
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈsiːz(ə)n]play美 [ˈsiːz(ə)n]play

  • n. 季节;(某种特殊气候的)季;(某种活动或事件发生的)时期;体育赛季;(水果、蔬菜等的)当令期,上市期;度假旺季,法定假期;(一年中时装、发型等的)流行期;(一系列新的电视剧、戏剧等的)播出期,上映期;发情期;(英国上流社会的)社交活动时节(the season);<古>适当的时机;<古>某时,一段时间
  • v. 加调料,给……调味;给……增添趣味;使(木材)风干,晒干(木材);变干燥

复数 seasons 第三人称单数 seasons 现在分词 seasoning 过去式 seasoned 过去分词 seasoned

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


season /ˈsiːzən/ CET4 TEM4 [ seasoning seasoned seasons ]

  • 1.
    可数名词 The seasons are the main periods into which a year can be divided and which each have their own typical weather conditions. (一年中有某典型天气状况的) 季

    Autumn is my favourite season.



    ...the only region of Brazil where all four seasons are clearly defined.


  • 2.
    可数名词 You can use season to refer to the period during each year when a particular activity or event takes place. For example, the planting season is the period when a particular plant or crop is planted. (一年中某活动或事件发生的) 季节

    ...birds arriving for the breeding season.


  • 3.
    可数名词 You can use season to refer to the period when a particular fruit, vegetable, or other food is ready for eating and is widely available. (水果、蔬菜或其他食物的) 当季期

    The plum season is about to begin.


  • 4.
    可数名词 You can use season to refer to a fixed period during each year when a particular sport is played or when a particular activity is allowed. (一年中某体育比赛或某活动被允许的) 季节

    ...the baseball season.



    Deer hunting season is only a couple of weeks long.


  • 5.
    可数名词 A season is a period in which a play or show, or a series of plays or shows, is performed in one place. (戏剧、演出的) 上演期

    ...a season of three new plays.


  • 6.
    可数名词 A season of movies is several of them shown as a series because they are connected in some way. (影片的) 连续上映期

    ...a brief season of films in which Artaud appeared.


  • 7.
    可数名词 The holiday or vacation season is the time when most people take their holiday. (多数人休假的) 时期

    ...the peak holiday season.


  • 8.
    及物动词 If you season food with salt, pepper, or spices, you add them to it in order to improve its flavour. 给 (食物) 调味

    Season the meat with salt and pepper.


  • 9.
    →see also   seasoned seasoning
  • 10.
    习语 If a female animal is in season, she is in a state where she is ready to have sex. (雌性动物) 在发情期

    There are a few ideas around on how to treat fillies and mares in season.




  • adj.

    seasonal 季节的;周期性的;依照季节的

    seasoned 经验丰富的;老练的;调过味的

    seasonable 应时的;合时的;适合于季节的

  • adv.

    seasonably 合时令地;应时地

    seasonally 季节性地;周期性地

  • n.

    seasoning 调味品;佐料;风干;增添趣味的东西

    seasonableness 合时宜;合季节

    seasoner 调味品;调味的人;使用调味物的人



1. SEASON WIND 季候风 ; 季节风 ; 季风 ; 时令风

2. cold season 冷季;寒季

3. regular season 常规赛;季赛

4. rainy season 雨季

5. winter season 冬季

6. festive season 欢乐季节

7. Hunting Season 狩猎季节 ; 第一季

8. summer season 夏季

9. out of season 过时;不合时宜;失去时机

10. Rhino Season 犀牛季节 ; 犀牛的季节

11. peak season 旺季

12. christmas season 圣诞节节日

13. breeding season 繁殖期;繁殖季节;生殖季

14. hot season n. 炎热的季节

15. season ticket 长期票;月票

16. dry season 枯水季节;干旱期

17. busy season 旺季

18. off season 淡季;非生产季节

19. Open Season 打猎季节 ; 狩猎季节 ; 森林反恐队 ; 片

20. in season 应时的;当令

21. wet season 雨季 ; 湿季 ; 丰水季

22. growing season 生长期,生育期;生长季节

23. low season 淡季

24. flood season 汛期,洪水期;洪水季节

25. for a season 一会儿


1. Hotels are cheaper out of season.


2. This weekend's scheduled coronation is also being stalked by the political season.


3. Would you like to have assorted fresh fruit in season?

您想来一个时令新鲜水果拼盘 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

4. The team has taken a few beatings this season.


5. The female changes colour during the breeding season.


6. ...a season of three new plays.

3 部新戏剧的上演期《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

7. His form this season has been brilliant.


8. I believe in seasoning food before putting it on the table.


9. Season, recording the seasonal section of order books, mostly in the scope of today's agricultural meteorology.

时令, 记录有关时令节序的书, 多属今天的农业气象学范围.《期刊摘选》

10. (North Amercian English)the holiday season (= the time of Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas and New Year)


11. The team chalked up their tenth win this season.


12. For law students, autumn brings the recruiting season.


13. There are discos and clubs but these are often closed out of season.


14. It's open season on smokers, I say.


15. Season the lamb with garlic.


16. Cherries are now in season.


17. ...the baseball season...


18. The early spring season, Professor Yin in the family has increased a lovable youngest sister.

初春季节, 尹教授家里又增添了一个可爱的小妹妹.《期刊摘选》

19. Beat the egg and add Seasoning 2.


20. Carnival is a traditional time of celebration before the Christian season of Lent.


21. Does it rain very much in this season.


22. Boil the soup and add mixed vegetables, season with salt . Transfer the soup to the bowl.

鱼汤煮至滚,加入杂菜粒, 以盐调味,盛起.《期刊摘选》

23. The team crashed to their worst defeat this season.


24. Strawberries in season now.


25. During the flood season, the river overruns its banks for several miles.

在洪水季节, 河水从几英里的提岸溢出.《期刊摘选》

26. Add preserved shrimp paste and coconut milk. Cook until the sauce thickens. Season with salt . Serve.

下虾酱和椰汁, 煮至汁料浓稠, 下盐调味,即可品尝.《期刊摘选》

27. His haul of 40 goals in a season is a record.


28. They will open the new season with a performance of 'Carmen'.


29. United were league champions last season.


30. The team is experiencing a mid-season wobble.


31. No matter what season, lemons are a good choice.

不管在什么季节, 柠檬都是一种很好的选择.《期刊摘选》

32. Season with salt as the last step otherwise the egg white will not set.


33. The play opens for a second season in London next week.


34. How many goals has he missed this season?


35. The type of vegetable seed delivered to farmers was inappropriate for the particular season.


36. The cash dividends they get from the cash crop would sustain them during the lean season.


37. And when the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from him for a season.

当魔鬼结束所有的诱惑后, 他暂时离开了耶稣.《期刊摘选》

38. Tonight's game has attracted the largest gate of the season.


39. The British plum season is well under way.


40. Season the meat with salt and pepper...


41. The team enjoyed only moderate success last season.


42. There aren't any fresh peaches; they're just out of season.

没有新鲜桃子了, 时令已过.《期刊摘选》

43. Fresh water shrimp as material is enzymolyzed to produce shrimp juice and soap powder as seasoning.


44. Rabbits will soon be in season.


45. Do you have fresh fruits in season?

你们有新鲜的时令水果 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

46. Survival over dry seasons was mainly as immature stages.


47. Last season, Dutch midfielder Edgar Davids filled the gap but was constantly and narrowed Spurs'attacks.

上个, 荷兰籍中场埃德嘉·戴维兹暂时弥补了这个位置,但是他常常内切导致了热刺的进攻比较局限性.《期刊摘选》

48. Reflection for the behavior dropping the sauce and seasoning.


49. We have fresh fruit in season such as strawberry, pineapple, banana and so on.

我们有新鲜的时令果品,如草莓 、 菠萝 、 香蕉等.《期刊摘选》

50. This period corresponds with the liturgical season of Christmas.


51. ...birds arriving for the breeding season...


52. Grouses are not in season until 12 th August.


53. She has played with great consistency all season.


54. Walter seasoned beef with curry.


55. Ensure that new wood has been seasoned.


56. (British English)the holiday season


57. Now British asparagus is in season.


58. Fish sauce is a commonly used seasoning in Teochew cuisine.


59. Winter is traditionally the dead season for the housing market.


60. Organic farming cultivates crops in appropriate season, which is more natural.

有机耕作因时而作,出产的皆为时令蔬菜, 绝不冬菜夏种,更为自然.《期刊摘选》

61. Wash drumstick, drain. Add seasoning to marinate for 15 to 20 minutes.

先将鸡槌洗净沥乾, 然后加入调味料腌约15至20分钟.《期刊摘选》

62. I recommend you a plate of assorted fresh fruits in season.


63. What she said was partly true, although with a few spices added for seasoning.

她的话一部分是真的, 加上许多调味的作料.《期刊摘选》

64. It seems to be open season on teachers now.


65. Claudio Ribeiro de Almeida , is a migrant worker who only works here during the harvest season.


66. They finished the season at the head of their league.


67. The Golden Bears have lost three games this season.


68. ...a brief season of films in which Artaud appeared.


69. And the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from him for a season.

13魔鬼用完了各样的试探, 就暂时离开耶稣.《期刊摘选》

70. This meat should be seasoned with salt and mustard.


71. Dear friends, do you know anything about stock , chicken powder and chicken juice seasoning?

朋友, 您可知道什么是鸡精 、 鸡粉、鸡汁调味料 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

72. People always come into your life: for a reason, a season, and a lifetime.

人们走进你的生活,或者是为了一个原因, 或者他们只停留一段时期, 或者他们永远与你相随.《期刊摘选》

73. The team need to get in trim for the coming season.


74. With the arrival of summer, car repair maintenance also entered for the special season seasonal characteristics.

随着夏天的到来, 汽车维修保养也进入了针对时令特点的特殊时节.《期刊摘选》

75. We need extra help during the peak season.


76. The normal cyclone season extends from December to April.


77. The basketball team have have a heyday this season.


78. Marinate snow fungus with seasoning for half an hour.


79. These planting schemes create a seasonal rotation, showcasing the blooming cycles of each season.

这些种植方案体现的是季节变换, 在这里人们可以看到各种应季植物各彰其彩.《期刊摘选》

80. For a while, the season keeps moving at a slow pace.

暂时, 收获季节还是慢一步.《期刊摘选》

81. In different seasons and different time periods, surface and upper air meteorological factors play different roles.

在不同季节、不同时期, 地面和高空气象因子作用是不同的.《期刊摘选》

82. Season with a little sea salt and grated pepper.


83. He's been off all season with a groin injury.


84. ...the Royal Ballet's summer season.


85. Falling leaves of the season, I was cold a seed planted in soil.

树叶飘零的季节, 我在冰凉的泥土里埋下一粒种子.《期刊摘选》

86. Because we have done the hard work, we are entering a season of hope.

因为我们已经完成了艰难的工作, 我们正在进入一个充满希望的时期.《期刊摘选》

87. Farmers all over the globe knowinging the importance and immutability the seasons.


88. Takings at the pier have dropped off this season.


89. The wedding season is upon us.


90. They were promoted to the First Division last season.


91. The hotels are always full during the peak season (= when most people are on holiday/vacation) .


92. This requires different treatments according to climate, latitude, and season.

这要根据不同地区气候 、 纬度 、 季节,区别对待.《期刊摘选》

93. The cost of out of season flowers can double or even treble!


94. Grouse will soon be in season again.


95. Toss all ingredients and season with salt and pepper.


96. The team has notched up 20 goals already this season.


97. Autumn's my favourite season.


98. A dream season, I the track, gently come back.

如梦季节, 我,寻着旧迹, 轻轻归来.《期刊摘选》

99. As tax season approaches this year, even more people may resort to cheating.

今年的报税季节将近, 以致更多的人会选择偷税漏税.《期刊摘选》

100. They finished the season at the top of the league.


101. Would you like to have an assorted fresh fruit in season?

您想来一客时令新鲜水果拼盘 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

102. Geyser is a seasonal seasons spring, it Chunsheng, summer rose, autumn wang , dry winter.

间歇泉是一个四季分明的时令泉, 它春生 、 夏涨 、 秋旺、冬枯.《期刊摘选》

103. This season's fashions focus on warm tones and soft lines.


104. He has netted 21 goals so far this season.


105. This is the season when birds pair off.


106. In a pot , combine onions , garlic , carrots, chicken and thyme. Season with salt and pepper.

一口大锅,扔近洋葱, 蒜头, 胡萝卜还有百里香到里面, 加海盐和胡椒进去调味.《期刊摘选》

107. As a way of land reserve, it include fallow by year , by season and crop rotation.

土地休耕是土地储备的一种方式, 包括年度休耕,季节性休耕、轮作休耕等.《期刊摘选》

108. He scored his first goal of the season on Saturday.


109. He likes to eat mutton which was seasoned with garlic.


110. It is his first race this season.


111. People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.

人们会为某种目的, 为某个时期或为整个人生来介入你的生活.《期刊摘选》

112. Strachan is training for the new season.


113. After our bad start to the season we were always playing catch-up.


114. It is not in season.


115. Heat two tablespoons oil. Add seasoning and all ingredients. Bring to boil and pour the sauce.

下油二汤匙, 加调味及粉丝、冬菇、笋、木耳、银耳、面筋煮滚,埋芡即可.《期刊摘选》

116. Season with more salt, to taste , and serve .

用盐做最终调味, 上桌 啰.《期刊摘选》

117. Because autumn is the season of harvest and spring sowing girl hopes of the harvest it!


118. Then check the consistency and seasoning.


119. The menu varies with the season.


120. This is quite in accord with the season.


121. They were to visit a cousin for a season in hopes that Tatyana would become Betrothed.

她们准备在一位老姑母家逗留一段时期,希望在那儿能解决达吉雅娜的订婚问题.《英汉 - 翻译样例 - 文学》

122. Forced strawberries can be found at the market in season or out of season.


123. The team's opponents are unbeaten so far this season.


124. ...the peak holiday season...


125. Mix in seasoning. Sprinkle over cucumber, pera , carrot, dried beancurd, soy bean sprouts and sesame. Serve.

拌入调味料, 撒上青瓜 、 雪梨 、 红萝卜 、 豆干 、 芽菜及芝麻, 即可食用.《期刊摘选》

126. The changing seasons mark the passing of time.


127. We have fresh fruit in season such as strawberries, pineapples and bananas.

我们有新鲜的时令果品,如草莓 、 菠萝、香蕉等等.《期刊摘选》

128. Autumn is my favourite season.


129. Pumpkin, Soya Bean Fibre, Starch, Vegetable Oil, Seaweed, Vegetarian Seasoning.

南瓜, 大豆纤维, 淀粉, 蔬菜油, 紫菜, 素食调味料.《期刊摘选》

130. Only then can they to survive the cruel season to come.


131. Season the chicken with salt, garlic and scallions.

用食盐 、 大蒜、葱给鸡块调味.《期刊摘选》

132. It can quickly be processed special flavorous and genuine mutton's chafing dish supplemented season wrap.


133. Her technique has improved a lot over the past season.


134. The ball was the highlight of the London season.


135. Which is the best season in Weihai?


136. The team was beset by injury all season.


137. They have not had a win so far this season.


138. The team wanted to get revenge for their defeat earlier in the season.


139. Using the flex to control switch of the seasoning set, Can make It'sealed.


140. New Jersey swept Detroit last season.


141. Some birds migrate as season changes.


142. The female changes colour during the breeding season .


143. We are conscious of the alternation of seasons.


144. Season in reincarnation, the spring breeze off the winter slump and desolation, outlines wonderful colors.

季节在轮回, 春风剥落了冬的凋敝与苍凉, 勾勒出绚丽多姿的缤纷色彩.《期刊摘选》

145. the cricket/hunting/shooting, etc. season


146. The hot season is very long.


147. Sausage: Highly seasoned minced meat, usually pork or beef, traditionally stuffed in casings of prepared intestine.

香肠: 经过调味的肉类食品, 通常为猪肉或牛肉, 常被充塞在准备好的肠衣中.《期刊摘选》

148. a season of films by Alfred Hitchcock


149. the changing seasons


150. Does she cough more often than usual in a particular season?


151. Deer hunting season is only a couple of weeks long.


152. This is not the season for peaches.


153. This holiday season is a time of fellowship and peace.


154. There have been just three winners from his stable this season.


155. (British English)the festive season (= Christmas and New Year)


156. Cole: salt vegetable, pickle , salt bean curd, peanut, season vegetable.

小菜: 腌菜干, 豆腐乳,泡菜, 花生米, 时令蔬菜.《期刊摘选》

157. When foods is in season , they taste good and is inexpensive.


158. He has been Milan's most consistent player this season.


159. Lastly add in seasoning and stir beef and vermicelli evenly . Place over the cabbage . Serve.


160. We had a bit of hard luck this season.


161. It rains a lot rainy season. That's why I hate this period.

梅雨季雨水很多. 这是我讨厌这段时期的原因.《期刊摘选》

162. This season's look is soft and romantic.


163. The team has been plagued by injury this season.


164. The last three years have been a good season for the company.


165. Last season was a learning experience for me.


166. The plum season is about to begin...


167. The population explodes to 40,000 during the tourist season.


168. ...the only region of Brazil where all four seasons are clearly defined.


169. (North Amercian English)the tourist season



1. Now it is spring in the northern part of the world so it is time to celebrate that season.

VOA : special.2010.03.15

2. He has made 17 appearances in all competitions this season and has scored eight tries.

BBC: Vainikolo to miss rest of season

3. Leeds coach Neil Back explained the departures would allow the club to rebuild for next season.

BBC: 10 players to exit Leeds Carnegie

4. At the beginning of the rainy season, Baal opens a slit, or makes a slit in the clouds, and thunders and shakes the Earth.

在雨季开始的时候,Baal在云端开一条缝,雷鸣震动大地。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. "For me, the big season is with Arsenal, not the World Cup, " he said.

BBC: Club needs to come first - Wenger

6. That put beaten Twenty20 finalists Somerset through to their second one-day final of the season.

BBC: Marcus Trescothick stars as Somerset see off Essex

7. The Nottingham-born forward was ever-present in Southampton's Championship campaign last season, scoring 12 goals.

BBC: Forest capture striker McGoldrick

8. Eliot Coleman is an organic farmer and a writer in Maine who has helped popularize the idea of four-season farming.

VOA : special.2009.12.22

9. season ender


10. they're doing good this season which is pretty cool for the school because we all support them.

他们这个赛季不错,对学校来说也很好,因为我们都支持它。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 大学篮球的人气

11. As many fans remember, the entire National Hockey League season was lost in 2004-2005.

FORBES: Mistaking Mistrust For Greed: How To Solve The NFL Dispute

12. He's been waiting and waiting for his season due so that he can ripen into a powerful Orphic poet.

他一直在等待着自己繁茂的年华,那时候他将成长为强大的俄耳甫斯式的诗人。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. But both sides lost the season because the owners refused to acknowledge that players had legitimate concerns.

FORBES: Mistaking Mistrust For Greed: How To Solve The NFL Dispute

14. Stephen Hillenburg,says he did not expect the series to last longer than one season, much less ten years.

VOA : special.2009.08.21

15. Autumn's my favourite season.


16. Austin commemorates the peak viewing season with Bat Fest, now in its seventh year.

BBC: Go batty in Austin, Texas

17. Revenue and operating income are for 2013-14 season and net of revenue sharing and arena debt service.

FORBES: New Orleans Pelicans

18. This song is about the happiness that the season promises, including going to a "county fair in the country sun."

VOA : special.2009.06.22

19. But the champions rallied well to produce some of their best rugby of the season.

BBC: Leeds Rhinos 26-16 Warrington Wolves

20. It's kind of like a relaxing season. I like autumn.

这就好像是一个令人放松的季节。我喜欢秋季。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I like实战

21. We are unhappy with this season's diabolical performances.


22. Boy, in this political season, that's a really dangerous phrase to use, right?

嘿,在这个政治的时代里,这个词儿很危险,是不?计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

23. And once you... when you're having that bad of a season, it's really hard to get everyone passionate about it,

所以一旦赛季取得很差的成绩,就很难保持球队的激情,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 足球部队长的领导力

24. Microsoft rushed to get its system out for the 2005 holiday season, and it shows.

FORBES: Michael Noer On Digital Entertainment

25. She was sixty-six years old. Earlier that month, she had announced that she would not return to coaching that season.

VOA : special.2009.03.29

26. And it's a popular place for whale watching, when it's the season for the whales

到了看鲸鱼的季节,那是观赏鲸鱼的热门场所,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 圣莫尼卡之景点

27. even though it is the holiday season. Just seeing little twinkling lights around

即使是圣诞季。仅仅看着四周摇曳的微光,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 洛克菲勒中心的时光

28. In the United States, cases of suspected influenza are at higher numbers than usual this early in the flu season.

VOA : special.2009.11.24

29. Most of the songs about this season were written in the nineteen thirties and forties by famous modern composers.

VOA : special.2010.03.15

30. President Obama threw out the first pitch as the Washington Nationals opened their season against the Philadelphia Phillies.

VOA : special.2010.04.10

31. In the US alone, the 2012 to 2013 ski season saw 24 recorded fatalities from avalanches.

BBC: The ski gear that could save lives

32. Expect the NFL to extend their collective bargaining agreement before the 2006 season starts.

FORBES: Kurt Badenhausen On Sports

33. I'm usually out early in the morning when it's still dark now because of the changing in the season.

我通常早上很早就出门,因为季节变换,那时天还是黑的。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 中央公园的时光

34. "Where he is next season, I don't know, it's not for us to say, " he said.

BBC: Tosh tips Hennessey for the top

35. Well, I’m in favor of the Red Sox. They’ve had a good season.


36. In the first season of the show, Sookie's friends are not very happy that she is interested in a vampire.

VOA : special.2010.01.20

37. and, but our biggest competitive season is in the spring time,

然后,但是我们最大的赛季是春天,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 赛艇项目很流行

38. The timing and the positioning of these events were dictated by the political season.

FORBES: Briefing Book: A. Michael Lipper

39. During the last flu season, twelve percent of H1N1 viruses tested in the United States were resistant to Tamiflu.

VOA : special.2009.03.04

40. Arteta, who had a recent spell as captain, has only scored one goal himself this season.

BBC: Everton's Arteta backs striker Yakubu to score goals

41. It attracts tourists throughout the year, but really ramps up during cherry blossom season.

BBC: Sakura season in Kyoto

42. By the time the first season began, more than 35, 000 people had signed up.

FORBES: Return Of The Rockies

43. Doe's research considers walk-on fares, which include season tickets, but not tickets that are bought in advance.

BBC: Have train fares gone up or down since British Rail?

44. This season Italian teams are shedding the constipated style of play that predominates at home.


45. "I played him against Arsenal this season and he hadn't played for months, " said Redknapp.

BBC: David Bentley completes loan move to Birmingham

46. Can you tell us about Rockefeller Center during the Christmas season?

你能给我们讲讲圣诞节期间的洛克菲勒中心吗?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 去溜冰场

47. On Sept. 9, the Patriots will play their season opener at the hastily renamed Gillette Stadium.

FORBES: Disposable Stadium Names

48. Even under drought conditions, trees can often provide food and a way to earn money until the next growing season.

VOA : special.2009.09.01

49. The new baseball season starts on April 1 and is, as always, a sign of hope and renewal.

FORBES: Balls And Bucks

50. Like season tickets, the price of off-peak returns has been capped by government since privatisation.

BBC: Have train fares gone up or down since British Rail?

51. They can also store food for themselves, and have enough money to buy food if they need to during the lean season.

VOA : special.2009.11.17

52. Meanwhile, winger Nabil El Zhar has joined Greek club PAOK on a season-long loan.

BBC: Liverpool complete Paul Konchesky signing from Fulham

53. His side's style of play won many plaudits last season as they almost reached the Championship play-off places.

BBC: Swansea warn clubs over Martinez

54. Sometimes we get rain, January through March, usually it's the rainy season,

一月到三月,有时候会下雨,通常那时候是雨季。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 深入研究洛杉矶

55. I'm completely focussed on getting things ready for the new season with Huddersfield Town.

BBC: Huddersfield manager Lee Clark denies Fulham approach

56. Tilling can remove weeds and the waste from last season's crops and help break down old plant material into fertilizer.

VOA : special.2010.09.28

57. Bitter constraint, and sad occasion dear, Compels me to disturb your season due: For Lycidas is dead, dead ere his prime... Milton is lamenting, once again, that Milton has been compelled to begin writing.

因为亲友的惨遇,痛苦的重压,迫使我前来扰乱你正茂的年华:,利西达斯死了,死于峥嵘岁月。,弥尔顿再一次哀叹道,他是不得以写这首诗的。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

58. so we decided not to go because the ski season is over.

所以我们决定不去了,因为滑雪季节过去了。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 洛杉矶VS圣地亚哥

59. But a season ticket for the same journey has risen by only 65% - just less than inflation.

BBC: Have train fares gone up or down since British Rail?

60. He's no worse a player this year than he was coming in to the season.

NPR: Giants Say Goodbye to Bonds

61. That year, Boro were also relegated from the Premiership on the final day of the season.

BBC: SPORT | Football | My Club | West Bromwich Albion | Robson defends managerial record

62. Spending 20 minutes walking allows me to be in contact with what is season like, and what is the day-to-day change and the weather.

每天花上二十分钟走路,这让我,感受到了每个季节的不同,也感受到了每天的变化和每日的天气。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

63. And when the end of the final season drew near, the people of Scranton threw a parade.

BBC: American The Office clocks out

64. They're not, you know... I have a busy season. It's called,

工作时间不会……我有所谓的忙季。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 为什么是会计学呢?

65. If you live in a cold area, a tender bulb will need special care when the growing season is over.

VOA : special.2011.04.12


















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