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zip codes

n. 邮政编码

zip code的复数

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1. No Fake Zip Codes 无假货邮政编码

2. America's Most Expensive Zip Codes 美国房价最贵的邮编区


1. The study reveals that patients in low-income zip codes were up to 10 times more likely to lose a leg or foot than diabetic patients in more affluent zip codes.


2. The person who requested the feature may not be aware that some ZIP codes lie in multiple cities.


3. As you may recall, the "clients" table stores customers addresses (including zip codes) in an XML column.

您也许还记得,“ clients ”表的一个xml列中存储了客户的地址(包括邮政编码)。

4. However with all the agencies and all the zip codes they serve I imagine that would be rough on the database.


5. The text display on the right shows the zip codes displayed on the map.


6. Another PHP script that returns data about the zip codes within the boundaries of the map as XML.


7. By capturing the service level and destination zip codes embedded in a barcode, the system can also verify whether the package is being loaded into the proper trailer or air container.


8. Zip codes were used to sort the mail.


9. With a little effort you can eliminate most invalid ZIP codes.


10. One part of the code defines whether or not the zip codes should be updated, based on the zoom level of the map.


11. Both the phone number and ZIP codes are validated against standard US phone number and ZIP code formats.


12. Before delivery all mails have already been sorted according to street Numbers or zip codes.


13. Excuse me. Could you please find the zip codes for all these letters?

麻烦一下, 你能帮忙查一下这封信件的邮政编码 吗 ?《互联网》

14. It is a class that USES a Yahoo RSS feed to get weather information about various zip codes and sends this to the client.

这个类使用Yahoo RSS feed获得不同地区的天气信息,并将该信息发送到客户机。

15. For this application, the data for the zip codes comes from the US Census Bureau, which provides this and other geographic information freely online.


16. You could have the current zip codes tied to the agency, and copy them to the monthly report via trigger or manually.


17. As you may recall, the "clients" table stores customers addresses ( including zip codes) in an XML column.


18. Nearly anything can be geocoded: street addresses, cities, counties, states, countries, ZIP codes, phone numbers, IP addresses, and yes, even IATA codes for airports.


19. Lucian James, of brand strategists agenda Inc, says: "luxury brands are finding they can make more of a statement by going into new neighbourhoods, and designers have finally broken free of their zip codes."

品牌策略公司agenda inc的卢西恩詹姆斯(lucian james)表示:“奢侈品牌逐渐认识到,他们走进新的社区可以释出更多内涵,设计师们也终于冲出了他们的邮政编码限制。”

20. For example, a zip code lookup relationship might map the phone area code "650" to the zip codes "94010," "94305," and so on.


21. Excuse me. Could you please find the zip codes for all these letters?


22. zip code The map clearly shows zip codes of Florida.


23. sorting the mail by reading handwritten characters from zip codes.


24. The United States calls them ZIP Codes, for example.

例如,美国将邮政编码称为ZIP Code。

25. In truth, the city has as many thriving art spots as it does ZIP codes.


26. These are only three of the zip codes that were returned in XML by the REC2XML call.

在 REC2XML 调用返回的 XML 中只有三个邮政编码。

27. The vendors claim to strip out all the personal information, but we occasionally find phone numbers, zip codes and so on, said Matthew Granade, chief market intelligence officer at Steven Cohen's Point72.

卖家声称抹去了所有个人信息,但我们偶尔会发现电话号码、邮政编码等信息,史蒂文.科恩(Steven Cohen)旗下对冲基金Point72的首席市场情报官马修.格拉内德(Matthew Granade)说。

28. Users can search for providers based on their own ZIP codes.


29. The United States calls them ZIP Codes, for example.

例如,美国将邮政编码称为ZIP Code。

30. Nor is this phenomenon limited to ZIP codes where every Volvo wagon just has to have a University of Chicago sticker on it.


31. Old data with five-digit zip codes will coexist with new data that contains nine-digit zip codes.


32. Honesty may be the best policy in some zip codes but not in this one and not this week


33. By querying the database and asking for the zip codes within these exact borders, you eliminate using unneeded bandwidth, helping the server and also helping to cut back response time.


34. Zip codes are used to facilitate mail service.


35. You will need to build your own custom validation components for data types that aren't supported by the standard JSF validators, including e-mail addresses and zip codes.


36. You definitely want the zip codes on the Reporting table.


37. Who don't just look up the zip codes and address the envelopes, but make the political decisions;

不仅能查邮政编码、写信封,而且还能做出政治决定;《provided by jukuu》

38. She nearly doubled the enrollment of black freshmen at Smith, largely by traveling to high schools in the nation's poorest ZIP codes to recruit.


39. People living near one another often group together areas to form ZIP codes, area codes, or even towns, cities, and states.


40. It is a class that uses a Yahoo RSS feed to get weather information about various zip codes and sends this to the client.

这个类使用Yahoo RSS feed获得不同地区的天气信息,并将该信息发送到客户机。

41. The raw representation is, in fact, the most common way people represent named locations, such as cities, states, and ZIP codes.


42. The second PHP script called, which returns information about all zip codes inside of the map you would see.


43. Before delivery all mails have already been sorted according to street numbers or zip codes.


44. It started with things like assessing credit risk from loan applications, sorting the mail by reading handwritten zip codes.


45. Even from its earliest days, the Internet has promised to bring together people based on common interests rather than ZIP codes.


46. It started with things like assessing credit risk from loan applications, sorting the mail by reading handwritten zip codes.


47. The text display on the right shows the zip codes displayed on the map.


48. His beautiful new house (into which he and his wife have just moved) stands in one of the most expensive ZIP codes in America.


49. The map clearly shows zip codes of Florida.


50. People living near one another often group together areas to form ZIP codes, area codes, or even towns, cities, and states.


51. Zip codes are always five digits in America.


52. Zip codes were used to sort the mail.


53. Excuse me. Could you please find the zip codes all these letters?

劳驾, 您能帮我查一下这些信件的邮政编码 吗 ?《互联网》


1. We did not include co-ops (which may have pushed some of the fancier ZIP codes near Central Park in Manhattan lower on our list).

FORBES: Manhattan's Now Home To America's Most Expensive Zip Code

2. Rather, it looks at the part played by income and even zip codes.

ECONOMIST: Even in the home of beach volleyball, obesity is on the rise

3. Silicon Valley accounts for three of the top 10 ZIP codes, including Atherton, Hillsborough 94010 (No. 5), and Los Altos Hills 94022 (No. 7).

FORBES: Manhattan's Now Home To America's Most Expensive Zip Code

4. Sullivan was able to identify taxpayers as filing from the Helmsley Building because some office buildings have their own ZIP codes.

FORBES: A Low Tax Rate That Would Have Made Leona Helmsley Proud

5. The feature, available at, shows circles proportional to candidates' fund raising amounts in various ZIP codes across the country.

FORBES: Where Candidates Find The Big Bucks

6. Though they seem to have been around forever, ZIP codes were only implemented in the 1960s.

FORBES: The Most Expensive ZIP Codes 2006

7. Meantime, office and upscale apartment rents have soared to New York levels and beyond in some Rio ZIP Codes.

WSJ: Rio Hopes for an Olympic-Style Revival

8. Altos limited the search to ZIP codes where 10 or more residences were listed for sale, including short sales and bank-owned foreclosures on the market.

FORBES: Manhattan's Now Home To America's Most Expensive Zip Code

9. But those studies are crudely done, sampling the genome with landmarks akin to zip codes--they likely miss a lot.

FORBES: All Mapped Out

10. In Manhattan, lower inventory levels helped four ZIP codes crack the top 10, while 19 in total made the list.

FORBES: Manhattan's Now Home To America's Most Expensive Zip Code

11. The listing prices in these ZIP codes reflect that, pushing their rankings up from last year.

FORBES: America's Most Expensive Zip Codes

12. As shown in he map, 72% of Airbnb properties are outside of the 6 zip codes with the most hotels in San Francisco.

FORBES: Airbnb Had $56 Million Impact On San Francisco: Study

13. Those ZIP codes bookend's annual list of the priciest areas in the country--neighborhoods where home costs soar far above the norm.

FORBES: The Most Expensive ZIP Codes 2006

14. Median home prices in the 500 ZIP codes we considered are down 2% overall from our 2010 list, which is the mildest depreciation in years.

FORBES: America's Most Expensive Zip Codes

15. Today, the campus extends from Palo Alto to Woodside and Portola Valley, spanning two counties, three Zip Codes, and six government jurisdictions.


16. This relationship held even when researchers looked only at white customers, or conversely, within ZIP codes identified as low-income neighborhoods.

FORBES: Magazine Article

17. With that information, the agency can select specific venues such as a train station in specific ZIP codes to reach those travelers at multiple places.

WSJ: Auction System Helps Place Digital Outdoor Ads

18. Altos limited the search to ZIP codes where 20 or more residences were listed for sale, including short sales and bank-owned foreclosures on the market.

FORBES: America's Most Expensive Zip Codes

19. As everyday as ZIP codes are, many people don't realize how they work.

FORBES: The Most Expensive ZIP Codes 2006

20. Foreigners have been a particularly notable force in rebounding Florida, where 26 ZIP codes crack our list.

FORBES: Manhattan's Now Home To America's Most Expensive Zip Code

21. Just determining the carbon emissions per watt of electricity used in each of the company's various zip codes is a daunting task, says Sun's Douglas.

FORBES: Measuring Green

22. It comes in behind two zip codes that regularly grace the top spots of our list: Alpine, N.

FORBES: America's Most Expensive Zip Codes

23. First, we examined the number of ZIP codes with 25% of the area's sales to determine those in which activity is most evenly distributed.

FORBES: Magazine Article

24. Spot-checking zip codes on the coasts, though, shows a much higher level of participation, so it may heavily depend on where you live.

FORBES: $1,000 For a Dental Crown? Maybe You Should Shop Around

25. Some of the top 20 ZIP codes are residential, including Atherton, Calif.

FORBES: A Low Tax Rate That Would Have Made Leona Helmsley Proud

26. The highest AGI ZIP codes (and lowest tax rates) are dominated by Manhattan office buildings.

FORBES: A Low Tax Rate That Would Have Made Leona Helmsley Proud

27. Those in waterfront ZIP Codes in Florida are down about a half.

WSJ: Island Shopping | WSJ.Money Summer 2013

28. In Hawaii, the growing wealth of tech titans is trickling into vacation home-heavy ZIP codes in Kauai and Maui.

FORBES: Manhattan's Now Home To America's Most Expensive Zip Code

29. They were mainly ZIP codes in upscale suburbs close to urban power centers or places where the wealthy vacation.

FORBES: The Most Expensive ZIP Codes 2006

30. It had 25% of its property sales occur within approximately 25% of the city's ZIP codes.

FORBES: Magazine Article


















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