earth’s atmosphere翻译_earth’s atmosphere短语搭配_earth’s atmosphere权威例句

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earth’s atmosphere

网络 地球大气层;地球大气

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1. above the earth's atmosphere 在大气层的上方

2. the e earth's atmosphere 地球的大气层

3. T Earth's Atmosphere 英式摇滚

4. The Origin of Earth's Atmosphere 地球大气起源

5. the earth's atmosphere 地球的大气层 ; 地球大气层


1. The shuttle Columbia will re-enter Earth's atmosphere tomorrow morning.


2. There are only two places to find Helium. The first is the Earth's atmosphere.


3. Whatever the reason, earth's atmosphere suddenly acquired a lot more carbon dioxide.


4. Because the capsule remains within the Earth's atmosphere, no special clothing or training are needed.


5. Earth's atmosphere has just that, thankfully, and it's operating better than expected.


6. Spacecraft which are re-entering the earth's atmosphere are affected by g forces.


7. The spacecraft burned up when it re-entered the earth's atmosphere.


8. Individual specimens of Allende are covered with a black, glassy crust that formed when their exteriors melted as they were slowed by Earth's atmosphere.


9. This map shows the distribution of water vapor in Earth's atmosphere during August 2010.


10. The net catches the junk and then pulls it into the earth's atmosphere to burn up.


11. The space shuttle has reentered the Earth's atmosphere.


12. Of course, the Hubble is above the earth's atmosphere.


13. The force of friction slows the spacecraft down as it re-enters the earth's atmosphere.


14. Study on the refraction error of laser beam through atmosphere


15. The molecules of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere affect the heat balance of the Earth by acting as a one-way screen.


16. In an updated version of a cloud chamber the researchers are recreating the Earth's atmosphere.


17. The answer to this riddle lies in the metabolic activity of early photosynthetic life-forms that slowly but surely transformed the chemical composition of Earth's atmosphere.


18. Noble gas isotopic geochemistry is a useful mantle degassing and evolution of the Earth


19. So the spread of agriculture could very well have a profound effect on the composition of Earth's atmosphere.


20. The level of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere is one.


21. Later, they also made many important contributions including Fabry ′ s 1913 discovery ( with H. Buissonlayer in the Earth ′ s atmosphere.


22. CO2 is also a major greenhouse gas in Earth's atmosphere.


23. Burn it in the earth's atmosphere.


24. The station would burn up on reentry into the Earth's atmosphere.


25. During re-entry, most of the spacecraft will burn up while passing through the Earth's atmosphere.


26. The Sun setting through Earth's atmosphere.


27. The latest was a panel from the National Academy of Sciences, enlisted by the White House, to tell us that the Earth's atmosphere is definitely warming and that the problem is largely man-made.


28. Unlike visible light waves, these radio waves can get through the various gases and dusts in space, and through our own earth's atmosphere comparatively easily.


29. The spacecraft burned up as it entered the earth's atmosphere.


30. The project would give scientists new insights into what is happening to the Earth's atmosphere.


31. Arrhenius calculated the capability of carbon dioxide to trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, but other chemists disagreed.



1. Debris is said to have re-entered the Earth's atmosphere and crashed to the ground.

BBC: Another Soyuz rocket launch fails

2. They can scan Earth's atmosphere every 15 minutes in 12 different wavelengths, to track cloud development.

MSN: Satellite's first photo of Earth is an impressive one

3. The image transmission wasn't perfect and suffered defects because the Earth's atmosphere caused errors, even when the sky was clear, NASA said.


4. The pressure and heat produced, greater than 100 million degrees and 100 billion times the pressure of the Earth's atmosphere, cause fusion.

FORBES: A Nuclear Hybrid

5. Arrow 3 detects an incoming missile, intercepts it and destroys it with a second missile above the earth's atmosphere.

BBC: Israel successfully tests Arrow 3 missile interceptor

6. At that point, the Earth's atmosphere and water will be boiled away, leaving the planet uninhabitable.

ECONOMIST: Is there anybody out there?

7. There is more heat stored in the top four metres of the oceans than in all the Earth's atmosphere.

ECONOMIST: Britains cold snap is explained by the Arctic oscillation

8. One of these satellites, CloudSat, has given the first glimpses of the middle layer of clouds in the Earth's atmosphere.

ECONOMIST: Climatology

9. Greenhouse effect: heating of the earth's atmosphere due to an increase in gases like carbon dioxide.


10. Sir Richard's intention is to use the spaceship to carry fare-paying passengers on short pleasure rides above the Earth's atmosphere.

BBC: Science correspondent, BBC News

11. An object entered Earth's atmosphere in 1908 before breaking up over Siberia.

CNN: Meteor shows why it is crucial to keep an eye on the sky

12. In an updated version of a cloud chamber the researchers are recreating the Earth's atmosphere.

ECONOMIST: Climate change: Bubbling up | The

13. Challenger exploded shortly after launch in 1986, and Columbia broke apart upon re-entry into Earth's atmosphere in 2003.

CNN: Space shuttle Endeavour's final touchdown

14. As anyone who has seen a shooting star can attest, such otherworldly objects do enter the Earth's atmosphere.

CNN: Reported meteor lights up East Coast -- and social media

15. Gamma rays have to be studied from space because they cannot penetrate the earth's atmosphere.

ECONOMIST: A new gamma-ray telescope has just been launched

16. When intense enough, flares can disturb the Earth's atmosphere in the layer where GPS and communications signals travel.

BBC: Four colossal Sun flares in 48 hours

17. Northern waters are able to absorb and hold more gases, particularly carbon dioxide, which is growing steadily in the Earth's atmosphere.

MSN: Oceans' Sad Future: A Sea of Small Fish

18. The return leg will take about 273 days, and ends with a knuckle-whitening 31, 764 mph re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere.

ENGADGET: Alt-week 3.2.13: A mission to Mars, robosparrow and facial recognition in fertility treatment

19. The 22, 000 heat protection tiles shield the shuttle from the 3, 000-degree Fahrenheit temperatures encountered during reentry into Earth's atmosphere for landing.

CNN: Technicians finish toasting shuttle tiles

20. Generally, comet debris can hit Earth's atmosphere at speeds as fast as 110, 000 miles per hour.

WSJ: Meteor Creates a Show, No Apparent Damage

21. And as a result, Viking was highly tested both in laboratory facilities and in the Earth's atmosphere.

NPR: Revisiting the Viking Missions to Mars

22. To reconstruct the meteor's original orbit around the Sun, they used six different properties of its trajectory through Earth's atmosphere.

BBC: Russia meteor's origin tracked down

23. The waterproofing burns off during the shuttle's fiery re-entry into Earth's atmosphere, leaving the tile-encrusted spacecraft vulnerable to the elements after landing.

CNN: Technicians finish toasting shuttle tiles

24. Flying high in the earth's atmosphere, where the air is thin, is, he says, rather like flying near the surface of Mars.

ECONOMIST: Planetary pretenders

25. Many of these, no doubt, were optical illusions, or effects caused by the earth's atmosphere.

ECONOMIST: A transient success

26. The atmosphere of Mars today is like the Earth's atmosphere is like at 100, 000 feet.

NPR: Revisiting the Viking Missions to Mars

27. The station would slowly lose altitude and re-enter the Earth's atmosphere in an uncontrolled manner.

CNN: Make China our new partner in space

28. As anyone who has seen a shooting star can attest, it's hardly unprecedented for otherworldly objects to enter the Earth's atmosphere.

CNN: Meteor lights up East Coast -- and social media

29. They would take tourists to at least 62 miles (100 kilometres) in altitude, near the very edge of the earth's atmosphere.

ECONOMIST: Space tourism

30. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, there are around 1, 000 satellites in operation above the Earth's atmosphere.

BBC: System could warn of solar storms



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