environmental degradation是什么意思_environmental degradation短语搭配_environmental degradation权威例句

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environmental degradation

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  • [环境] 环境退化;环境质量下降

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1. environmental degradation cost 环境退化成本

2. But Also Environmental Degradation 同时还有环境恶化

3. water environmental degradation 水环境退化

4. Environmental Degradation &Durability 环境退化和耐久性

5. to counteract environmental degradation 减轻环境的退化 ; 阻止环境的退化

6. Environmental degradation in China 副标题

7. Environmental Degradation andDurability 环境退化和耐久性

8. Environmental degradation value 环境退化价值


1. A Brief Analysis on the Main Cause of Ecological Environmental Degradation and the Coping Strategies


2. Urban environmental degradation undermines the stability of the ecosystem.


3. Environmental degradation and depletion, meanwhile, will remove any choice over the matter.


4. Environmental degradation a necessary evil of economic growth?


5. Environmental degradation may have advanced beyond repair.


6. The main reason for global environmental degradation lies in unsustainable consumption and production mode.


7. But the report singles out food production as the other major factor driving environmental degradation.


8. Mankind is plagued by trans - national problems such as environmental degradation, arms proliferation, international crimes and terrorism.

环境恶化 、 武器扩散 、 国际犯罪、恐怖主义等跨国问题困扰着人类.《互联网》

9. Regional imbalanced development and environmental degradation restrict the sustainable development of our country.


10. Mankind is plagued by trans - national problems as environmental degradation, arms proliferation, international crimes and terrorism.

恶化 、 武器扩散 、 国际犯罪、恐怖主义等跨国问题困扰着人类.《互联网》

11. The development of new energy industry is one of the important measures for environmental degradation.


12. Increases in seeds from pioneer plants and systematic changes in the animals hunted and the trees used for construction and fuel are evidence of environmental degradation.


13. Those fixes could slow environmental degradation but might not solve the underlying cause.


14. Rallies all over the United States were organized to protest environmental degradation.


15. That's because economic growth can be correlated with environmental degradation, while protecting the environment is sometimes correlated with greater poverty.


16. The economic causes of environmental degradation and control instruments


17. "There is an issue of justice, an issue of environmental degradation," Maduekwe said. "These are historic injustices that have taken place over time."


18. India's cities today are characterized by widespread poverty, poor health and sanitation, crumbling infrastructure, environmental degradation and poor quality of life.


19. Indeed, most analysts believe that some kind of environmental degradation underlies the demise of many extinct salmon populations.


20. Environmental degradation not only is an ecological problem, but also is an economic problem integrating closely with social development.


21. Each year environmental degradation makes life a little harder for the people of Deomoun.


22. An Econometric Model for Water Environmental Degradation Loss and Its Application


23. Sir Julian went on to play a role in establishing what was then the World Wildlife Fund, a nature conservation agency, linking population growth to environmental degradation.

Sir Julian继续在成立诸如世界动植物基金,自然保护组织中扮演着重要的角色,他同时将人口的增长与环境的退化相联系起来。

24. Environmental degradation is a global issue of common concern to the international community today.

环境恶化是当今国际社会普遍关注的全球性问题。《provided by jukuu》

25. The Environmental Degradation and Eco-environmental building Strategies in the Western Shanxi Province


26. Resources and energy shortages have become a global social issues and environmental degradation are threatening human health.


27. Parts of the country are now uninhabitable due to sustained environmental degradation.


28. The current "high-tech" agricultural production system is a major source of environmental degradation in the United States.


29. Regional conflicts, environmental degradation and terrorist crimes are plaguing the people of the world.

地区冲突 、 环境恶化和恐怖犯罪困扰着全球人民.《互联网》

30. He says there is an over-emphasis on climate change as the only form of environmental degradation that poses challenges to the planet.


31. Environmental Degradation: Accounting Theory and Methodology.

环境退化: 核算理论和方法.《互联网》

32. Environmental degradation has emerged as one of the greatest challenges facing humanity in the new century.


33. 15, and 16 suggest that limited resources and environmental degradation would have caused armed conflicts in human history.


34. Soil erosion results in land degeneration and environmental degradation, and influences weather change.


35. Global heating and environmental degradation are not technological problems.


36. Environmental degradation and changing weather patterns allow known diseases to flare up in unexpected places, at unexpected times, and with unprecedented Numbers of cases.


37. At present, the energy shortage and environmental degradation have become increasingly seriously global problems.


38. Soil erosion is a major factor of causing environmental degradation.


39. The turning point came in 1999, when the Bank began confronting countries with the high cost of doing nothing about environmental degradation, says Arif.

转折点发生在1999年。 当时,世行开始面对那些由于对环境恶化不采取行动而将面临高额代价的国家,Arif说。

40. This will aggravate the current scarcity of natural resources caused by environmental degradation.


41. Th Rate of Environmental Degradation and Natural Rehabilitation in Typical Karst Area of Guizhou


42. The study of 23 regions where environmental degradation has caused people to move had showed that fears of millions of people flooding across borders could be misplaced.


43. Environmental degradation and loss of species diversity in Dianchi Lake


44. Historical lessons tell us that environmental degradation has always been a factor in social collapses.


45. Purify environment, deodorant, insecticide, purifying fold air, reduce environmental degradation caused by production capacity obstacles.

净化环境 、 除臭 、 驱虫 、 净化圈舍空气, 减少因环境恶化造成的生产能力障碍.《互联网》

46. With the development of economic, resource shortages and environmental degradation is the focus of modern countries.


47. In the long run, the lost of environmental degradation definitely outweighs the economic development.


48. Increases in seeds from pioneer plants and systematic changes in the animals hunted are evidence of environmental degradation.


49. With every instant message a user sends, it helps address issues one feels most passionate about, including poverty, child protection, disease and environmental degradation.


50. Authorities have started to give more weight to the risks of environmental degradation.


51. Who should be responsible for the environmental degradation is still unknown.

谁对环境恶化负责还不清楚。《provided by jukuu》

52. Soil erosion is the main reason of desertification and environmental degradation.


53. Simply put, Green GDP is calculated by deducting the cost of natural resources' depletion and environmental degradation from traditional GDP.


54. Study on China Rural Population, Poverty and Environmental Degradation


55. He said that environmental degradation should be a matter of concern to us all.

他说环境的恶化应是我们大家都要关注的问题。《provided by jukuu》

56. Carla: I think it must be the worst case of environmental degradation we've ever seen.

卡拉: 这应是我们见过最严重的一宗环境破坏实例.《互联网》

57. Inverted U Curve Study on Urban Growth and Urban Environmental Degradation& Evidence from Yangtze Delta


58. Venter starts the for-profit Synthetic Genomics Inc. (SGI) to work on solving global problems, such as fossil-fuel dependence, environmental degradation and disease epidemics.


59. Environmental degradation, frequent disease outbreak;


60. Poor farming and environmental degradation could lead to hunger, poverty and strife.


61. The world is now facing energy shortages and environmental degradation problems in general.


62. The trip will also give the World Bank president the chance to view efforts to combat environmental degradation.



1. As he was forced out, he deliberately created environmental degradation of gigantic proportions.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | The Case Against Saddam (II): Serial and Material Breaches of International Commitments

2. So I can assure you that there are going to be certain industries where any costs imposed in order to prevent significant environmental degradation is viewed as a job-killer.

WHITEHOUSE: Meeting of the President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness | The White House

3. His campaign believes that will strike a chord with American families, particularly in Midwest swing states suffering from heavy smog and environmental degradation.

CNN: Gore to unveil plan to lower gas prices

4. The oil spill represents just the latest blow to a place that has already suffered multiple economic disasters and decades of environmental degradation that has led to disappearing wetlands and habitats.

FORBES: Obama's Oil Spill Speech: Full Text

5. But the report singles out food production as the other major factor driving environmental degradation.

VOA : standard.2010.06.04

6. Because of his commitment to the environment, he prefers not to invest in the very companies that perpetrate the environmental degradation these organizations are working to end.

FORBES: Philanthropy, Now Yielding Financial Returns

7. BP, as Carol said, is liable for the environmental degradation through natural resource damage assessments.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing on BP Oil Spill

8. Participants addressed current major challenges such as rapid population growth, environmental degradation, and climate change.

UNESCO: Ministers discuss skills for green economies and societies at ECOSOC | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

9. Such policies will add to production costs, but the wider costs of environmental degradation, although perhaps not immediate, will often be higher.

ECONOMIST: The smoke in Asias eyes

10. The Market Revolution would also lead to a lot of natural environmental degradation.

市场革命也导致,大量的自然环境退化美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. Unep has urged the Albanian authorities to take urgent measures to start dealing with its catastrophic catalogue of environmental degradation, and is urging the international community to take notice.

BBC: Albania's environmental wasteland

12. Another: the costs in terms of social disruption and environmental degradation are becoming obvious.

CNN: Toward One World

13. Gore blasted back a short while later, saying environmental degradation would be impossible to avoid in the remote area.

CNN: In debate preview, candidates outline competing energy policies

14. Rio housed the prior summit, known as the Earth Summit, which brought climate change to the forefront along with environmental degradation.

FORBES: U.N. Readies Largest Ever 'Save The Planet' Summit

15. Oldfield told CNN that magnolias' plight was merely one example of how environmental degradation was threatening plant life.

CNN: Half of magnolias face extinction

16. Yet much of the cost of environmental degradation goes unaccounted for.

ECONOMIST: Economics focus: Why quality matters | The

17. People who earn a higher income tend to live in better communities, and especially, live in communities with less environmental degradation of the kind that these to the conditions that you just described.

NPR: Congress to Lift Student Loans?

18. The ongoing explosion in knowledge in the life sciences continues to offer vast opportunities for meeting the challenges of hunger, food security, disease, environmental degradation and climate change.

UNESCO: Basic Sciences

19. There is something fundamental about the Once-ler and the ruin caused by his blinkered endeavor, something beyond a mere parable of environmental degradation.

WSJ: The Bad! Bad! Bad! Biggering of Dr. Seuss | Postmodern Times by Eric Felten

20. To investigate the exact nature and impact of these changes, UNESCO is launching two studies on the relationship between environmental degradation and migration in the Sahel.


21. Two hundred years of self-serving misrule, isolation and environmental degradation have left the island nation staggering.

NPR: Graham: Haiti Must Have Help From United States

22. Policies that place economic growth above all else should be rethought, as social disruption and environmental degradation must be paid for some day.

CNN: Toward One World

23. Meanwhile, the report by Punjab's government encourages farmers to alleviate the twin crises of environmental degradation and falling productivity by returning to traditional practices.

ECONOMIST: Punjabis are poisoning themselves

24. Castro, who has said the Pope has inspired him to consider joining the Catholic Church, effusively praised Francis on Saturday, particularly his criticism of consumerism and environmental degradation.

CNN: Pope meets with Fidel Castro in Cuba

25. Farther from shore, Lockheed Martin is pursuing a similarly revolutionary solution to the environmental degradation associated with commercial aquaculture.

FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

26. But human factors have also played their part, with over-grazing, over-farming, misuse of irrigation and the unsustainable demands of a growing population all contributing to environmental degradation.

CNN: Growing deserts 'a global problem'

27. To economists, pollution gets out of hand because the prices of goods and services do not reflect the costs of environmental degradation.

ECONOMIST: Taxes for a cleaner planet

28. This is true of so many Chinese companies in their own country that have used this same model of massive relocation, environmental degradation and poor labor practices.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Questionable Chinese mining practices in Latin America

29. Raul Castro, who has said the Pope has inspired him to consider returning to the Catholic Church, effusively praised Francis on Saturday, particularly for his criticism of consumerism and environmental degradation.

CNN: Pope meets with Fidel Castro

30. Yet, broader social issues, such as population increase, environmental degradation, and climate change suggest additional arenas where managers can contribute their talents to make the world a better place.

FORBES: Innovation In The Asphalt Jungle

31. One excellent example of such an idea is tackling the massive environmental degradation in Tibet.

WSJ: Paula J. Dobrianksy: The Realist Case Tibetan Autonomy



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