positive cycle是什么意思_positive cycle短语搭配_positive cycle权威例句

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positive cycle

网络 正循环;正旋回;正向的循环;沉积旋回

英 [ˈpɒzətɪv ˈsaɪkl]play 美 [ˈpɑːzətɪv ˈsaɪkl]play

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1. positive feedback cycle 正反馈循环

2. teaching positive cycle 教学良性循环

3. positive cycle system 良性循环体系

4. positive half cycle 正半周

5. least positive cycle 最小正周期

6. Positive cycle in drilling process 正循环旋转钻进成孔

7. positive cycle approach 良性循环路径

8. Positive Duty Cycle 积极占空比

9. the smallest positive cycle 最小正周期


1. It will continue to make great investment in the R&D after thecompany grows bigger to form a positive cycle to make one breakthrough afteranother.


2. Compassion can eventurn into a positive cycle. In fall 1992, people in Iowa sent truckloads of water to help Floridians hitby a hurricane.


3. This is the positive cycle chain link.


4. The SCR controls half of the positive cycle of alternating current applied to it.


5. To precisely grasp the interest pattern and dynamic evolution of information society and form reasonable allegation of values is of importance to maintain positive cycle of a society and improve it healthily.


6. The collection seigniorage, may further expand the domestic demand, promotes the economical the positive cycle.

征收铸币税, 可进一步扩大内需, 推动经济的良性循环.《互联网》

7. This perpetual cycle will produce overwhelmingly positive results. The opposite, however, can go so far as to kill your freelance business altogether.


8. This is something I worked for, so I believe that more efforts for the rest of my life, my own, I will go to continue to continue to work, this is a positive, positive cycle.


9. With spirits lifted, I felt again, more control over myself, and then a sense of accomplishment, and the positive recovery cycle starts to pick up.


10. Applying a negative-going trigger pulse simultaneously to RESET and TRIG during the timing interval discharges C and reinitiates the cycle, commencing on the positive edge of the reset pulse.


11. On the national interest, skyrocketing prices does not favor long-time stable dominant and the economical positive cycle.


12. These two factors form a positive cycle.


13. In many important areas, from the obsidian industry to religious tourism, Teotihuacán's success and prosperity typified the classic positive feedback cycle.


14. This is creating a positive cycle of employment generation and demand growth, which if sustained in2010 could offset a slight tightening of policy by the government.


15. The paper point out advices that establishing system of finance guarantee about land reserve and purchase capital based on positive cycle of land capital and distributing system of land proceeds.


16. Once you start to experience the positive changes that will also lift you up, you will sail through the last period of this cycle.


17. In this paper, the exergy analysis of the positive and reverse balances on micro-turbine(MT) regenerative cycle is made and the mathematical models of the identity between two balances are deduced.


18. In order to move our foreign trade and environment toward a positive cycle, the following three tasks should be finished: insisting on sustainable development, realizing the environmental costs internalization, and carrying on the effective international cooperation.


19. The economic analysis of costs involved in lawsuit is to realize the effective allocation of judiciary resources so that positive cycle of it is made possible.


20. Compassion can even turn into a positive cycle.


21. Building up the entrance mechanism and exit mechanism is the fundamental guarantee of the positive cycle of the Science and Technology Park.


22. In addition, this paper comes up with models of extracurricular innovating activities by focusing on the positive cycle of innovating sense, innovating practice and innovation achievements and constructs a supporting system for extracurricular activities of innovation.


23. Set up a positive feedback cycle for single-tasking focus and you'll reverse the years of training your mind has gotten to switch tasks. You'll get more important work done, and it won't seem hard.


24. This paper also helps companies build up more scientific and more reasonable management model, enter a positive cycle and consistently improve core competence.


25. These two factors form a positive cycle.


26. The relative stability of ecosystem is indispensable to the existence and development of human being. And how to stabilize it and promote the positive cycle and healthy development matters a lot for our future.


27. What they found was a daily cycle of positive and negative feelings that seemed to apply consistently across cultures, geographies, and time zones.


28. Positive cycle of land capital is the guarantee of practicing urban land reserve and purchasing institution.


29. The economic analysis of costs involved in lawsuit is to realize the effective allocation of judiciary resources so that positive cycle of it is made possible.


30. And when you continue to earn your job every day, your team members do as well, and the positive cycle continues.


31. With the unceasing expansion of China's economic construction, real estate market system is marching into the standard stage in our country. The real estate industry entered positive cycle about market competition and developed into an independent trade.


32. But at this point in the business cycle, Labour force growth is a positive sign.


33. Propelling the construction of rain-flood utilization system realizing the positive cycle of water resources


34. The collection seigniorage, may further expand the domestic demand, promotes the economical the positive cycle.


35. The effect of concentration and additive of vanadium ion redox flow battery on positive reaction was investigated by the means of cycle voltammetry.

采用循环伏安法研究了全钒离子液流电池正极溶液的浓度及添加剂对正极反应的影响。 研究了两种离子交换膜对钒电池性能的影响。

36. Water resources are the fundamental resources of social and economic development, and also is a controlling factor of ecological environment positive cycle.


37. In positive phases of the credit cycle, alpha is generated primarily from the correct forecasting of upgrades, and in negative phases primarily from correctly forecasting downgrades.


38. But this kind of cooperation, only establishes the game industry ecology, forms industrial the development positive cycle a case.


39. In order to cause the teaching process to be at the positive cycle condition, must through the information feedback, carry on own adjustment.


40. The better understanding and extracting from different culture, we could syncretize the international design ideas with ours, then the positive cycle we do.


41. A ecological architecture is a building of self positive cycle, which incorporates biogas purification, resource recovery of wastes, afforesting and beautifying.


42. Through concerted effort and construction of Kunming company, a pleasant complexion of positive cycle has been formed in terms of land reservation, construction and marketing.

经过昆明公司的努力建设,已经在土地储备、施工建设、营销策划等各个环节形成了良性循环的可喜局面。《provided by jukuu》

43. Application of the Positive Cycle Mechanical Rotary Boring Grout Pile on the Pile Construction of the Pebble Bed APPLICATION OF BIG BORE REVERSE-CIRCULATION CORING CABLE DRILLING TO CAVERN OF LIMESTONE


44. A company's internal control should pay attention to protecting investors's interest so as to form a positive cycle of internal control and capital market's mutual promotion.


45. Continues to improve the teaching management mechanism, guarantees the institute teaching system enters the positive cycle and continuous development.


46. Compassion can even turn into a positive cycle.


47. Although I didn't realize it at the time, this is an essential tool for creating that positive cycle of energy management.


48. Research shows that people who receive positive distractions for just eight minutes show a remarkable change in their moods and in breaking the cycle of repetitive thought.


49. It is found that the discharge currents are always asymmetrical during the positive cycle and negative cycle of the applied voltage and this asymmetry is mainly decided by the ratio of two electrode radii.


50. Positive cycle of land capital is the guarantee of practicing urban land reserve and purchasing institution.


51. Therefore, for the positive cycle of water resource management in irrigation district and the sustainable development of rural society economy, we must establish the agricultural water management institution and operating mechanism which conforms the requirement of socialist market economy and is full of vitality.


52. Compassion can even turn into a positive cycle. In fall 1992, people in Iowa sent truckloads of water to help Floridians hit by a hurricane.


53. In order to cause the teaching process to be at the positive cycle condition, must through the information feedback, carry on own adjustment.


54. The paper point out advices that establishing system of finance guarantee about land reserve and purchase capital based on positive cycle of land capital and distributing system of land proceeds.


55. So, the measures taken not only accelerate the economy into positive cycle, foster new point of growth, and so on, but also pay more attention to the jobless themselves.


56. Promotes the region coal market positive cycle development.


57. To consider the external conditions of User Service Systems, which are impacted by user preferences, the author indicates that those digital libraries with critical number of users could march into a positive cycle of self-development.


58. All wave energy changes polarity from positive to negative with each cycle of the wave.



1. However, based solely on the Four Year Presidential Cycle it does look like 2011 should be a low-risk year, even though the first two years of the cycle were already quite positive.

FORBES: The Presidential Election Cycle Screams, 'Buy!'

2. It did not affect the history of the last two years of the cycle usually being positive.

FORBES: The Presidential Election Cycle Screams, 'Buy!'

3. One thing I did believe was that the most effective way to bring about positive change in Africa and end the cycle of poverty was to invest in the education of its young children.

FORBES: Saran Kaba Jones: A Young African Woman And Her Water Legacy

4. So any revival would be positive for the innovation and growth that comes out of that cycle.

FORBES: Is The Tech IPO Deep Freeze Finally Thawing?

5. The long-cycle player fights to fly above The Street noise and asks himself how long it takes before a positive spin builds up as it did with these financial stocks.

FORBES: If it aint controversial, dont buy it

6. While not exactly robust, early in a recovery cycle it is positive to see at least small growth in this figure based on the logic that, with more money in circulation more money gets spent by consumers.

FORBES: Euro Finds Pivot Point Against Dollar

7. Positive political surprises could be the impetus for idle cash to begin creating a virtuous cycle of more jobs and higher equity returns begetting consumption and even greater job creation.

FORBES: Despite Investors' Denial, The U.S. Economy Is Getting Better

8. The recent positive performance of health care stocks and staples which typically have similar fundamentals at this point of the business cycle may ignite equity markets.

FORBES: Q4 Expected Growth Rate Is Low, All Eyes On Quant Easing

9. Slothower cites as bullish omens the onset of positive seasonality and the midterm election cycle.

FORBES: Magazine Article

10. Tony Orgee, cabinet member for community infrastructure, said the area would always be a "bottleneck", but described the addition of a new cycle lane as "a very positive step forward".

BBC: Cambridge Cycling Campaign criticises junction plans

11. But the economy and stock market have been positive for the first two years of this cycle, with substantial stimulus efforts already expended to keep them positive.

FORBES: Big Stimulus Last Two Years May Pervert Usual Presidential Cycle

12. So, the economic recovery is continuing, which bodes well for the stock market in 2011, the usually positive third-year of the presidential cycle but that does not mean investors can relax just yet.

FORBES: Jobs Report Be Damned, Economy Chugs Higher

13. The corporation is in a virtuous cycle of economic growth, whereby success breeds success: the successful execution of one function contributes to the positive execution of other functions.

FORBES: How Companies Become And Stay Great

14. So long as the feedback is positive (an important qualification), the result is a virtuous cycle of increasing returns for the idea.

FORBES: What Makes an Idea a Meme?

15. If a cycle of positive individual market results increases, more and more people could move to the individual market, by choice or force.

FORBES: Employers Dropping Health Care Coverage Could Benefit Health Care Quality and Cost

16. But with reasonably safe profits from submarine optics, IP routing and Services, we believe the company is in a position to generate between 1% and 4% operating margins every year going forward, which should turn, over the cycle, into positive cash generation before restructuring costs.

FORBES: Alcatel: Bernstein Upgrades, Calls For Breakup

17. Looking out further however, the third year of the four-year presidential cycle, historically the most positive of the four years, is now but a couple of months away.

FORBES: Bernanke Had To Brag About It, What He's Doin'

18. In the four-year presidential cycle, the market has a strong tendency to be positive in the last two years of each presidential term.

FORBES: February Deserves Its Bearish Reputation

19. Until the government becomes involved in the process of ensuring that strong, positive caring men are in their lives, they cannot break the cycle of violence.

CNN: Rebuild families to stop the killing

20. From a chart perspective, it is a positive that the NASDAQ moved on up to new cycle-highs yesterday and that the Midcaps are within spitting distance of new-high ground.

FORBES: Markets Follow Traditional January Script ... So Far





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