achievement gap翻译_achievement gap短语搭配_achievement gap权威例句

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achievement gap

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  • 成就差距:不同种族、阶层、经济背景的学生在学业成就上的差距。

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. The Global Achievement Gap 全球成就鸿沟

2. achievement ୵ gap 学术落差


1. We are making progress on narrowing the gender gap in young children's achievement but we know that we need to do more.


2. The achievement gap between children from high-and low-income families is 30 percent to 40 percent larger among children born in 2001 than those born 25 years earlier, according to Mr. Reardon's research.


3. For the past five years, the national conversation on education has focused on reading scores, math tests and closing the "achievement gap" between social classes.


4. The achievement gap between children from high-and low-income families is 30-40% larger among children born in 2001 than those born 25 years earlier, according to Mr. Reardon's research.

里尔登的研究发现,在高收入家庭和低收入家庭之间,出生于2001年的孩子当中的成绩差距,与25年前出生的孩子相比扩大了30%-40%。《六级真题- 2017年 6月 3卷 信息匹配》

5. If a country appeared at the bottom of the list, that country had a comparatively large achievement gap.


6. But the achievement gap is still wide, and there is (hotly disputed) evidence that students are afforded less time for creative inquiry.


7. And because we acted, students are performing better in reading and math, and minority students are closing the achievement gap.


8. If you look at what we are facing right now, and the achievement gap we have in this city, it is unacceptable.


9. And because we acted, students are performing better in reading and math, and minority students are closing the achievement gap.


10. The Achievement and Gap of Chinese Informatization


11. This achievement supplied a gap on research of multiple-spot unloading shallow silo in the world.


12. All in all, its mission is to improve the achievement of all students and narrow the achievement gap, improve the quality of education and promote the balanced development of education.


13. And in Chile, targeting resources to low-performing schools significantly reduced the achievement gap between indigenous and non-indigenous children.


14. For the past five years, the national conversation on education has focused on reading scores, math tests and closing the "achievement gap" between social classes.


15. If a country appeared at the bottom of the list, that country had a comparatively large achievement gap.


16. The new gender gap refers to that the school achievement and daily lives in class for boys are in disadvantage.


17. On the Western Hi-tech Industry Development: Achievement, Gap and Promotional Threads



1. Mr. ROTHERHAM: Well, I think the biggest thing that I would point to as a success is we are now finally having a national conversation about the achievement gap.

NPR: Reauthorizing No Child Left Behind: Schools React

2. And in the school district where I visited in Decatur, Georgia, you're already seeing closing of the achievement gap.

WHITEHOUSE: Vice President Biden Speaks to National Governors Association | The White House

3. The government says the US Charter schools movement is closer to its free school programme and that in Chicago and New York, Charter schools have helped close the achievement gap between rich and poor students.

BBC: Free schools: 24 set to open in September

4. He envisions it as a way to close the achievement gap for poor and minority students, improve high school graduation rates and ultimately strengthen the workforce.

WSJ: Districts find youngest students among most absent

5. Closing the achievement gap is the right goal.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on No Child Left Behind Flexibility

6. "If we close the achievement gap, then a big chunk of economic inequality in this society is diminished, " Obama told a small group of journalists from black media outlets, including ESSENCE.

CNN: Obama: We must fix education in black communities

7. We're going to raise the bar for all our students and take bigger steps towards closing the achievement gap that denies so many students, especially black and Latino students, a fair shot at their dreams.

WHITEHOUSE: Race to the Top for Education Reform

8. We have an achievement gap between white and black students at the secondary level of 70% in some subject areas--70%.

FORBES: Magazine Article

9. We wrestle with all sorts of policy questions about the achievement gap, intergenerational poverty and the like.

CNN: Cost of diapers a big problem for poor moms

10. Some have noted that the minority achievement gap will not be closed that same year, and started a technology program to actually do something about it.

FORBES: CODE2040 Matches Black And Latino Student Engineers With Internships At Startups

11. Meanwhile, African American and Latino students continue to lag behind their white classmates -- an achievement gap that will ultimately cost us hundreds of billions of dollars because that's our future workforce.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Announces $4 Billion Investment in Education | The White House

12. It is given to pupils who are eligible for free school meals with the aim of closing the achievement gap between rich and poor.

BBC: Pupils in playground

13. The Black Star Project was founded in 1996 as a 501(c)(3) organization designed to eliminate the racial academic achievement gap among Black, Latino, White, and Asian students.


14. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has joined the civil rights coalition's call for federal initiatives to narrow the educational achievement gap between minority and white students.

CNN: GOP, time to rebrand in the image of the 'Great Emancipator'

15. This achievement gap has not been closed by the time youngsters are ready to leave secondary schools - with August-born teenagers 20% more likely to be in vocational rather than academic study after school.

BBC: School odds stacked against summer babies, says IFS

16. I'm thrilled that we are starting to see the tide turn, that the achievement gap is beginning to close.

FORBES: Magazine Article

17. And the inferior education they provided, then and now, helps explain the pervasive achievement gap between today's black and white students.

NPR: Obama And The Politics Of Being Biracial

18. In 2000, the government introduced measures to narrow the achievement gap between boys and girls in schools, including the recruitment of more male staff.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | More 'Mr Right' teachers wanted

19. And the achievement gap between white students and African-Americans has widened a very small amount.

NPR: Fact-Checking the State of the Union Speech

20. Over the three-year observation period, the African-American students who took part in the study had higher grade-point averages relative to multiple control groups, and the minority achievement gap overall was reduced by a dramatic 50%.

CNN: The importance of belonging

21. As one effort to accept this responsibility, the Achievement Gap Initiative at Harvard University has begun convening the AGI Parent Leadership Network.

CNN: Commentary: What parents can do for their kids

22. Today's results were most encouraging on one key measure: the achievement gap between white and minority students.

NPR: Mixed Report Card for U.S. Schools

23. They must focus "relentlessly" on closing the achievement gap, he said.

BBC: Schools told to narrow gap between rich and poor

24. We have the largest achievement gap between black and white students in the fourth grade.

FORBES: Michelle Rhee

25. The program's two charter schools have nearly closed the achievement gap between blacks and whites and in some cases closed it.

WSJ: Comeback School Misses Mark

26. Unfortunately, the depressing conclusion of the argument is that closing the achievement gap is going to be really hard.

FORBES: Human Capitalism

27. The minority students are closing the achievement gap.

NPR: Fact-Checking the State of the Union Speech

28. "Ideally, none on my students ever have to experience the achievement gap, based on the work that we do every day, " Shaheed says.

CNN: Unlikely teachers find purpose in the classroom

29. Study after study shows the achievement gap starts off very young.

WHITEHOUSE: The White House

30. The survey of 4, 000 MBA graduates of top schools in Asia, Europe, Canada and the U.S. highlighted an incredible achievement gap.

FORBES: Men Benefit From Mentors More Than Women
















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