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英 [ɔːˈtɒnəməsli]play美 [ɔːˈtɑːnəməsli]play

  • adv. 自治地;独立自主地

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. learning autonomously 自主学习

2. autonomously replicationg vector 自主复制载体 ; 自立复制载体

3. autonomously practice 自主实践

4. autonomously replicating sequence 自主复制序列 ; 复制序列

5. Going autonomously 自主行走

6. to develop autonomously 自主开发

7. autonomously replicating sequences 自主复制顺序

8. autonomously folding unit 自动折叠单位

9. Study autonomously 自主学习


1. Services that can improve themselves autonomously.


2. Therefore in recognized when penalty first must follow litigant's meaning autonomously.


3. When one seriously studies the social orders that have had the opportunity to develop autonomously.


4. This allows laptops to autonomously route packets between themselves in a peer-to-peer network (without the need for a separate router).


5. From corporate, every division got whatever it needed --- money, factories, sales forces _ to operate autonomously.

从该办公室, 各个部门得到任何所需资源 -- 资金, 工厂, 营销人员等以独立运作.《互联网》

6. Proving that you can teach an old rover new tricks, NASA recently unveiled this image--the first taken autonomously by the Mars rover Opportunity.

美国宇航局近期公布了这张由火星漫游者罗孚自主拍摄的照片。 这是教会老罗孚玩新把戏最好的证明。

7. The QC - RS can operate autonomously or by remote control.


8. It's very hard to be the person autonomously responsible for decision that costs pain to colleagues and community.


9. The robots travel down the aisles autonomously, picking up boxes and leaving empty ones so production can be resumed.

于是机器人就会自动行进到走道相应位置,搬运走满载的零件箱,并留下空的零件箱。 接着生产过程就会继续进行。

10. Rule Base Based Motion Planning Method for Inspection Robot to Cross Obstacles Autonomously


11. Applications can autonomously balance between data consistency and system performance, and dynamically adjust data consistency level.


12. Mobile agent can migrate autonomously among the heterogeneous networks.


13. In this state, machines could autonomously operate and reproduce.


14. Flowers of A . yabeana can self - pollinate autonomously , which occurs in middle of receptive period.

华北耧斗菜具有自动授粉机制, 授粉发生在柱头可授中期.《互联网》

15. Research of the Experimental Mode of Starting a Business On-line Autonomously


16. Porfiri says he wants to programme his robot fish to work autonomously without human control.


17. And it can operate autonomously with targets orientation under the control of the computer.


18. A New English Curriculum-Based Study on Strategies for Promoting Senior High School Students to Learn English Autonomously


19. Stimulate Learners to Study Autonomously, Guarantee the Quality of Teaching and Learning


20. Mobile agent can migrate autonomously among the heterogeneous network.


21. Using a shipboard-configured phased-array antenna, the MILES autonomously acquired and tracked moving ground and unmanned aerial vehicle targets.


22. The English students in open education program of the Radio and TV Universities should make the modern distance education system in a full play and study English autonomously and actively.


23. For a robot to work autonomously, it has to understand its environment.


24. Robots can be controlled autonomously or by a PC and connected to electric power supply.


25. Already, the systems we rely on in our daily lives are being given the capacity to operate autonomously.


26. The Company shall conduct its business as an independent economic entity and will operate autonomously.


27. This amazing bionic bird can take-off, fly, and land autonomously.


28. An Inquiry into the Teaching Strategies of Making Students Study Autonomously


29. Clinical analysis on 104 patients with autonomously functioning thyroid nodule


30. Self-directed learners do not always act autonomously or independently.


31. Brazil's armed forces are balkanised, with each service acting autonomously.

巴西的武装部队各自为政, 每个部队都自我管理.《互联网》

32. Being able to operate autonomously in lunar orbit will be a key factor in Orion being able to support longer missions.


33. The plants are closed and jobs move to Asia, autonomously to China, or not China.


34. The more autonomously the workers can perform their operations, the less the Terracotta server needs to manage across the multiple JVM's.


35. With the help of path planning, the AUV can avoid the obstacle autonomously.

此外,因为具有了路径规划能力, 水下机器人能够自治式绕过障碍物.《互联网》

36. Trough the systematic training, they can apply the strategies consciously and autonomously to their writing practice.


37. Machine learning algorithms are being developed that allow robots and computers to learn autonomously.


38. The QC-RS can operate autonomously or by remote control. QC-RS


39. On the Cultivation of Students' Ability to Autonomously Learn in the Open Long-distance Education


40. The methods to find the useful subgoal autonomously in the two different environments are studied.


41. They follow the basic premise that their people may operate completely autonomously, as long as they operate correctly.


42. The polar nuclei autonomously developed into endosperm without fertilization and the egg apparatus ultimately degenerated.


43. But the university is also an academic organization, advocating academic freedom and operating autonomously.


44. In addition, developing learning strategies can benefit the students by developing their abilities to study autonomously.


45. The opportunity to work autonomously?


46. To learn autonomously in the network environment is totally new to students.


47. Pepper can analyze facial expressions, human voice tones and gestures, then react autonomously through algorithms, its creators say.


48. The script files for upstart work similar to the traditional rc init files, except that they operate autonomously based on asynchronous events.

upstart 使用的脚本文件的工作方式类似与传统的 rc init 文件,它们是基于异步事件自发操作的。

49. How can architecture autonomously grow and expand when it is not constructed with living materials?


50. The coordination of motion level is implemented by robots autonomously.


51. Still, other regions tend to operate more autonomously.

然而, 在其他地区倾向于更多地靠自律来运营.《互联网》

52. Objective To improve the diagnosis and treatment of patients with autonomously functioning thyroid nodule ( AFTN ).

目的提高对自主功能性甲状腺结节 ( AFTN ) 的诊断与治疗水平.《互联网》

53. Tools that can run autonomously are available through various software vendors or through open source software channels.


54. Home automation allows not only to execute orders to increase comfort, but can also act autonomously to achieve greater energy efficiency.


55. With virtual machines running autonomously in the cloud, that is out of the question.


56. Robots and computers are often act autonomously , that is, without human intervention.

机器人和计算机通常是自动的,也就是说, 不需要人类的干预.《互联网》

57. Objective to improve the diagnosis and treatment of patients with autonomously functioning thyroid nodule (AFTN).


58. We agreed that "acting autonomously" might be a better reflection of the theme.


59. Developing drones able to fight autonomously in high-end combat will make them much more expensive and much less expendable.


60. It encourages students to learn autonomously and to take the results seriously.


61. The onboard lower computer board is designed and developed autonomously.


62. In this way, each store can act autonomously.


63. It involves implanting a biological network that regulates the uric acid levels autonomously.


64. The development of active interfaces that autonomously perform tasks minimizing the interaction with the user;


65. Anxiety about Students' Ability of Learning Autonomously in Open Education



1. "Doctors are wary of changes that reduce their ability to act autonomously, " says Berwick.

FORBES: Medical Technology

2. Furthermore, the DGAEA will be equipped with printing facilities to enable support materials to be produced autonomously.

UNESCO: Country Profile: Cape Verde

3. Despite interlocking financings and other relationships, the two businesses run more or less autonomously.

FORBES: Cru Rio Grande

4. Fourth, there is little likelihood that emerging technologies will enable unmanned aircraft to become autonomously capable and survivable in the near future.

FORBES: The Revolution In Unmanned Aircraft Is Overrated

5. The region is run semi-autonomously from the Republic of Iraq's central government, affording the KP-I the right to amend any national legislation that falls outside the federal authorities' exclusive powers.

CNN: Iraqi Kurds head to the polls

6. But they agreed that robots that can kill autonomously are either already here or will be soon.

FORBES: I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords

7. Unlike many large fixed-wing drones, which are flown under remote control by ground-based pilots, a modified K-MAX flies autonomously along a programmed course using GPS to navigate via specified way points.

ECONOMIST: Autonomous helicopters

8. The U.S. military has many hundreds of thousands of hours of experience flying remotely or autonomously controlled Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS).

FORBES: Pilot-Optional Flight Is Closer Than You Think

9. That'd be no big deal, perhaps, were it not for rival NVIDIA's benchmark-stealing GeForce GTX 680, which autonomously adjusts its clock speed on the fly and easily hits 1.2GHz under the right conditions.

ENGADGET: AMD Radeon HD 7970 could get 'GHz Edition', put the hurtz on NVIDIA

10. Platypus' proprietary app helps control the boat autonomously, using the handset's camera to provide situational awareness.

ENGADGET: Platypus airboats have a Nexus S for a brain, we go eyes-on (video)

11. Still, he has laid out plans to revert Citi back to the "silo" model, which calls for the bank's operating units to run more autonomously while supporting functions, like legal and IT, become more centralized.

FORBES: What Would Dimon Do?

12. Branches are often run almost autonomously, so a merger serves as a convenient excuse to centralise.

ECONOMIST: Consolidation beckons for Japan's retail icons

13. The SPHERES had to perform all of those tasks autonomously, just as spacecraft would, once an ISS astronaut activated their code.

MSN: High schoolers control satellites aboard space station

14. Building on technology used in the Roomba, the RP-VITA can travel autonomously to a specific room or even follow a patient, rerouting based on obstacles.

FORBES: Invasion Of The Machines: iRobot Hunts Bombs, Cleans Floors, Now Wants To Heal You

15. At the moment it is tiny and may not look like much, but in future it could form the basis for a real-life Transformer robot, autonomously reconfiguring itself to perform different tasks.

BBC: Future tech: Smart fabrics and other forecasts

16. The plane must be able to operate autonomously in some warfighting scenarios.

FORBES: Air Force Wants A Bomber That Balances Cost With Capability

17. Each operating unit runs autonomously and is based as close as possible to its customers.

FORBES: The Best Of The Best

18. This requires all state firms to act autonomously and adopt capitalist management and accounting, but without privatisation or adoption of other market mechanisms.

ECONOMIST: Cuba and the United States

19. "The Holy Grail is a vehicle that can drive itself and park itself and charge itself autonomously, " says Prof Larson.

BBC: What if a robot drove your car?

20. Woot HQ will remain in Carrollton, Texas, and will operate as autonomously as other Amazon companies like Zappos and Audible.

FORBES: Amazon Acquires Deal Site Woot

21. We'll leave the rumours to everyone else, and make our decisions autonomously.

BBC: A new Scottish airline?

22. a highly decentralized company, with each of its subsidiaries operating autonomously


23. The shell of state sovereignty protects them from outside intervention, but state weakness gives them space to operate autonomously.

ECONOMIST: Failed states: Fixing a broken world | The

24. Actions are usually taken by small groups of people, acting autonomously, and e-mailing or faxing results to people like Vlasak, who publicize the results.

CNN: Domestic terror: Who's most dangerous?

25. The vote is technically a Resolution of Witness and does not set policy for the 5, 700 member churches worldwide which operate autonomously.

NPR: Church Endorses Same-Sex Marriage

26. These are the four-propellor flying machines that utilize statistical learning techniques and artificial intelligence to fly autonomously.

FORBES: Will Hoverbikes Be More Important Than Tacocopters?

27. It maps its own environment and uses an array of sophisticated sensors to autonomously move about a busy space without interfering with people or other objects.

ENGADGET: FDA approves iRobot RP-VITA telepresence robot for use in hospitals

28. The atrocity at Halabja scarred the collective memory of Iraqi Kurds and hardened their determination to run their own affairs autonomously within a loose Iraqi federation, our correspondent says.

BBC: Iraqi Kurds mark 25 years since Halabja gas attack

29. So if I am in the same room with both devices, the keyboard turns off connection with the iPad and autonomously connects with it.

FORBES: Time to Update Bluetooth

30. Since these algorithms operate autonomously, manufacturers can independently tune them to achieve desired product performance.

ENGADGET: DLP's IntelliBright tech promises brighter pico projection at no extra power

31. The helicopters are monitored as they fly autonomously to a forward operating base, where a marine controller on the ground takes over using a portable device to direct the drop.

ECONOMIST: Autonomous helicopters







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