more bitterly是什么意思_more bitterly短语搭配_more bitterly权威例句

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more bitterly

adv. 伤心地;愤怒地;极其;非常;非常寒冷的;严寒


英 [mɔː(r) ˈbɪtəli]play 美 [mɔːr ˈbɪtərli]play

权威例句 实用例句


1. Oftentimes, this Protestant and Puritan divine had plied it on his own shoulders; laughing bitterly at himself the while, and smiting so much the more pitilessly because of that bitter laugh.


2. The Ministry was attacked bitterly by not carrying out a more radical policy.


3. "Yes, I hate him!" repeated hester, more bitterly than before." he betrayed me! He has done me worse wrong than I did him!"

“是啊,我是恨他!”海丝特又重复了一句,口气更狠了。“他害苦了我!他伤我要比我伤他厉害得多!”《provided by jukuu》

4. "Yes, I hate him!" repeated Hester, more bitterly than before.


5. They often detail the moment during an unfolding tragedy or danger when the human mind gives in to hope, only to be the more bitterly disappointed.


6. His words made Widow Zhang weep more bitterly than ever.


7. With the competition among corporations getting more bitterly, executives can obviously observe the impending crisis led by insufficient sale.


8. She stared bitterly Mu snow mark, rushing breath, his face covered with white gauze to be blown from the corner of the brush, machete on his right hand bleeding, has had a more significant gap.


9. Repeated Hester more bitterly than before.

海丝特又重复了一句,口气更狠了。《provided by jukuu》

10. The more bitterly children wail before a bier, the more filial they are.


11. More than 100 people have died in northern India as a result of heavy snowfall and bitterly cold temperatures that grip much of Asia.


12. It is true that after divorce they will not lose control of themselves by crying bitterly, but they suffer more from stomach disorders, plunge into alcoholism and cause traffic accidents.


13. Now, the friends he discusses stocks with are bitterly divided on whether to pony up for more shares.


14. "Yes, I hate him!" repeated Hester, more bitterly than before. "He betrayed me! He has done me worse wrong than I did him!"


15. But even in summer, at an altitude of more than 3, 000 metres, the winds are fierce and frequent, the weather is changeable, and the nights are bitterly cold.


16. His words made widow Zhang weep more bitterly than ever.

张寡妇听说,哭得更加苦了。《provided by jukuu》

17. " Yes, I hate him!" repeated Hester, more bitterly than before.


18. You mustn't think I care little for Catherine, because I behaved so foolishly on entering: I've cried, too, bitterly — yes, more than anyone else has reason to cry.


19. They will bitterly regret what they have done for ever more.


20. But, equally, there was also more evidence that the world remains divided-and often bitterly so-on what to do about him.


21. As for the job I was doing, I hated it more bitterly than I can perhaps make clear.


22. It thus appears that the more bitterly Jaspers destroys the reason's preconceptions, the more radically he will explain the world.


23. Widow Zhang hugged him to her bosom and wept even more bitterly.

张寡妇搂住了孩子,哭的更伤心.《汉英文学 - 林家铺子》

24. No man could have hated the old order more bitterly.

不可能有人对旧制度更为痛恨了。《provided by jukuu》


1. The U.S. is now even more bitterly divided along racial lines -- a consequence that does not escape Asian countries that have to deal daily with the combustible question of ethnic sensibilities.


2. Weingartner throws in a final twist, slanting the film toward his revolutionaries, but the movie gives us ample, if inadvertent, proof of why it is that the Hardenbergs always end up ruling the world, and why the Jules and the Jans can never be more than licensed fools, capering bitterly around the throne.

NEWYORKER: The Edukators

3. He had done more for President Clinton in this scandal, he said bitterly, than anyone from the Democratic Party had done for him.

CNN: On the fast track to impeach

4. Survivors trudging wearily through the mud and rubble along what had once been a pretty beach-front, many having lost not only their belongings but their families too, complained bitterly that the president had been more concerned with getting out the vote than with saving lives.

ECONOMIST: After Venezuelas flood

5. It has been trying for more than a year to bring the two bitterly opposed factions together.

ECONOMIST: The Palestinians look both divided and leaderless

6. But there is also a more technical but bitterly contested question to do with the role of central banks.

ECONOMIST: Free exchange: The Chicago question | The

7. This has been every bit as controversial and bitterly opposed as the Welfare Reform and Health and Social Care Bills, so expect more government defeats, compromises and promises of reviews as it inches through the Upper House.

BBC: Week ahead in Parliament

8. The day of the funeral, 30 January, was bitterly cold, but the streets of London were packed and millions more mourners watched proceedings at home on television.

BBC: Prime ministers' funerals from Pitt to Heath

9. She was (and still is) a wonderful person, and her family was considerably more ethically advanced than mine, and I loved her, but I was bitterly disappointed in the present.

NEWYORKER: Chris Adrian

10. And bitterly polarised but more-or-less free presidential polls did produce, via a first round in May and this month's run-off, a generally accepted winner by a slim margin, the Brotherhood's candidate, Muhammad Morsi, though his rival, General Ahmed Shafiq, a Mubarak-era prime minister, still challenges this.

ECONOMIST: Turmoil in Egypt

11. However, environmental campaigners and local councils remain bitterly opposed to T5, which could push up Heathrow's annual passenger numbers by more than 20 million.

BBC: Terminal five cleared for take-off

12. More snow is expected over the weekend and a "bitterly cold south-easterly wind" will remain, the Met Office added.

BBC: East Midlands Airport suspends flights due to snow

13. The More Group fought bitterly against Decaux and was saved by the government, which intervened on competition grounds.

ECONOMIST: Advertising

14. Biden, some more bitterly than others.

NPR: Has Biden Gone From Snarling To Darling?

15. On the face of it, this might seem to undermine one of the main advantages that a Bush presidency offered, which was that it would be less destabilising than a Gore presidency, largely because Republicans were more bitterly opposed to a Gore victory and more inclined to perceive it as illegitimate had it happened.

ECONOMIST: The end, at last

16. But a far more important choke on reform is that a significant portion of the great British public, already infuriated by the sums spent on prisoners, bitterly resent the notion of spending still more.

BBC: A Point of View: Prisons don't work

17. Whereas republicans in 1995 bitterly condemned John Major's government, from the outset Tony Blair was regarded more positively.

ECONOMIST: Ulsters murder mystery



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