more neutral翻译_more neutral短语搭配_more neutral权威例句

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more neutral

adj. 中性的;中立的;中立国的;持平的;不含褒贬义的;无倾向性的


英 [mɔː(r) ˈnjuːtrəl]play 美 [mɔːr ˈnuːtrəl]play

权威例句 实用例句


1. In another study, participants saw photographs showing more men, more women or were neutral.


2. I prefer that our therapist use a more neutral language.

我更希望我们的医师使用中性一点的词汇。《provided by jukuu》

3. If you look at recent monetary policy, the central bank recently is already on a more neutral stance, he said. It will be more cautious in further easing.


4. There is obvious difference between the classical Chinese novels and the vernacular novels, the main difference is that the former used to see from more neutral narrative angle and first personal narrative angle.


5. This time, a brain area linked to emotion sprung to life, with crying triggering it more than laughter or neutral sounds, the journal Current Biology reports.


6. Function point analysis is a vital alternative that allows basing estimates on the more technology-neutral concept of function points.


7. When incident electron energy is below the ionization threshold of target molecule, an electron-molecule resonant state can be formed. Due to the state instability, the temporary negative ion will dissociate into a negatively charged ion plus one or more neutral fragments.


8. From an absolutely content point of view, the content of the basic salt stress more than neutral salt content, this can be illustrate that the extent of membranaceous peroxide under basic salt stress is more serious than under neutral salt stress.


9. Yet, at the same time, the real economy is showing signs of cooling, suggesting there has been some effect of the regulators' efforts to move to at least a more neutral money policy.


10. A risk neutral BP would rationally not want to spend more than that amount to prevent such a leak from happening.


11. Aid groups are now moving to add the more neutral term "female genital cutting" to their lexicon.


12. Other news genres, which seem to be more 'neutral', such as economic news, sports and entertainments, are rarely examined.


13. In contrast, NBC's positive reports about the USA are far more than negative or neutral reports.


14. The processing of emotional words was more difficult than the neutral words. Emotional words had more significant load to execute working memory than the neutral words.


15. In other words, Europeans combine disappointment in the us with a lack of confidence in themselves, whereas Asians are not only beaming with self-confidence but are also more neutral psychologically towards the US.


16. New generations tend to be more neutral.


17. I am saying this as someone who prefers treble to bass and a more neutral sound signature.


18. In the 20th century, "dude" evolved to take on a more neutral meaning.


19. You can have beautiful amenities, just keep them in more neutral tones.


20. Some employers, especially those with a lot of young workers, are taking a more neutral stance on office romance.


21. It was found that women previously exposed to romantic lyrics complied with the request more readily than women exposed to the neutral ones.


22. Most economists think that the “neutral” rate of interest, which would neither stimulate nor restrain demand in the euro area, is now more than 3% (in nominal terms).

多数的经济学家认为, 中性利率, 即既不刺激也不抑制欧元区需求的利率水平, 应该在3%以上(指名义利率).

23. Stephens, who began the study after striking his thumb with a hammer, found volunteers could tolerate more pain if they repeated swearwords rather than neutral words.


24. But take a look at the dictionary, and things start to look, thankfully, a lot more complicated, because success is, in truth, rather more neutral and less value-laden than we tend to assume.


25. However, one – arguably more neutral – set of ideas recently emerged from the Bank for International Settlements ( BIS), the Basel-based body that acts as a central banking forum.


26. Second, improve the appraisement, including changing the management system of appraiser qualification and making it more independent, neutral, and united, and forming a set of scientific, united appraisal standards.


27. He praises the arrival of "caste-neutral" jobs such as delivering pizzas, and says visible consumerism that shows wealth is quickly becoming more important as a sign of status than caste.


28. And it suited Britain and France to have a new, neutral state rather than a source of instability that might, so soon after the Napoleonic wars, set off more turbulence in Europe.


29. The other half smelt a more neutral-smelling T-shirt.


30. Usually the color of my outfit is more neutral-tone.


31. If driving from the point of view, 4 - wheel drive vehicle dynamic characteristics will be more neutral.

如果从驾驶的角度出发, 4 轮驱动 车型的动态特性会表现得更加中性.《互联网》

32. The bored volunteers shocked themselves more and harder than the sad or neutral ones did.


33. The researchers found that the tailored messages activated the two brain regions significantly more than the non-tailored and neutral messages.


34. Compared with other foreigners with the purpose of studying the Chinese language, they adopt a more objective and neutral angel.


35. Results S.mutans was the predominant aciduric bacteria in fissures of caries-free children and more frequently recovered at neutral pH.


36. We expect more neutral policies, including a possible bank reserve rate ratio cut in the fourth quarter of this year, Mr Wang says.


37. They are more neutral than the expensive plastic ones and of course much cheaper.


38. This is why the more neutral term substance is now used by many physicians and psychologists.


39. The plug-in was developed specifically to launch the Lotus Notes Multimedia Library; however, because any URL could be launched by it, we gave it a more neutral name:

但是,由于任何 URL 都可以通过它启动,我们为它起了一个更加中立的名称。

40. Patent troll is a pejorative term. A more neutral term, and the one that RPX uses, is non-practicing entity, or NPE.


41. But in the modern industrial society, more and more neutral activities are regulated as criminal activities.


42. Just make sure you don't pry or become nosy. If a person appears uncomfortable sharing something personal, change the subject to a more neutral topic.


43. Joey: No, still too ethnic. My agent thinks I should have a name that's more neutral.


44. I am saying this as someone who prefers treble to bass and a more neutral sound signature.


45. One of the primary points to take note of for summer 2010 is to reduce the boldness of colour and choose more neutral, nude tones.


46. You'll get more wear out of a hat if you choose one in a neutral colour.


47. It is accordance for our actual national condition, but a door opened too much. Therefore, I suggest that China will be more neutral implied in license principle.


48. "Vector, Dense, Roll Out, and Terminate" were all written around the same time, focusing more on the neutral feel, and using more synth melodies.


49. The larger the ink color intensity closer to stay away from corners, the more neutral colors.

油墨色不弱越不小,越挨近各个角, 越挨近洋性色.《互联网》

50. Therefore, I find it more emotionally challenging to deal with people who have a more neutral attitude towards their work.


51. The funny critters in turn produced the feeling more strongly than did neutral animals, perhaps because the funny animals were perceived as cute, too, Dyer said.


52. What's more, both boys and girls wore what were thought of as gender-neutral dresses.


53. The carbonate is also evidence that the water was chemically neutral, which would have made conditions "more permissive" for life on early Mars.


54. They provide an instant white cube when an exhibition demands a more neutral environment, while the existing walls retain their brick and green tile cladding.


55. Defendants hold themselves out as nothing more than a neutral technological platform, designed simply to enable drivers and passengers to transact the business of transportation, the ruling states.


56. Stan Polovets, AAR’s boss, says that BP is running TNK-BP for its own benefit; he is determined to install more neutral management.

AAR的老板Starn Poloyvets指控BP运营TNK-BP时只为自己的利益着想,他已决定任命更中立的管理层。

57. If a person appears uncomfortable sharing something personal, change the subject to a more neutral topic.


58. This is why the more neutral term substance is now used by many physicians and psychologists. (NETEM 1997, Passage 3, Paragraph 1)



1. More neutral observers agree that while Syria may indeed be fighting a covert struggle to defend its soft underbelly, the Syrians are unlikely to control any but a few of the varied groups seeking to undermine the Lebanese government.


2. There are many examples of content-specific and non-neutral transport and more all the time, including voice, video, and specialized applications such as telemedicine.

FORBES: Is Digital Utopianism Dead?

3. In Windows 8, these effects will be removed, replaced instead with a flatter, more neutral look.

FORBES: Microsoft To Drop Aero From Windows 8 User Interface

4. There is some evidence of this: government information officers now sometimes sound more like propagandists than neutral purveyors of facts.

ECONOMIST: Civil-service reform

5. In the market this year, more people seem neutral to marginally bullish on China than they are bearish.

FORBES: China Inflation Takes Bite Out Of Equities

6. But after the first few hacks began coming out, the company changed its stance to a more neutral position.

FORBES: Microsoft: Kinect Hacks Are 'Cool'

7. After arriving in Egypt in 2011, Mr Gaddaf al-Dam initially claimed he had defected, but took a more neutral stance weeks later, fuelling suspicion in Libya that he was still working for Col Gaddafi - an accusation he has denied in the past.

BBC: Gaddafi cousin Ahmed Gaddaf al-Dam arrested in Egypt

8. Ruger CEO Mike Fifer told me that those military-style weapons called modern sporting rifles in an effort to apply more neutral branding are meant for ex-serviceman.

FORBES: Type Of Rifle In Oregon Mall Shooting Drives Gun Profits And Youth Interest

9. One contingent is vying for a locale it says is more neutral: Layfayette, La.

WSJ: Fight Erupts Over Oil Trial Venues

10. Right now the daily chart looks bearish, yet the weekly chart looks more neutral and displays an oversold condition.

FORBES: Gold Survey: Mixed Outlook For Gold Prices Next Week

11. Now, the net may be neutral no more.

NPR: Net Neutrality Battle Goes to Washington

12. Okay, so not overly bullish, but more bullish than neutral.

FORBES: New Year Shaping Up To Be Big One For Asia

13. The national average is worsening thanks to states which once were more neutral with regard to sex, such as Tamil Nadu and Orissa.

ECONOMIST: India's skewed sex ratio: Seven brothers | The

14. But while this may sound like a step towards the kind of system practised in many democratic countries, in reality it will not ensure that Hong Kong's policymakers become any more accountable or the civil service any more neutral than they are today.

ECONOMIST: Five years in China | The

15. Andrew Burns, head author of the report, said developing countries need to reduce their fiscal vulnerabilities by lowering short-term debt levels, reducing their budget deficits and returning to a more neutral monetary policy stance instead of constantly cutting rates to historic lows.

FORBES: India, Better This Year

16. "The minutes for the September 7 meeting are more neutral than the slightly hawkish communique, " analysts at Nomura noted.

MSN: Mexico cenbank's tough stance on inflation is minority view - Business - Stocks & economy | NBC News

17. Perhaps the one change many Russians will remember from his presidency is the renaming of the police force from "militsia" with its Soviet connotations, to the more neutral "politsia".

BBC: Profile: Dmitry Medvedev

18. The report, Islam and the West: Annual Report on the State of Dialogue, includes a comprehensive media study that found the media in both Muslim majority countries and non-Muslim majority countries are more neutral about their own side than about the other side.

FORBES: Islam And The West -- What About The 'Other'?

19. Acer must've caught a lot of flack for the A100's soft design, because the aesthetic here is a lot more gender-neutral.

ENGADGET: Acer shows off next-gen Iconia Tab A210 and A110 at Computex, we go hands-on (video)

20. The criteria since have been revised at the insistence of top IRS officials to be more neutral.

WSJ: IRS Scrutiny Was Deeper Than Thought

21. So Tchaikovsky is a little bit more neutral in terms of the rhythm.

所以柴可夫斯基在节奏方面,更为平和聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. Nowadays, to most Spaniards, he is regarded as a more neutral, purely historical figure.

ECONOMIST: Spanish empire: Good King Philip? | The

23. We used to speak of immigration reform, but in recent years it's become circumspect to say overhaul, which is presumably more neutral.

NPR: Week In Politics: Immigration & Benghazi

24. It would be more or less tax-neutral for the average taxpayer, but people would see for the first time what they're actually paying.

FORBES: Clark C. Havighurst

25. Now customers are happy to see the evidence of IBM's more neutral attitude.

CNN: IBM, the world's oldest start-up

26. Several studies aimed at repositioning Philip II in a more neutral and objective light have been published in the last few years.

ECONOMIST: Spanish empire

27. This means the Fed is further behind the curve than we had thought and will have to overshoot neutral more than we had thought.

FORBES: More Malpass: Watch for 2007 Slowdown

28. But in the course of normal business activities, neutral cultures are more careful to monitor the amount of emotion they display.

FORBES: How Culture Controls Communication

29. " Airbus says Austin is "a far more neutral venue.

WSJ: Air War: 'Winglet' vs. 'Sharklet'

30. The molecule is net neutral, but this right end is a little bit more negative and the left end is a little bit more positive.

这分子是电中性的,但右边要带一点负电荷,而左边要带一点正电荷。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

31. In many cases, your real estate agent has suggested painting some of the rooms a more neutral color or spending some money on storage for excess furniture.

FORBES: Quick Kitchen and Bath Updates To Do Before Selling Your Home

32. No more Neutral ratings.

FORBES: Merrill Switches To Two-Tier Ratings On Alt Energy Stocks; Thumbs Up, Or Thumbs Down




















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