jukuu》

13. However, they can create an offensive environment, and one that is consistent with "hostile environment sexual harassment".


14. They proved that people could survive the hostile environment of space.


15. The S-ICD's design makes lead failures somewhat less likely, because the outside of the heart is a less hostile environment than the inside.

s - ICD ' s的设计降低了引线出故障的几率,因为引线位于心脏之外,所处的环境更为安全。

16. You cannot implement quality improvement in a hostile environment.


17. " It was a hostile environment in which many people were let go," is a good way to handle it.


18. "Antarctica creates a hostile environment," says the operations director for the British Antarctic Survey, "if you are not careful, it'll come around and bite you."


19. How can you build up that trust in a historically hostile environment?


20. A remote and hostile environment has suddenly become more so.


21. Modernism, with its macho ideal of the artist, seems to have provided a particularly hostile environment.


22. For most tumors of the adult, cancer cells result from the rewiring of control circuits in response to a hostile environment.


23. Simply put, the existing C-runtime functions are not good enough in light of today's hostile environment.


24. But I am beginning to wonder if these examples of decency will be able to survive in such a hostile environment.


25. Novel Electromagnetic Rotor Position Sensor for Brushless DC Machine in Hostile Environment


26. A large overflow of population from the cities a journey by a large group to escape from a hostile environment.


27. According to British and Australian researchers, the microscopic bacteria lived some 3.43billion years ago in a hot, hostile environment free of oxygen.


28. Not able to accomplish much in such a hostile environment.


29. To exist within the hostile environment of the herding culture, vegan communities must be strong and committed.


30. It can be used in hostile environment and weather , with good property of water - proof and heat - proof.


31. Even small favors can alienate other coworkers and create a hostile environment.


32. Lawrence Malstaf's installation imagines people shrink-wrapped in plastic to separate them from an increasingly hostile environment.

劳伦斯·马尔斯塔夫(Lawrence Malstaf)的作品,他设想将人们包裹在塑料中,使之与日益充满敌意的环境分隔开来。

33. But the vacuum of space is a hostile environment, lacking oxygen and permeated by radiation.


34. Edelweiss and gentian are two of the best known alpine flowers, but many others are also perfectly adapted to this hostile environment.

雪绒花和龙胆草是最著名的阿尔卑斯山花;但除此以外,还有很多植物也非常适合阿尔卑斯的环境。《provided by jukuu》

35. But I am beginning to wonder if these examples of decency will be able to survive in such a hostile environment.


36. "It was a hostile environment in which many people were let go," is a good way to handle it.


37. He was the first to institute mandatory hostile environment training for his journalists.


38. In order to survive and adapt to a hostile environment, our ancestors had to be mentally agile.


39. The Fezzan reveals thousands of years of life struggling against change, of humans adapting to a hostile environment.


40. Astronauts worked for longer periods of time in the hostile environment of space.


41. I cannot imagine a more hostile environment in which to set up a peace camp.


42. Supreme Court ruling in1986 made firms liable if they allow a "hostile environment" in which harassment is tolerated.


43. Survive in a hostile environment using all sorts of weapons.


44. Don't give your lover any preferential treatment. Even small favors can alienate other coworkers and create a hostile environment.


45. Protecting yourself is very challenging in the hostile environment of the Internet.


46. Astronauts worked for longer periods of time in the hostile environment of space.


47. Simply put, the existing C-runtime functions are not good enough in light of today's hostile environment.


48. Antibiotics can be viewed as making a hostile environment and so put evolutionary pressure on bacteria so this drives the evolution of strains resistant to antibiotics.


49. Automotive sensors in a relatively hostile environment for automotive electronic systems made more stringent requirements.


50. In water, it's more difficult: Equipment must be more sophisticated and continuously fight a hostile environment of deep ocean water, for instance.


51. Even small favors can alienate other coworkers and create a hostile environment.


52. Automotive sensors in a relatively hostile environment for automotive electronic systems made more stringent requirements.


53. And he's operating in a hostile environment.


54. But that is little comfort for many Latinos in Arizona, who see the murders as a tragedy partly brought about by a hostile environment.


55. Companies are also developing new systems, technologies and sales tools to combat the increasingly hostile environment.


56. It can be used in hostile environment and weather, with good property of water-proof and heat-proof.


57. "Qin said. youngest daughter is still in the hostile environment was born, the parents named her" Bole "I hope his daughter can bring the most joy."



1. No one will ever assess all the risks correctly, U.S. diplomats and other Americans will be vulnerable when they operate in a hostile environment, and risk-taking will remain inevitable.

CNN: Benghazi blame game is useless

2. Then, incredibly, the parents are blamed for not participating and involving themselves more in that hostile environment and when many of them thought that teaching their kids was the job of, well, teachers.

CNN: Give Obama A+ for school reform ideas

3. Is a poisoned environment a hostile environment?

CNN: Now It's Her Turn

4. Favoritism can be fairly benign in some situations, but it can also be much more serious and develop into a hostile environment for others.

FORBES: How to Deal With Favoritism in the Office

5. Project manager Tony Bathmaker said the old bridge had been in place since 1921 in "a pretty hostile environment".

BBC: Shoreham swing bridge nearing completion

6. Last year, Appalachian State University suspended a professor for creating a "hostile environment" after she criticized the university's treatment of sexual-assault cases involving student-athletes and screened a documentary critical of the adult-film industry.

WSJ: Greg Lukianoff: Feds to Students: You Can't Say That

7. My own bank CEO and CFO told me it was the most hostile banking environment that they had operated in their lifetimes.

FORBES: It Isn't the Fiscal Cliff; It's Limited Access to Capital that's Crippling Small Business

8. Given these general terms, just about anything can count, but could Clinton's one-time proposition (which he denies) in itself create a hostile environment?

CNN: Now It's Her Turn

9. Did the Jets cross the teasing and off-handed comments line to create a hostile work environment for Sainz?

FORBES: All Eyes On Ines Sainz Sexual Harassment Controversy

10. It said the company had created a hostile environment and discriminating conditions of employment for the men, who had learning difficulties and worked at the West Liberty plant under the company's oversight since the 1970s.

BBC: Abused mentally disabled Iowa workers in $240m payout

11. An even higher proportion of the 20, 000-odd dispossessed Turkish Cypriots would probably prefer cash to trailing back in to a hostile environment.

ECONOMIST: Cyprus: Can the circle be squared? | The

12. It has been a tough week so far for the major stock market averages, as ratings cuts and the increasingly hostile environment in Washington have cut several rallies short.

FORBES: 4 Most Overbought Dow Stocks

13. Unfortunately, a hostile environment or unpleasant co-workers can derail your success in a new job.

FORBES: Connect

14. In tech, the abuse of patents and the abundance of patent trolls has created a hostile environment for start-ups and innovators.

FORBES: 'Overgrowth' and the Importance of Indies and Startups to the Gaming Industry

15. These best practices were developed in the crucible of day to day operations and in response to the hostile environment that would make most computers, data, and communications unworkable if they were not in place.

FORBES: An Open Letter to Senator Rockefeller

16. Is Loranzana the victim of a discriminatory and hostile work environment or an opportunist who is retaliating against a company that terminated her?

FORBES: Debrahlee Lorenzana: Is the ex-Citibank employee Victim or Villain?

17. "We didn't protect our home court like we wanted to and we have to go into a hostile environment and try to get another one, " Smith said.

WSJ: Smith's shot off as Knicks fail to wrap up series

18. He suffered from a poisonously hostile media environment and faced a powerful political opposition supported by the IDF's politicized General Staff and the Clinton administration.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Netanyahu's misleading lessons in governance

19. Used correctly, it can create a hostile environment for terrorists to operate in and help protect the public.

BBC: Thousands of anti-terror searches were illegal

20. "We beat a very good basketball team in a hostile environment, " Brown said.

WSJ: Albany tops Vermont 53-49 for America East title

21. Undeterred by the hostile environment, Egypt continued to pile on the pressure, lifted by the introduction of Mohammed Barakat who added much-needed bite to the Pharoahs' attack.

BBC: Hacine Achiou celebrates his late winner

22. Yet recent events in the financial markets add some weight to Mr Skilling's story though today's credit crunch creates a far more hostile environment that the one Enron faced and nobody is (yet) alleging the sort of fraudulent behaviour on Wall Street that apparently took place at Enron.

ECONOMIST: Business.view

23. Indeed, Ecuador was often an uncertain or downright hostile environment for the rebel groups because of the extensive penetration of Colombian or US intelligence.

BBC: Colombian Farc rebels' links to Venezuela detailed

24. Not scheduled to be released until this week, the Washington Post snagged a copy last Friday and wasted no time in dishing the dirt on the contents, with both the WaPo and Politico zeroing in on allegations that the White House is a hostile environment for women.

FORBES: Is The White House A Hostile Workplace? Female Former Staffers Say Yes And Then No

25. "We operate in a hostile environment, " he said.

CNN: U.S. vows probe of deadly attack on Iraqi TV crew

26. The Albany men beat Vermont 53-49 earlier Saturday to make the NCAA field for the first time since 2007, spoiling the day for the sellout crowd of 3, 245 in the hostile environment of the Catamounts' Patrick Gym.

WSJ: Hartford falters late, loses to Albany (NY) 61-52

27. Coming back to a hostile business environment, moreover, will be slow and painful.

FORBES: Drilling Moratorium Will Further Burden Economy

28. "There didn't need to be a dual-layer hostile environment - they just needed to sort it out, " one insider told CNN.

CNN: Clinton replaces campaign manager

29. The captain then allegedly attempted "to rectify the hostile work environment and persuade him against suicide" by calling the officer.

WSJ: Suit: NY cop killed self over boss's sex demands

30. Modernism, with its macho ideal of the artist, seems to have provided a particularly hostile environment.

ECONOMIST: Women's literature in America



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