take an oath翻译_take an oath短语搭配_take an oath权威例句

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take an oath

网络 宣誓;起誓;发誓

英 [teɪk ən əʊθ]play 美 [teɪk ən oʊθ]play

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1. dóujau take an oath 赌咒

2. take an oath of fealty 宣誓效忠

3. take an oath of office 宣誓就职

4. take an oath of brotherhood 义结金兰

5. swear and take an oath 发咒起誓

6. i take an oath 我以我的人格起誓

7. vow take an oath 发誓


1. The constitution requires members of parliament to take an oath of allegiance


2. You take an oath they were at -- er -- at Belle's?

你起誓担保他们确实是在 ---- 唔 ---- 在贝尔那里,可以 吗 ?《互联网》

3. A new prime minister should take an oath to rule by the constitution.

新首相需宣誓遵守宪法。《provided by jukuu》

4. A sportsman from the host country takes the Olympic oath on behalf of all the competitors. The judges and officials also take an oath.


5. I move, but does the sovereignty get to depend these common people to take an oath.


6. Valentine's Day; this is the loving promise 'be to take an oath of love 'be to loving sincere, is a life commitment.


7. When a man wrongs his neighbor and is required to take an oath and he comes and swears the oath before your altar in this temple


8. So if you take an oath in front of fire, then you cannot against it.

因此,如果你在火焰面前宣誓, 你就不能违背誓言.《互联网》

9. In the afternoon, the 115 voting cardinals, those under 80 years old enter the Sistine Chapel where each will take an oath of secrecy. The penalty, automatic excommunication.


10. As teachers of Kundalini Yoga, we take an oath: "I am not a woman."


11. Objective important document: Eestablish the system of witness to take an oath.


12. Jurors formally take an oath to take up office.


13. Before giving evidence the witness had to take an oath.


14. You love him and he loves you too, what a pity you can't be together. You take an oath quietly.


15. This week around 300 graduating MBAs at Harvard Business School will take an oath, pledging to play a positive role in society once they graduate.


16. Thee oath of office I take today is an oath of allegiance to all Americans.


17. The government made a short statement, which said Mugabe will study and prepare a list of new cabinet members over the weekend. The new cabinet is scheduled to take an oath of office on 26th.


18. You must also be willing to take an oath of allegiance to the US and have resided in the state in which you file for citizenship for at least three months immediately preceding the filing.


19. He also rebelled against King Nebuchadnezzar, who had made him take an oath in God's name. He became stiff-necked and hardened his heart and would not turn to the Lord, the God of Israel.


20. Several blocks from where Obama will take the oath of office, the Boy's Choir of Kenya gave an impromptu performance for anyone who happened to be nearby.


21. Each worker will take an oath for life to keep census information confidential.


22. So if you take an oath in front of fire, then you cannot go against it.


23. The oath of office I take today is an oath of allegiance to all Americans.


24. Before giving evidence the witness had to take an oath.


25. The constitution requires members of parliament to take an oath of allegiance.


26. You must also be willing to take an oath of allegiance to the us and have resided in the state in which you file for citizenship for at least three months immediately preceding the filing.


27. " Brevet," said the President, "you have undergone an ignominious sentence, and you cannot take an oath."


28. I take an oath of secrecy.


29. For example, athletes take an Olympic Oath as part of the ceremony.


30. And he said, take an oath to me; and he took an oath to him: and Israel gave worship on the bed's head.

雅各说,你要向我起誓。约瑟就向他起了誓,于是以色列在床头上敬拜神。《provided by jukuu》

31. After we have begun to stand in the 20 tail, face the man, how many people can die with my head high, take an oath devoutly to say that we are still young?


32. In the afternoon, the 115 voting cardinals, those under 80 years old enter the Sistine Chapel where each will take an oath of secrecy.


33. If a man does wrong to his neighbour and has to take an oath, and comes before your altar to take his oath in this house.

人若得罪邻舍,有人叫他起誓,他来到这殿,在你的坛前起誓。《provided by jukuu》

34. "Brevet," said the President, "you have undergone an ignominious sentence, and you cannot take an oath."


35. Everyone had to take an oath of allegiance to the new ruler.

每一个人都得对新统治者进行效忠宣誓。《provided by jukuu》

36. You know as a witness when you take an oath.

你知道作为证人要去做证时。《provided by jukuu》

37. At the moment when he reminded him of his infamy which deprived him of the right to take an oath, chenildieu raised his head and looked the crowd in the face.

他说他做过不名誉的事,已经丧失了宣誓的资格,舍尼杰在这时却照旧抬起头来,正正地望着观众。《provided by jukuu》

38. Do not you, o israel, come into error; do not you, o judah, come to gilgal, or go up to beth-aven, or take an oath, by the living lord.

以色列阿,你虽然行淫,犹大却不可犯罪。不要往吉甲去,不要上到伯亚文,也不要指着永生的耶和华起誓。《provided by jukuu》

39. Each worker will take an oath for life to keep census information confidential.


40. I will take an oath that he said so.


41. Dr Chow warned that husbands of mainland Chinese women would have to take an oath to confirm that they were married and would be prosecuted if they were found to be lying.


42. One who refuses to take an oath, as of allegiance.

拒绝宣誓(效忠)者:拒绝宣誓的人, 如宣誓效忠的.《互联网》


1. They will hear a meditation by an elderly Maltese cardinal, take an oath of secrecy, then in all probability cast their first ballots.

NPR: Cardinals Celebrate Mass Before Entering Conclave

2. Bin Laden's efforts to micromanage extended beyond public relations to include an array of management details from asking new leaders to take an oath and send him the text, to recommending that militant plant trees to avoid aerial surveillance.

WSJ: Bin Laden Documents Show Strains With Affiliates

3. And there would have to be some deal on the form of the oath MPs take to the Queen... but that would probably not be an insuperable obstacle.

BBC: Numbers game

4. Those applying for British citizenship will take exams on various aspects of the UK and its society and ultimately attend a ceremony where they will swear an oath of allegiance.

BBC: Bishop backs asylum plans

5. Soon afterwards, an announcement from the emir's side said he wanted to take the oath of office before parliament met, but this was rejected by parliament.

BBC: NEWS | Middle East | Ailing Kuwait ruler ousted by MPs

6. And let every individual of the Muslims in whatever place they may be, take upon him an oath to kill at least three of four of the ruling infidels, enemies of Allah, and enemies of the religion.


7. But he did not take an oath of political celibacy.

CNN: Borger: Congress needs 'Boss Obama'

8. One last point I want to make, though, about these pledges -- I take an oath.

WHITEHOUSE: Rural Tour Day 3: Atkinson, Ill Town Hall

9. But my first interest is I take an oath of office to the Constitution of the United States.

WSJ: Stephens: Chuck Hagel's Jewish Problem

10. The judges who replaced them were asked to take a fresh oath of office under an interim constitutional order issued the same day.

BBC: Musharraf to face Pakistan probe

11. Although candidates are being put forward under party banners, the PCC will be required to sign an oath of impartiality when they take up office.

BBC: Victim support pledge by Conservative PCC candidate

12. Police officers, local officials and members of many civic organizations take an oath.

CNN: Sen. Allard's closed-door impeachment statement

13. Our simple suggestion: Require industry insiders to take an oath before testifying.

FORBES: The Great Mutual Fund Clean Up That Almost Happened (April 4, 2004 )

14. But the first day's proceedings were overshadowed by a decision by Pakistan's chief justice, Said-uz Zaman Siddiqi, and five other Supreme Court judges, to refuse to take an oath of allegiance that would have in effect bound them to the army-led administration that has run the country since the coup in October.

ECONOMIST: Justice, Pakistani-style | The

15. Students and their parents must sign an oath of loyalty to the junta, promising not to take part in any political activity.

ECONOMIST: School’s back in Myanmar | The

16. Members of Congress take an oath of office to uphold the Constitution, and the GOP specifically has announced that they want all legislation to include an explanation of why it is consistent with the Constitution.

FORBES: If I Could Write New Year's Resolutions For The GOP ...

17. At the time of their appointment, they were asked to take a fresh oath of office under an interim constitutional order issued on the same day.

BBC: Explain emergency, Musharraf told

18. ' And the citizens who sit on a grand jury take an oath to seek the truth.

CNN: Sen. Allard's closed-door impeachment statement

19. PCCs will also be obliged to take an oath of impartiality, a public act declaring that they will be above party politics.

BBC: So you want to be a police and crime commissioner...







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