
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ɡes]play美 [ɡes]play

  • v. 猜测,估计;猜中,猜到;认为,以为
  • n. 猜测,推测
  • 【名】 (Guess)(英)格斯,(德)居斯(人名)

复数 guesses 第三人称单数 guesses 现在分词 guessing 过去式 guessed 过去分词 guessed

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


guess /ɡɛs/ CET4 TEM4 [ guessing guessed guesses ]

  • 1.
    及物动词/不及物动词 If you guess something, you give an answer or provide an opinion which may not be true because you do not have definite knowledge about the matter concerned. 猜测

    Yvonne guessed that he was a very successful publisher or a banker.



    You can only guess at what mental suffering they endure.



    Guess what I did for the whole of the first week.


  • 2.
    及物动词 If you guess that something is the case, you correctly form the opinion that it is the case, although you do not have definite knowledge about it. 猜中

    By now you will have guessed that I'm back in Ohio.



    He should have guessed what would happen.


  • 3.
    可数名词 A guess is an attempt to give an answer or provide an opinion which may not be true because you do not have definite knowledge about the matter concerned. 猜想

    My guess is that the chance that these vaccines will work is zero.



    He'd taken her pulse and made a guess at her blood pressure.


  • 4.
    习语 If you say that something is anyone's guess or anybody's guess, you mean that no one can be certain about what is really true. 谁也拿不准的事

    Just when this will happen is anyone's guess.


  • 5.
    习语 You say at a guess to indicate that what you are saying is only an estimate or what you believe to be true, rather than being a definite fact. 凭猜测

    At a guess he's been dead for two days.


  • 6.
    习语 You say I guess to show that you are slightly uncertain or reluctant about what you are saying. 我想

    I guess he's right.



    "I think you're being paranoid."—"Yeah. I guess so."

    “我认为你是多疑了。” — “是的,我想是的。”

  • 7.
    习语 If someone keeps you guessing, they do not tell you what you want to know. 使某人猜不透

    The author's intention is to keep everyone guessing until the bitter end.


  • 8.
    习惯表达 You say guess what to draw attention to something exciting, surprising, or interesting that you are about to say. 想不到吧

    Guess what, I just got my first part in a film.






guess divine 【导航词义:猜测】

guess v. 猜,猜测

〔辨析〕 普通用词,指仅凭个人主观臆断进行猜测,不确定且没有什么根据,多属碰运气。

例1: I'd guess that you are 50.


例2: Can you guess my weight?


例3: Guess what is in my hand.


divine v. [文] 猜出

〔辨析〕 指神奇地猜出、猜中。

例1: Can you divine what my first thought was?


例2: Somehow, the kids had divined that he was lying.



1. wild guess 胡乱猜想

2. guess what 猜怎么了;猜猜看;猜怎么着

3. I guess 我猜 ; 我猜测我预料 ; 我想 ; 我猜我猜我猜猜猜

4. guess at 猜测;估计

5. I guess so 我猜也是 ; 我想是吧 ; 我猜是这样 ; 我猜是吧

6. Guess Show 我猜我猜我猜猜猜 ; 李圣杰

7. by guess 凭猜测,推测

8. Guess Who 男生女生黑白配 ; 猜猜是谁 ; 谁敢来晚餐 ; 猜猜我是谁

9. anybody's guess 难以预料;谁也猜不准的事情

10. make a guess 猜测,猜想

11. Guess Who's Coming to Dinner 猜猜谁来吃晚餐 ; 谁来晚餐 ; 猜猜谁来赴晚餐 ; 猜猜谁会来赴宴

12. guess who 猜猜是谁

13. educated guess n. 有根据的推测

14. guess at sth 猜测 ; 预测

15. at a guess 凭猜测;推测




guess a secret 猜测(或猜对)一个秘密


educated guess 有根据的猜测

good guess 有道理的猜测

wild guess 胡乱猜测


make a guess 进行猜测


1. He works always by rule and line, never by chance or guess.

他一向办事精细, 从不靠运气或凭猜测.《简明英汉词典》

2. I guess it was surface EMG for the evaluation of tremor.


3. I guess I really lucked out when I met her.


4. His guess that the flight would be delayed proved correct.


5. The future is so uncertain that one man's guess is as good as another's.


6. Your guess wasn't far out at all.


7. I guess (that) you'll be looking for a new job now.


8. I don't really know. I'm just guessing.


9. His guess was spot on.


10. My guess is that we won't hear from him again.


11. I guess situation comedies are one type of show that the public never gets enough of.


12. His guess was on the nose.


13. Decision makers should be able to make a best guess at what the future will be.


14. "I guess you guys don't mind if I smoke?" he drawled.


15. Can you guess his age?


16. This is hard to guess in advance.


17. The second riddle is, I guess by the.


18. Whoever guesses what I have in my hand may have it.


19. One man's guess is as good as another's.


20. Do you believe they intend war eventually? Your guess is as good as mine.

“ 你认为他们最终会打仗 吗 ? ” “ 我跟你一样拿不准. ”《期刊摘选》

21. He guessed the idea would charm his publisher.


22. The following sentences are examples of how to guess in English.


23. The one who guesses the answer is entitled to ask the next question.


24. He made a wild guess at the answer.


25. Andy: But Yao is absent Asiad, I guess he thinks NBA is more important than Asiad.

安迪: 但是姚明这次亚运没去,可能他认为NBA比亚运重要.《期刊摘选》

26. There were about 20 people there, at a rough guess.


27. Irene: I guess I'd better keep people like you at a distance.

艾琳: 我认为我最好离你这种人远一点.《期刊摘选》

28. It was, but Cai Yong suspected that his daughter had just made a lucky guess.

确实是那样, 但是蔡勇认为他女儿只是侥幸猜对了.《期刊摘选》

29. I guess ignorance must be a sin.


30. She guessed the answer straight away.


31. She guessed that she was 50 yards from shore.


32. I've done some categorizing, concatenating, and taking a guess at gender in my use of pronouns.

我进行了分类 、 合并, 并通过用代词来猜测了一下人们的性别.《期刊摘选》

33. They might be here by 3─but that's just a rough guess (= not exact) .


34. This is an art in which intuitive guessing plays an important part.


35. (North Amercian English)to take a guess


36. The President's statement cleared the air of rumours and guessing.


37. Guess what, I just got my first part in a film.


38. You're looking for new job too? I guess we're in the same boat.

你也在找新工作? 我猜测我们俩的处境一样.《期刊摘选》

39. I thought my answer was wrong, but I guess I hit it on the nose.

我原以为我的答案是错误的, 但现在我认为我回答得很对.《期刊摘选》

40. Guess what! He's asked me out!


41. I guess deep down I am a conservative when it comes to economic management.


42. I guess everyone thinks Sam and I are going together.


43. ROGER FEDERER : Sort of dominating the tiebreaker, and I guess my last service game.

没能掌握抢七, 还有我认为是我最后的一个发球局.《期刊摘选》

44. I guess she thought that was pretty smart...


45. The group which can guess place with the fewest words is the winner.


46. Guess who I've just seen!


47. Go on! Have a guess!


48. Yes, you guessed right, is a search engine.

对, 你猜对了, 是搜索引擎.《期刊摘选》

49. Well, well ─ I would never have guessed it!


50. She was keeping everyone guessing about the latest love in her life.


51. Molly: I guess he is a real star.

莫莉: 我认为他是一个真正的明星.《期刊摘选》

52. Are you at ease a what word is nobody guesses?

您放心没人猜中是个什么字 啊 ?《期刊摘选》

53. "I guess you're right."—"Of course I'm right!"


54. He guessed the right number of beans in the jar and won the prize.


55. AT A guess, the target audiences for visionary economic thinking andoompah music do not overlap much.

据推测, 有远见的经济思想和经典的音乐的听众是不同的.《期刊摘选》

56. I guess whichever is the easiest to beat which depends on map and race matchups.


57. Would you like to hazard a guess?


58. As you've probably guessed, the problem was electrical...


59. The scientists guess that Venus is lifeless.


60. I guessed correctly that he must be Richard Adrian , who had come looking for me.

我猜对了,他一定是理查德·阿德里安, 他一直在找我.《期刊摘选》

61. Guess who I ran into today!


62. Polonius thought his guess was right.


63. Guess who I saw at the party last night!


64. You'll never guess what's happened!


65. His origins can only be guessed at.


66. You didn't guess right [ guessed wrong ].

你没有猜对 [ 猜错了 ].《期刊摘选》

67. I guess Sina . com has a deal with TM. So not totally fake.

我推测新浪和TM有个协议. 所以不完全是假的.《期刊摘选》

68. Would you like to hazard a guess ?


69. Let us guess at the height of the building.


70. It doesn't take much imagination to guess what she meant.


71. Only by being him can you hope to out-guess him.


72. ‘They aren't coming, then? ’ ‘I guess not. ’


73. The article is based on guesses about what might happen in the future.


74. I guess so. The skies are dark and cloudy.

我也这么认为, 天空阴沉沉的,乌云密布.《期刊摘选》

75. What will happen next is anybody's guess.


76. I guess I'm not the marrying kind.


77. I expect you can guess what follows.


78. What went on in Townsend's mind at that point could only be guessed at.


79. I was stalling for time to guess the correct answer.


80. Yeah! I guess correctly!

好! 给我猜对了!《期刊摘选》

81. At a guess, I should say she is about fifty.

据推测, 我该说她大约50岁.《简明英汉词典》

82. SoPrinceton Girlwould you tell me who you are if I guessed it right?

普林斯顿女孩儿如果我猜对的话你愿意告诉我你是谁 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

83. Guess who I saw at the party last night!


84. The author's intention is to keep everyone guessing until the bitter end...


85. At a guess he's been dead for two days.


86. By now you will have guessed that I'm back in Ireland...


87. I won a prize because I guessed the right answer.


88. Why leave the reader guessing?

为什么要让读者自己猜测 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

89. I am first to guess the answer, the teacher sent me a prize.

我是第一个猜中答案的, 老师就发给我一份奖品.《期刊摘选》

90. My guess of 400 proved to be a serious underestimate.


91. Let us compare our unknown analog input signal to a guess .


92. I guess they figure they don't need to keep up the act if we're unconscious.


93. I can guess what will happen next.


94. I can guess the subject of your reverie.

“ 我猜中你现在在幻想些什么. ”《期刊摘选》

95. We can only guess what happened.


96. Decision makers should be able to make the best guess at what the future will be.


97. Inferring means you can guess the word meaning form the context or hints in the text.


98. Classic hangman word guessing game. Play and try to get the full manga pictures.

呢款游戏是猜字游戏. 如果你猜对了,你就可以见到一副完整的靓女图啦!《期刊摘选》

99. Can you guess where I've been?


100. I guess you can't have everything you want in life.


101. We guess she did what she could , but still, a pretty downer for the party.

我们猜测, 她已经竭尽全力了, 但还是给聚会蒙上了沉重的阴影.《期刊摘选》

102. He guessed the riddle correctly.


103. Guess who I've just seen!


104. This guess indeed is rather too easy to be quite sporting.


105. The password should not be your birthday or phone number, so no one can guess it.

不应以生日或者电话号码作密码, 以防别人猜中.《期刊摘选》

106. I guess the athlete deserve what they are paid.


107. If he does guess correctly, he will price the item high, and little in the bargaining.

假如让店主猜中了她所要买的商品的话, 他便会漫天要价, 而且在还价过程中也很难作出让步.《期刊摘选》

108. I guess we can't always trust our instincts.


109. Our strategy must take into account the possibility that our guesses are wrong.


110. Teacher a riddle. Guess. What is it?

教师讲谜语,启发学生猜谜语, 猜对的学生给予奖励.《期刊摘选》

111. Uh, yeah, I guess so.


112. He'd taken her pulse and made a guess at her blood pressure...


113. I guess they thought me content to stay in cubicles.


114. Can I guess that means you saw something else?


115. It's anybody's guess what happened.


116. You didn't guess right.


117. Our guess was confirmed by calculation.


118. You can't convince us by your guesses. We need solid proof.

你的推测说服不了我们, 我们需要确凿的证据.《期刊摘选》

119. Mr. Black: I guess she thinks he's only trying to get elected.

布雷克先生: 我想她认为他只是想胜选.《期刊摘选》

120. Edward: You guessed it in one. Sit down and let me fill you in.

爱德华: 你猜对了. 坐下来让我来详细告诉你.《期刊摘选》

121. If you guess the results, 4 A 0 B, four figures which players guess right, winning the game.

如果猜测的结果为, 4A0B, 即玩家四个数字都猜对, 赢得游戏.《期刊摘选》

122. The eagerness in the author's voice told him that he had guessed right.


123. I'd guess that she's about 30.


124. Who do you think I saw yesterday? I'll give you three guesses.


125. Just so. You've guessed it.

对了, 你猜对了.《期刊摘选》

126. I guess at one level, the things that are still good end up standing out.

我认为,在某种程度上, 那些仍然优秀的作品不再显得突出.《期刊摘选》

127. Sometimes I just guess a dictation right because I mimic a phrase I heard in class.


128. "I think you're being paranoid."—"Yeah. I guess so."

“我认为你是多疑了。” — “是的,我想是的。”《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

129. We don't have to guess to speculate. We will know in time.

我们没有必要去猜测或推测什么, 我们会及时的知道结果.《期刊摘选》

130. The “ Black ” group, on the other hand, put his salary at about $ 29,000, and guessed that he had only “ some ” college experience.

另一方面,“黑人”组预测他的年收入约为 29000 美元,猜测他可能有“一点儿”大学经历。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

131. He tried to guess how the strata behaved at the time the contortions formed.


132. They might be here by 3 ─ but that's just a rough guess.


133. You'll never guess what she told me.


134. He guessed right about some things.


135. You should be able to guess the meaning of the word from the context.


136. The product gives you an edge over your competition, I guess.


137. I didn't know the answer. It was just a lucky guess.

我不知道答案, 只是恰好猜中了.《期刊摘选》

138. I guess you'll be looking for a new job now.


139. Wrong, but you almost got it. Guess again!

错, 但是你几乎猜对了. 再猜一次!《期刊摘选》

140. You would never guess (that) she had problems. She's always so cheerful.


141. Guess what I did for the whole of the first week.


142. Other being equal, they are guessed to be happier, more intelligent, more sociable, more successful.

在其他条件相同的情况下, 会认为他们更快乐, 更聪明, 更擅长交际, 更成功.《期刊摘选》

143. Our conclusions are based on all acquired knowledge, rather than on guesses or imagination.

我们的结论基于全部可获得的知识, 而不是基于猜测和想象.《期刊摘选》

144. The suit was faultless: Wood guessed that he was a very successful publisher or a banker...


145. I guess he's right.


146. I guess he's right...


147. Just when this will happen is anyone's guess...


148. I guess he was an easy mark.


149. Guess what, I just got my first part in a movie.


150. Their precise nature is anyone's guess, though one likely consequence is an onslaught of inflation.

尽管一个可能的后果是恶性通货膨胀, 但是大家还想当然认为用药精确,毫无后顾之忧.《期刊摘选》

151. Austin: So , Princeton Girl, would you tell me who you are if I guessed it right?

奥斯汀: 普林斯顿女孩儿, 如果我猜对的话,你愿意告诉我你是谁 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

152. My guess is that the chance that these vaccines will work is zero...


153. Well, I guess it's all downhill from here.


154. It's the kind of book that keeps you guessing right to the end.


155. He guessed right/wrong .

他猜对 / 错了。《牛津词典》

156. 'Guess what?' she said archly.


157. ‘Are you ready to go? ’ ‘Yeah, I guess so . ’


158. Prediction is any step whelloch attempts to guess the content of an area of the frame.


159. We can only guess at her reasons for leaving.


160. You can only guess at what mental suffering they endure...


161. The suit was faultless: Wood guessed that he was a very successful publisher or a banker.


162. If I might hazard a guess, I'd say she was about thirty.


163. At a guess, there were forty people at the party.


164. (British English)to have/make a guess (at sth)


165. A : So , Princeton Girl, would you tell me who you are if I guessed it right?

普林斯顿女孩儿, 如果我猜对的话,你愿意告诉我你是谁 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

166. We also guess that CRFR 2 could inhibit effect of jejunum in stress.


167. B: I guess first come first serve is a great idea.


168. ‘He didn't see me, I guess. ’


169. What Morgan had only dimly guessed in 187 I is now developed in full consciousness.


170. We won the the prize by guessing his age.



1. This week,Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said his "best guess" is for a continued economic recovery.

VOA : special.2010.06.11

2. So my guess is that credit premia on those bonds would be steady or falling.

FORBES: Are US Treasury Bonds in A Bubble?

3. Milton's subject in his first English poem is -- we can guess it it's his future literary career.

弥尔顿在他的第一首英语诗歌里的主题,我们可以猜一下,是他将来的文学事业。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. Of all the rock legends featured in the sale, guess who commands the catalogue cover?

FORBES: John Lennon Guitar, Madonna Fur And Elvis Cape Up For Sale

5. The basic idea is, you take a guess and you -- whoops -- and you find the tangent of that guess.

首先取个猜想数,然后,嗯,去取猜想数那儿的切线。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

6. You might guess from the title that the painting shows people enjoying a baseball game at night.

VOA : special.2009.03.23

7. Guess what, Gilly? I won both bids.


8. My guess is that that message will be heard loud and clear going forward.

FORBES: Many Madoff Victims Still Don't Know They Were Investors

9. Well, I guess we've got two people here who might want to comment on that.

NPR: Women in Combat: Rules and Reality

10. But the days of trying to guess the employer's desired answers could soon be over.

ECONOMIST: A new way of making personality tests useful

11. Once they've got you, I guess they expect you to be their customer forever.

FORBES: Companies, People, Ideas

12. Well, I now have two blocks interlocked and you can pretty much guess what this is gonna do.

有两个相互联系的块,你能很容易地猜到这是做什么用的。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

13. I guess they're elected officials and their voters are not finance theorists and don't think of this in these terms.

我想这是因为他们是当选的官员,而投票的不是金融学家,也就不会用金融术语思考和表达。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. Uh huh. What about it trivializes that crime? I guess it's just that there's no moral lens that we're looking at it through.

嗯,那它把罪行平凡化呢?,我想它只是,它只是没有我们看透的道德伦理。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. My guess is this CSR is at my local Internet provider for advanced training.

FORBES: It's Not the Stupid Worker...

16. It was just a wild guess.


17. Take my hand and lead me up To Dolores, And leave me in the street, I guess.

NPR: On the BPP Jukebox: The Dodos Play 'Ashley'

18. In the first place, by and until the twentieth century, I guess, human beings tended to stay put.

首先,我觉得,20世纪以前,人们都喜欢定居古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. at the end of their four years, that they feel cultured and familiar with, um, I guess the Western world,

让学生在四年的学习之后具备一定的文化素养,能够熟知西方世界及其文化。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 哥伦比亚大学的教程

20. Our guess is that we are simply painting with a brush that is too broad.

FORBES: Gen Ys! You Will Listen!

21. My guess is many of you can relate to the excitement of these happy family times.

FORBES: Graduation Advice We All Can Use

22. I guess I was a fool to think I could make you happy.

VOA : special.2009.06.27

23. "I won't answer that, because you can guess whether I carried a gun or not!"

BBC: Dame Margot Fonteyn and the Panama sanitary towel coup

24. My first guess for the source of such collateral would be US and UK government bonds.

FORBES: Are US Treasury Bonds in A Bubble?

25. Guess too high and you will be making an interest-free loan to the U.S. Treasury.

FORBES: Magazine Article

26. So you throw your hands up and you say, "Oh, I guess I don't know what it's like."

于是你会两手一摊,说,我想我是想不出来的“死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. Thank you! Guess how much it costs.


28. As I said earlier, that's an action plan, I'm certainly not going to second guess there are many action plan.

就像我刚才所说,这是一个行动计划,我当然不会去质疑这项计划,虽然说我们已经有很多的行动,计划。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

29. When this all happens then I guess I will be a great candidate for a man.

FORBES: Readers Say

30. Would you care to guess the most robust period of quarterly growth over that time?

FORBES: Government Spending is Our Only Friend; We Need to Make New Ones

31. "Interacting with the puppy's going to be great.I guess,you know, it will give me that feeling of closeness.

VOA : special.2009.12.11

32. The challenge is to actually validate that your guess about the pain is real.

FORBES: The Secret to Entrepreneurial Success: A Monetizable Pain

33. And in 2005, we had a class that didn't trust each other at all I guess, because the average was twenty-three.

在2005年,我想有这个班的同学并不互相信任,因为平均值是23博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. As you can guess from the room's name, it now houses many statues from the national collection.

VOA : special.2010.01.27

35. The young shoe salesman was unable to guess about her background.

VOA : special.2009.09.05

36. I heard some people say one, and that's a good guess, remember they're actually sharing. So these two electrons, they belong to chlorine, they also belong to hydrogen, but they do, in fact, belong to chlorine as well.

我听到有些人说的是一个,这是个很好的猜测,但要记得它们其实是被共用的,因此有两个电子,它们属于氯,同时也属于氢,但实际上它们也属于氯。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

37. As you can guess from the name, hand puppets are worn on and controlled by the puppeteer's hand.

VOA : special.2009.09.23

38. Can you guess what the D in COLD stands for?

VOA : special.2009.12.23

39. My guess is President Obama is busy these days sticking pins in his Nancy Pelosi doll.

CNN: Commentary: You can blame Pelosi for Democrats' stumbles

40. If you don't know,just kind of guess,just make a guess.

不知道可以猜,蒙一个。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. Guess we'll see about that too one once things stabilize on the Live front.

ENGADGET: Xbox rumors: Live users to get recompense and more speculation about an integrated HD DVD drive

42. I guess from that moment I knew I was going to marry Joseph Wojtkiewicz.

VOA : special.2009.02.14

43. If you've got a problem that has units associated with it, do the exercise of carrying the units through because, guess what?

如果你做到一个跟单位有关的题目,请你在做题目的时候密切注意它,因为,猜猜是什么?固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

44. At this point in time, the eventual outcome of the post-sequestration world remains a guess.

FORBES: Estate Planning Moves BEFORE Sequestration Is Resolved

45. "I guess Delphine is more fun than she appears, and I'm probably less fun, " counters Antoine.

WSJ: The Arnault Legacy

46. My guess is that eating cockroaches probably won't do internal damage, eating too much of foods like this certainly will.

我猜蟑螂也不会在你的体内搞破坏,不过吃太多奇多这种食品就不太好了关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. He concedes that a manager who could guess rate shifts would bring a lot of return.

FORBES: Yield Booster

48. I guess it must be the flag of my disposition, out of hopeful green stuff woven.

VOA : special.2009.04.12

49. Clearly that's an approximation, but my guess is there'll be a reasonable balance.


50. "Oh,whatever.I guess so. I'll pick you up at Wallace's house at about five-thirty, so you can get ready for trick or treating.

VOA : special.2010.10.30

51. Her best guess is that some schools with a lot of technology will be the first to use them, but only in addition to their traditional books.

VOA : special.2009.08.27

52. But my guess is, it would be in terms of weeks, rather than months.

NPR: Critics Question Using Nat'l Guard Troops at the Border

53. "I guess it takes a little of the sexy part of the piece away, " says Steiner.


54. Guess again, in the United States alone, there are more than 40 million anglers.

FORBES: A Fish App To Show Off Your Catch

55. Without knowing what would have happened in the absence of Bain's intervention, one can only guess.

ECONOMIST: Schumpeter

56. This falls on my 25th wedding anniversary so guess I no longer have a conflict.

NEWYORKER: The Kona Files

57. I expect you can guess what follows.


58. Unfortunately, if you guess wrongly to a reporter, you are not simply guilty of guessing wrongly.

FORBES: I Don't Know" Is A Perfectly Good Answer -Media Training

59. Of the 50% about 20-25% goes to China, a guess, but you get the point.

FORBES: Don't Take The Customer For Granted

60. But my guess is that helping others as Tim does, others will pay him back more.

FORBES: Move up t Move down

61. You know, they felt amazingly strongly about the civil rights struggle, and I guess it stayed with me.

NPR: James Taylor Gets Ready for Summer Tour

62. Listen and see if you can guess what it is.

VOA : special.2010.05.12

63. So what we want to do, is, I guess another way of saying it is, efficiency is really about choice of algorithm.

因此我们想做的就是,换种说法,效率实际上是算法的选择,我们想要培养你们。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

64. Sometimes a busy storekeeper might try to guess how much material to cut off.

VOA : special.2011.05.15

65. Essentially what's going on here is the underlying Akkadian words, I guess, are awilum, mushkenum, and then a third category, slave.

本质上来说,这里所使用的是阿卡德的基础语言,也就是阿维鲁,穆什钦努以及属于第三级别的奴隶。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课







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