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1. mortality rate in fourth weeks 周死亡率


1. The resulting rate of escalation would place the third attack approximately 2 months (66 days) after the second, with the fourth an estimated 52 days after that.


2. It was the fourth consecutive month that the jobless rate has fallen. It is now the lowest since March, before Sars hit the city.


3. Output grew at an annualised rate of 5.7% in the fourth quarter of.


4. For sheer awfulness nothing can touch Ireland, where prices dropped by 10.8% in the fourth quarter and the rate of decline increased.


5. Only Slovakia has Baltic-style growth (an annual rate of 9.6% in the fourth quarter of 2006, with industrial production up by 17.4% year-on-year in January).


6. Fourth rate talents, third - rate management, second rate facilities, rate clients.

四流人才 、 三流 管理 、 二流设备 、 一流客户.《互联网》

7. "Many were expecting a strong fourth quarter but not a doubling of rate levels in a matter of weeks," said Mr Gaylard.


8. The first-class enterprise sells brand, second-class enterprise sells techniques, third-class enterprise sells products, enterprise sells fourth-rate coolie.


9. The unemployment rate, meanwhile, edged lower, to 8.8%, its fourth straight drop.


10. New, positive retail data this morning inspired Macroeconomic Advisers to push its forecast for fourth quarter growth up to a 3.1% annual rate.


11. Economists at Barclays Capital calculate that global GDP fell at a 5.9% annual rate in the first quarter, after a similar decline in the fourth quarter of 2008.

据Barclays Capital经济学家计算,今年第一季度全球GD P折合年率下降5.9%,与2008年第四季度降幅差不多。

12. Growth in the fourth quarter of 2010 was over 6% at an annual rate (though unemployment is still 14%).


13. But last year growth slipped to 9%, the lowest rate in seven years, falling in the fourth quarter to just 6.8%.


14. They have stabilised since the nadir of the fourth quarter of 2008 and the run rate is about 80% of the average over the past decade, according to Dealogic, a financial-analysis firm.

根据Dealogic -一家金融分析公司的数据,并购数量在经历08年四季度的最低点后一路企稳,目前大概是过去10年平均水平的80%。

15. Corporate America has been raking in massive profits – they flooded in at a record $1.68 trillion annual rate in the fourth quarter of 2010 – with unemployment near 9%.


16. The mortgage delinquency rate of 5.82% was the highest since 1985 and up from the 4.95% seen in the fourth quarter of 2006.


17. At this rate, the iPad is poised to become the fourth largest consumer electronics category, passing up gaming hardware and the cellphone.


18. In the year to the fourth quarter of 2006, the price index compiled by the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO), a regulator, rose by 5.9%, the lowest annual rate for seven years.

2006年第四季度,联邦住房企业监管办公室(Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, OFHEO)编制的房价指数较上年同期增长5.9%,创下七年来最小增幅。

19. The average of the 51 forecasts was fourth-quarter growth at a meager 0.7% rate, so slow that it will push the unemployment rate higher.


20. At the same time, unemployment will stay high, with the rate averaging 9.3 percent in the first quarter of this year and inching slightly lower to 9 percent in the fourth.


21. Long before it was confirmed on February 28th, the downward revision of fourth-quarter GDP growth, to 2.2% at an annual rate, was expected.


22. The first-class enterprise sells brand, second-class enterprise sells techniques, third-class enterprise sells products, enterprise sells fourth-rate coolie.


23. JAPAN's economy probably shrank by over 10% (at an annual rate) in the fourth quarter of 2008.


24. Furthermore, the state has the fourth lowest rate of CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion.



1. Across the board, fourth-quartile funds have a much higher rate of being merged and liquidated than all other funds.

FORBES: Past Winning Funds Fall Again

2. The fact is that government spending is a fourth-order issue in determining our rate of economic growth.

FORBES: Paul Ryan's 'Kamikaze' Budget Is Surgery Without the Anesthesia

3. Euro-zone exports fell sharply in the fourth quarter, adding to concerns that rises in the euro's exchange rate are hurting chances of an economic recovery.

WSJ: What's News

4. Undaunted by the high failure rate, the fourth one, the London-based Inmarsat, plans to sell a substantial portion of its shares to the public next year.

FORBES: Down To Earth

5. Julian Callow of Barclays Capital reckons euro-area GDP fell at an annualised rate of around 5% in the fourth quarter, as bad as in America.

ECONOMIST: The euro areas manufacturing rump has been whipped, too

6. Though the rural-to-urban trend has defined the state's politics over the last decade, some Democrats said that Obama's organization can only take him so far in a state with decidedly moderate tendencies and a 9.7% unemployment rate -- the fourth highest in the nation.

CNN: Obama's North Carolina math problem

7. By adolescence, one-fourth of college-bound students rate themselves in the top 1% in their ability to get along with others, research shows.

WSJ: The Case for Lying to Yourself

8. There is no question that professors today have historically light teaching loads that often allow them to write third-rate papers, of fourth-rate importance, for fifth-rate journals that almost nobody reads.

FORBES: Government Should Exit Higher Ed

9. For the past couple years, Armstrong has been promising that the network will achieve run-rate profitability by the fourth quarter of 2013.

FORBES: AOL Earnings: Revenue Turns Positive, But Patch Disappoints. Bad Omen For Hyperlocal?

10. This represented a 5.7 percent increase compared with fourth-quarter 2011 and was the company's highest year-over-year quarterly growth rate in 2012.

ENGADGET: Verizon adds 'record-high' 2.1 million subscribers in Q4 2012, but still makes a loss

11. Fourth, the top 15% rate on long-term capital gains rises to 20%.

FORBES: The Real Danger Of Raging Debt Loads And Slow Growth

12. Fourth, uninsured Americans use hospital emergency rooms at about the same rate as privately-insured patients, and only one to two percent make regular visits (four or more per year) to hospital emergency rooms.

FORBES: Krugman's Sick Numbers

13. The unemployment rate stands at 11.1%, the fourth-highest in the country.

ECONOMIST: How not to sell a state thats feeling the pinch

14. This was the fourth event - the start of a renewed collapse of the birth rate, perhaps its longest and fastest ever, only a year later, quite unlike the more sustained boom of the 1960s and completing a sequence of down, up and then down again in the space of a few years by magnitudes that make you wonder how midwives, hospitals, schools and others coped on this rollercoaster.

BBC: Go Figure: When was the real baby boom?

15. Beyond that, Thomas's 13.9% rebound rate is fourth-best on the team, behind Camby, Chandler and Wallace.

WSJ: Login/Register to set your edition

16. It carries a floating interest rate which is currently at about 1.75%, well below the 5.2% average rate on commercial-construction loans by U.S. banks in the fourth quarter, according to Trepp LLC.

WSJ: Hooray for Hollywood! Columbia Square Redevelopment Is Slated

17. According to JPMorgan, the economy in Britain probably shrank at an annual rate of 5.9% in the fourth quarter, the euro-area by 5%, and Japan by a heart-stopping 9%, in a country with no housing bubble or banking crisis.

ECONOMIST: The economy

18. South Africa can thus offer low-cost electrical power, at the fourth-cheapest rate in the world.

FORBES: Hitting The Gas

19. The fourth-wicket pair showed great heart to drag Worcestershire out of the mire, gradually cranking up the run-rate as the innings progressed.

BBC: SPORT | Cricket | Counties | Gloucs win C&G Trophy

20. For example, down-and-out Providian had a charge-off rate of 12.7% in the fourth quarter of 2001.

FORBES: Magazine Article

21. The UK has previously been very successful in this - although the most recent figures show it has slipped to the fourth highest completion rate.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Degrees retain earning power

22. Only Slovakia has Baltic-style growth (an annual rate of 9.6% in the fourth quarter of 2006, with industrial production up by 17.4% year-on-year in January).

ECONOMIST: Eastern Europe's economies

23. The Fed has unemployment rising to a 4.75%-5% fourth-quarter average rate from the current 4.6%.

FORBES: Hike More, Eat Less

24. Wal-Mart's fiscal fourth-quarter earnings rose 8.6% helped by a lower tax rate and expense controls, but it forecast flat U.S. same-store sales this quarter.

WSJ: What's News

25. "They are so determined to keep an African-American off the court, they have allowed a 25 percent vacancy rate on the Fourth Circuit, just to keep an African-American off the court, " he said.

CNN: Clinton slams GOP for blocking judicial nominations

26. Amazon's spending on employee additions, fulfillment centers and data infrastructure contributed to a sharp drop in fourth-quarter profit, as the company's normally impressive rate of quarterly revenue growth missed expectations.

WSJ: Amazon Acquires Blocks in Seattle

27. The recent spurt in productivity growth up by 3.6% in the year to the fourth quarter may have increased the economy's long-term growth rate.

ECONOMIST: Fuelling inflation?

28. Intel this afternoon reportedslightly better-than-expected profits for the fourth quarter, thanks to gross margins above guidance and a tax rate below expectations.

FORBES: Intel Q4 Revs In Line; EPS Beats; Guide Light; Shrs Off (Updated)







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