to take a picture翻译_to take a picture短语搭配_to take a picture权威例句

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to take a picture

网络 拍照;照相

英 [tu teɪk ə ˈpɪktʃə(r)]play 美 [tu teɪk ə ˈpɪktʃər]play

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. Take a picture to someone 给某人照张相

2. to take a X-ray picture 拍一张X线照片


1. I'd like to take a picture of me in front of the pavilion.


2. To take a picture, press both shutter buttons at the same time.


3. This was part of a challenge I did to take a picture everyday for a month.


4. Here is a drunk guy. He wanted me to take a picture of him.


5. Stranger: I would like to take a picture in front of the Empire State Building.


6. Could I possibly ask you to take a picture for us?


7. This was part of a challenge I did to take a picture every day for a month.


8. I take a risk to take a picture.


9. George was nice enough to take a picture with me.


10. She set the camera on automatic. You must focus your camera before you try to take a picture.


11. Would you like to take a picture?


12. You must focus your camera before you try to take a picture.


13. Where do you go to take a picture of someone in their cabin?

要是你想拍度假屋里人的照片,你会去哪里?《provided by jukuu》

14. OK. OK. I want you to take a picture of the check


15. I stepped down to take a picture and I put my hand on my camera.


16. Can you help me to take a picture of it?


17. "Hey, you want to take a picture of me? Look!" He put both arms over his head.


18. So, she used her camera to take a picture.


19. So patients must use a smartphone to take a picture of their scans and take them to the proper doctor.


20. He was supposed to take a picture of all of our class.

他想为全班同学照相。《provided by jukuu》

21. Ukrainian physicists have gone one step further and managed to take a picture of a single Carbon atom's electron cloud.


22. I even asked the landlord to take a picture.

我甚至让房东给我们拍了张照。《provided by jukuu》

23. When you want to take a picture, I can be your camera.


24. I also don't have a problem asking someone to take a picture of my family and me.


25. Women would pay $10 to take a picture kissing him on the cheek, Gibson said.


26. But it was going to kill me, and there was no time to take a picture.


27. A: No, it's sunny nad bright. I simply want to take a picture with an umbrella.


28. I will attempt to take a picture of them at dusk later today.


29. Recently, he was trying to take a picture of a sunset to enter the school photo competition.


30. What is it, exactly, that made you want to take a picture?


31. Hey, I want to take a picture with dad.


32. To take a picture for the scrapbook,


33. Please stop, we want to take a picture.


34. If a girl goes out for dinner, the first thing she does is to take a picture of the food instead of enjoying the food.


35. The photographer was trying to take a picture of the celebrity couple.


36. Women would pay$ 10 to take a picture kissing him on the cheek, Gibson said.


37. Do you want to take a picture of yourself?


38. everytime we go out to take a picture out in the garden, the parparazi would keep running back and forwards


39. I need to take a picture.


40. I will attempt to take a picture of them at dusk later today.


41. Would you and your girlfriend like to take a picture? Therefore, the three of them took a picture then.


42. A crocodile in a zoo in Ukraine ate a cell phone when a person was trying to take a picture.


43. She's standing in front of the house. I'm going to take a picture in front of the house.


44. I asked the eldest to take a picture of Katim and myself. Another photograph for his album.


45. First, we asked my mom to take a picture of us together and help us print it out regular size and teeny-tiny size.


46. Want to take a picture of us and send it to your old friends in the chess club?


47. Andy was able to take a picture of him sitting still while little Matthew, who is not even two yet, gently patted his face.


48. I want you to take a picture of me by the sculpture.


49. Dad can hardly force a smile long enough to take a picture with me.


50. If you want to take a picture, choose the photo symbol.


51. Don't forget to take a picture with a koala!


52. Then the researchers took it away to take a picture.


53. A single wink might tell the glasses to take a picture.


54. Don't forget to take a picture with a koala!


55. While traveling to a newly logged area to burn slash piles I wanted to take a picture of the forest floor.


56. On the way back to our parking place, we still wanted to take a picture in this lovely village for the last time.


57. We need to take a picture now. Let me take off your hat. Please look at the camera and don't look away. Good boy / girl!

现在我们需要拍照。我把你的帽子摘掉。看着 摄像头,别看别处。乖!

58. Stranger: I would like to take a picture in front of the Empire State Building.


59. You may want to take a picture of yourself wearing a bathing suit and keep it in your weight loss journal.



1. This means that each time one is found, one of the researchers will free-dive down to take a picture of it between the fifth gill and the side fin on both left and right sides.

BBC: Tagging whale sharks in the Maldives

2. All you have to do is take a picture of your sneakers and tell us a little bit about why you're running.

CNN: Why we're running for Boston

3. Usually the folks want to take a picture with me, sit next to me, talk to me.

WSJ: Henninger: The State of Obama

4. "The most fun I have is when I'm a pirate, because you can drink and carry on and act out and stagger, and guys will throw their girls at you to take a picture, " said Robert Bean, a master technician for Toyota by day and " Pirate Cutthroat Robert" -- "Pirate Bob" for short -- at festivals, conventions, parades and pirate events.

CNN: Real pirates don't say 'Aaaarrrr'

5. In the future, surgeons may be able to take an MRI of, say, a liver and duplicate the picture on computers to take a virtual walk through the organ to plan for surgery.

CNN: Internet 2: A virtual liver tour?

6. "It's going to take some more time to draw a clear picture of what transpired here, " a U.S. official told NPR on Tuesday.

NPR: U.N. Debates Response to N. Korean Nuclear Test

7. "At one point I tried to take a picture of a young boy attacking a camera, " Sussman wrote.

CNN: Tributes paid to 'born writer' Paul Sussman

8. "I needed to take a picture here, " Mr. Kierzkowski said.

WSJ: Poland's Big Statue of Jesus Draws Pilgrims, Though Rivals Belittle It

9. Instead, they installed an iSnap Social Photo Station a few weeks ago. iSnap Social enables customers to take a picture with their new boots and post it to Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and person email addresses.

FORBES: The Key to Success this Small Business Saturday

10. Sharing snapshots has a whiff of the Color app to it: whenever you take a picture of something, that photo will automatically appear on your friends' Highlight stream as long as they're in the vicinity.


11. As shock registered on Blackwell's face, Marley asked the photographer to take a picture of them.

NPR: Bob Marley's Music and Magic Endure

12. GARCIA-NAVARRO: It takes 45 minutes to take a picture with everyone who stood in line - 486 of them, all told.

NPR: Photos With Petraeus A Big Draw In Baghdad

13. And after these investments have been given the better part of a year to take root, a picture of their impact is starting to emerge.

WHITEHOUSE: Retrofitting for Energy Efficiency and New Jobs

14. Using magnetic resonance imaging, it may be possible soon to take a picture of an internal organ and create a virtual tour of it.

CNN: Internet 2: A virtual liver tour?

15. The former would mean Argo has to overcome 80 years of Oscar history to take Best Picture without even a nomination for Best Director, and the latter means Lincoln has to overcome a softening status amid a race that became highly competitive with strong challengers in the home stretch.

FORBES: Predicting The Oscars - Who Will Take Home The Gold?

16. It is trivially simple to take a picture of a woman or girl in public then load it up to the internet.

FORBES: Reddit, Gawker, Violentacrez: We Need A New Set Of Manners For The Internet

17. "Everybody who is carrying around a cell phone has the ability to take a picture of you behaving badly, getting in trouble, " Thompson said.

CNN: Can celebs have the privacy Jodie Foster calls for?

18. But when people pay thirty thousand they want to talk to you, and take a picture with you.

NEWYORKER: Schmooze or Lose

19. When talking about concerns about growing government dependency, conservatives also need to take care to paint a positive picture of their contrasting vision.

FORBES: Move up t Move down

20. I'm not about to try to beat this guy physically -- that's not in me -- but I consider grabbing my smartphone to take a picture of him, his car and his license plate.

ENGADGET: This is the Modem World: When tech can't save us from road rage

21. Instead of unlocking my door, I backed away from it, as if to take a picture, until I bumped into the wall behind me.

NEWYORKER: Sweetheart Sorrow

22. But holding up my phone to take a picture of him seems like a bad move, one that could possibly further ignite his rage.

ENGADGET: This is the Modem World: When tech can't save us from road rage

23. As I was preparing to leave, I realized I should take a picture -- just to prove I had accessed

CNN: Surfing in Beijing

24. De Sole recalls that as they parted, McQueen called over a nearby photographer and asked him to take a picture of the two men together.

FORBES: Fashion's Hard Case

25. "You get to take a picture covered in mud with your T-shirt and you look like you've gone through the war, " says Jim Thornton, president-elect of the National Athletic Trainers' Association.

WSJ: Office Workers Run Extreme Obstacle Courses

26. When an enthusiastic fan who writes a sex column for a local newspaper came up to the Apple chief executive at the Macworld Expo in San Francisco last week and asked him to take a picture with her, Jobs declined.

FORBES: The Mac That Fell To Earth

27. There are hundreds of people waiting in line to take a picture with him.

NPR: Photos With Petraeus A Big Draw In Baghdad

28. "I believe he was trying to take a picture and make it better rather than trying to take a picture and make a statement, " Hershorn says.

NPR: Reuters Retracts Altered Beirut Photo

29. For example, a Gig about a street intersection would require the person to take a picture of an intersection, and answer a few questions about it.

FORBES: Gigwalk Turns iPhones Into Mobile Jobs

30. It is impossible to take a bad picture from up there.

BBC: At 80, the Empire State Building strikes back
















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