
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [trəˈdɪʃən(ə)l]play美 [trəˈdɪʃən(ə)l]play

  • adj. 传统的;根据传统而制造(或使用)的;因袭的,守旧的;(活动)惯例的,经常从事的;典型的;(爵士乐)具20世纪早期风格的

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traditional /trəˈdɪʃənəl/

  • 1.
    形容词 Traditional customs, beliefs, or methods are ones that have existed for a long time without changing. 传统的

    Traditional teaching methods sometimes only succeeded in putting students off learning.


  • 2.
    副词 传统地

    Married women have traditionally been treated as dependent on their husbands.


  • 3.
    形容词 A traditional organization or person prefers older methods and ideas to modern ones. 守旧的

    We're still a traditional school in a lot of ways.


  • 4.
    副词 守旧地

    He is loathed by some of the more traditionally minded officers.







1. traditional dance 传统舞蹈

2. traditional animation 传统动画

3. traditional opera 戏曲 ; 戏直 ; 传统戏曲 ; 戏曲节目

4. traditional values 传统价值观

5. traditional method 传统方法;传统法

6. traditional medicine 传统医学;传统医药

7. traditional chinese 繁体中文

8. traditional view 传统的观点,传统观念

9. Traditional Chinese Medicine 中医 ; 中药 ; 中华医药

10. traditional culture 传统文化

11. traditional economy 传统经济

12. traditional festival 传统节日

13. traditional fund 传统基金

14. traditional authority n. 传统权威

15. chinese traditional music 中国传统音乐

16. traditional chinese painting 国画;中国画

17. chinese traditional opera 中国传统戏曲

18. Traditional Chinese 繁体中文 ; 繁体字 ; 中西医

19. traditional Chinese characters 繁体字


1. …traditional parents, who believed in laying down the law for their children.


2. Traditional handicraft techniques are being steadily improved.


3. The restaurant provides good traditional fare.


4. Most traditional societies have transition rites at puberty.


5. One may tag this book traditional.


6. He likes the traditional meat and two veg for his main meal.


7. I can see that they are not ready to depart from traditional practice.


8. The traditional view was that marriage was meant to last.


9. The traditional wedding is a long and colorful affair.

传统的婚礼漫长而又精彩纷呈。《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

10. He says they about the quality of students'work students'work than traditional grades do , most.


11. In traditional browser, the browser allocates a fictitious memory for Cheng of a line.

在传统的浏览器中, 浏览器为一个线程分配一套虚拟内存.《期刊摘选》

12. ...traditional teaching methods.


13. It's traditional in America to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day.


14. Several years ago, she became interested in eggs and learned the traditional Ukrainian technique to draw her very modern characters.

几年前,她迷恋上鸡蛋并学会用传统的乌克兰彩绘技艺绘制她笔下的现代角色。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

15. The festival is traditionally held in May.


16. The flour is ground using traditional methods.


17. Most couples want a traditional wedding.


18. Migrating birds affect ecosystems both at home and at their winter destinations, and disrupting the traditional routes could have unexpected side effects.

候鸟影响着其出生地和度冬地的生态系统,扰乱传统的迁徙路线可能具有意想不到的副作用。《17年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

19. The exhibition hall is decorated with many traditional Chinese paintings.


20. They were showered with rice in the traditional manner.


21. Our magnetic field sensor selection consists of the M 12 housing style for traditional magnetic detection applications.


22. The traditional backpack with a difference—it's waterproof.


23. Traditional Ukrainian decorated eggs also spoke to those fears.

传统的乌克兰彩绘蛋也呼应了类似的恐惧。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

24. Their music blends traditional and modern styles.


25. She refused to take on the traditional woman's role.


26. It has brought English into homes and pushed out traditional storytelling and family time together, accelerating the extinction of native languages.

它把英语带入家家户户,把传统的讲故事时间和家庭交流时间挤了出去,这加快了本土语言的消亡。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

27. This discovery challenges traditional beliefs.


28. traditional dress


29. Pumpkin pie is a traditional American dish served on Thanksgiving.


30. While in the traditional CRT, this transformation is nonlinear.

在传统的阴极射线管(CRT) 中图像信号的再现, 由于电子枪的调制特性是非线性的,会出现亮度失真现象.《期刊摘选》

31. Weaving and knitting are traditional cottage industries.


32. He arranged traditional folk songs for the piano.


33. The room was done over in traditional style.


34. The short sword is a traditional Arabic weapon and very good at close combat.


35. Such traditional methods seem incongruous in our technical age.


36. Housework has traditionally been regarded as women's work.


37. It's traditional to eat turkey at Thanksgiving.


38. A mobile home simply doesn't stack up against a traditional house.


39. The hospital of traditional Chinese medicine installed a computer to fill prescriptions.


40. Their thinking often had a traditional superstitions quality.

他们的思想往往带有传统的迷信色彩。《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

41. This soup is a spicy variation on a traditional favourite.


42. The music was a hybrid of Western pop and traditional folk song.


43. We're still a traditional school in a lot of ways.


44. I'll be back here in the morning.


45. A traditional web application will submit input ( using an HTML form ) to a web server.

传统的网络应用程序会将输入的信息提交给服务器 ( 使用HTML表单 ).《期刊摘选》

46. In his plays he takes simple traditional tales and elaborates them.


47. He was brought up in a family that practised traditional Judaism.


48. Their marriage is very traditional.


49. What does Fortune say about traditional shopping malls?.

关于传统的购物中心,《财富》杂志说了什么?。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

50. While traditional paid media – such as television commercials and print advertisements – still play a major role, companies today can exploit many alternative forms of media. 

虽然传统的“付费”媒体——如电视广告、印刷广告等——仍在发挥着主要作用,但时至今日,企业还可以运用许多其他的媒体形式进行宣传。 《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

51. In a refugee camp in Chad, Sudanese refugees prepare the mihaya, a traditional healing drink.

在乍得的一个难民营里, 苏丹难民准备一种传统的治疗饮品——米哈雅.《期刊摘选》

52. She learned how to identify medicinal herbs from a traditional Chinese doctor.


53. Traditional values have been reasserted.


54. Traditional slash and burn farming methods have exhausted the soil.


55. Prevention also plays a central role in traditional medicine.


56. However, the slow process of traditional breeding, the result is often difficult to predict.

但是传统的育种过程缓慢, 结果常常难以预料.《期刊摘选》

57. It as a new method to improve on traditional costing accounting by cost driver analysis.


58. Traditional inference engine has some problems such as inference inefficient and conflict dispel.


59. The spectacle of Xerxes's defeat tremendously reinforced the traditional conviction that pride goes before a fall.

泽克西斯战败的景象极其使人信服“骄兵必败 ” 这句源远流长的老话.《简明英汉词典》

60. With her precise use of language and intimidating aspect, she was a typical traditional schoolmistress.

她说话咬文嚼字,样子咄咄逼人, 真是一个典型的传统式的女教师.《简明英汉词典》

61. She doesn't fit (into) the traditional mould of an academic.


62. Hamilton proposed a change in the traditional debating format.


63. Across generational lines, Americans continue to prize many of the same traditional milestones of a successful life, including getting married, having children, owning a home, and retiring in their

sixties. 跨越代际线,美国人依然高度重视许多相同的、传统的成功人生标志性事件,包括: 结婚、生子、购房及六十多岁退休。 《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

64. Most bosses are traditional.


65. When teams consist of experienced employees from hierarchical organizations, who have been conditioned to traditional organizational?culture, cooperation may not occur naturally, it may need to be created.

如果团队是由来自等级制组织的经验老到的雇员组成的,这些员 工会习惯于传统的企业文化,那么合作就不会自然地发生,而需要去创造。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

66. traditional methods of teaching


67. ...traditional Indian music.


68. the traditional problem of the enmity between Protestants and Catholics


69. Opinion on this issue cuts across traditional political boundaries.


70. Three of the new products are based on traditional herbal medicines.


71. That’s the vision of a hotel chain that plans to send digital keys to guests’ phones via an app instead of making them check in and get the traditional plastic swipe cards.

这是一家连锁酒店的愿景,他们计划通过一个应用程序来将数码钥匙发送到客人的手机上,使客人们不用办理入住登记及获取传统的塑料磁卡。《15年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

72. Carnival is a traditional time of celebration before the Christian season of Lent.


73. The wine is still made by treading grapes in the traditional way.


74. The shift to online shopping has had a big impact on traditional shopping malls.

人们开始转向网上购物,这种情况对传统的购物中心产生了巨大的影响。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

75. distinctions between traditional and modern societies



1. In the township of Soweto, music producer Richard Hlungwani redefined traditional Shangaan music by making the beat much faster.

VOA : special.2010.08.11

2. Since the 18th Century, women in London have been excluded from traditional gentleman's clubs.

BBC: Londons first female-only club

3. To really return to the roots of traditional Welsh food though, you need to go foraging.

BBC: The sophisticated flavours of rural Wales

4. has many traditional Christmas songs. The video for the song "Must Be Santa" has been very popular on the Internet.

VOA : special.2009.12.25

5. How does that compare with the traditional educational settings?

与传统教育设施相比,又是什么情况?媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

6. A farmer could save on wood or stone with a round design that needed less material than traditional barns.

VOA : special.2009.12.29

7. In other words, the author, the traditional idea of the author -so much under suspicion in the work of Foucault and Barthes in the late sixties--can be turned on its ear.

换言之,有一种传统的看法就是对作者置之不理,六十年代晚期在福柯和巴特的,作品中有那么多疑点。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. Expect a major battle between the Redmond machine and traditional security vendors such as McAfee and Symantec.

FORBES: Microsoft Heats Up Security

9. While nearly every hotel in town offers an iftar, the dishes tend to veer towards the traditional.

BBC: What to eat at a Dubai iftar

10. This coming week, we'll start a more traditional assigned sections.

下一周,我们会以传统的,分配的零件开始。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

11. Ambassadors from countries including Lebanon,Syria, and Morocco welcomed visitors to their homes to try traditional foods from these countries.

VOA : special.2009.03.11

12. John Lewis combined classical music with traditional jazz to create songs for himself and the three other members of his quartet.

VOA : special.2009.03.01

13. But scientific testing reveals that the traditional cod or haddock and chips is often something else entirely.

BBC: Mislabelled fish slip into Europe's menus

14. In fact, a rough grasp on traditional English meter to Stevens, say, or to Crane, or to Auden or Bishop.

事实上,粗略的了解英国节律,比如史蒂文斯,克瑞恩,奥登和主教。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. Over the years, he wrote songs that were often different from the traditional country music coming out of Nashville,Tennessee.

VOA : special.2010.12.06

16. Invented in a pub in the 1970s, toe wrestling plays out very much like a traditional arm-wrestling match.

BBC: The UKs highly unusual athletic games

17. Traditional attitudes are being profoundly shaken by today's climate - and that could be for the better.

BBC: Greece's young: Dreams on hold as fight for jobs looms

18. The traditional method for making zinc oxide is to grind it into crystals about 200 nanometers wide.

FORBES: The Science of Small

19. It houses a Thai bookstore, grocery and the unimaginatively named Thailand Plaza Restaurant, which serves traditional cuisine.

BBC: Ethnic Los Angeles

20. So one is your traditional Londoner. We call them a Cockney who lives out there,

一个是传统伦敦人。我们称他们为伦敦佬,他们住在那儿,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 关于伦敦的全部

21. Traditional Jewish folk music, a lot of it coming out of Eastern Europe.

是一种传统的犹太民间音乐,很多出自东欧聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. Pharmaceuticals are a traditional favorite, partly because the demand for them is thought to be relatively inelastic.

FORBES: Side Effects May Include

23. MSSPs, SaaS providers and traditional outsource providers partner with those technology vendors to fulfill their service offerings.

FORBES: Microsoft Heats Up Security

24. They build huge houses in the seventeenth century in Moscow with very old-fashioned traditional Russian architecture.

在17世纪,他们在莫斯科建造了巨大的房屋,用的是老式传统的俄国的建筑风格欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. The eponymous capsules look like the sleeping berths on a particularly traditional Japanese spaceship.

BBC: Capsule Ryokan Kyoto, where modern meets traditional

26. She said the loss of traditional grassland and wet summers were a large part of the problem.

BBC: Guernsey bumblebee species under threat says expert

27. And from there continue south, zig-zagging through ancient small streets with traditional courtyard residences.

BBC: Peddling in the old kingdom of bicycles

28. They noted that some groups, as they move away from traditional ways of life, are developing diseases of modern living.

VOA : special.2009.07.20

29. "They don't find their place in the traditional team sports or ball sports and they're looking for something else.

VOA : special.2009.09.11

30. Furthermore, fewer bakeries are making baguettes in the traditional way, relying on frozen bread to save costs.

BBC: The death of the French baguette?

31. Those kinds of information are not easily accessible by following links or using the traditional search engine technology.


32. Venice, a traditional gateway for early Grand Tours of Italy, is steeped in music.

BBC: The perfect trip: Italy

33. This belief is supported by the traditional Southeast Asian mortuary practices used for members of royalty.

BBC: Laos strange plain of jars

34. She spent most of her life working to change traditional beliefs about art,artists and a woman's professional role in society.

VOA : special.2009.07.12

35. Demerara is a traditional unrefined sugar.


36. These traditional, only-in-Arequipa restaurants are usually located in suburban areas and inspire fanatical local followings.

BBC: Perus gastronomic renaissance

37. Well, the answer is, in the traditional view, is that he was never meant to stand by himself.

答案在于,在传统观点看来,就是一个士兵从不孤军奋战古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. Some areas, like Taitung, have street-side displays of traditional indigenous homes, free for tourists to visit.

BBC: Tribal culture survives in Taiwan

39. Other countries retained their traditional ways of doing things.


40. The metropolis which uproots people, takes them away, takes them out of traditional cultures, also uproots traditional religious belief and practices.

人们扎根,随之漂流的都市,将他们从传统文化中剥离出来,同时也将那些传统的信仰与实践根除。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. The tango drew on stylistic influences from African, Spanish, Italian and traditional Argentine dance forms.

BBC: Anyone for tango?

42. EatWith, an Israeli start-up launched in 2012, similarly promises to reconfigure traditional notions of eating out.

BBC: Would you eat in a stranger's home?

43. All kinds of traditional craft industries are preserved here.


44. He's covering his head in a traditional religious fashion, so in order to enter this holy place he covers his head.

他以一种传统的宗教方式包裹他的头,为了进入那个神圣的地方而包裹头。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

45. Colossus marks a departure from the relatively traditional pop-rock sound of RJD2's 2007 album, The Third Hand.

NPR: RJD2: A 'Colossal' Return To Form

46. Or has Milton only seemed powerful because of the traditional religious values with which he is so intimately associated?

还是说他仅仅是因为与传统宗教价值,紧密相关因而看起来强大?弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. In "Cosmos," the television science series from the nineteen eighties, scientist Carl Sagan talked about some traditional ideas about Mars.

VOA : special.2010.07.28

48. The guidelines were updated after three studies showed that the hands-only method was just as effective as traditional CPR.

VOA : special.2009.05.20

49. If staying in a traditional Kyoto inn, a kaiseki dinner is often included in accommodation rates.

BBC: Kaiseki-ryori: Japanese haute cuisine

50. He refused the title of king, and he took the traditional Republican titles.

他拒绝了国王的头衔,沿用传统共和头衔。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

51. On the last day of my stay, I climbed in for a ride in a traditional mokoro.

BBC: Safari by water in southern Africa

52. What they do is kind of unique, in comparison to when you think of someone who is a traditional scholar of Islam someone who would run a mosque for example.

与其他相比,这个项目的特别之处在于,当你想到一个传统意义上的穆斯林学者时,你会想到一个主持清真寺的人。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

53. The series is the latest attempt by Netflix to tempt viewers away from traditional TV channels.

BBC: Fans 'binge' as Netflix revives Arrested Development

54. But the experts say you should still use traditional CPR with a combination of breaths and compressions on babies and children.

VOA : special.2009.06.09

55. Most experts agree that the traditional music and dance of American slaves played a big part in the development of ragtime.

VOA : special.2010.01.24

56. It has traditional stories and legends, some quite fanciful, Whose goal it is to explain how and why something is what it is.

它讲述了一些传统故事,有一些还极具想象力,它们试图解释事物的形成方式及成因。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. Known locally as mbege, the concoction of millet and bananas is the traditional brew of the Chagga people.

BBC: The gateway to Kilimanjaro

58. Apple is a traditional redbrick Victorian townhouse in Glastonbury, which has recently had a contemporary refit.

BBC: Mini guide to dining in Somerset

59. traditional British cookery


60. Possibly the biggest hero of the event will come from one of the traditional European or South American football powers.

VOA : special.2010.06.09

61. But forro is at heart a traditional form, Brazil's loose equivalent to country music.

NPR: Northern Brazilian Tradition, New York Style

62. Our current portfolio has 11% allocated to domestic equities, 15% to foreign equities,and 4% to bonds, so traditional marketable securities account for 30% of assets.

我们当前的投资组合中11%是国内股,15%是国外股,4%是债券,所以传统有价证券占总资产的30%金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

63. The traditional Noongar lands stretch across much of southwestern Australia, encompassing the urban sprawl of Perth.

BBC: Australia rediscovers its urban indigenous heart

64. January is the traditional time of year for teeth gnashing from rail passengers as fares rise again.

BBC: Have train fares gone up or down since British Rail?

65. The event has helped efface the country's traditional image.























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