
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈfriːdəm]play美 [ˈfriːdəm]play

  • n. 自由权,自主权;(状态)自由,自主;行动自由(指不在狱中);摆脱,免受;自由使用权;<英>荣誉市民称号;<古>(讲话,行为)过分亲密,放肆;直率,坦率
  • 【名】 (Freedom)(英)弗里德姆(人名)

复数 freedoms

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


freedom /ˈfriːdəm/

  • 1.
    不可数名词 Freedom is the state of being allowed to do what you want to do. Freedoms are instances of this. 自由

    ...freedom of speech.



    The United Nations Secretary-General has spoken of the need for individual freedoms and human rights.


  • 2.
    不可数名词 When prisoners or slaves are set free or escape, they gain their freedom. 人身自由

    ...the agreement worked out by the UN, under which all hostages and detainees would gain their freedom.


  • 3.
    不可数名词 Freedom from something you do not want means not being affected by it. 免除

    ...all the freedom from pain that medicine could provide.




  • adj.

    free 免费的;自由的,不受约束的;[化学] 游离的

    freelance 自由投稿的

    freed 释放的

    freeborn 生而自由的;自由民的

  • adv.

    free 自由地;免费

    freely 自由地;免费地;大量地;慷慨地;直率地

  • n.

    freelance 自由作家;自由记者

    freehold 自由保有;[会计] 不动产所有权

    freedman 自由民;被解放的奴隶

    freedwoman 自由妇女

  • v.

    freed 使自由;解放(free的过去分词)

  • vt.

    free 使自由,解放;释放



freedom discretion liberty 【导航词义:自由】

freedom n. 自由

〔辨析〕 指权利方面的自由,多用于个人言论、信仰、行动等方面;也指不受关押、奴役的自由状态。

例1: Freedom of speech is guaranteed by the constitution.


例2: What is your opinion about the rights and freedoms of citizens?


例3: Kids have too much freedom nowadays.


例4: He finally won his freedom after ten years in jail.


discretion n. 自行决定权

〔辨析〕 指面对某一情况时决定该如何处理的自由或权利。

例1: How to deal with these complaints is left to your discretion.


例2: The candidates were chosen at the discretion of the committee.


liberty n. 自由

〔辨析〕 指生活方式不受政府或权威限制的自由,适用范围比较广泛;也指某方面的合法权利或不受关押、奴役的自由状态。

例1: He believes that everyone should fight for liberty and equality.


例2: What is your opinion about liberties such as freedom of speech?


例3: She has to endure ten months' loss of liberty.



1. freedom day (美)自由日

2. freedom of association 结社自由

3. Freedom Monument 自由纪念碑

4. Freedom Trail 自由之路 ; 自由步道 ; 自由小径 ; 自在之路

5. Freedom Square 自由广场

6. freedom of expression 言论自由;表达自由

7. individual freedom 个人自由

8. Freedom Writers 自由作家 ; 自由写手 ; 书写自由的人生

9. political freedom 政治自由

10. freedom of movement 迁徙自由

11. personal freedom 人身自由

12. freedom from 免于

13. with freedom adv. 自由地

14. freedom of information 信息自由

15. degrees of freedom 自由度

16. economic freedom 经济自由

17. freedom from want 免于匮乏的自由

18. freedom of the press 新闻自由;出版自由

19. Freedom Day 自由日 ; 自由节

20. academic freedom n. 学术自由

21. absolute freedom 绝对自由

22. freedom of religion 宗教自由

23. degree of freedom 自由度

24. press freedom 新闻自由;出版自由

25. freedom of speech 言论自由




artistic freedom 艺术自由

political freedom 政治自由

religious freedom 宗教自由


freedom of choice 选择自由

feeling/sense of freedom 自由感

freedom of the press 新闻自由

freedom of speech 言论自由

struggle for freedom 争取自由的斗争


1. They beat the drum for freedom.


2. He was given the Freedom of the City of Dublin by the Lord Mayor.


3. I welcome the report as a herald of more freedom.


4. Latterly his painting has shown a new freedom of expression.


5. At last they won their freedom.


6. It is love and freedom, justice and civilization, the embodiment of peace and development.

它就是博爱和自由 、 公正与文明 、 和平与发展的化身.《期刊摘选》

7. We must never undervalue freedom.


8. Thanks to the automobile, Americans soon had a freedom of movement previously unknown.


9. ...freedom from government control.


10. The government has agreed to lift restrictions on press freedom.


11. Autonomy is the freedom managers have to make their own decisions.


12. They would include rights to equal political participation, extensive freedom of expression, rights against discrimination etc.

它们包括平等的政治参与权 、 广泛的言论自由权 、 反歧视权的权利等等.《期刊摘选》

13. Direct main chains, franchise chains and other types of freedom.

主要有直营连锁 、 特许连锁、自由连锁等类型.《期刊摘选》

14. The idea of absolute personal freedom is an illusion.


15. Driving her point home, she continued: “It’s increasingly apparent that the absence of purpose, of a moral language within government, media or business could become one of the most dangerous goals for capitalism and freedom.”

为了把观点阐释清楚,她继续说:“越来越明显的是,目的的缺失以及政府、媒体或企业中道德语言的缺失可能会成为资本主义与自由最危险的目标之一。”《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

16. They took away his freedom and broke his spirit.


17. Develop freedom to correct each other.


18. I was given the freedom of the whole house.


19. His freedom is illusory.


20. freedom of speech/thought/expression/worship

言论 / 思想 / 表达 / 信仰自由《牛津词典》

21. I know you need your freedom too much to stay with me.


22. In 1862 the American slaves won their struggle for freedom.


23. In Eastern Europe, one of the side effects of freedom appears to be crime.


24. Susan's idea of freedom was to have variety in her life style.


25. She was not going to give up her hard-won freedom so easily.


26. They were fighting for freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.


27. He was enjoying his new-found freedom.


28. Having small children tends to restrict your freedom.


29. Democracy is a bulwark of freedom.


30. a threat to press/academic, etc. freedom


31. Peaceful, aerial cities of joy and affection and freedom.


32. The object kidnapping the crime committing a crime is others freedom of person right only.


33. The Internet affords anonymity to its users, a blessing to privacy and freedom of speech.

互联网允许用户匿名登录,这非常有利于保护隐私和言论自由。《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

34. Academic freedom has to be freedom of spirit and it is not political with passive negativity.


35. They asked for academic freedom.


36. Looking back, the business has given us greater freedom, more free time and income protection.

回想起来, 安利生意真的能让我们拥有更多自由 、 更多自主时间,还有不在职收入的保障.《期刊摘选》

37. Politicians have debased the meaning of the word "freedom."


38. He finally won his freedom after twenty years in jail.


39. This bottleneck has restricted the freedom in circuit implementation and provides no room for circuit tuning.


40. 'Freedom fighter' is a value-laden word.


41. And with it, I was able to print the first garment, a red jacket that had the word “Freedom” embedded into it.

有了它,我才能顺利完成我的第一件服装作品——一件写有“自由”这个词的红色夹克。《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

42. The United States, almost alone today, offers the liberties the privileges and the tools of freedom.


43. Freedom is the natural birthright of every human.


44. I welcome the report as a herald of more freedom, not less


45. Freedom to choose between fixed function and Programmable function pipeline.


46. Long live freedom!


47. But I've seen goodness in them . Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.


48. They see it as an infringement on their own freedom of action.


49. What do you like to do in your spare time?


50. Basic human rights, including freedom of speech, are now guaranteed.


51. This voyage was his first taste of freedom.


52. Freedom of the press is sacrosanct.


53. State companies were given more freedom to run themselves.


54. He had tasted freedom only to lose it again.


55. I explained that each person has different ideas of what freedom is.


56. The court, though, may want to allow room for police to cite situations where they are entitled to more freedom

尽管如此,最高法院或许还想要为警方引证有权行使更多自主行为的情形留下空间。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

57. What freedom would I have to determine my work objectives and deadlines?


58. Her three years of freedom seemed like a reaction against that childhood.


59. One cannot choose freedom for oneself without choosing it for others.


60. She fought honestly for a just cause and for freedom.


61. As one of the basic constitutional rights, students have the freedom of expression.

作为一种基础性的宪法权利, 学生享有表达自由权.《期刊摘选》

62. Freedom to pursue extracurricular activities is totally unrestricted.


63. Abraham Lincoln called on his people to fight for freedom for all — Negroes and Whites.


64. That would contradict his right to freedom.


65. Universities are regarded as ivory towers and consequently enjoy total academic freedom.


66. Ugh , please. It's a dumb freedom.

拜托, 这 真 是愚蠢的自由权力.《期刊摘选》

67. rights and freedoms guaranteed by the constitution


68. You care about each other, you cherish freedom, you treasure justice, and you seek truth.

你们相互关心, 你们珍惜自由, 你们崇尚公正, 你们追求真理.《期刊摘选》

69. They think that those who are imprisoned are also deprived of their rights of freedom.


70. The music brought him a feeling of plenitude and freedom.


71. In this sense, property right equals to freedom, as is defined by law.

因而, 财产权就是自由权, 这是法律的维度内所界定的.《期刊摘选》

72. You may have complete freedom of action in dealing with the matter.


73. Unremitting pursuit in freedom through in human social life along.


74. The Church has something to say on how to combine freedom with responsibility


75. By persistence many countries won freedom.


76. Meanwhile , it is not a freedom to aspleases and must be limited by law.


77. freedom from fear/pain/hunger, etc.


78. Freedom is the natural birthright of every human.


79. The assertion of the right to freedom is very important to all peoples.


80. He often enjoys a considerable degree of discretion and freedom of action within his own department.


81. Chained by his certitude, he is a slave; he has forfeited his freedom.

他因确信无疑而放弃自由, 因被人所左右而失去自主.《期刊摘选》

82. ...all the freedom from pain that medicine could provide.


83. American designers prized resourcefulness and the freedom of women who wore the clothing.

美国设计师们重视的是穿着衣服的女人们的聪颖和自由。《17年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

84. Last but not least, one has full control and freedom over the matter.

第三, 这种归属认同赋予主体充分的自主性和可选择性.《期刊摘选》

85. The patriots unfurled the banner of freedom.


86. Serving six monarchs of his native Great Britain, he has served all men's freedom and dignity.

他在大不列颠本国为六位君王服务, 也为全人类的自由和尊严服务.《演讲部分》

87. He burbles on about freedom.


88. freedom of action/choice

行动 / 选择自由《牛津词典》

89. The flag stands for freedom and democracy.


90. She met people in London who were sympathetic to the Indian freedom struggle


91. Today we have the freedom to decide our own futures


92. ...the agreement worked out by the UN, under which all hostages and detainees would gain their freedom.


93. The projective object of compulsory indecent crime is the victim's right of female's sexual freedom.


94. He yearned for freedom.


95. Susan's idea of freedom was to have variety in her life style


96. Chinese citizens'right to the freedom of religious belief is protected by the Constitution and laws.


97. He only wants freedom, justice and equality.


98. ...freedom of speech...


99. ‘ Freedom fighter ’ is a value-laden word.


100. She savoured her newfound freedom.


101. On the one hand they'd love to have kids, but on the other, they don't want to give up their freedom.


102. America is the land of freedom and opportunity.


103. They have an air of freedom, and they have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitious or love of comfort.

他们有一种自由自在的风度, 他们不沉溺于可鄙的追名逐利和对舒适生活的迷恋.《用法词典》

104. He also asked to prohibit binding whoring prostitutes , but keeping freedom and equality of marriage.

宋恕还主张禁缠足 、 禁娼业及婚姻平等自主.《期刊摘选》

105. They value self reliance, seek freedom and wish to a place of their own.

他们重视自主, 追求自由,希望有自己的空间.《期刊摘选》

106. Enrich peoples'lives through the freedom of independent travel.


107. His fight for freedom and privilege and restitution was not over yet.


108. In the long run, the surest path to security is the expansion of freedom.

从长远来看, 最安全的出路就是把自主延伸地更远.《期刊摘选》

109. They felt that their leaders had bargained away their freedom.


110. Freedom of speech violations aside, Beijing may also be violating its WTO obligations.

撇开践踏言论自由不谈, 北京可能也正在违反它对世界贸易组织作出的承诺.《期刊摘选》

111. I believe in working to achieve social justice and freedom for all.


112. The greatest thing about the Amway business is the freedom it offers to Distributors.


113. This is where you start enjoying your financial freedom.


114. She wrote poems in praise of freedom.


115. They want greater political freedom...


116. Freedom need not mean independence.


117. complete freedom to do as you wish



1. It was as if the animals did not know how to cope with their new found freedom.

BBC: Lab chimps successfully treated with anti-depressants

2. Earlier this year it brokered a successful cross-regional initiative promoting freedom of assembly and association.

ECONOMIST: A long-despised watchdog wakes up, barks and even bites

3. New profits and freedom from the pay limits tied to federal aid mean bankers can again receive big bonuses.

VOA : special.2009.12.18

4. No, I don't get freedom; I'm told I have to be here at 11:00 Monday, Wednesday,and Friday.

不,我也不能自主选择啊;,我被告知要在周一周三和周五,的11点到这来。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

5. Once they discovered their moral freedom, once they discovered that they could thwart God and work evil in the world, and abuse and corrupt all that God had created, then God could not afford to allow them access to the tree of life.

一旦他们意识到了,道德自由,一旦他们违背上帝,开始作恶,摧残,腐化,上帝的创造物,上帝便不准他们再接近生命树。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. Michael Johnston is twenty-seven. He was first deployed to Iraq in two thousand three at the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

VOA : special.2011.07.08

7. We may live and work in a knowledge economy, but do we know of our freedom.

FORBES: 42 Miles Of Echo Taps: A Memorial Day Tribute

8. His freedom had been a stipulation for the hostages being freed, the BBC's Frank Gardner said.

BBC: Two dead British hostages named

9. Nudists resorts tend to be focused on self-acceptance and freedom rather than free love.

BBC: Strip down for the end of summer

10. It would be that kind of thing kind of head charts, general plans and within that general plan a lot of freedom of expression.

可能就是这样成曲的,一个起调,一些笼统的计划,其间有很大余地可以自由发挥的聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. Google, denies the charges and considers the trial a threat to freedom on the Internet.

UNESCO: Autistic boy beaten by schoolmates

12. The Award Ceremony for the 2010 UNESCO World Press Freedom Prize will be held on 3 May.

UNESCO: 3 MAY 2010

13. As a result of the Freedom Rides, they had integrated interstate transportation, at great cost to the volunteers who rode those buses.

作为自由乘车运动的结果,州际间的交通被大大集中,不过这使那些乘坐巴士的志愿者们付出了极大的代价。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. The minister had also criticised Deput Tadier over his comments during the freedom of information debate.

BBC: Jersey Minister's Twitter comments 'were foolish'

15. We have a lot of freedom to build and design airplanes for our own use and build them and fly them."

VOA : special.2010.07.30

16. I basically wanted to do... and to be a taxi driver because of the freedom that it gives me.

基本上是我想做这份工作……而且当出租车司机可以带给我很多自由空间。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 伦敦的出租车司机

17. Many slaves bought their freedom with what they saved from farming.


18. Why do people become firemen, policemen, soldiers, freedom fighters, all activities that cannot be explained in terms of self-interest alone?

不可能只用拿工资的理由,就能完全解释为什么总有人愿意做,消防员,警察,军人和争取自由的斗士?政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. But the disconnect between its economic freedom and media freedom seems to be growing too large.

WSJ: Singapore Tightens Grip on Internet News Sites

20. For the past century, America has stood as the world's great bulwark of freedom.

FORBES: It's Time To Restore Liberty

21. It's a freedom that, of course, Parliament had pushed for, but now that they've got it there is some misgiving.

当然,这是一种议会推崇的自由,但是现在他们得到的只是疑虑。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. Dorothy Height received the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Congressional Gold Medal for her work for racial and gender equality.

VOA : special.2010.04.24

23. He says the restrictions on Internet access is a notable blow to press freedom.

NPR: China Curbs Visiting Media's Internet Access

24. Given the choice, we prefer right-to-work because it allows much more freedom for our employees.

FORBES: Will Wisconsin's Union Battle Boost Job Growth?

25. Alec Ross at the State Department says "the global community should respond" wherever freedom of expression is under attack.

VOA : special.2011.06.27

26. Tax Freedom Day 2012 arrived on April 17 this year, according to the Tax Foundation.

FORBES: 10 Things We Could Use Less Of

27. Their efforts helped the hostages gain their freedom.


28. They want greater political freedom.


29. Yet, those proud monetary freedom fighter will scare the pants off of everyone else.

FORBES: How To Keep Zero Interest Rates Forever

30. And to protect the freedom of all the voters, those in power must accept constraints.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at the University of Yangon

31. Historians say a trial in the colony of New York in seventeen thirty-five went a long way toward establishing this freedom.

VOA : special.2009.04.20

32. If his plan failed, he could offer them in exchange for his own freedom and that of his men.

VOA : special.2009.06.25

33. The government has to do everything in order to protect private property and individual freedom.

FORBES: Russian Billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov: From Oligarch To President?

34. We were built not just on religious freedom but on the idea of a positive engagement with religious diversity.

我们国家不仅建立在,宗教自由,还建立在,积极地融合宗教差异的基础之上。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

35. He simply would have plunged ahead into life as though he had freedom, even though he was too stupid to recognize that it was an illusion.

他自然会好像是自由的一样一头扎入生活中,即便他太愚笨而看不出这只是个幻想。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. It is hard to imagine, say, the Freedom Party becoming a ready forum for such ideas.

FORBES: Uncommon Sense

37. Even though results were mixed for the 1-year returns, freedom investing still boosted returns.

FORBES: 1-Year Freedom Investing Returns

38. Whereas in undergrad, I felt like, you're kind of, there was more freedom to do what you wanted,

而本科呢,我觉得,你更有自由做自己想做的事情,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 大学也在这里

39. Broadfoot moved to Rangers under freedom of contract in 2007 after five seasons with St Mirren.

BBC: Kirk Broadfoot to stay on at Rangers

40. She has since become a fierce supporter of literary freedom and is part of several organizations that fight censorship.

VOA : special.2009.10.12

41. It is broadly accepted that there is a balance to be struck between crime prevention and individual freedom.

BBC: DNA and individual freedom v crime prevention

42. Ms. LYNETTE KHALFANI COX (Author, "Zero Debt: the Ultimate Guide to Financial Freedom"): Thank you for having me.

NPR: Women Of Color Lag Behind In Wealth

43. He only wants freedom, justice, and equality.


44. Freedom was born and has survived in the space created by divisions, and conflict within and between nations and religions.

自由产生并,幸存于分裂,和政教的内部矛盾之中古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

45. Think, in "Birches," of really the extraordinary play of language, the freedom of association, all of which is being played off of the strict demands of the meter, at every moment.

想想,“桦树“,是无与伦比的对语言的把玩,自由的结合,所有这些都在格律诗严格的要求下自由地被使用着,每时每刻。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. So Roman slavery and the freedom of that was actually one way that a few people in the Ancient World recognized some kind of social mobility, which was very rare in the Roman Empire.

所以罗马奴隶制以及奴隶释放制,被古代部分人认为是,某种社会阶级流动,在罗马帝国很少见。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. We need to give much more dignity and freedom to the person.

给予人更多的自尊和自由。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

48. Lombardi said the Pope believes religious freedom in Cuba means more than the ability to worship freely.

CNN: Pope meets with Fidel Castro in Cuba

49. Mr Farrelly's question was on the effects of injunctions on whistleblowers and press freedom in general.

BBC: Parliamentary question gag lifted

50. He writes home, "I do not intend to shirk now that there is really something to fight for; I mean freedom.

他在家书中道,"我不打算逃避,我必须为之一战,为自由而战美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

51. A year later,President Clinton awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the United States.

VOA : special.2009.09.06

52. Patrick has styled himself a champion of personal freedom.


53. Joelson says mutual companies also have more freedom to seek out the best value.

FORBES: Investing For The Long Term In Uncertain Times

54. For me, it has been my reading of fiction far removed from political considerations that evoked in me a sense of personal freedom or the possibilities of escaping the South.

在读小说时,我会将一切抛诸脑后,这种精神上的解放让我,对逃往南方。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. His Freedom Party has pledged to end foreign influence in Austria and clamp down on immigration.

BBC: Haider in power: A danger to Europe?

56. The good news is that 117 countries have increased their economic freedom in the past year.

FORBES: Shaking The Nations

57. But you always remember that she had this incredible freedom that most children don't have and she was so smart."

VOA : special.2009.08.24

58. "Freedom" by Jonathan Franzen is one of the most repeatedly praised books on this year's lists of favorites.

VOA : special.2010.12.31

59. Former President George W.Bush presented Benjamin Carson with the Presidential Medal of Freedom at a ceremony at the White House.

VOA : special.2009.09.04

60. Latvia scored lowest of the three Baltic states in the 2012 Index of Economic Freedom.

FORBES: The Triumph Of Good Economics: 'Austere' Baltic States Outgrow Their European Neighbors

61. The man was dismissed last year, a Freedom of Information (FOR) request has revealed.

BBC: Facebook user sacker from DVLA for logging on at work

62. But there was still a question about whether corporations could have the same freedom of political speech as real people do.

VOA : special.2010.03.12

63. But in general these schools have greater freedom to decide what to teach and how to teach it.

VOA : special.2010.01.21

64. But their employers do not give them the freedom to develop within the company structure.

FORBES: The Entrepreneur's Motivation: Not What You Think...




















2024西藏自治区艺术类专业统考合格线最新公布 校考资格线公布

2024西藏自治区艺术类专业统考合格线最新公布 校考资格线公布

下列事例中有关速度的说法,正确的是(                ) ...

下列事例中有关速度的说法,正确的是(                ) ...



浣溪沙十八首 其十三原文、翻译和赏析

浣溪沙十八首 其十三原文、翻译和赏析

虞美人 美人风筝原文、翻译和赏析

虞美人 美人风筝原文、翻译和赏析

广东2024艺术统考/联考准考证打印时间 什么时候截止

广东2024艺术统考/联考准考证打印时间 什么时候截止

2024年云南高考成绩几月几号公布 几点出分

2024年云南高考成绩几月几号公布 几点出分

