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英 [ˈnɒnˌrezɪˈdenʃəl]play美 [ˌnɑːnrezɪˈdenʃl]play

  • adj. 非住宅的;非居住的

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nonresidential /ˌnɒnrɛzɪˈdɛnʃəl/

  • 1.
    形容词 not suitable or allocated for residence 非居住的

    nonresidential areas


1. nonresidential islands 无居民海岛

2. Nonresidential Buildings 非住宅建筑物

3. nonresidential fixed investment 非卓固定资产投资

4. Nonresidential purposes 非住宅用途

5. nonresidential construction 非民用建筑

6. nonresidential structures 非居住用建筑物

7. nonresidential function 非居住功能

8. nonresidential area 非居民区

9. nonresidential building 非居住建筑物 ; 非居住用建筑物


1. The commercial or nonresidential areas of a town; community colleges are typically nonresidential.


2. After that, from the view of functional orientation, from two aspects of the macro view and the tiny view, thesis discusses respectively the necessity and the feasibility of nonresidential modernization pattern application in traditional courtyard space.


3. Community colleges are typically nonresidential.


4. A nonresidential junior college offering a curriculum fitted to the needs of the community.


5. Lessors of Nonresidential Buildings (except Mini-warehouses) : 11.3%.


6. Real spending on private nonresidential construction increased 8.4% in 2006 and 13.1% in 2007.


7. Renewal of the period of time for the right to the use of land for nonresidential construction shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of law.


8. Exploitation issues and status of the nonresidential islands in Fujian Province


9. Commercial real estate faces its own reckoning. When the housing market began to fade at the end of 2005, it kicked off a boom in nonresidential construction.


10. Business spending on equipment and software is rising, though less rapidly than earlier in the year, while investment in nonresidential structures continues to be weak.


11. Products damaged by applying to other nonresidential softening and filtering.


12. Activity faces stiff headwinds from the nonresidential and residential construction sectors.


13. Geographer have long been interested in explaining urban spatial structure, i.e., the location and density of residential and nonresidential activities in urban areas and their spatial linkage relations.


14. This is consistent with the story that residential construction activity is bottoming out, but that nonresidential has much further to fall.



1. The revisions offset each other, continuing the recent pattern in which the slowdown in housing is being offset by the pickup in nonresidential construction.

FORBES: What I Learned In Boston

2. What has happened is that an increasingly uncompetitive corporate tax rate has suppressed nonresidential investment as a percent of GDP, and our unstable dollar has caused much capital investment to be misdirected and wasted.

FORBES: Memo To Tyler Cowen: A Lack Of New Ideas Is Not The Problem

3. Nonresidential construction companies analyzed by Sageworks posted an average sales increase of about 10 percent in 2011, marking the sixth year out of the last seven in which nonresidential builders outperformed privately held residential builders.

FORBES: Private nonresidential building trends improve

4. Hundreds of billions of dollars worth of precious capital was diverted from nonresidential assets (which produce a 48% GDP return and support jobs) to residential assets (which return 7% and create no jobs).

FORBES: The Mystery Of Income Inequality Broken Down To One Simple Chart

5. Even homebuilding is done with nonresidential assets (e.g, tools).

FORBES: Obama Beat A Mitt Romney Seemingly Desperate To Lose

6. Manufacturing and commercial construction projects have been some of the biggest drivers of nonresidential construction over the last year, according to the Associated General Contractors of America, a trade group.

FORBES: Private nonresidential building trends improve

7. Nonresidential structures decreased 4.4 percent, in contrast to an increase of 0.6 percent.

FORBES: U.S. GDP At 2%, Economy Continues On Treadmill

8. Meanwhile construction of new hotels, roads, offices and factories-the nonresidential projects that account for 90% of United's business-is likely to improve.

FORBES: Pays the Rent

9. Private nonresidential construction is up 12.7% in the past year, and lodging construction (hotels) has surged 51%.

FORBES: Dog Day Good News

10. Household spending has flattened out, investment in nonresidential structures is still weak, and the housing sector remains depressed.

FORBES: FOMC Takes Markets For A Wild Ride

11. The U.S. economy produces a reliable 48% GDP return on nonresidential assets.

FORBES: Let's Finance Supply-Side Tax Cuts With Laffer Shares

12. Importantly, it is nonresidential assets that drive employment, productivity, and wages.

FORBES: U.S. Unemployment: Our Long Economic Nightmare Continues

13. Business spending on equipment and software, the FOMC said, has risen significantly, though investment in nonresidential structures is declining and employers remain reluctant to add to payrolls.


14. Construction is 2.1% undervalued with nonresidential real estate construction down 21.7% year over year.

FORBES: Handicapping Dell, HD, Wal-Mart And HPQ

15. Nonresidential construction is expected to grow 11% this year, says Reed.

FORBES: Solid Foundation

16. He thinks new nonresidential construction activity will progress much more slowly and unevenly this year, offering less demand for workers than residential.

FORBES: As Construction Begins Rebound, Looming Labor Shortages Raise Concern

17. The BEA numbers show that the economy is not doing as good a job of converting gross investment into net increases in nonresidential assets as it used to.

FORBES: U.S. Unemployment: Our Long Economic Nightmare Continues

18. It is clear that something has gone wrong with the way that the economy builds its stock of nonresidential assets.

FORBES: U.S. Unemployment: Our Long Economic Nightmare Continues

19. Productive jobs exist because of nonresidential assets.

FORBES: Obama Beat A Mitt Romney Seemingly Desperate To Lose

20. The GDP return on residential assets is only 7%, compared with 48% for nonresidential assets.

FORBES: Memo To Tyler Cowen: A Lack Of New Ideas Is Not The Problem

21. Commercial, industrial and other nonresidential builders have also seen some margins strengthen slightly.

FORBES: Private nonresidential building trends improve

22. Real nonresidential fixed investment decreased 1.3 percent in the third quarter, in contrast to an increase of 3.6 percent in the second.

FORBES: U.S. GDP At 2%, Economy Continues On Treadmill

23. Meanwhile, it says that business spending on equipment and software is rising, though notes that investment in nonresidential structures continues to be weak and employers remain reluctant to add to payrolls.

FORBES: U.S. Economy

24. Real nonresidential fixed investment, however, declined 2.2 percent after increasing 3.6 percent in the second.

FORBES: The Revised Third Quarter GDP--Better, But Not By Much

25. Negative drivers were negative contributions from private inventory investment, federal government spending and exports, partially offset by personal consumption expenditures, nonresidential fixed investment and residential fixed investment.

FORBES: What Guru Investors Are Doing with Gold

26. Nonresidential builders posted a 14.3 percent gain over the last 12 months.

FORBES: From Floor to Ceiling, Construction Companies Growing

27. Investment in nonresidential structures (such as office buildings, factories, and retail space) should also continue to expand, although not at the unusually rapid pace of 2006.

NPR: Bernanke: U.S. Growth 'Moderate' as Inflation Rises

28. We note that nonresidential construction, even with the jump in the second quarter, is still near its all-time low relative to GDP, so gains there should continue, given the high levels of liquidity in the economy.

FORBES: What I Learned In Boston

29. Nevertheless, nonresidential construction companies have been a major contributor to the overall industry growth in the last year or so, according to an analysis of private-company financial statements by Sageworks Inc.

FORBES: Private nonresidential building trends improve



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