nose cone是什么意思_nose cone短语搭配_nose cone权威例句

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nose cone

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  • 保护锥体:航天器前端的保护锥体。

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nose cone

  • 1.
    名词 the conical forward section of a missile, spacecraft, etc, designed to withstand high temperatures, esp during re-entry into the earth's atmosphere 导弹或航天器等的鼻锥体; 为承受再度进入地球大气层时的高温而设计


1. guided missile nose cone 航,军 导弹头锥

2. nose-cone material 鼻锥型材料

3. Nose-cone 飞机前锥

4. nose-cone fuse assembly 鼻锥引信总成

5. reentry nose cone 航 再入头锥

6. ablative nose cone 航 烧蚀头锥

7. offset nose cone 偏置头锥


1. At times it felt like I was strapped to the nose cone of a rocket.


2. He omitted at least two key safety devices, namely the nose cone which prevents the sail from deforming in the wind, and the luff lines which prevent uncontrollable dives.


3. At least 30 million volts surged through the fuselage after the bolt hit the nose cone-just inches from the plane's vital radar navigation equipment.


4. The rocket climbs upward and onward, with an artificial satellite cradled in its nose cone.


5. The Safety Car was deployed and Juan Pablo made a pit stop on the second lap; the team changed the damaged nose cone (26.4 sec). He resumed the race 19th.


6. After a recent Monday-evening class, five-year-old Zang Siqi rushes toward her mother, eager to show off a white rocket she has made out of paper, a Snow White sticker in its nose cone.


7. Do you want to run an induction chamber and to a mask or just a nose cone?


8. Japanese interests, it was said, had used freedom of information laws to obtain confidential details about the design of the space shuttle's nose cone.


9. The aerodynamically smooth nose cone will protect the spacecraft during launch.


10. This paper presents a no-contact temperature measurement for a small rocket engine jet exhaust, for a shock wave on nose cone of a model in a jet exhaust and for a model surface of various materials.


11. In this paper, the problem of transition prediction for supersonic and hypersonic boundary layers on a sharp or blunt nose cone at zero angle of attack or small angle of attack has been studied.


12. The system is composed of plastic scintillator and nose cone, an optical system and streak camera.


13. Step 3 Rollthe large triangle so that two of its sides touch and it forms a rocket's nose cone.

第三步:滚动大三角形,使其两边接触,使大三角形成为火箭的鼻锥。《中考真题- 2019 福建 阅读B》

14. To increase the accuracy, the missile nose cone, 1.5 tons in mass, was made separable during flight.


15. Meanwhile documents turned up that showed design work to fit a nuclear-weapon-sized object into the nose-cone of a Shahab missile—but Iran dismissed them as forgeries.


16. The high-quality digital full-body surface of the vehicle is established. The parametric 3D solid models of some important components, such as the nose cone of body, wing surface and cowling, etc, and the fast design of dies are realized.


17. So the most appropriate solution is the lower nose cone.


18. The fuselage is round and tapered front and rear with a pointed nose and tail cone and a belly fin.


19. He omitted at least two key safety devices, namely the nose cone which prevents the sail from deforming in the wind, and the luff lines which prevent uncontrollable dives.


20. After a recent Monday-evening class, five-year-old Zang Siqi rushes toward her mother, eager to show off a white rocket she has made out of paper, a Snow White sticker in its nose cone.


21. The aerodynamically smooth nose cone will protect the spacecraft during launch.


22. A prototype cavity of longitudinal feedback kicker is developed according to the parameter of BEPC ⅱ. The usage of nose cone in the kicker design increased the shunt impedance.


23. The system is composed of plastic scintillator and nose cone, an optical system and streak camera.


24. This paper gives an account of the methods of calculation together with an analyses, by which the wind-tunnel test data of the model with nose cone for the CK-1C target drone are corrected to the aerodynamic data for real flight.


25. What is the function of the nose cone?

头锥体在这里起什么作用 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

26. So he cut off the nose cone, hollowed it out, added in other parts to make it look like a jet and glued it onto his model.


27. Do you want to run an induction chamber and to a mask or just a nose cone?


28. Split-coefficient matrix finit difference method for the asymmetric nose-cone


29. Spraying nose cone of high speed trains results in easy cleaning.


30. But the dolphin has a bottle-shaped nose and cone-shaped teeth while the porpoise has a flat nose and chisel-shaped teeth.



1. This makes it hard, for instance, to compare real-time video images (from a camera in the nose-cone of a missile, for example) with a set of several thousand targets (pictures of enemy aircraft, say), because all the targets have to be tested within a thirtieth of a second, the duration of a single frame of video.

ECONOMIST: Optical recognition

2. Their final design of the QSST jet is reminiscent of Concorde in its delta wing shape, but with a number of unique features, including an "inverted V-tail" and tailored nose cone.

CNN: Bang goes the sonic boom

3. Meanwhile documents turned up that showed design work to fit a nuclear-weapon-sized object into the nose-cone of a Shahab missile but Iran dismissed them as forgeries.

ECONOMIST: Diplomacy and Iran

4. This includes tests of high-explosive triggers useful for nuclear weapons, and the redesign of a missile nose-cone to take what looks like a nuclear warhead.

ECONOMIST: Less than meets the eye so far

5. Japanese companies (such as Mitsubishi Heavy) are working on a so-called clamshell nose cone that is supposed to increase reliability by opening outside the atmosphere and reducing the number of maneuvers required to hit an incoming missile.

FORBES: Magazine Article

6. America, meanwhile, has again been showing around documents that purport to be Iranian design work on a missile nose-cone of a sort that that could carry a nuclear warhead.

ECONOMIST: Will Russia help, or just get in the way?

7. About half the rockets suffer some kind of catastrophic failure in the air, usually when a nose cone fails to separate properly or the parachute doesn't deploy.

FORBES: "Let's Punch A Hole In the Sky"

8. That's partly the fault of the government, which prohibits amateurs from using explosives powerful enough to blast the nose cone free when the rocket is whistling through the air at supersonic speeds.

FORBES: "Let's Punch A Hole In the Sky"

9. The Red Bull team, led by team principal Christian Horner, looked at their screens in horror as Vettel careered off the track while Webber, who also flew off, was forced to come into the pits to have his damaged nose-cone replaced.

BBC: Lewis Hamilton wins Turkish GP after Red Bulls collide

10. Japanese companies (such as Mitsubishi Heavy) are working on a so-called clamshell nose cone that is supposed to increase reliability by opening like a clamshell outside the atmosphere and reducing the number of maneuvers required to hit an incoming missile.

FORBES: Magazine Article



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