
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈvɪzɪtə(r)]play美 [ˈvɪzɪtər]play

  • n. 访问者,参观者;(网站的)浏览者;客队队员(visitors);候鸟;<英>(大学或其他学术机构的)督察员

复数 visitors

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visitor /ˈvɪzɪtə/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A visitor is someone who is visiting a person or place. 访问者

    The other day we had some visitors from Switzerland.




  • adj.

    visitant 来访的

  • n.

    visit 访问;参观;逗留

    visitation 访问;探视;视察;正式访问

    visitant 访客;幽魂;候鸟

  • vi.

    visit 访问;暂住;闲谈

  • vt.

    visit 访问;参观;视察



1. Visitor Pattern 访问者模式 ; 接见者模式 ; 访问者

2. frequent visitor 常客;熟客

3. winter visitor 冬候鸟,冬鸟

4. Visitor Center 游客中心 ; 访客中心 ; 游客服务中心 ; 访问者中心

5. Scanning Visitor Share 浏览用户比率 ; 阅读用户比率

6. Committed Visitor Index 忠实访问者指数 ; 忠诚拜访者指数 ; 忠诚接见者指数 ; 忠厚拜候者指数

7. Scanning Visitor Volume 浏览用户量 ; 阅读用户量

8. visitor visa 访问签证 ; 旅游签证 ; 访客签证

9. The Visitor 不速之客 ; 访客 ; 理查德·詹金斯

10. Newest visitor 最新访客


1. The visitors expressed a desire to see the farther end of the park.


2. Create an upload form for Visitors of my site to upload their own cartoon drawing lessons.


3. The visitor hammered against the door with his fists.


4. Habits: Uncommon Spring migratory bird and winter visitor.

生态习性: 为春秋普遍过境鸟,与稀有冬候鸟.《期刊摘选》

5. The visitors processed into the house.


6. Visitors were amazed at the students'conversational fluency in English.


7. How will it help its visitors?

它会帮助访问者做些 什么 ?《期刊摘选》

8. Text is important ItGive visitors the information andit well.


9. Visitors to England usually admire our policemen.


10. Visitors entered the exhibition hall in a steady stream.


11. He had a chat with a visitor in the kitchen.


12. She charmed the visitor with the arsenal of her blandishments.


13. Many students acted as guides and interpreters to the foreign visitors.


14. The visitors went round the school.


15. Making your page fast for these first time visitors is key to a better user experience.


16. Do you get many visitors?


17. You can slice and dice the complete history on what visitors did at the event.


18. A visitor arrived just as we were setting out for the airport.


19. She greeted the visitor cordially, inviting her to stay for breakfast.

她亲切地招呼着客人, 请她留下来吃早饭.《简明英汉词典》

20. Helping to organize regional chapters of the Humphrey, Fulbright or International Visitors associations.

帮助组织汉弗莱 、 富布莱特或国际访问者协会地区分会.《期刊摘选》

21. The visitor is the late President, now a scholar.

这位来访者是前总统, 现为学者.《简明英汉词典》

22. There was such a crowd round the distinguished visitor that I could not get to speak to him.


23. Are you a native, or just a visitor?


24. This is a power no visitor to modern China can fail to discern.


25. There are many visitors to the White House every year.


26. The exhibits took the fancy of the visitors.


27. Stir yourself! We've got a visitor.


28. Visitors are asked not to touch the paintings.


29. You should be back at the Visitor Centre at about four o'clock.


30. He is assiduous over his visitor.


31. One day, a visitor came to the village.


32. Next day, they had hardly finished their dinner, when another visitor arrived.


33. As a worktable inside the transformer plant, young Jason Stenquist looks flustered by the copper coils he's trying to assemble and the arrival of two visitors.

在变压厂的一个工作台上,面对其正在试图组装的铜线圈和两位参观者的到来,年轻的杰·斯坦恩奎斯特起来有些局促不安《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

34. There's a sidewalk for pedestrians and visitors.


35. It would now be difficult for an intern, visitor or a thief to steal a document like this.


36. Pyramids are great attractions for visitors.


37. Similarly, the information accompanying the objects often made little sense to the lay visitor.


38. I have truly learned the value of a targeted visitor.


39. The purpose a website is to convey information to visitors as easily as possible.


40. Don't force your visitors to enlarge the text size every time they visit your site.


41. They are visitors coming from several countries.


42. The crowd jammed together to get a good view of the famous visitor.


43. The visitor wants in.


44. Among the works and masterworks on exhibition the visitor will find the best pieces.


45. The visitor can ponder over the boomerangs used by aborigines at the time of Cook.


46. His father is a member of the underground.


47. Some girl students present the foreign visitors with flowers as soon as they arrived.


48. Natives and visitors alike feel the benefits of this rich cultural mosaic.


49. The sacred place of the revolution invites a good many visitors.


50. It gathers texts and graphic grounds in the building for visitors to enjoy and study.


51. Visitors to Dalian usually admire their policewomen.


52. And allow visitors to find the home page designers.


53. Be a polite visitor.


54. The panda has long become accustomed to the huge crowds of visitors.


55. I wasn't expecting a visitor.


56. If you are a visitor to this website , please access this page later.

如果你是访问者, 请以后再进入这个网页.《期刊摘选》

57. Reception just rang through to say my visitor has arrived.


58. You must be Emma, said the visitor.


59. The visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits.


60. He was a regular visitor to her house.


61. No visitors are let into the committee meetings.


62. What about visitor numbers?


63. There's a visitor for you.


64. Televisions and telescopes give the visitors visual ability to see the casual casualty.


65. The otters hit their toys against the walls of the tank in front the happy visitors.


66. Every visitor noticed that her effusive welcome was not sincere.


67. Most visitors to New York gravitate to Times Square.


68. She's a frequent visitor to the US.


69. It was a lavish reception as befitted a visitor of her status.


70. Visitors can drink, socialize, taste, consume and share not only wine but information and opinions.

参观者可以喝酒, 应酬, 口味, 消费和共享不仅葡萄酒,但信息和意见.《期刊摘选》

71. The visitors broke into exclamations of wonder when they saw the magnificent Great Wall.


72. A visitor just left.


73. When the visitors arrive at your office, would you send them round?

访问者到达你的办公室时, 你请他们过来好 吗 ?《简明英汉词典》

74. These winter visitors will fly to British shores.


75. The visitor spoke, in a lovely bell-like voice.


76. What ever you choose to bring on your travels is of course an individual matter.


77. The museum has no admission charge but visitors can make donations.


78. Despite the fact that the bottle is tinted a delicate shade of green, an observant visitor would soon notice that it is filled with what looks like a thick, greyish substance.

尽管瓶子呈现嫩绿色, 但观察力敏锐的客人不久会注意到,瓶子里装的看上去像是浓厚的灰色物质.《用法词典》

79. You can see how visitors who searched on specific term refined their searches.


80. The theme park attracts 2.5 million visitors a year.


81. Visitors may observe the reef through a camera on the land, windows on the underwater corridor.

在博物馆中,参观者可以通过陆上摄像机在屏幕上欣赏石鹤梁, 也可以通过水下舷窗直接观赏原貌.《期刊摘选》

82. In this exciting event, any visitor can hold out his arms with the local people and cheer together.


83. The visitors perceive that they are unwelcome and soon leave.


84. In this example, we're graphing visitors versus average time on site.

在这个例子中, 我们作图访问者平均网站停留时间.《期刊摘选》

85. Telepolis lets its visitors know that a link leads to the external page.


86. Shanghai Information Center for International Visitors is information service institution for oversea visitors.


87. A salesroom will be set up in the exhibition , where visitors can make purchases.

会内将设有卖品部, 供参观者选购.《期刊摘选》

88. Setting 1 A worried mother went to the Visitor Service Center.


89. Visitors came one after another.


90. Although 42 special bus routes were set, few visitors chose to use them.

尽管已设置了42条公交专线, 但选择乘公交看世博的游客少之又少.《期刊摘选》

91. It became part of local etiquette to take visitors to see migratory birds.


92. She has become a regular visitor to Houghton Hall.


93. They've had more than 110,000 visitors to their maze, not including their current season.

他们已经有超过110,000的游客参观他们的迷宫, 这还不包括现在这个季节的游客.《期刊摘选》

94. Spontaneity and fun are absent, as far as the visitor can tell.

自发性和乐趣都没有, 就可以告诉访问者.《期刊摘选》

95. Visitors are not allowed to touch any exhibits.


96. We've got visitors coming this weekend.


97. The dog ran at the visitor and bit him.


98. The other day we had some visitors from Switzerland...


99. A visitor said that it was terrible.


100. After the game, how did the visitor feel for Mike at first?


101. Before leaving Australia, every visitor over 12 years old must pay a $ 20 departure tax.

离开澳大利亚时, 12周岁以上的游客必须缴纳20美元的离境费.《期刊摘选》

102. As a student I lived in Oxford but was a frequent visitor to Belfast.


103. Seen from afar, its towering buildings beckon the visitor in.


104. He is a frequent visitor to this country.


105. Today Although it has lost its past glory, but gorgeous, slim appearance, still enable visitors alike.

今天它虽然已失去了昔日的光彩, 但那华丽 、 纤巧的外貌, 仍使游客叹为观止.《期刊摘选》

106. A lucky visitor to the ant city may see the queen.


107. Itheld at China Art Season's large 798 Gallery andover 1000 visitors over 3 days.


108. Visitors who go there can enjoy a great deal of outdoor and urban activities.


109. Many visitors find the fast pace at which people move very troubling.


110. Germany Pavilion's virtual narrators Jens and Yan Yan will guide visitors to tour the pavilion.


111. "You must be Emma," said the visitor.


112. Visitor: You must really have loved him?

参观者: 你一定真的非常爱它?《期刊摘选》

113. Visitor Location Register ( VLR ).

访问者位置寄存器 ( VLR ).《期刊摘选》

114. Visitor: Excuse me , another question. Is there any adjacent boutique?

参观者: 对不起, 还有一个问题,地下人防防水堵漏,附近有纪念商店嘛?《期刊摘选》

115. The writer was so absorbed in her work that she did not hear her visitor enter the room.


116. Do you prod visitors along at appropriate points to motivate them to take the next step?

在销售过程中,你是否能在适当时间,促使访问者采取下一步行动 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

117. The Cat Léon, the mascot of France Pavilion, will interact with every visitor.


118. A stunning work of art with intricate graphics that both amaze and dazzle the visitor.


119. They estimated the number of visitors at 10 million.


120. Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits.


121. If you really want to know how many visitors you have had, check your statistics.

如果你真想知道有多少访问者来过了, 可以查看统计资料.《期刊摘选》

122. A procession of visitors came to the house.


123. For rooms as visitors or occupants, ventilation with fresh air is necessary.

有些房间有参观者或者工作人员活动, 通入新鲜空气是必要的.《期刊摘选》

124. Most visitors go there once, enjoy the colonial architecture and pristine beaches, and never go back.

大多数游客仅去一趟, 欣赏完当地殖民时代的建筑风光和质朴的海滩景色, 就不会再去了.《期刊摘选》

125. He drove his visitor away.


126. In short, this headline does not mislead a visitor site content or purpose.

总之, 这个标题并没有误导访问者.《期刊摘选》

127. Visitors walk through this formation and enter the spacious ambulatory that runs circle around the stands.


128. Having a visitor on you site is much more profitable.


129. The foreign visitors came from a distant country.


130. The scenic beauty of the place entranced [ fascinated ] the visitors.

这里的美丽风光把游客们 迷住 了.《现代汉英综合大词典》

131. It allows the visitor to stay with a local family to better understand the local lifestyle.


132. The tour guide gathered the visitors in the hotel lobby.


133. Getting the house ready for the visitors kept mother on the fly all day.


134. The video images give the sensation that visitors are surrounded with marine life.


135. How can we attract more visitors to our website?


136. When my visitor arrives, see him in, will you?

我的客人一到就请你把他领进来好 吗 ?《简明英汉词典》

137. Who knows, maybe 80 % of your visitors aren't even making it past your introductory page?

谁知道呢, 也许你的访问者中有80%甚至从来都不曾翻过你的介绍页面?《期刊摘选》

138. Unknowingly, the visitor had used his body language to communicate the wrong message.

这个游客因为不明白, 用身体语言传递了错误的信息.《期刊摘选》

139. Visitor numbers approach one million annually.


140. It was a busy morning for Heidi, who put the hut in order for the expected visitor.


141. In the Endangered Species Garden visitors can see native plants that are threatened with extinction.


142. Yes, it attracts visitors from all over the world.

是啊, 它吸引着来自地世界各地的游客.《期刊摘选》

143. He is an English visitor.


144. Visitors to the zoo have doubled since Knut made his public debut.


145. You're a welcome visitor.



1. The first park to charge a visitor fee was Mount Rainier in the northwestern state of Washington in nineteen hundred and eight.

VOA : special.2009.09.28

2. And it was the best part of the Kinsey Collection for visitor Aaron Crenshaw, of Woodbridge,Virginia.

VOA : special.2011.02.11

3. Yet student visitor visas aren't included - and growing abuse in that category is being ignored.

BBC: Yvette Cooper: End student visitor visa loopholes

4. To add to this, the infrastructure in emerging markets often struggles to keep up with visitor growth.

BBC: Prices predicted to rise in emerging markets

5. The Visitor Centre was meant to be ready in time for the London Olympics in 2012.

UNESCO: Government cancels funding for Stonehenge Visitor Centre

6. Arrivals to Nepal, Sri Lanka and the Maldives were also higher, but visitor numbers to India remained flat.

VOA : standard.2010.02.04

7. Mr Bebbington, known as Ben, was a local musician and a regular visitor at the charity.

BBC: Big Busk in Shrewsbury

8. Among the plaintiffs is Manuel Ortega Melendres, a visitor to Arizona who possessed a valid visa.


9. But Vatsaloo, he says, soon became a regular visitor, often bringing them used clothing.

FORBES: Magazine Article

10. Back in London, I rarely went into a hotel unless an out-of-town visitor was staying there.

FORBES: InterContinental Plans Upscale Hotels With Chinese Characteristics

11. The Japanese visitor was confused by another expression used by American business people.

VOA : special.2010.07.25

12. Guided tours of the area, plus the Tribute WTC Visitor Center, provide focus.

FORBES: Disaster Tourism Update: Chernobyl Shuts Down, Congo Volcano Draws Crowds

13. Scott Armstrong, VisitScotland's regional director, said the move would increase visitor numbers at the park.

BBC: Aye of the tiger as pair go north

14. "'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door -- Only this and nothing more."

VOA : special.2010.10.31

15. Sitting in his office in Harvard Square, he answers e-mails while chatting with a visitor.

FORBES: The World's Richest People

16. The Visitor Center is filled with water fountains,skylights, historical exhibits, a restaurant and more statues.

VOA : special.2010.01.27

17. If you stand under a skylight in the Visitor Center, you can see the bronze statue of Freedom high up on the dome outside.

VOA : special.2010.01.27

18. The newest building extension of the Capitol is the Capitol Visitor Center.

VOA : special.2010.01.27

19. But a planning inspector rejected the appeal, saying the visitor centre would compromise the building.

BBC: Northampton Lift Tower centre plans rejected

20. This morning a new crowd gathered there as word travelled that a visitor had arrived unannounced.

BBC: Appealing to the people

21. It was at the end of a meeting he held with the visitor from Lebanon's parliament.

NPR: White House Reacts to Interrogation Claims

22. Mr.Obama praised his visitor as an honest and wise man, and accepted his offer.

VOA : standard.2009.11.25

23. Visitor Maria Hernandez said she heard five shots and saw the wounded security guard.

CNN: Obama urges vigilance against prejudice in shooting's wake

24. Mrs. Jones's powerful voice interrupted them, announcing a visitor.


25. I live with Him -- I see his face -- I go no more away For Visitor -- or Sundown-- Death's single privacy Dreams -- are well -- but Waking's better, If One wake at Morn -- If One wake at Midnight - better -- Dreaming -- of the Dawn -- This is my letter to the World That never wrote to me-- The simple News that Nature told-- With tender Majesty In those years, Dickinson seems to have found her "voice" as a poet.

VOA : special.2010.07.18

26. Patrol season dates are staggered to take visitor numbers into account and lifeguards have undergone training.

BBC: Lifeguards

27. He leads a visitor to the hillside where he and his family fled as the tsunami approached.

VOA : standard.2009.10.07

28. As well as exhibition space, the visitor centre will have a study area, shop and cafe.

BBC: 'Spitfire' building at Capel-le-Ferne approved

29. These directions have eluded many a lost visitor, but it is worth the hunt.

BBC: Tracing the coffee house revolution to its Ukrainian roots

30. This also results in a better visitor experience,he says.

VOA : special.2009.09.28

31. Dressed in a charcoal gray athletic outfit, Mallet wears special white cotton gloves gloves that every visitor receives before entering the exhibit.

VOA : standard.2010.02.16

32. The Association of Leading Visitor Attractions (Alva) said the London venue attracted 5.6 million visitors.

BBC: British Museum is the most visited UK attraction again

33. He was here at Yale as a visitor in the spring for many years.

有很多年的春天他都在耶鲁大学访学。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. About 20 Manning supporters demonstrated in the rain outside the visitor gate at Fort Meade.

NPR: Prosecutor: Manning Dumped Info Into Enemy Hands

35. But then I spot the Tea-Tox menu, designed for the very modern, health-conscious visitor.

FORBES: Classic Afternoon Tea & A Touch of Naughty: Brown's Hotel, London

36. Henry Torgl may be enjoying Detroit baseball and a beer, but questions about a special Friday visitor are on everyone's mind.

VOA : standard.2010.07.29

37. No one in Baltimore really wants to know the visitor's identity.

VOA : special.2009.02.02

38. A visitor has to resist the urge to jump in for a swim.

VOA : special.2009.09.21

39. If he passes customs unmolested, the visitor emerges into a crush of criminal-looking taxi drivers.

ECONOMIST: To understand contemporary Russia, consider its airports

40. One recent visitor said the Ellis Island immigration hall feels alive with the stories of people who left their native lands long ago to start a new life in a new country.

VOA : special.2009.06.29

41. Instead, it's a place that hopes to challenge a visitor's perception of reality and fantasy.

CNN: Mice on toast; eye-of-the-needle art

42. Stir yourself! We've got a visitor.


43. The council has said the centre is expensive to run and has falling visitor numbers.

BBC: Stocksbridge Leisure Centre survival plan handed over

44. We asked festival visitor Tonya from Beltsville,Maryland what brought her to the event.

VOA : special.2009.10.12

45. After their meetings at the White House, Mr.Obama took his Russian visitor to lunch at a hamburger restaurant near Washington.

VOA : standard.2010.06.24

46. The first thing that an American visitor notices is the public display of automatic weapons.

FORBES: Israel Looks at Tougher Gun Control Laws

47. "Unfortunately I don't think we'll ever get to meet the real ones, " one visitor told CNN.

CNN: Kate and William waxworks unveiled

48. Finally,he works in the Missoula visitor center during tourist season.

VOA : special.2010.07.16

49. The caterpillars are a rare visitor from southern England and have no natural predator.

BBC: Natural invasion causes health problems

50. Parks are hiring fewer seasonal employees this summer and cutting the hours at visitor centers.

WSJ: Look Out for Cutbacks at National Parks

51. Tourism industry officials expect visitor arrivals to fall to about one million less than had been expected, because of the protests.

VOA : standard.2010.04.12

52. Visitor numbers are strictly controlled.


53. The Pacific Asia Travel Association says the recovery had gathered momentum, with international visitor arrivals in the region increasing three percent in November compared with a year earlier.

VOA : standard.2010.02.04

54. A visitor still remembers the memory aid she learned long ago from her fifth-grade teacher.

VOA : special.2009.12.07

55. From the visitor center, you can drive about thirteen kilometers into the center of the dunes.

VOA : special.2010.01.04

56. He wrote that they wanted to tell interesting stories to a foreign visitor.

VOA : special.2010.01.17

57. The lodge offers accommodation for birdwatchers, or you can wander its paths as a day visitor.

BBC: Hot springs and hummingbirds in Ecuador

58. another cauldron visitor, Anne Lieke stated.

VOA : standard.2010.02.17

59. Monty greeted his visitor warmly.


60. His visitor's visa expired.


61. One visitor,a former Navy man,once said: "The only good thing about my fighting in the war was that I was too young to be terrified."

VOA : special.2009.05.25

62. In the fields, a walnut face under a conical coolie hat gazed at the foreign visitor.

BBC: Here be dragons

63. The Association of Thai Travel Agents said international visitor arrivals fell between 20 and 30 percent in March,when the protests began.

VOA : standard.2010.03.27

64. This is an exciting time for Dundee as it develops as a cultural visitor destination.

BBC: Verdant Works

65. After the last visitor had gone, Lincoln went to his office.

VOA : special.2009.10.08



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