
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [piːs]play美 [piːs]play

  • n. 块,张,片,段;碎片,零件;(成套物品的)部件,部分;(艺术、音乐、戏剧、文学的)一部作品;(报道、新闻、广播的)一篇;份额,一份股权;桩,项,条,件; 一点;(土地的)一块;一段距离;硬币;枪;<非正式>女人;<苏格兰>(三明治等)小吃
  • v. 拼合,拼装;慢慢理解

复数 pieces 第三人称单数 pieces 现在分词 piecing 过去式 pieced 过去分词 pieced

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


piece /piːs/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A piece of something is an amount of it that has been broken off, torn off, or cut off. (从某物上拆下、撕下或切下的) 块; 片; 段

    ...a piece of cake.



    Cut the ham into pieces.


  • 2.
    可数名词 A piece of an object is one of the individual parts or sections that it is made of, especially a part that can be removed. 部件

    ...assembling objects out of standard pieces.


  • 3.
    可数名词 A piece of land is an area of land. (一) 块 (土地)

    People struggle to get the best piece of land.


  • 4.
    可数名词 You can use piece of with many uncount nouns to refer to an individual thing of a particular kind. For example, you can refer to some advice as a piece of advice. 与不可数名词搭配,表示某种事物的个体

    When I produced this piece of work, my lecturers were very critical.



    ...an interesting piece of information.


  • 5.
    可数名词 You can refer to an article in a newspaper or magazine, some music written by someone, a broadcast, or a play as a piece. (报纸、杂志上的) 文章; 作品

    She wrote a piece on Gwyneth Paltrow for the New Yorker.



    ...a vaguely familiar orchestral piece.


  • 6.
    可数名词 You can refer to a work of art as a piece. 艺术品

    Each piece is unique, an exquisite painting of a real person, done on ivory.


  • 7.
    可数名词 You can refer to specific coins as pieces. For example, a 5 cent piece is a coin that is worth 5 cents. 硬币

    ...lots of 10 cent, 20 cent, and 50 cent pieces.


  • 8.
    可数名词 The pieces that you use when you play a board game such as chess are the specially made objects that you move around on the board. 棋子

    How many pieces does each player have in backgammon?


  • 9.
    习语 If you give someone a piece of your mind, you tell them very clearly that you think they have behaved badly. 鲜明地批评

    How very thoughtless. I'll give him a piece of my mind.


  • 10.
    习语 If someone or something is still in one piece after a dangerous journey or experience, they are safe and not damaged or hurt. 完好无损

    ...providing that my brother gets back alive and in one piece from his mission.


  • 11.
    习语 You use to pieces in expressions such as "smash to pieces," or "take something to pieces," when you are describing how something is broken or comes apart so that it is in separate pieces. 成为片
  • 12.
    习语 If you go to pieces, you are so upset or nervous that you lose control of yourself and cannot do what you should do. (因紧张不安而) 崩溃

    She's a strong woman, but she nearly went to pieces when Arnie died.


  • 13.
    a piece of the action →see   action
  • 14.
    bits and pieces →see   bit


  • n.[计]块;件;篇;硬币

    block   /   mass

  • vt.修补;接合;凑合

    cement   /   joint


1. fall to pieces 破碎,倒塌

2. piece by piece 逐渐地

3. nickel piece 镍币

4. a piece of paper 一张纸

5. in piece ◎破碎,成碎片

6. one piece adj. 整体的,单片的

7. of a piece 一致的;与…同类的

8. The Missing Piece 一时无两 ; 失落的一角 ; 缺失的一角

9. ONE-PIECE DRESS 连衣裙 ; 布拉吉 ; 连衫裙 ; 连衣裙小游戏

10. piece together 拼凑

11. a piece of cake 小菜一碟 ; 一块蛋糕 ; 糕饼点心店 ; 形容非常容易

12. first piece 粗加工工件;粗加工部分;首片

13. test piece 试样;制取试样的金属块;[音]参赛或命题曲目

14. work piece 工作物;半制品;被加工件

15. Parker's Piece 帕克公园

16. a piece of bread 一片面包

17. a piece of music 一段音乐;一首音乐;一首乐曲

18. One Piece 海贼王 ; 航海王 ; 海盗路飞 ; 连衣裙

19. PIECE RATE 记件 ; 计件工资 ; 记件工资

20. a piece of 一片,一块

21. piece of cake 轻而易举的事情;轻松愉快的事

22. a piece of work 难事;一件作品;一项工作

23. character piece 特性曲 ; 特征曲 ; 性格小品

24. master piece 杰出的事

25. in one piece 未受伤的;完整无损地

26. pick up the pieces (跌倒后)重新爬起来(对小孩讲的话) 收拾残局;收拾残局

27. piece goods n. 布匹;匹头

28. piece on 接上,贴上


1. Their pieced and patched emotions still have problems after all.


2. She lives down the road a piece from here.


3. ...the disclosure that Texas Air might sell a piece or all of Continental.


4. He cut the pizza into bite-sized pieces.


5. She wrote something on a small piece of paper.


6. He has trimmed off all the jagged pieces in the hedge.


7. We have used up most of the cloth , and all we have left is a few bits and pieces.

布大部分用完了, 只剩下一些零头.《现代汉英综合大词典》

8. Really good pieces of music will never get out of date.


9. The bridge was taken down piece by piece .


10. Experiment and alter your signature style piece as you grow more confident.


11. The stem consists of upper and lower pieces connected by a slip joint.


12. Smaller pieces are interlocked into the layout for an economical use of the fabric.


13. And how would it be possible to check whether the jigsaw pieces had been assembled correctly?

怎么可能检测这些锯齿样的小片段已经被正确连接了 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

14. I disagree with Andrew Russell over his piece on British Rail.


15. It just printed the pieces overnight

一夜之间,各个部分都打印出来了。《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

16. This piece of equipment is an exciting new development.


17. Review and approve packaging specifications for piece parts and assembly processes.


18. It is extremely difficult to interlock pattern pieces and still match style lines and seams.


19. Mr Hurd had put all the pieces into place for a huge corporate transformation.


20. Have you got a ten pence piece?


21. He was choking on a piece of toast.


22. There's room for one more piece of luggage.


23. All we have to do is to get the two pieces lined up properly.


24. a piece of string/wood


25. We specialize in metal connecting piece and dental plate for timberwork.


26. He took it all to pieces, cleaned it inside and out and put it together again...


27. A piece of writing without any punctuation is difficult to understand.


28. I cut them all a piece of birthday cake.


29. This new piece of evidence invalidates his version of events.


30. ...assembling objects out of standard pieces...


31. We do our absolute best with a piece of writing, and come as close as we can to the ideal.

我们尽自己所能努力斟酌一篇文章,不断使其接近完美。《15年12月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

32. If the shell had hit the boat, it would have blown it to pieces...


33. Could he walk out in the midst of his piece?

他能完成他自己的那一部分 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

34. It's easier to get a piece of an existing market than to create a new one.


35. That article on the refugee problem sure was a think piece!

那篇关于难民问题的文章的确是篇引人深思的作品 啊 .《期刊摘选》

36. Blend in small coils to reinforce all joints on bothand outside of the piece.


37. He baited the trap with a piece of meat.


38. It is a highly complex piece of legislation.


39. He chipped off a piece of his tooth.


40. First piece inspection of all parts to insure quality of workmanship.


41. Jed nodded, finishing off the last piece of pizza.


42. I'll answer your questions when I've said my piece.


43. A piece of wood unites the two parts.


44. To play ( a musical piece ).

表演 ( 一段音乐作品 )《期刊摘选》

45. He gave me a piece of paternal advice.


46. Java stored procedures are one piece of an overall architecture for building network computing applications.


47. They agglomerated many small pieces of research into a single large study.


48. Clearly some large and important piece of the mechanism had failed.


49. Isn't that a piece of luck ?


50. ...a vaguely familiar orchestral piece...


51. Companies to connect pieces of pipe and valve for the pilot.


52. How do these two pieces join?


53. That explanation might be a piece of the jigsaw, but is it really the whole picture?

这样的说法也许部分解释了女性欲望这个神秘的问题, 但是事情的全貌是怎样的?《期刊摘选》

54. Together they turned out a successful piece.


55. ...providing that my brother gets back alive and in one piece from his mission.


56. All piece □ material is collecting in the reorganization processing manufacture, net □□ Rong Yeh ? □ in renewal.

所有的文章图片资料正在收集整理加工制作中, 网页内容也随时在更新中.《期刊摘选》

57. It was a charming piece of music.


58. Passive protectionAny piece of climbing protection that does not have moving parts.


59. I had a piece of grit in my eye.


60. On the whole, this piece of essay is written very well.

总的说来, 这篇文章写得很好.《期刊摘选》

61. This piece is a biting satire on bureaucracy.


62. She's a strong woman, but she nearly went to pieces when Arnie died.


63. The book seems to have been pieced together from various books and articles.


64. a piece of cake/cheese/meat

一块蛋糕 / 奶酪 / 肉《牛津词典》

65. Make connections as much as you can from few pieces you will get combo.


66. How very thoughtless. I'll give him a piece of my mind.


67. Instead, let us break the network down into simple pieces.

因此, 让我们把网络分成简单的部分.《辞典例句》

68. Who wants the last piece of candy?


69. It was just a piece of playacting.


70. But the new worship shape of Wall Street were be missing a piece.


71. Play us that new piece.


72. The bridge was taken down piece by piece.


73. It is a technically demanding piece of music to play.


74. They're still in search of a piece of paper that can solve all oftheir problems.


75. It's alright to dislike, but any piece of music deserves some of respect.

你可以选择不喜欢, 但是任何一件音乐作品应该得到一些尊重.《期刊摘选》

76. He quickly assembled the fitted pieces.


77. To create or produce ( a literary or musical piece ).

创作创作或制作 ( 文学或音乐作品 )《期刊摘选》

78. The aircraft was broken up into smaller pieces for transportation.


79. His essay was a pretty shoddy piece of work.


80. Solid knot used to tie two ropes or pieces of webbing together ( Aka grapevine knot ).


81. The car was found on a piece of waste ground.


82. He lengthened the rope by tying another piece to it.


83. He tends to write bizarre and highly experimental pieces of music.


84. Experiment and alter your signature style pieces as you grow more confident.


85. Those pieces can also be shaped.


86. Another worker slides on the hinge to link the top and bottom of the pieces.


87. I hope every member of Congress read Beinart's piece.


88. A piece of china crunched under my foot.


89. Active Bearing ( AMB ) is one of typical mechatronic products and a new type performance bearing piece.

主动 磁轴承 是一种典型的机电一体化产品,是一种新型的高性能支承部件.《期刊摘选》

90. ROEHRENHANDEL NORDROHR GMBH offers you more Offers on tube, Fitting Pieces of fitting.

ROEHRENHANDELNORDROHRGMBH是 一家可靠的、知名的生产商和服务商,该公司提供很多令人震惊的产品,例如管、筒, 管子连接.《期刊摘选》

91. Biology seeks to understand the living by taking it apart and reducing it to it pieces.


92. Robot pieces may be permanently attached with glue, screws, etc.

机器人的部件可以使用胶水 、 螺丝钉等进行固定.《期刊摘选》

93. The next morning, I just took all the pieces, assembled them together in my hotel room, and this is actually the skirt that I’m wearing right now

第二天早上,我取回所有部件,在宾馆的客房里把它们组合起来,就成了现在我身上穿的这条裙子《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

94. You will need to overlap the pieces of wood slightly.


95. A piece of embedded software that has been designed specifically for use as a debugging tool.


96. She cut her finger on a piece of glass.


97. The beat is the pulse of a piece of music.


98. I stepped over a broken piece of wood.


99. A minute piece of semiconductive material used in the manufacture of electronic components.


100. Applied range: hardware stamping parts, metal polishing pieces, cars, air compressors, air conditioning and other components.

产品描述:应用范围: 五金冲压件, 金属抛光件, 汽车 、 压缩机 、 空调等零部件.《期刊摘选》

101. I'll never forget hearing this piece of music for the first time.


102. The essays that Parsons completed in the latter part of his life are of a piece with his earlier work.


103. Free media coverage, such as a news story or opinion piece.

传媒的免费报道, 如一条新闻或一篇评价文章.《期刊摘选》

104. The body of the car is composed of sleeve pieces jointed by universal joint.


105. The influence of NC program origin to positional alignment between holes of work piece was recounted.


106. Grace broke off a large piece of the clay.


107. The review is a brilliant piece of writing.


108. I cut myself on a piece of broken glass.


109. Within a single wire connection module using any combination of pieces, assembly, transport, and easy maintenance.

单片采用内丝连接模片任意组合 、 组装 、 运输 、 维修方便.《期刊摘选》

110. ...a piece of cake.


111. People struggle to get the best piece of land.


112. Connected a piece of thin wire to a dry cell.


113. In some sense it was necessary to add pieces that did not have any geometric interpretation.


114. Games that use assembly language use it in bits and pieces where it can improve performance.


115. This article has been written entirely from different pieces so that it doesn't make any sense.


116. The houses are all of a piece.


117. Examples : The woodwind section complements the strings in this piece of music.

木管乐器 的乐章弥补了这首曲子中弦乐部分的不足.《期刊摘选》

118. There are several parts of the original advertisement, it is only one piece.

原广告分了几个部分, 这只是其中的一个片断.《期刊摘选》

119. Cage's musical piece has an analogous effect.

凯奇的“音乐 ” 作品也有如出一辙之效.《期刊摘选》

120. Rule a line at the end of every piece of work.


121. They say an apple, banana or a riper pieces piece of fruit is not needed.

他们说一只苹果, 香蕉或者有一部分熟了的水果不需要这样做.《期刊摘选》

122. I've read some of those pieces that you write in The Times occasionally.


123. The equipment was taken down the shaft in pieces.


124. The author who wrote this piece is 92 years old.


125. Check the sheen and make sure they meet specification between pieces cutting to cutting.


126. This piece is in four-four time.


127. The piece of furniture a whole, simply shaped a double for the surface of chairs.

根据人体工程学及美学原理,奇木家具弯曲部件无焊接,无加工痕迹,整体感强, 曲线简洁流畅,椅面呈双曲形状.《期刊摘选》

128. Group pieces of information under the key ideas connecting them by links.


129. Opposite ends of a joint are formed to combine two pieces of wood.


130. Audiences were going to be polled on which of three pieces of contemporary music they liked best.


131. There's a join in this piece of material.


132. Did you see her piece about the Internet in the paper today?


133. It was a cunning piece of detective work.


134. This piece of writing is too confused to be intelligible.


135. Operate guidebook: Mouse the left key control, linking the square piece to the opposite shore.

操作指南: 鼠标左键控制, 将方块连接到对岸.《期刊摘选》

136. A single word of his article is worth a thousand pieces of gold.


137. I never found the missing piece.


138. My whole world shattered into a million pieces.


139. Yet, despite their ubiquity, are delicate pieces of equipment.

是的, 尽管无处不在, 却是娇弱的装备部件.《期刊摘选》

140. Kendal could just see a face which was partly covered with a piece of cloth.


141. I remember a piece of article 80 rule.


142. We will articulate the remaining pieces together.


143. When I produced this piece of work, my lecturers were very critical...


144. Write a poem, short story, or any other creative piece.

写一首诗, 一个短篇小说, 或任何有个性的文章.《期刊摘选》

145. Our flimsy journalists credentials rest on my few magzine pieces.


146. They suggest this indicates that dogs aren’t sensing emotions from a single feature, but piecing together information from all facial features just as humans do.

他们认为这说明狗不是通过面容的单一部分感知情绪的,而是像人类一样把面部各个部分所传递的信息拼凑在一起。《17年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

147. A unit composed of an assemblage of pieces welded together.


148. I cut a piece of birthday cake for them all.


149. The two pieces screw together easily.


150. It's the most marvellous piece of music.


151. Any piece of silver bearing his mark is extremely valuable.


152. I've got a piece of grit in my eye.


153. There were tiny pieces of glass all over the road.


154. I spent two days writing and editing the piece.


155. ...a piece of wood.


156. He handed her a piece of paper certifying she was in good health.


157. Pin all the pieces of material together.


158. Every error is captured, every decision picked to pieces.


159. Your living pieces will form a harmony.


160. They built a rough shelter from old pieces of wood.


161. It sounded like two pieces of wood rubbing together.


162. After tenderized using PLC controller to cut the edge, joint the core and piece cutting.

在软化使用PLC控制器切割边缘后, 连接核芯和切割块.《期刊摘选》

163. A piece of glass sliced into his shoulder.


164. We supply all available standard accessories and an operation manual with most pieces of equipment.


165. The piece is written in his usual expansive style.


166. Cut this piece of article and you will get a 90 % discount with it!


167. You buy the table in four pieces which you put together.


168. At its peak in the Thirties, Underground design and architecture was all of a piece...


169. Every piece of every component had to be fashioned individually , checked and rechecked, and tested.

每种部件的每个部分都要分别制作 、 检查及调试.《期刊摘选》

170. They dismantled the machine and shipped it in pieces.


171. I'm going to have to nut it out on a piece of paper.


172. They got a small piece of the net profits and a screen credit.


173. None of the pieces is insured.


174. She nibbled at a piece of dry toast.


175. Material: malachite ; Original Place: Afghanistan. The product is carved out a piece of malachite, with delicated craftmanship.

材质: 孔雀石; 产地: 阿富汗. 此产品以一整块孔雀石精雕而成, 连接瓶与瓶盖以细小连环均由一块整材精雕而成,实属罕见.《期刊摘选》

176. Each piece is unique, an exquisite painting of a real person, done on ivory...


177. He made numerous errors of fact and was torn to pieces during the subsequent question time...


178. Before you write in your booklet, plan your articles on a separate piece of paper.


179. In future, CADENDIA is going to take op various musical pieces including Keiko Abe's.

今后, 乐团将更多地演绎不同的音乐作品,也包括安倍圭子大师的作品.《期刊摘选》

180. You're some piece of work, Jack, do you know that?


181. In an opinion piece in The New York Times this month, Antonov denied having such links.


182. Thousands of pieces of data are stored in a computer's memory.


183. The boy pieced together the section of the toy bus skillfully.


184. We bring forwardsome pieces of opinion about Digital Library at the end of paper.


185. It was a finely honed piece of writing.


186. a large piece of land


187. Most furniture pieces are constructed of several parts, held together with joints.

大部分家具构造几部分组成, 分别与关节在一起.《期刊摘选》

188. Let me give you a piece of advice.


189. The piece has four beats to the bar.


190. If you were a piece of content, you would want to be above the fold, right ?

如果你想合并一些内容, 你可能想尽量让它放在滚条以上部分, 不是 吗 ?《期刊摘选》


1. And using the text plus these archive notes,I think you will be able to piece together what you need.

使用这个课本,再加上存档笔记,我想,你们已经能组合出你们需要的了。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

2. When you buy a Prius, you are buying a piece of a smoke-belching smelter.

FORBES: Feel Green, Feel Good

3. The only non-printed piece is a common hardware store nail used as its firing pin.

FORBES: Meet The 'Liberator': Test-Firing The World's First Fully 3D-Printed Gun

4. At a slam earlier this month, one poet performed a piece about a girl with a very troubled mother.

VOA : special.2009.04.27

5. "I'll tell you who I am! I am the man who paid for every piece of furniture in this room.

VOA : special.2009.01.31

6. Now, as online viewership increases, individual teams naturally want a piece of that action.

FORBES: The NBA Spreads Its Digital Wings

7. We receive the electric signals from each tip, we tell which neuron is listening to, we get that color piece.

我们从每个电极端接收到电子信号,我们说明去听哪个神经元,这样就得到了一张彩色图片。7个颠覆你思想的演讲课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

8. So, you sell your illiquid real estate and get, in return, another piece of illiquid real estate.

FORBES: Stupid Tax Tricks

9. Here is my test: Have both candidates read this piece by Art Laffer.

FORBES: Supply Side's Dark Night

10. You can find waves and a new way of life, combined on your own little piece of paradise.

BBC: Living in: Surfing regions

11. a dynamically presented piece of theatre


12. Then they rubbed the clothes on flat pieces of wood, squeezed out the water and hung each piece to dry.

VOA : special.2010.03.28

13. So you can piece those together in a way that would generate a predictable paycheck.

FORBES: Are Indices Your Best Benchmark?

14. The article 'The last piece of England' was published in partnership with Lonely Planet Magazine.

BBC: The last piece of England

15. You can put your hands through a hole in a clear, plastic box and hold the huge piece of gold.

VOA : special.2010.03.22

16. It's like a jigsaw puzzle: you keep on looking until you've found the right piece.

CNN: James Doran-Webb: How artistry won the driftwood derby

17. Also the algorithm analyzes how have other people reacted to that particular piece of content.

FORBES: Facebook Clears The Air On News Feed, Promoted Posts

18. About 18 months ago the company decided to focus on just the personal finance piece.

FORBES: Pageonce Raises $15 Million Towards Mobile Wallet

19. Then the piece de resistance: towering above the 1, 000 columns outside is the glistening main white marble dome.

BBC: Abu Dhabi: The city of superlatives

20. But when he take a wooden block tower apart and then put the pieces back together piece for piece duplicate.

但当你拆掉堆好的木积木,又把它们重新摆在一起,照原样一块块摆好。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. It looked like just another dull piece of basalt, so much of which litters the Martian surface.

BBC: Cosmic coincidence on the road to Glenelg

22. But he started--the pigeons started to think, effectively, what was it I did just before that last piece of corn came?

那些鸽子会想,上一粒谷粒掉过来之前我做了什么金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. The otherwise worthless piece of paper in your wallet conveys value because of government decree.

FORBES: Not Just Another Article Espousing The Gold Standard

24. What do you think, a million a piece is too high?" "Maybe I'm not the guy you should be talking to.

VOA : special.2009.06.12

25. An opinion piece she wrote for the Boston Globe won a 2009 National Association of Science Writers prize.

FORBES: Green Genes

26. That's for those people who really want to push themselves and want to advance a really significant piece of thinking about a novel.

这是针对那些确实想进步,想在小说理解方面更进一大步的人。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. But suppose you are in a train and you're moving past me and you look at this piece of chalk.

但假如你在火车上,从我面前驶过,你看着这支粉笔基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. Now,there came to my ears a low,dull,quick sound, such as a watch makes when inside a piece of cotton.

VOA : special.2009.05.16

29. Mr Evans and four helpers took more than 16 days to rebuild the 40, 763 piece jigsaw.

BBC: Norfolk

30. Piecing together the puzzle of Cambodia was a way to piece together the puzzle of me.

BBC: Piecing together puzzles in Cambodia

31. I picked the biggest piece.


32. Right. You really have to have a wise passiveness that moment to really think that every piece of art have that kind of duty behind it.

的确,一个人必须要有这种聪悟的被动,才能在那一瞬间理解到每一个艺术作品,背后都有这个的意义。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

33. Responsible for what the Ouija board might say, Although it's my finger that moves the piece.

NPR: BPP Jukebox: Blues Traveler

34. The Office in America became a funny, sometimes awkward piece of the television furniture.

BBC: American The Office clocks out

35. A doughnut is a round piece of fried dough with a hole in the middle or filled with cream or jelly.

VOA : special.2010.04.12

36. A textile is a piece of cloth that has been formed by weaving, knitting,pressing or knotting together individual pieces of fiber.

VOA : special.2009.11.04

37. So I'm going to comment those out, and let's go down to this piece of code, and uncomment it.

那么我会把这些注释上,让我们看看这段代码,取消注释。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

38. Every time a woman lost a round of the fighting, she had to take a piece of clothing off.

VOA : special.2009.08.05

39. This was important to Milton, - and one of the big set-piece speeches in Paradise Lost -- - and you may remember it if you've read that poem -- is the hymn that begins "Hail, wedded Love."

这对弥尔顿来说是至关重要的,在《失乐园》中有一个让人印象深刻的片段-,如果你们读过那首诗也许还记得-,那是一首赞美诗,以“致敬,已婚的爱情“开头“弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. Ellie sightread the piece.


41. She was a flighty young piece.


42. That was the most disgusting, sexist, slanted, hypocritical piece of writing I have encountered in present-day journalism.

FORBES: Readers Say

43. Swimsuits came in tiny two-piece bikinis and one-piece designs.


44. And this puzzle piece here colored in blue because it's a Boolean expression is just something that--whose answer is either a yes or no, 0 true or false, one or zero.

这个拼图染成蓝色,因为它是布尔表达式,它的结果只可能是肯定或否定,对或错,1或者。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

45. I was strucked by what I found in the New York Times December 8th, a piece writen by an army officer.

我感到非常震惊,12月8号,我在纽约时报,看到了一篇军官写的文章。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

46. When this study first came out, I actually wrote a piece about it for AOL's Black Voices website.

NPR: Women Of Color Lag Behind In Wealth

47. As I see it, Winter provided an essential piece of evidence to a hugely important case.

FORBES: Protecting The First Amendment

48. We do not overreact, one way or the other, to any specific piece of economic data.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney,

49. What's the clich? Globalized world; it was a globalized world, except it was a little piece of the globe.

用什么词语呢,全球化的世界,那是一个全球化的世界,只是那个世界并不大古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. I may come up with an idea and it may end up being something in the middle of the piece.

VOA : special.2010.07.12

51. Big blue trash cans were being tossed around like a piece of paper in the wind.

NPR: Frightened Okla. Residents Opt To Flee Tornadoes

52. When she was about four years old, she heard her mother struggling to play a piece of music on the piano.

VOA : special.2010.04.09

53. Suppose you came across a piece of writing that you knew nothing about just lying there on the table.

假设,你读到一段,你对它一无所知的文章。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

54. No wonder so many older Americans are buying a piece of the French dream.

FORBES: Graying Global Cities

55. Sales were weak because eating a piece of meat on the go was a messy affair.

BBC: Is this the original hamburger?

56. In nineteen forty-two, orchestra conductor Andre Kostelanitz asked composer Aaron Copland to write a piece of music about Abraham Lincoln.

VOA : special.2011.02.07

57. The Raptorex Kriegsteini reportedly was discovered inside a single piece of rock in the Inner Mongolia area of China.

VOA : special.2009.10.13

58. So what I'd like to do now is focus on a piece that emphasizes--foregrounds-- just the first axis, pitch.

那么现在我要做的是集中精力于一首乐曲,它所强调的,突出的,只是这第一维,音高聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. Andrew Griffin, owner of the Cappuccino Cafe at the Piece Hall, said he welcomed the plans.

BBC: Halifax Piece Hall ?16m revamp plans are considered

60. Cantor has a large piece of digital-era trading, too, by dint of controlling publicly traded eSpeed.

FORBES: Briefing Book: Howard Lutnick

61. It is a better companion piece and, frankly, less of an insult to the spirit of debate.

FORBES: Readers Say

62. And there's also an experimental participation requirement, and next week I'll hand out a piece of paper describing the requirement.

我还要求你们以被试的身份去参加实验,下个星期我会给你们,一份关于要求的介绍心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

63. The programme rewards a small group of pupils for undertaking a piece of excellent science research or engineering.

UNESCO: Tendon study wins NZ National Commission for UNESCO award at Realise the Dream

64. To keep himself awake as he flew east during the long night, Post tied a piece of string to one finger.

VOA : special.2009.03.18

65. Suppose I want to do little piece of code that's going to do planar geometry, points in the plane.

好,因此我需要一些,把这些东西收集到,一起的一些方式。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课


















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