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play play

  • adj. 赶时髦的;疯狂的;兴奋的;狂热的

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1. Turned On By Danger 急中生智

2. not turned on 关着的

3. Keep it turned on 我才充满激情

4. Turned on 反戈一击 ; 打开 ; 发动 ; 唱片名

5. You turned on the face 请你转过身来脸朝上 ; 您打开在脸上 ; 您打开了的脸 ; 请

6. Border Shroud is turned on 边界覆盖是开启的

7. He turned on the TV 一回到家

8. turned on or off 开启或关闭

9. God mode turned on 上帝模式开启


1. The states of power electronic devices in PWM converters which operated in current continuous mode ( CCM) are most severe. It requests that the PSS technology makes the power electronic devices turned-on or turned-off in soft-switching condition.


2. The cat suddenly turned on its trainer.


3. She turned on her elegantly shod heel.


4. You should light the gas as soon as it is turned on.


5. She pulled at his sleeve and he turned on her, fists clenching again before he saw who it was.


6. Quite unexpectedly he turned on his heel and walked out of the door.


7. He turned off the television and turned on the radio.


8. He turned on Pete and accused him of being mixed up in drugs.


9. She pulled at his sleeve and he turned on her, fists clenching again before he saw who it was.


10. He figured out that you're lonely, like most widows, and he turned on the charm.


11. He turned on the radio and fiddled with the knob until he got a talk show.


12. He just plonked himself down and turned on the TV.


13. Richard picked up the remote control and turned on the television.


14. I turned on my heels and started down the ramp only to be shoved, hard, by something.


15. He simply turned on his heel and walked away.


16. Why is the TV in the living unit of the boy on the second floor turned on?


17. Demonstrators turned on police, overturning vehicles and setting fire to them.


18. I'm sure we watched the nightly news, and then we turned on the film.


19. Goaded beyond endurance, she turned on him and hit out.


20. Sara turned on the TV.


21. I'm sure we watched the nightly news, and then we turned on the movie.


22. She went into the shower stall, turned on the water, and grabbed the soap.


23. In order to realize soft-switching, the diagonal pairs of switches of the bridge legs should stagger their turn-on instance, the early turned-on switches are called the leading switches, and the later turned-on switches are called the lagging switches as well.


24. The discussion turned on the need to raise standards.


25. In order to get some information, Mr. Smith turned on the battery powered radio.


26. After four weeks of rest, I walked into my empty classroom and turned on the lights.


27. The animal then turned on him and he was savaged to death.


28. She turned on her elegantly shod heel.


29. Alerted by a noise downstairs, he sat up and turned on the light.


30. Some apartment buildings don't have their heat turned on till the end of this week.


31. The dogs suddenly turned on each other.


32. Some of the students really turned on to these different courses.


33. He thought to himself, "This driver is just as dangerous as a speeder!" So he turned on his lights and pulled the driver over.


34. The machine will start running as soon as the electric current is turned on.


35. People had turned on the gas before and died; why shouldn't he?

以前曾有人开煤气自杀的, 他为什么不这样做 呢 ?《英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹》

36. Next, Jeff turned on the second stove burner to heat up the frying pan.


37. The car turned on the wet road and slipped into the fence.


38. I'm not turned on by modern pop music.


39. He sat down in the armchair and turned on the radio.


40. The tiger turned on the animal trainer.


41. I walk around the house with it even though it's not turned on.


42. She turned on the overhead light and looked around the little room.


43. He didn't reply. Instead, he turned on his heel and left the room.


44. John turned on the radio. The radio was turned on.


45. Goaded beyond endurance, she turned on him and hit out.


46. I turned on the stove.


47. These reactions influence how our genetic code is expressed: how each gene is strengthened or weakened, even turned on or off, to build our bones, brains and all the other parts of our bodies.



1. Having reneged on their Coalition agreement commitment to vote through the boundary changes, the Lib Dems would look pretty silly if they u-turned on their u-turn.

BBC: Reading the signs

2. Roy Sly, 53, was tortured and killed by friends who turned on him at his Westcliff-on-Sea flat in January, jurors at the Old Bailey were told.

BBC: Roy Sly murder trial: Old Bailey hears of 'torture'

3. Whereas traditional product development would involve making product decisions using business intuition and knowledge, Zynga turned decision-making on its head by hypothesis-driven product testing, quick analysis and agile roll-out based on how customers behaved.

FORBES: What is your organization's Analytics Maturity?

4. There was the summit on economic development where he turned the tables on growth-obsessed world leaders.

FORBES: Uncovering Bhutan, Land Of The Mountain Gods

5. Kiip also now has turned on self-serve for any app developer to connect to Kiip and start adding rewards to their apps.

FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

6. The steel mill he bought in 1989 was part of Ford's great River Rouge plant, where the father of mass-produced cars turned raw materials into vehicles on a single site -- transforming ore and rubber into finished cars (see box, p.122).

FORBES: Man of steel

7. It embodied perfectly the vacuousness of the race policy of an Administration that has U-turned twice on the landmark Piscataway case -- first joining, then opposing, then supporting again the suit of a white teacher fired to make room for a black colleague.

CNN: Viewpoint: Not Enough Conversation?

8. The gamblers and risk-takers turned south on the California Trail over the Sierra Nevada, ready to strike it big or not at all.

ECONOMIST: The people's will

9. On countless trips, I have inadvertently left my BlackBerry turned on, packed in the carry-on, above me in the storage bin.

ENGADGET: Editorial: Devices on planes -- either enforce the rules or change them

10. It's possible I've got my own--I have my sound turned on.

可能是,我这边的声音打开了关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. The Impeccable turned fire-hoses on one boat to stop her getting too close.

ECONOMIST: With an Impeccable sense of timing

12. "I think it's probably a watershed for the side now - everyone turned on Burley in the stand, " Tartan Army member Stevie Farmer said.

BBC: Storm clouds gather over Scots

13. But here in Warsaw, people were waiting for only one thing -an assurance that despite scrapping Bush-era plans for an antiballistic missile shield, the U.S.had not turned its back on Central Europe.

VOA : standard.2009.10.22

14. Pressure has been building for Windows 8 PCs to launch the familiar desktop view when turned on -- and to bring back the "start" button featured in the lower left corner of the screen in previous releases.

CNN: Microsoft prepares U-turn on Windows 8

15. It's especially gratifying that a front-drive car can be so easily U-turned on a two-lane street.

WSJ: 2012 Fiat 500C Cabrio Review: A Car That Can't FailNot for Lack of Trying | Rumble Seat by Dan Neil

16. One of the things that estrogen does when cells are exposed to estrogen is that certain genes get turned on that weren't turned on in the estrogen-free state.

雌激素的功能是,当细胞所处环境中有雌激素时,一些在雌激素不存在的条件下,无法表达基因就能够表达生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. It reminds me of another celebrity-turned-political-activist on the far-right fringe: Chuck Norris.

FORBES: Public Education Has Failed Chuck Norris (And Donald Trump, too!)

18. Recently his aides met with Sunni Arab tribal leaders who have turned on al-Qaida.

NPR: American Raid Follows Sadr's Return to Public Eye

19. Others who have turned on Al-Qaeda include the highly influential Egyptian idealogue, Dr Fadl, and the respected Saudi scholar, Sheikh Salman Al-Oudah.


20. Four months after Israel handed over Gaza - and northern Samaria - the Palestinians turned their backs on statehood altogether when they elected Hamas - an explicitly anti-nationalist, pan-Islamic movement that rejects Palestinians statehood - to lead them.


21. Four panicky days later, Jirbo junked the subscription model and turned to advertising--on the Jirbo site and embedded in games--for revenue.

FORBES: iPhone Apps In The Works

22. Erik Others got a bio saying--thanks, Erik-- the speaker was rather cold and then it turned out later on when they're asked for their impressions of the speaker people are very much biased by what they first assumed.

其他人拿到的简介…谢谢,把演讲者描述成很冷淡,结果后来发现,当问及这些人对演讲者有什么印象时,人们都受到第一印象的偏向。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. Automatic WiFi Security: The integrated router comes with wireless security turned on out-of-the-box, complete with a pre-configured network name and password, protecting home WiFi networks by default.

ENGADGET: Netgear D6300 mates 802.11ac WiFi with ADSL, risks one heck of a mismatch

24. Glass turned seventy-five on January 31st, and Carnegie Hall marked the occasion by presenting the first American performance of his Ninth Symphony, with the American Composers Orchestra, conducted by Dennis Russell Davies.

NEWYORKER: Number Nine

25. The first thing a Third World peasant farmer-turned-industrialist goes upscale on is his food.

FORBES: Ag Plays: The Beans or the Business?

26. The news comes 4.5 months after the Dallas-based carrier turned on its LTE network, becoming the first U.S. operator to offer the high-speed wireless service.

FORBES: MetroPCS Launches First LTE Android Phone, May Be First To Offer Voice-Over-LTE

27. Gaudier-Brzeska turned on him and snapped, "shut up, you understand nothing!"'

WSJ: Masterpiece: Jacob Epstein's Prophesy

28. In other words, the author, the traditional idea of the author -so much under suspicion in the work of Foucault and Barthes in the late sixties--can be turned on its ear.

换言之,有一种传统的看法就是对作者置之不理,六十年代晚期在福柯和巴特的,作品中有那么多疑点。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. It's a bit more-- to continue with the metaphor of the on-of switch-- as though not only is the switch turned to off, there's a lock on the switch.

要继续用开关的比喻-,就有点奇怪了-,似乎开关的上面,还有一个锁定装置。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. Genes are being turned off, genes are being turned on." That's Neurobiologist David Clayton from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is one of the lead researchers in an international team that has sequenced and analyzed the genome of the zebra finch.

VOA : standard.2010.04.05

31. For instance, in the past several years, scientists have come to understand that a particular gene signature--a pattern of genes that are turned on and off--can be a powerful contributor to the disease Lupus, which causes swollen joints, fevers and rashes.

FORBES: Genentech's Next Act

32. He was a favorite guest on "The Tonight Show" -- particularly in the early '60s when Jack Paar hosted it -- and turned up on the game show "The Hollywood Squares, " Dean Martin's celebrity roasts and countless variety shows.

CNN: Comedian Jonathan Winters dies at 87

33. But Bratic was constantly aware and alert, knowing about the increasing problem of "green-on-blue" attacks in which Afghans have turned their guns on their U.S. trainers and fellow Afghan soldiers.

CNN: Single mom fought alongside combat troops in Afghanistan

34. Other options are very handy, like the option to have the Echo take you directly to Recorded TV when it is turned on -- rather than the main menu, which is the default in Media Center.

ENGADGET: Ceton Echo Windows Media Center Extender review HD

35. In addition to their unconvincing experiment with short-selling, regulators have turned on credit-default swaps (CDS), contracts which insure against default.

ECONOMIST: Speculators

36. It conjures up images of giant Keynesian taps being turned on - gushing out more good taxpayer money after bad.

BBC: Europe: The big debate

37. Elsewhere they point to Anbar province, a formerly violent insurgent stronghold where Sunni sheikhs have turned on al-Qaeda.

ECONOMIST: Iraq's oil: Oil on troubled waters | The









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